Teaser : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgMs0Kjd0Bo
Depuis quelques années, nombre d'agilistes deviennent "coach agile". Certains d'entre eux complètent leur expertise agile par une formation de coach professionnel. Mais savez-vous d'où vient le coaching ? En tant que tennisman (de très bas étage, mais aux perspectives d'amélioration immenses) et agiliste (avec les mêmes perspectives d'amélioration), je souhaite rendre hommage à Tim Gallwey. Vous ne le connaissez peut-être pas, mais son livre "The Inner Game of Tennis" (1974) est à l'origine du coaching tel qu'on le con?oit aujourd'hui.
Dans cette courte session, nous revenons à la source avec des extraits de son livre commentés pour les agilistes et éclairés par des références aux neurosciences.
Organize for Complexity, part I (BetaCodex12) Niels Pflaeging
This document discusses organizing principles for dealing with complexity in organizations. It begins by summarizing Frederick Taylor's principles of scientific management, which divided organizations into "thinkers" (managers) and "doers" (workers). This created three gaps: a functional gap due to division of labor, a time gap due to separation of thinking and doing, and a social gap due to hierarchical control. The document then discusses the difference between complicated and complex systems, noting that only human beings can effectively deal with complexity. It argues organizations should move from command-and-control "Alpha" principles to self-organizing "Beta" principles based on cross-functional teams with transparency, peer pressure and shared goals. The key is empowering teams
Data Design and Modeling for Microservices I AWS Dev Day 2018AWS Germany
Microservices architectures make applications easier to scale and faster to develop, enabling innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features In this session, we used Aurora, RDS, DynamoDB, DAX, ElasticCache, and Lambda to explore best practices for microservice design and the data design needed to support microservices. We also did a design exercise by converting a monolithic solution to a microservices design. You can learn more about Microservices here: https://aws.amazon.com/microservices/.