This document provides a list of sources covered in the America: History & Life database. It includes academic journals, magazines, and books with either "Priority" or "Selective" coverage related to history and life in America. For each source, it provides the coverage policy, type, ISSN/ISBN, title, publisher, and dates for indexing, abstracting, peer review, and available full text searchable and cited references.
The document appears to be a technical guide about website security and IP addresses. It discusses topics like protecting websites from hacker attacks, assigning public and private IP addresses, and using hyperlinks and references. Contact information is also provided for three different locations in Taiwan.
This document provides a list of sources covered in the America: History & Life database. It includes academic journals, magazines, and books with either "Priority" or "Selective" coverage related to history and life in America. For each source, it provides the coverage policy, type, ISSN/ISBN, title, publisher, and dates for indexing, abstracting, peer review, and available full text searchable and cited references.
The document appears to be a technical guide about website security and IP addresses. It discusses topics like protecting websites from hacker attacks, assigning public and private IP addresses, and using hyperlinks and references. Contact information is also provided for three different locations in Taiwan.
中国农业科学 2008,41(10):3083-3087
Scientia Agricultura Sinica doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2008.10.022
1 1 1 1 1 2 3
徐秀德 ,姜 钰 ,王丽娟 ,董怀玉 ,胡 兰 ,吕国忠 ,刘志恒
(1 辽宁省农业科学院植物保护研究所,沈阳 110161;2 大连民族学院生物资源与环境研究所,辽宁大连 116600;
沈阳农业大学植物保护学院,沈阳 110161)
行症状描述,采集不同地区玉米鞘腐病典型病斑,对分离获得的可疑病原物进行培养、致病性测定以及 ITS 序列
测定分析。【结果】玉米鞘腐病菌的形态学与已报道的层出镰孢菌[Fusarium proliferatum ]相同,ITS 序列测定
分析该菌与层出镰孢菌的同源性达 100%;人工接种寄主表现与田间自然发病相同症状。病菌生长适宜温度为 25~
30℃,最适温度为 28℃。病菌大、小两型分生孢子的萌发适宜温度均为 25~30℃。【结论】玉米鞘腐病为中国玉
米发生的一种新病害,其病原菌为层出镰孢菌[Fusarium proliferatum (Mats.)Nirenberg]。
Corn Sheath Rot—A New Disease Found in China
XU Xiu-de1, JIANG Yu1, WANG Li-Juan1, DONG Huai-yu1, HU Lan1, L? Guo-zhong2, LIU Zhi-heng3
(1Institute of Plant Protection, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161; 2Institute of Bio-Resources and
Environment, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian 116600, Liaoning; 3College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural
University, Shenyang 110161)
Abstract: 【Objective】The objective of this study is to define the symptom and causal agent of corn sheath rot, which is a
newly found disease in China.【Method】The fresh samples with typical symptom were collected from different areas. The acquired
fungal isolates were cultured on standard media and tested for pathogenicity, their ITS rDNA were sequenced and analyzed.
【Result】The pathogen was morphologically identified as Fusarium proliferatum (Mats.) Nirenberg. The ITS sequence analysis has
confirmed that it is 100% similar with those of F. proliferatum downloaded from GenBank. The artificially inoculation of the fungal
isolates produced the similar symptoms as the field investigation. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of the pathogen in
culture was 25-30℃.【Conclusion】 The sheath rot of corn is a newly found disease in China, and its causal agent is identified as
Fusarium proliferatum (Mats.) Nirenberg.
Key words: Corn sheath rot; Pathogen identification; Biological characteristics
0 引言 给生产造成严重后果,在中国此类教训屡见不鲜。
【研究意义】近年来,中国东北玉米产区发生一 人研究进展】玉米鞘腐病是中国东北春玉米上发生的
种新病害,该病害症状特点与玉米的褐斑病、纹枯病 一种新病害,经查阅国内玉米病害研究资料[1~3],未见
和圆斑病等[1]有相似之处。该病主要危害玉米叶鞘, 该病害相关研究报道,对该病害病原学、发生规律还
在玉米生育中后期发生危害,受害叶鞘呈黑褐色腐烂 不清楚,生产上缺乏有效防病措施。在美国,White
症状,故称之为鞘腐病。近年该病有逐年加重发生的 等[4,5]记载了在玉米上发生有紫叶鞘病,此病在玉米抽
趋势,造成不同程度玉米产量损失。历史上的许多实 丝阶段开始发生,只危害叶鞘而不侵染叶片和茎秆,
作者介绍:徐秀德(1955-) ,男,山东即墨人,研究员,博士,研究方向为玉米等旱粮作物病害防治和资源抗病鉴定。Tel:024-88455636;Fax:024-
10 期 徐秀德等:玉米新病害—鞘腐病研究初报 3085
GenBank 数据库中用 BLAST Program 与已有的相关菌
构建系统同源树(图 2)。CSR01、CSR15 和 CSR24
菌 株 与 已 经 登 录 的 层 出 镰 孢 菌 F. proliferatum
(U34558) 序列[16,17]同源性达 100%,
ITS 在同一个组,
而与拟轮生镰孢菌 F. verticillioide(U34555)存在明
显差别。rDNA ITS 序列分析结果表明,引起玉米鞘腐
病的病原菌为层出镰孢菌 F. proliferatum,国内未见报
图1 玉米鞘腐病田间发病症状
Fig. 1 The symptoms of corn sheath rots in field
表现一致。 PDA 或 PSA 培养基上,
在 病菌在 5~35℃
温度范围内均能生长,适宜温度 25~30℃,最适 28℃。
5℃和 35℃时菌落生长极慢;10℃时,气生菌丝稍长, 图2 玉米鞘腐病菌 CSR01、CSR15、CSR24 菌株及相关菌株
但较稀疏;25℃和 30℃下培养 5 d,平均菌落直径分 rDNAITS 基因序列的系统同源树
别为 97.2 mm 和 74.2 mm,菌落呈粉白色至淡橙黄色; Fig. 2 Homology analysis of rDNA ITS gene sequences
气生菌丝绒毛状至粉末状,高 2~3 mm,培养基背面 among CSR01, CSR15, CSR24 and related strains
橙黄色,基物无色。在 PSA 培养基上培养 10 d 后产
生橙黄色分生孢子座。 CLA 培养基上,
在 小型分生孢
子串生和假头生,长卵形或椭圆形,无隔或具 1 隔膜,
3 讨论
大小 7.6~10.7 ?m×3.6~4.3 ?m,平均 8.7 ?m×3.9 通过对玉米鞘腐病病原菌的生物学特性、柯赫氏
?m;大型分生孢子镰刀形,较直,顶胞渐尖,足胞较 法则证病过程及其 rDNA ITS 序列的分析,证明玉米
明显,1~5 个分隔,以 3~4 隔膜居多,大小 27.1~ 鞘腐病是由层出镰孢菌 F. proliferatum 侵染引起的。
38.3 ?m×3.7~4.9 ?m,平均 33.6 ?m×4.5 ?m; 隔者
1 据 White 等[4,5]记载,在玉米上发生有紫叶鞘病,
14.0 ~ 25.5 ?m×2.8 ~ 5.0 ?m; 2 隔 者 18.6 ~ 30.4 此病在玉米抽丝阶段开始发生,只危害叶鞘,而不侵
?m×3.0~5.2 ?m;3 隔者 24.2~44.6 ?m×3.5~5.4 染叶片和茎秆,认为由镰孢菌(Fusarium spp.)及细
?m; 隔者 42.1~51.0 ?m×4.8~5.4 ?m; 隔者 43.3~
4 5 菌侵染引起,尚未确定玉米鞘腐病的致病菌种类。本
56.1 ?m×4.8~5.9 ?m。产孢细胞为内壁芽生瓶梗式产 文报道的由层出镰孢菌(F. proliferatum)引起的玉米
孢(eb-ph),单、复瓶梗并存,以单瓶梗居多。病菌 鞘腐病的发生特点与其较为一致。
的生长速度、培养性状和子实体形态均与已报道的层 层出镰孢菌(F. proliferatum)在形态特征上与 F.
出镰孢菌(F. proliferatum) 相似。根据分离物 verticillioide 相近,二者易于混淆,但 F. proliferatum
的形态学特征,引起玉米鞘腐病 的病原菌为层出镰 产生的小孢子链较短,而且产生复瓶梗,在形态上可
孢菌[F. proliferatum(Mats.)Nirenberg]。 以将两者区分开。过去人们一直将产生小型孢子链的
2.2.3 rDNA ITS 序列测定及分析 将经过接种后分 种类归入串珠镰孢菌(F. moniliforme),而现在已将
离获得的病菌 CSR01、CSR15 和 CSR24 的菌株的 F. moniliforme 划分成 F. proliferatum 和 F. verticillioide
rDNA ITS 序列,参照 Waalwijk[15] 方法校对后,在 等多个种类[18~22]。因此,以往鉴定的 F. moniliforme
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其 rDNA ITS 序列的分析,证明玉米鞘腐病致病菌为 graminicola, the Septoria tritici leaf blotch pathogen of wheat.
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致谢:在本研究中,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所王 based on the calmodulin partial gene for identification of Fusarium
晓鸣研究员协助采集病害标本,并提供症状图片,在此表示 verticillioides, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans. European Journal
感谢。 of Plant Pathology, 2004, 110: 495-502.
[12] Waalwijk C, Kastelein P, Vries I de, Kerenyi Z, Van der Lee T A J,
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本刊 2008,41(8):2325-2331 论文“烟粉虱 B 型和 Q 型群体遗传结构和 ISSR 分析”,由于作者笔误,在中英文摘
中文摘要 [结论]
“烟粉虱 Q 型种群遗传多样性高于 B 型种群。 ,
” 英文摘要[Conclusion] “The population genetic diversity
of biotype Q is higher than that of biotype B.”