PeopleFirm is a consultancy that helps organizations realize the full potential of their people. It addresses challenges related to workforce optimization, talent strategies, change management, and organizational effectiveness. PeopleFirm takes a strategic approach focused on people and delivers measurable results through solutions in four areas: people strategy, organizational performance, talent management, and change management. The firm believes that an organization's success depends on its people.
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Peoplefirm Overview 09
1. PeopleFirm Overview
Challenges we address:
Workforce optimization in
Why PeopleFirm?
tough economic times
Prioritizing and executing
talent strategies PeopleFirm is a consultancy with the singular
Effective change management focus on helping organizations realize the full
Poor organizational effectiveness
Selection, design and
potential in their people.
implementation of competency,
recruiting, performance management Founded by a team with deep experience in managing talent and
and learning processes and tools
strategic change, our unique approach assists our clients with design
On-boarding, knowledge
transfer, and retention of a
and implementation of targeted investments in the human side of
multi-generational workforce their organizations. Our work, centered on people, delivers results
Adoption of high risk projects that create and sustain strategic success.
Organization or industry
transformation In short, PeopleFirm is a People
Workforce and succession strategy and implementation
planning firm assisting with both the Performance
what and the how.
We bring proven experience
and know-how to drive Talent
performance and create Management
differentiation through four
connected talent-centric
solution areas: People Strategy; Management
Change is coming for the Organizational Performance;
Talent Management; and
prepared and unprepared
Change Management.
alike. The impact on
organizations is going At PeopleFirm, we believe in taking a strategic approach and driving measureable
value through employee engagement, organizational alignment, talent management
to be dramatic, and optimization, and adoption. We believe in straight talk and active leadership
leadership is going to engagement. Most importantly, we believe that Your People = Your Success.
play an increasingly
important role in the
success or failure of The PeopleFirm Difference
organizations of all types. Our people With more than 12 years average tenure, our team is experienced
in employee lifecycle management, talent management software, business
process reengineering, technical implementations, and project management.
Your Business We deliver measured business value, applying proven business
principles executives recognize and trust.
Holistic Approach Our approach incorporates strategy, process, and technology,
as well as adoption and change execution to achieve lasting business value.
Your People = Your Success We work with you from assessment to implementation.
2. Were a consultancy passionate about our
singular mission: Helping our clients achieve a
competitive advantage through their people.
We design and implement strategic talent solutions that address todays workforce challenges.
People Organizational
Strategy Performance Typical Services Questions We Help Answer:
We assess organizational We help organization drive Organization design How can we increase our
investment options across improved business results organizations performance?
Strategy and initiative
all areas related to people through increased organizational
alignment How do we drive value and
and talent management performance. Our comprehensive
integrate two cultures given
with the goal of selecting approach considers form and Business and cultural
our recent merger?
an investment course function including organizational transformation
that best propels the structure, strategic alignment,
Merger and integration
organizations strategy. leadership and employee
design and support
engagement, culture,
collaboration, and community. Knowledge sharing
and collaboration
Organizational Network
Analysis (ONA)
Questions We Help Answer:
What is the right people
strategy to support our
unique corporate strategy? Talent
What are our greatest Management Typical Services Questions We Help Answer:
talent, knowledge, and We help companies design Strategy assessment What investments in talent
performance risks? and optimize their talent and articulation processes, systems, and
management capabilities. programs will deliver the
Portfolio and
Our strategy, process, and greatest return?
roadmap design
technology solutions support
What is the right technology
the employee lifecycle from Process design and
to support our needs?
entry to exit and beyond. implementation
System selection and
Management Typical Services Questions We Help Answer:
PeopleFirm, LLC We are recognized for our Assessment of change How do we build
best practices in designing and risk and readiness capabilities for
2201 6th Avenue, Suite 1516
Seattle, WA 98121 leading change management sustainable change?
Change program
and adoption efforts. Whether
design and execution How do I manage the
o 206.462.6462 driven by technology
risk of poor adoption?
f 888.651.1976 implementations, acquisitions Leadership engagement
息 PeopleFirm, All rights reserved.
or divestitures, restructuring, Change portfolio
business process redesign or management
leadership, our proven approach
ensures change sticks. Change Competency
Center development
Adoption measurement
Your People = Your Success