# Dubai Legal Week 2016
# Investment and Sports law Forum
# Media and Telecommunication Forum MENA 2016
# Saudi Law and Judiciary
# How to deal successfully with marketing and managing law firms
This document provides an overview of the Hispanic/Latino experience in Texas over the past 500 years. It discusses how Spanish explorers first arrived in Texas in the early 16th century and established settlements like San Antonio and Nacogdoches. Tejanos (Mexican-Americans in Texas) participated in the Texas Revolution for independence and helped draft the Republic's constitution. However, in the following decades, Tejanos faced discrimination and violence as Anglos increasingly settled in Texas. The document then outlines how Hispanic communities maintained their culture and contributed to Texas' economy as agricultural laborers and in urban centers in the late 19th/early 20th centuries, despite facing Jim Crow-like practices. The struggle for civil rights intensified in
BizON had the honour of sponsoring the Business Transition Forum! We would like to share some valuable information with our audience from the forum in case you did not have the opportunity to attend!
Translation, transcription and interpretationlee shin
the slide shows some of the basic difference and concepts about translation(http://www.waterstonetranslations.com), transcription and interpretation.
to know more visit the site http://qualitytran.blogspot.in/2015/08/comparison-between-translators-and.html
Projekt Unijny: eSerwisowanie (TeamSoft Sp. z o.o.)Marek Maciaszek
Z przyjemnoci prezentujemy usug SaaS (Software As a Service) o nazwie eSerwisowanie (teamSerwis), oferowany przez firm TeamSoft. Usuga jest przeznaczona dla firm, kt坦re obsuguj Klient坦w, produkty oraz umowy serwisowe.
Projekt wsp坦finansowany ze rodk坦w Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka 2007-2013.
Wicej informacji: http://teamsoft.pl/projekt-b2b-eserwisowanie-p73.html
Pozdrawiamy, zesp坦l TeamSoft Sp. z o.o.
This document summarizes the Confederate Soldier Memorial statue located in Bentonville, Arkansas. It describes how the statue was erected in 1908 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor the Confederate soldiers from Benton County who fought in the Civil War. The unveiling ceremony was a grand event that drew many visitors. The 25-foot tall marble statue depicts a Confederate soldier and sits atop a base engraved with dedications. The statue continues to stand in the town square today as a memorial to those who fought for the Confederacy over 150 years ago.
Unintended consequences: important considerations for owners to prepare for t...BuyAndSellABusiness.com
BizON had the honour of sponsoring the Business Transition Forum! We would like to share some valuable information with our audience from the forum in case you did not have the opportunity to attend!
Web Design Teaching - Sharing Effective Tools and TechniquesShelley Bartlette
Sharing Effective Tools and Techniques in Undergraduate Web Design Teaching. This is my talk given at this years Web Teaching Day @webteachingday at Greenwich University, London on 22nd May 2015.
Peraturan Pemerintah ini mengatur pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik. Beberapa poin penting yang diatur meliputi:
1. Penetapan Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi di setiap Badan Publik untuk menangani penyediaan, penyimpanan, dan pelayanan informasi publik
2. Pengklasifikasian informasi menjadi informasi yang dapat diakses publik dan yang dikecualikan beserta penetapan jangka
Kult is a creative studio and gallery based in Singapore that conceptualizes and curates creative content using multi-disciplinary talent from around the world. It has created content for magazines, exhibitions, events, and brand partnerships. Kult's work includes Tiger Translate for Tiger Beer, exhibitions for Absolut Vodka and Bombay Sapphire, and projects with Threadless, Nixon, Urbanscapes music festival, and Singapore government agencies. Kult's goal is to provide platforms for artists and help brands engage audiences through innovative experiences.
Mohd@Sharol Haizan Bin Puteh@Ramli is seeking a challenging position in oil and gas exploration where he can apply his communication and professional skills. He has over 15 years of experience in offshore oil and gas operations, holding positions such as roughneck and lead roughneck. He has worked on numerous offshore drilling projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar. Mohd@Sharol holds qualifications from SMK Sultan Sulaiman and has completed safety training courses with Global Santa Fe. He references Mrs Roslina Kimin from Brunel Energy as being able to speak to his work experience.
The document provides a summary of useful materials for bartender and server interviews and resumes found on the resume123.org website, including resume samples, tips for writing resumes and cover letters, and interview questions and answers. It lists 8 types of resume formats and provides examples of each type. The document also provides additional resources on the website for interview preparation, common interview questions, dress codes, case studies and more.
This document discusses big data and provides an agenda for a presentation. It defines big data, outlines its key characteristics of volume, velocity and variety. A brief history of big data is given starting from individual data generation on social networks and sensors to Google's distributed file systems. Common use cases are listed across various industries. The challenges of traditional systems to handle big data are presented. Research findings around talent shortage and increasing data volume are summarized. Action plans are proposed to implement distributed file systems, NoSQL databases, and machine learning to extract value from large, diverse, and fast-growing unstructured data.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
This document summarizes the Confederate Soldier Memorial statue located in Bentonville, Arkansas. It describes how the statue was erected in 1908 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor the Confederate soldiers from Benton County who fought in the Civil War. The unveiling ceremony was a grand event that drew many visitors. The 25-foot tall marble statue depicts a Confederate soldier and sits atop a base engraved with dedications. The statue continues to stand in the town square today as a memorial to those who fought for the Confederacy over 150 years ago.
Unintended consequences: important considerations for owners to prepare for t...BuyAndSellABusiness.com
BizON had the honour of sponsoring the Business Transition Forum! We would like to share some valuable information with our audience from the forum in case you did not have the opportunity to attend!
Web Design Teaching - Sharing Effective Tools and TechniquesShelley Bartlette
Sharing Effective Tools and Techniques in Undergraduate Web Design Teaching. This is my talk given at this years Web Teaching Day @webteachingday at Greenwich University, London on 22nd May 2015.
Peraturan Pemerintah ini mengatur pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik. Beberapa poin penting yang diatur meliputi:
1. Penetapan Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi di setiap Badan Publik untuk menangani penyediaan, penyimpanan, dan pelayanan informasi publik
2. Pengklasifikasian informasi menjadi informasi yang dapat diakses publik dan yang dikecualikan beserta penetapan jangka
Kult is a creative studio and gallery based in Singapore that conceptualizes and curates creative content using multi-disciplinary talent from around the world. It has created content for magazines, exhibitions, events, and brand partnerships. Kult's work includes Tiger Translate for Tiger Beer, exhibitions for Absolut Vodka and Bombay Sapphire, and projects with Threadless, Nixon, Urbanscapes music festival, and Singapore government agencies. Kult's goal is to provide platforms for artists and help brands engage audiences through innovative experiences.
Mohd@Sharol Haizan Bin Puteh@Ramli is seeking a challenging position in oil and gas exploration where he can apply his communication and professional skills. He has over 15 years of experience in offshore oil and gas operations, holding positions such as roughneck and lead roughneck. He has worked on numerous offshore drilling projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar. Mohd@Sharol holds qualifications from SMK Sultan Sulaiman and has completed safety training courses with Global Santa Fe. He references Mrs Roslina Kimin from Brunel Energy as being able to speak to his work experience.
The document provides a summary of useful materials for bartender and server interviews and resumes found on the resume123.org website, including resume samples, tips for writing resumes and cover letters, and interview questions and answers. It lists 8 types of resume formats and provides examples of each type. The document also provides additional resources on the website for interview preparation, common interview questions, dress codes, case studies and more.
This document discusses big data and provides an agenda for a presentation. It defines big data, outlines its key characteristics of volume, velocity and variety. A brief history of big data is given starting from individual data generation on social networks and sensors to Google's distributed file systems. Common use cases are listed across various industries. The challenges of traditional systems to handle big data are presented. Research findings around talent shortage and increasing data volume are summarized. Action plans are proposed to implement distributed file systems, NoSQL databases, and machine learning to extract value from large, diverse, and fast-growing unstructured data.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
Analisis Subjek Literatur Pada Disertasi Kajian Budaya dan Media (KBM) Sekola...Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Lokakarya Nasional (Loknas) 2016 PDII LIPI dengan tema tema Pengelolaan Data, Informasi, dan Pengetahuan untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Repositori Nasional Indonesia, tanggal 10 11 Agustus 2016
4. Amira, si tengah, semester 1 Sekolah Menengah
Fari, si sulung, semester 1 Sekolah Menengah Atas.
Fattah, bungsu, belum pernah sekolah.
5. Perjalanan Amira
Sering mengeluh sakit kepala di pagi hari kalau mau sekolah.
Peer pressure saat SMP di Cilegon, akhirnya berhenti di kelas 7 semester 1.
Ujian paket B di Cilegon tahun 2007.
Ujian Cambridge IGCSE di Jakarta tahun 2008.
Ujian paket C di Tangerang Selatan tahun 2010.
Lulus ujian SIMAK UI (seleksi masuk) UI jurusan Filsafat tahun 2010.
Lulus tahun 2014.
Bekerja, di antaranya di Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan dan Kantor Staf Presiden Joko Widodo.
2016 mengambil program studi MA di Education, Gender, and International Development di
University College London, Inggris.
Bercita-cita menjadi dosen & memperjuangkan hak perempuan.
6. Perjalanan Fari
Saat SD sering dibandingkan dengan adiknya yang lebih baik.
Sekolah di SMP Negeri favorit di Cilegon. Tinggal kelas di kelas 7.
Pindah ke SMP swasta, masih di Cilegon.
Sekolah di SMA swasta di Bogor, sebelum akhirnya berhenti di kelas 10.
Ujian Cambridge IGCSE di Jakarta tahun 2008.
Ujian paket C di Tangerang Selatan tahun 2010
Kuliah di IKJ jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual tahun 2010
Merasa tidak cocok di IKJ, mengambil SNMPTN, diterima di Advertising UI tahun 2011.
Lulus tahun 2014.
Bekerja di beberapa biro iklan, di antaranya Leo Burnett, Fortune, FCB, Neo Indonesia di Jakarta. Sekarang tidak bekerja.
Ingin mencoba berusaha sendiri. Bercita-cita ingin bekerja di dunia musik.
7. Perjalanan Fattah
2 minggu di TK, tapi keluar karena jadwal TK yang cukup padat. Tidak pernah bersekolah umum lagi
sejak itu.
Membantu ibu dan bapak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga.
Piano di Yamaha, Cilegon.
Anggota klub renang Krakatau Atlantik, Cilegon.
Bahasa Inggris di LIA Cilegon.
Berkegiatan Pramuka, Coding, futsal, proyek Ekplorasi di Klub Oase, Jakarta
Berlatih mengetik GRATIS di : http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
Belajar matematika GRATIS di: http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/primary/default.html,
https://www.khanacademy.org/, & buku yang juga gratis. IPA juga di https://www.khanacademy.org/.
Belajar bahasa Jerman GRATIS di: http://www.memrise.com/course/79104/learn-basic-germa/, dan
Tertaik pada otomotif, game mobil, minecraft, musik, komik, sepak bola.
Bercita-cita bersekolah di Jerman, mengambil jurusan Teknik Mesin.
8. Apakah homeschooling
BUKAN sekolah di rumah, juga tidak dilakukan di ruko,
gedung, atau apa pun. Homeschooling itu belajar apa
saja, di mana saja, dengan siapa saja, berguru pada
siapa saja.
Menurut John Holt, di buku Teach Your Own, hal utama
yang diperlukan orang tua untuk melaksanakan
homeschool anak mereka adalah: menyukai mereka,
menikmati kebersamaan dengan mereka, keberadaan
mereka, energi, kebodohan, dan minat mereka. Ortu
harus menikmati ucapan dan pertanyaan mereka, dan
menikmati bersama-sama mencari jawaban dari
pertanyaan mereka.
10. Lessons Learned:
Anak itu:
Diberi misi mulia oleh Tuhan YME, sebuah misi yang tidak diketahui oleh orang
tua mau pun anak itu sendiri. Bersama mereka mencari tahu apakah misi
penting itu.
baik dan pintar, sebab Tuhan-lah penciptanya.
unik & berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya, bahkan kembar identik sekali pun.
Jadi buat apa meranking mereka?
spesies pembelajar yang selalu punya rasa ingin tahu, mempertanyakan, dan
bertanya tentang BANYAK hal.
bila difasilitasi, dibiarkan bereksplorasi, didengarkan, dan dicintai, insya Allah
akan berjalan menuju minatnya; panggilan jiwanya.
BUKAN kertas kosong. Mereka lahir dengan template mereka sendiri.
perlu dilatih kemampuan motoriknya agar tumbuh rasa teliti, sabar, keindahan,
kerja keras, kegigihan, keteguhan, rasa seni, fokus, konsentrasi, dan kosisten.