Daniel Sandoval completed a leadership assessment that showed moderate scores in enabling others to act, encouraging the heart, and inspiring a shared vision. His lowest score was in modeling the way. In a reflection, he notes he sees himself as more of a follower than a leader, but others have told him he has leadership potential. His personal mission is to help others find their individuality and resist conformity. His five leadership principles focus on systems thinking, being a steward of those led and the mission/purpose, asking for support from others, having internal commitment, and leading by example. He defines leadership as doing what you ask of others, attending to the mission and people, seeking feedback, embracing innovation, and bringing out strengths in others
frankfinn personality development assignmentVishal Kumar
This document contains information about personality development and time management. It includes 4 learning objectives (LOs) on personality development, time management, leadership, and interpersonal behavior. Each LO contains questions and answers on the given topic. For LO1 on personality development, there are questions about different personality types, motivation types, and the ladder of inference. For LO2 on time management, there are questions about the value of time, barriers to time management, and time saving equipment. The document provides details on each topic in a question-answer format to help develop understanding.
1) The document discusses personality development and self-improvement through various life lessons and experiences.
2) It describes the author's early struggles adjusting to a new school environment but learning to adapt over time through self-conditioning and managing stress.
3) The author is grateful for the personality development sessions which helped them understand different personalities and how to better manage time, communicate, and overcome barriers.
Frankfinn Personality Development Public Speaking(Self Discipline)Teji
Having an attitude of discipline each day can help a person get closer to achieving their dreams. Practicing gratitude upon waking and maintaining discipline throughout the day will increase self-confidence and self-respect over time. Discipline is a reflection of one's thoughts and internal dialogue, and combining discipline with the right attitude can improve performance and put one on the path to living the life they desire.
Frankfinn Personality Development AssignmentAmit Rawat
This document appears to be an assignment submitted by Amit Rawat of batch K2 to their assessor Mrs. Garima Mehta. It includes an introduction covering various learning outcomes related to personality development, time management, leadership, and interpersonal behavior. It then discusses concepts like personality, factors important for personality development, and time management. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are analyzed. The assignment expresses gratitude to the teacher for guidance and concludes by defining personality development.
This document provides information about Gnanender Reddy.Nanga, including his name, assessor, batch, course, and year of study. It then acknowledges his faculty member Mrs. Latha Diwakar for her guidance. Several sections discuss observations from the movie "Chak De India", including negative and positive conditioning of different characters, goal achieving skills, and ego states. Other sections discuss barriers to effective communication and how to remove them, as well as how moral values can help develop interpersonal relationships.
The qualities required to lead a team for this activity include having a positive vision and well-defined goals, putting the needs of the team above your own interests, and being determined to succeed despite facing opposition. One can develop these qualities by thinking of challenges as opportunities, dreaming big while making strategic plans, and focusing on bringing value to the community rather than just themselves. For this assignment, I helped define the goals, brought the team together to work towards a shared vision, and motivated others when facing difficulties.
Personality Development by Deepak Mistry, INDOREDeepak Mistry
Frankfinn Personality Development Presentation
By-Deepak Mistry
Batch G--4
FIAT, Indore (MP, India)
The topics that you will find are Personality Development, Leadership, Time Management, Interpersonal Relationship, Communication and about Moral Values in Life.
made by Deepak Mistry, FIAT INDORE
Followership understanding the basic of teamworkAllan Ortiz
The document discusses followership as an important aspect of leadership. It defines followership as the willingness to cooperate and work towards accomplishing shared goals as a team. Several theories and models of followership are examined, including servant leadership and Kelley's theory of followership. The document also explores what the Bible says about followership, citing verses where Jesus calls people to "follow me." It identifies qualities of good followers, such as being committed, competent, and courageous. Overall, the document emphasizes that effective followership is essential for effective leadership.
Maribel Cortez-Salto completed a leadership profile as part of her COM 3050: Practice of Leadership class. She took several questionnaires to assess her traits, abilities to conceptualize leadership, set tone, and leadership style. Key results showed her strength was trustworthiness while her weakness was conscientiousness. Overall, the course helped her better understand herself and how to improve her leadership skills through reflection. The profile provided insight into her leadership capabilities and areas for growth.
The document discusses personality development and building good character. It defines personality as one's thoughts, actions, and behavior in different scenarios. Developing good character requires focusing on qualities like self-confidence, positive thinking, learning from failures, self-reliance, and selfless service. It also emphasizes the importance of goal setting, time management, communication skills, and leadership qualities. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise, diet, yoga, meditation, and managing one's thoughts is also discussed as pivotal to personality development.
This document discusses various aspects of organizational behavior including attitude, identity, organizational justice, training, learning principles, and leadership styles. It notes that individuals have attitudes towards work and two identities - personal and social. It describes four forms of organizational justice and lists varieties of training. Key learning principles are identified as participation, repetition, transfer of training, feedback, and 360 degree feedback. Autocratic and participative leadership styles are compared, noting their different impacts on employee behavior, performance, goals, and the organization's image. The conclusion states that an individual's career path is in their own hands.
Roshan Thiran is the CEO of training and development consultancy Leaderonomics. He discusses how his experiences shaped his views on leadership, from playing football under a coach who taught him that diligence trumps talent, to experiments at GE cultivating leadership in underprivileged children. Roshan believes leadership is developed through a variety of experiences over time, which inform when the right decisions and actions are taken. He founded Leaderonomics to provide experiences for building future leaders.
Personality Development ppt by Taher Salim INDORETaher Salim
The document discusses a personality development project completed by the author and their group at the Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training. It provides an acknowledgement and introduction. The group visited various locations like a deaf and dumb school as part of their project. The author reflects on their SWOT analysis and how completing the project helped them improve communication skills and gain opportunities.
The document discusses personality development and defines personality as one's character and nature as shown through their behavior, feelings, and thoughts. It outlines the four functions of the mind as memory, deliberation, determination/decision-making, and 'I' consciousness. It emphasizes taking responsibility for one's actions and character, noting that we are responsible for what we wish to become. Changing oneself and one's thoughts is key to transforming character and how one sees the world. Developing qualities like faith in oneself, positive thinking, and service are essential to personality development.
S. Backia Lakshmi completed a personality development course and assignment. Through the course, she learned to present herself professionally using good body language, posture, and language skills. She identified strengths and weaknesses before and after the course. Areas of improvement included communication skills and reducing nervousness. The document discussed factors that develop personality such as persistence, empathy, and attitude. It also covered topics like leadership, time management, transactional analysis, and interpersonal communication skills.
M.Ed Assignment for Subject Psychology- Big 5 personality theory test on samplefatima roshan
Munukuntla Jaya administered personality tests to 5 students to study their personalities based on the Big Five model. The results found that each student's strongest personality trait was different: for Munukuntla Jaya it was conscientiousness, for Boda Manognya it was extraversion, for Gehalot Joshana it was openness, for Yadav Renu it was also openness, and for Pandey Kumkum it was extraversion. The document analyzed each student's personality based on their highest scores on the test.
Dear friends i have uploaded this presentation as a part of my assignment.
More number of views, more my presentation will be rated, thank you all.
Contact: dheebika.kuppusamy@gmail.com
The document provides an overview of the agenda and activities for the Chet Austin Teen Leadership Academy held from June 2-6, 2014 at Kennesaw State University. The academy focuses on developing leadership skills in teens. On the first day, students participated in icebreaker activities to get to know each other, learned about different personality types and leadership styles, and set goals for the week. They also began preparing short speeches to deliver on leadership topics which will be evaluated by instructors and peers. The agenda aimed to cover mind mapping, self-esteem building, and concepts from John Maxwell's five levels of leadership model.
The document provides a detailed summary of the Bollywood movie Chak De India. It discusses how the movie depicts various organizational behavior concepts such as team building, group formation, leadership, conflict management, and influence of groups on individuals. The movie follows the journey of the Indian women's hockey team as they overcome conflicts and challenges under the leadership of their coach to become a cohesive unit and ultimately win the world cup.
This document summarizes a student's self-development project where they visited an old age home. The student observed various individuals at the home and analyzed different personality factors. They conducted a SWOT analysis of their own personality and identified strengths like being confident and weaknesses like being considerate. They also observed traits in others like empathy, rational thinking, emotional intelligence, and motivation that they hoped to develop in themselves. The student described one resident, Mr. Kesavan, in detail and analyzed personality factors he needed to improve like perception, attitude, learning, and motivation.
Personality is dynamic and develops through an interaction between heredity and environment. It can be understood through behaviors and is influenced by motives. There are various theories on stages of personality development from infancy through late adulthood. Psychoanalytic, socio-psychological, trait, and holistic theories provide frameworks for understanding personality. Key personality traits include emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Leadership skills encompass personal and interpersonal abilities like communication, motivation, problem-solving, and conflict management.
The document provides guidance on how to be an authentic leader. It discusses that leadership is not defined by a title or role, but by influencing and inspiring others. Authentic leaders establish core values and principles, communicate a vision to motivate others, and empower others by listening, trusting and supporting them. They model behaviors like trust, integrity and courage. Authentic leaders do not criticize or undermine others. They know their own values and passions and act consistently across situations. Authentic leaders lead by example, are willing to take risks and make decisions, communicate relentlessly, and engage and reach out to others.
This document is Nikhil Monichan's personality development assignment for his Air Hostess Training course. It includes an acknowledgement section thanking his trainer Priya Sivadas. It then covers four tasks: a SWOT analysis of Nikhil's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; the importance of time management; Nikhil's daily routine; and leadership qualities. The SWOT analysis identifies Nikhil's strengths like strategic thinking and weaknesses like short temper. It also discusses changing weaknesses into strengths by helping others and staying inspired.
This document defines and provides examples of various types of nonfiction writing such as scholarly papers, biographies, book reports, history, natural history, and writing itself. It notes that nonfiction is based on real facts and information rather than fiction. Some specific examples mentioned include academic papers published in journals, biographies that describe a person's life, book reports written by students about books they have read, the study of history and how it relates to humans, research into organisms and animals in their natural environments, and writing as a medium that represents language through symbols and signs.
Followership understanding the basic of teamworkAllan Ortiz
The document discusses followership as an important aspect of leadership. It defines followership as the willingness to cooperate and work towards accomplishing shared goals as a team. Several theories and models of followership are examined, including servant leadership and Kelley's theory of followership. The document also explores what the Bible says about followership, citing verses where Jesus calls people to "follow me." It identifies qualities of good followers, such as being committed, competent, and courageous. Overall, the document emphasizes that effective followership is essential for effective leadership.
Maribel Cortez-Salto completed a leadership profile as part of her COM 3050: Practice of Leadership class. She took several questionnaires to assess her traits, abilities to conceptualize leadership, set tone, and leadership style. Key results showed her strength was trustworthiness while her weakness was conscientiousness. Overall, the course helped her better understand herself and how to improve her leadership skills through reflection. The profile provided insight into her leadership capabilities and areas for growth.
The document discusses personality development and building good character. It defines personality as one's thoughts, actions, and behavior in different scenarios. Developing good character requires focusing on qualities like self-confidence, positive thinking, learning from failures, self-reliance, and selfless service. It also emphasizes the importance of goal setting, time management, communication skills, and leadership qualities. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise, diet, yoga, meditation, and managing one's thoughts is also discussed as pivotal to personality development.
This document discusses various aspects of organizational behavior including attitude, identity, organizational justice, training, learning principles, and leadership styles. It notes that individuals have attitudes towards work and two identities - personal and social. It describes four forms of organizational justice and lists varieties of training. Key learning principles are identified as participation, repetition, transfer of training, feedback, and 360 degree feedback. Autocratic and participative leadership styles are compared, noting their different impacts on employee behavior, performance, goals, and the organization's image. The conclusion states that an individual's career path is in their own hands.
Roshan Thiran is the CEO of training and development consultancy Leaderonomics. He discusses how his experiences shaped his views on leadership, from playing football under a coach who taught him that diligence trumps talent, to experiments at GE cultivating leadership in underprivileged children. Roshan believes leadership is developed through a variety of experiences over time, which inform when the right decisions and actions are taken. He founded Leaderonomics to provide experiences for building future leaders.
Personality Development ppt by Taher Salim INDORETaher Salim
The document discusses a personality development project completed by the author and their group at the Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training. It provides an acknowledgement and introduction. The group visited various locations like a deaf and dumb school as part of their project. The author reflects on their SWOT analysis and how completing the project helped them improve communication skills and gain opportunities.
The document discusses personality development and defines personality as one's character and nature as shown through their behavior, feelings, and thoughts. It outlines the four functions of the mind as memory, deliberation, determination/decision-making, and 'I' consciousness. It emphasizes taking responsibility for one's actions and character, noting that we are responsible for what we wish to become. Changing oneself and one's thoughts is key to transforming character and how one sees the world. Developing qualities like faith in oneself, positive thinking, and service are essential to personality development.
S. Backia Lakshmi completed a personality development course and assignment. Through the course, she learned to present herself professionally using good body language, posture, and language skills. She identified strengths and weaknesses before and after the course. Areas of improvement included communication skills and reducing nervousness. The document discussed factors that develop personality such as persistence, empathy, and attitude. It also covered topics like leadership, time management, transactional analysis, and interpersonal communication skills.
M.Ed Assignment for Subject Psychology- Big 5 personality theory test on samplefatima roshan
Munukuntla Jaya administered personality tests to 5 students to study their personalities based on the Big Five model. The results found that each student's strongest personality trait was different: for Munukuntla Jaya it was conscientiousness, for Boda Manognya it was extraversion, for Gehalot Joshana it was openness, for Yadav Renu it was also openness, and for Pandey Kumkum it was extraversion. The document analyzed each student's personality based on their highest scores on the test.
Dear friends i have uploaded this presentation as a part of my assignment.
More number of views, more my presentation will be rated, thank you all.
Contact: dheebika.kuppusamy@gmail.com
The document provides an overview of the agenda and activities for the Chet Austin Teen Leadership Academy held from June 2-6, 2014 at Kennesaw State University. The academy focuses on developing leadership skills in teens. On the first day, students participated in icebreaker activities to get to know each other, learned about different personality types and leadership styles, and set goals for the week. They also began preparing short speeches to deliver on leadership topics which will be evaluated by instructors and peers. The agenda aimed to cover mind mapping, self-esteem building, and concepts from John Maxwell's five levels of leadership model.
The document provides a detailed summary of the Bollywood movie Chak De India. It discusses how the movie depicts various organizational behavior concepts such as team building, group formation, leadership, conflict management, and influence of groups on individuals. The movie follows the journey of the Indian women's hockey team as they overcome conflicts and challenges under the leadership of their coach to become a cohesive unit and ultimately win the world cup.
This document summarizes a student's self-development project where they visited an old age home. The student observed various individuals at the home and analyzed different personality factors. They conducted a SWOT analysis of their own personality and identified strengths like being confident and weaknesses like being considerate. They also observed traits in others like empathy, rational thinking, emotional intelligence, and motivation that they hoped to develop in themselves. The student described one resident, Mr. Kesavan, in detail and analyzed personality factors he needed to improve like perception, attitude, learning, and motivation.
Personality is dynamic and develops through an interaction between heredity and environment. It can be understood through behaviors and is influenced by motives. There are various theories on stages of personality development from infancy through late adulthood. Psychoanalytic, socio-psychological, trait, and holistic theories provide frameworks for understanding personality. Key personality traits include emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Leadership skills encompass personal and interpersonal abilities like communication, motivation, problem-solving, and conflict management.
The document provides guidance on how to be an authentic leader. It discusses that leadership is not defined by a title or role, but by influencing and inspiring others. Authentic leaders establish core values and principles, communicate a vision to motivate others, and empower others by listening, trusting and supporting them. They model behaviors like trust, integrity and courage. Authentic leaders do not criticize or undermine others. They know their own values and passions and act consistently across situations. Authentic leaders lead by example, are willing to take risks and make decisions, communicate relentlessly, and engage and reach out to others.
This document is Nikhil Monichan's personality development assignment for his Air Hostess Training course. It includes an acknowledgement section thanking his trainer Priya Sivadas. It then covers four tasks: a SWOT analysis of Nikhil's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; the importance of time management; Nikhil's daily routine; and leadership qualities. The SWOT analysis identifies Nikhil's strengths like strategic thinking and weaknesses like short temper. It also discusses changing weaknesses into strengths by helping others and staying inspired.
This document defines and provides examples of various types of nonfiction writing such as scholarly papers, biographies, book reports, history, natural history, and writing itself. It notes that nonfiction is based on real facts and information rather than fiction. Some specific examples mentioned include academic papers published in journals, biographies that describe a person's life, book reports written by students about books they have read, the study of history and how it relates to humans, research into organisms and animals in their natural environments, and writing as a medium that represents language through symbols and signs.
This document contains photos from various photographers including Latente V巽, Purple Sherbet Photography, Andi Licious, samgrover, Elijah, Local Studies NSW, Context Travel, and e r j k . a m e r j k a. It encourages the viewer to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share.
This document is the curriculum vitae of Mohammad Ibrahim. It outlines his personal information, including his education, courses taken, address, and contact details. It also provides details of his 20-year work experience as the Chief Accountant and Finance Manager for Maani Ventures, where his responsibilities include supervising accounting staff, ensuring financial controls, preparing financial reports and statements, and maintaining accounting records in accordance with generally accepted principles. The CV lists his knowledge, skills and abilities, which include extensive accounting knowledge, skills in research and data compilation, and the ability to supervise staff and maintain effective working relationships.
This document contains contact and personal details, qualifications, work experience, and computer skills of Shailesh Shankar Gosavi. It summarizes that Gosavi has a B.Sc in Chemistry, worked as a Quality Control Chemist and Information Scientist for 5 years total. In his roles, he performed analytical tests, retrieved and wrote patent information, identified experimental details from publications, and had skills in chemical structure drawing software and Microsoft Office.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian, jenis, cara pemasangan dan pelepasan kateter. Kateter digunakan untuk memasukkan atau mengeluarkan cairan dari uretra dan terbuat dari bahan seperti karet atau plastik. Ada dua jenis kateter yaitu sementara dan menetap, dengan tujuan antara lain mengeluarkan urine dan mendapatkan sampel urine. Prosedur pemasangan dan pelepasan kateter meliputi sterilisasi
This document provides a collection of photos credited to different photographers including ginnerobot, Kh叩nh Hmoong, johnnymip, sidehike, and Robert S. Donovan and mrlins. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share by providing photos from various photographers.
This document contains vocabulary words related to feelings such as happy, sad, surprised, angry, scared, energetic and tired. It also contains example sentences asking how someone feels or what they or others are doing such as cooking, eating, singing, crying, playing basketball, swimming, running and playing tennis.
This document provides an overview of secondary transactions in private companies. It discusses when founders, employees, venture capital investors, leveraged buyout investors, and companies should consider a secondary transaction. It describes the types of secondary buyers and what to look for in a partner. It also covers the process, pricing, possible structures, and important legal and board considerations for secondary transactions. The goal is to help private companies and their stakeholders better understand secondary sales as an alternative liquidity option.
Jason Darren Ronald is a Chinese national from Guangzhou, China. He is fluent in Chinese, English, Spanish and French both written and spoken. He has received several educational certificates including PETS Level 4 and CET6. Jason has worked as a private tutor for Chinese, English, Spanish and French. He has also been an interpreter and worked as a full-time English, Spanish and business English teacher.
My leadership philosophy focuses on balancing mission accomplishment with troop welfare. Integrity, competence, loyalty, and fairness are key leadership traits. Leading by example, listening to followers, and including followers in change are important. A personal leadership philosophy develops from experiences as both a follower and leader, and staying current on leadership best practices.
What Leadership Means to Me Essay
Definition Essay Leadership
Leadership Experience Essay examples
Leadership Traits Essay example
Motivation and Leadership Essay
Effective Leadership Essay
Leader as a Role Model
Business Leadership Essay
Military Leadership Examples
Management And Leadership Essay example
A Leadership Journey
Entrepreneurial Leadership Essay examples
Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
Essay on personality
Personal Characteristics Essay
Essay on Personality in the Workplace
Essay On Character Traits
Essay on The Trait Theory of Personality
CASE 1I took the recommended Leadership Training and Developm.docxwendolynhalbert
I took the recommended Leadership Training and Development report: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths assessment. My values identified from this assessment were as follows: love, fairness, kindness, hope, gratitude, honesty, teamwork, leadership, forgiveness, perseverance, humility, perspective, zest, prudence, creativity, judgement, bravery, curiosity, self-regulation, social intelligence, humor, appreciation of beauty & excellence, love of learning, spirituality. I was surprised and overwhelmed with joy to see love as my number one value. Though I have a ton of love to give, I feel that I have a hard time express my love for others. Knowing that this assessment identified love as a significant strength gives me great strength that even though I dont recognize my outward display of love, it is received by others. I was also surprised to see love of learning so low on the list. I love to learn new things, Im just not one to pick up a book and read I would rather learn new things using the hands-on method. It is possible that my inability to identify my out-ward displays of love have clouded my perception on thought of a love to learn. I would have thought that leadership and social intelligence would have been higher on the list. I love to lead and mentor the new airman coming into the military. Im not surprised at all by spiritual and humor being so low on my list. Im not very good with making jokes, most people only laugh at me when I am trying to be serious. I am not a religious person therefore spiritual feel right where it should have. After taking this self-examination I will need to learn how to use my strength better rather than using my weaknesses. This test was very eye opening for me and will allow me to become a better leader along the way.
I scored fairly high on all sections of the emotional intelligence self-assessment in chapter 3 of Sterret (2006). I scored a 20 on self-awareness, 22 on self-confidence, 19 on self-control, 19 on empathy, 21 on motivation, and 21 on social competency. The results seem to be in line with what I would have expected. I have been the enlisted leader of a section for the last 6 years and have learned if the person working for you, believes you care about them they tend to work much harder to support your efforts. On the leadership assessment I scored mostly 5 or 4 with a couple 3. I completed one assessment and sent three assessments to airmen that previously worked and currently work for me, all the results were relatively comparable. The fellow airmen were initially not able to identify the links between their strengths and weakness, as I would hope. I think I scored myself lower than the troops scored me, because I tend to have higher expectations for myself than others. It was nice to see how people that have worked for you grade you when it comes to your leadership. It gives me inspiration that I am actually doing a good job leading the personnel under me.
I identified ...
Examining the TeamLast week, you identified your team for the fi.docxSANSKAR20
Examining the Team
Last week, you identified your team for the final assignment, including your role, your leadership style, and the change you hope to bring to the team. This week, you will refine some of those observations and begin to examine your team using the concepts from your readings and lectures. Consider the following categories and answer the questions:
揃 How does the leader handle his or her emotions?
揃 How does the team deal with emotions?
揃 Describe the team's level of EI. Is this an area that the leader needs to help the team develop?
揃 How might leaders enhance team EI? Give specific examples.
揃 When thinking of leaders communication, would you describe the leaders' communication style as persuasive, manipulative, or coercive? Why?
揃 Think of at least two different team members in the team and describe their communication style.
揃 Is there a certain communication style that is most dominant on this team?
揃 How does the leaders' communication style affect team members?
Philosophy and Style
揃 What type of philosophy (theory X or theory Y) seems to be held by leaders and other members of the team?
揃 What type of leadership style have you adopted as a leader (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire)?
揃 What action steps would help enhance the leadership style in the team?
You might need to interview some team members to gather answers. You should do some research to help you formulate the necessary action steps. If you are the leader of the team, you should ask members of the team to help you develop answers to the question.
Summarize your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word Document.
Support your responses with examples.
Previous assignment from last week (Use as reference for this assignment)
My team which has 5 members is to bring awareness to our community about same sex families, to change their views and or beliefs on how it affects children in a same sex family.
There are many individuals out there that believe that a childs well-being is at risk by being raised in a same sex family versus a more traditional family. Our group will reach out to different groups, churches and or community centers as well as schools to help educate those who believe our children are at risk due to having either two moms or two dads. My team members are my wife, Robin, an LGBTQ activist and friend, Mary as well as some active community gay role models, Sari, Jeannie and Debbie. I do have some interaction with most of the individuals but not normally in a leadership role. I plan on taking on a leadership role however for this particular group but will also have Sari, assist in this manner as well. Sari, is definitely more outgoing than I am and more involved in the gay and lesbian community so her guidance and knowledge will be greatly beneficial to me. I think this will be a great opportunity to fine tune the leadership skills I do have, which is very little and think it will not only benefit me pers ...
Odysseus: A Good Leader
Essay on Characteristics of a Great Leader
Essay about How to become a better leader
A Good Leader
A Good Leader Essay
Essay on Management and Leadership
A Great Leader Essay
A Great Leader. Essay
What Makes A Good Leader? Essay
What Makes a Leader? Essay
Essay about Great Leaders
What Makes A Good Leader? Essay
Essay about Characteristics of a Good Leader
Essay on Qualities of a Good Leader
What Makes A Good Leader
Qualities Of A Great Leader Essay
To Be a Good Leader Essay
Being a Good Leader Essay
Effective Leadership Essay
Group Leadership Essay What makes a good leader?
This document summarizes and reflects on several readings related to leadership. It discusses a superintendent evaluation that had blunt feedback, noting the importance of self-reflection and building trust. It also covers qualities of good leaders like relationships, trust, and self-reflection. The document analyzes parts of several books, discussing topics like team dysfunctions, strengths-based leadership, and developing people through relationships. It emphasizes the importance of humility, hunger, and being a team player who develops valuable qualities over time.
The document describes the results of the author's Life Style Inventory assessment. It identifies the author's primary thinking style as self-actualizing and their limiting style as dependent. Regarding management style, the author scores moderately in planning and organizing due to their perfectionistic tendencies. Their thinking styles were influenced by their parents' high expectations leading them to strive for perfection. The author concludes the assessment provided insight into their thought patterns and behaviors.
1. Daniel Sandoval
CPSE 560
Writing Assignment #1
Personal Leadership Plan
Assessment of my leadership style:
My scores in rank:
1. Enabling Others to Act 2. Encouraging the Heart 3. Inspiring a Shared Vision
4. Modeling the Way 5. Challenging the Process
Percentile scored:
50% Challenging the Process 50% Inspiring a Shared Vision
50% Enabling Others to Act 30% Modeling the Way 40% Encouraging the Heart
Range of Scores:
Moderate = Challenging the Process, Inspiring a Shared Vision, Enabling Others to Act,
Encouraging the Hearth
Low= Modeling the Way
Narrative Assessment:
I was not surprised to find my leadership scores predominantly in the moderate
range. There might be several reasons for this but one of my memories from middle
school was listening to my social studies teacher list off who she thought were the leaders
of our class; after naming 5 or 6 different students she looked at me and said something
to the effect that I might be considered in that group as well. Her perceived skepticism of
me as a leader of that class has always left me wondering about her perception and my
reality. I know that I am neither an outspoken person nor one who aspires to leadership
positions. I have tried to lead through a silent example but continually believe that my
actions are not enough which is probably why I scored lower on modeling the way. I do
not view myself as a leader although others have. It is only recently that I have been
made aware by others that I have strong leadership potential which in part has inspired
me to enroll in this course and take a closer look at leadership, particularly in the area of
student services in which I currently work.
Personal Mission Statement:
2. Eugene Ionesco wrote a play titled Rhinoceros in 1959 that speaks to the world
about conformism. In the play, the lead character Berenger watches his entire town
including his best friend turn into rhinoceros. Berenger pleads with his friends to resist
the conformism and remain individuals but ultimately is unsuccessful as he remains the
last man in his town.
Rhinoceros conformity bombards society unceasingly. New clothes, music,
entertainment, sports teams, trends, technology and lingo can at times be all consuming.
Behavior in certain situations is expected and most often followed. Emotions are only
appropriate for particular events and thoughts are better off unsaid. Conformity is doing
something because everyone else is doing it. Everyone can come in the forms of friends,
family, colleagues or any other group that share commonalities. To some degree we all
conform, but to what degree? Will we only grow a horn or a tail? Maybe our skin just
gets rough or our feet become hooves. How much of a rhinoceros we become depends
upon sense of self and purpose.
To avoid conformity, knowledge of the self must take place. Examination of
values, behaviors, cognitions and emotions is essential to commence the struggle of self
exploration. This struggle should be embraced and fought with throughout the course of
a lifetime. It is when you sit on a solitary isolated island by choice that self exploration
begins and conformity starts to end. It is my mission to help others find that island.
Five Leadership Principles:
1. Systems Thinking -
I have generally thought of systems as they pertain to families and groups such as
classrooms. While groups also consist of organizations I have never really tied the idea
of systems to leadership. In most of the jobs I have held it seems like the leader/manager
is in place to see that the system is unharmed and that my contribution should be to an
already well running system. Sometimes I have not believed that a system is running
well and have taken action to improve the system and have been applauded. Still, there
are times when the action I have taken has been deemed insignificant or non compliant
within the current system. I believe that systems thinking is most effective when it is
used in areas where immediate and lasting impact occurs that doesnt require a great
overhaul. At times I believe that my actions have been attempts to overhaul a system and
the small significant changes are the ones that get applauded.
2. Leader as Steward
One of my favorite movies is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The word steward is used
within the film to describe the role of a man who is in charge of one of the kingdoms
portrayed in the films. His stewardship is over the throne of this kingdom and he uses his
stewardship to advance his selfish desires of power. When it is revealed that the throne
of the kingdom has a rightful heir, the steward is unwilling to acknowledge that the heir
exists and continues down a path of destruction and selfish behavior. This to me is an
example of an unwise and unfit steward. The word steward implies that one is charged to
care for the affairs of someone else. A faithful or diligent steward will either return that
3. which he/she was charged in the same if not better condition than he received it. Within
my reading I was impressed to understand that leaders should strive to be stewards of
those they lead but also of the mission/purpose that links the leader to those he/she leads.
3. Asking for support -
At a recent announcement of new leadership in an organization I belong to; the issue of
support for the new leader arouse. The new leader is a man who is very large physically;
some might say he resembles a linebacker or lineman in football. During his
announcement someone made the joke that we could all stand on this leader as he would
undoubtedly be able to support us. The leader was quick to make known that he was the
one needing our support and that he would stand on us as we were willing to hold him up.
In recent meetings with this leader he has asked for support from the organization in
regards to financial matters to make our organization stronger. From an early stage in his
leadership position he made it clear that he needed our support and has continued to ask
for it as he is first to point out that not all of can stand on him, but he can stand on all of
4. Internal Commitment
Before a leader can ask those he/she leads to display internal commitment to an
organization, the leader must first be internally committed. Internal commitment begins
with the self and ends with the self. One of my strongest internal commitments is to the
advancement of education. I have worked at different levels of the educational field for
over 10 years but bitterly remember the one year I tried my hand in the business field. I
have a lot of admiration for those who do work in business and learned many things from
my experiences there. The most important lesson I learned was that I do not belong in
business and my external commitment toward the organization I worked for showed.
Returning to education and working in various capacities within this industry has
reaffirmed my passion for educational advancement which in turn has dramatically
strengthened my internal commitment to this field. I have displayed my internal
commitment by taking unique perspectives on the positions Ive held and have developed
various methods for completing the responsibilities I have held and have found great
success within that.
5. Show the Way
Leading by example is probably the most effective method of leadership. While there are
times when it is hard to take the lead, undoubtedly there will be others that follow in your
path. A humorous saying If your not the lead dog, the view never changes can be
applicable to this principle. A lead dog on a sled dog team is the dog that has the best
view of what is coming ahead and how to prepare for future terrain and conditions. That
lead dog is generally the smartest and most reliable dog on the team. Because he can
show others the way and prepare for that which will come he reserves that right to be in
the lead.
4. Personal Definition of Leadership:
Leadership is doing what you ask of others, attending to the mission and people
committed to the mission, seeking feedback, embracing innovation and bringing out the
strengths of everyone around you.