This document discusses how an individual's internal experiences like values, beliefs, attitudes, memories and personality shape how they perceive and project themselves into the world and interact with others through their behaviors.
This document discusses how to change oneself by thinking differently, acting beyond circumstances and attitudes, consciously controlling thoughts and reactions, breaking habits, and maintaining behaviors aligned with good feelings rather than returning to familiar but unhelpful thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs.
This document discusses the concept of reciprocal mentoring and its benefits. Reciprocal mentoring involves mutual learning between participants from different generations or backgrounds. It features equal partnerships where both parties contribute unique talents and perspectives. By embracing diversity, reciprocal mentoring can help break down stereotypes and cultural assumptions. The role of teachers is also changing to focus more on nurturing students' strengths, critical thinking, and future opportunities through questioning approaches like Socratic method. Reciprocal mentoring and learner voice can help engage students and meet their needs.
This document lists qualities that are important for children to develop such as having a positive attitude, behaving well, believing in themselves, being obedient and respectful, being alert and neat, generous, having good manners.
Two Brains, One Head: Analysis and Intuition in Design Practice | Maria Corde...Adaptive Path
Often connected to the unexplained or mysterious, intuition gets a bad rap. Yet intuition is at the heart of creativity, and significant advances in our understanding of the physical world are borne of intuitive leaps. While some hail its power, others advocate that whats needed is more analysis not intuition! What does this mean for us? What is intuition and why is it so divisive? And does it have a role in design?
This document summarizes four perspectives on learning theory: behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, and social/situational. It provides the key learning theorists, views of the learning process, locus of learning, and purpose of education for each perspective in a table with four columns. The table effectively outlines the core differences between the four major learning theory approaches.
Two Brains, One Head: Analysis and Intuition in Design PracticeMaria Cordell
Often connected to the unexplained or mysterious, intuition gets a bad rap. Yet intuition is at the heart of creativity, and significant advances in our understanding of the physical world are borne of intuitive leaps. While some hail its power, others advocate that whats needed is more analysis not intuition! What does this mean for us? What is intuition and why is it so divisive? And does it have a role in design?
The document discusses how people's minds are increasingly connected to digital devices and cloud data. It suggests that the mind is becoming Mind 2.0, with the brain plus access to information in the cloud. This new model provides benefits like increased efficiency and intelligence from access to more knowledge. However, it also brings dangers like feeling helpless if disconnected or having an incomplete mind. The document advocates both embracing and being cautious of this shift.
El documento habla sobre un juego sobre la historia de Venezuela. Explica los s鱈mbolos patrios del pa鱈s como la bandera y menciona a Sim坦n Bol鱈var, el libertador de Venezuela. El juego consiste en responder preguntas sobre estos s鱈mbolos e historia a trav辿s de enlaces a p叩ginas web.
Las licencias Creative Commons permiten a los autores compartir y permitir que otros usen su trabajo creativo de manera gratuita bajo ciertos t辿rminos. Existen varios tipos de licencias que se basan en la combinaci坦n de permisos como atribuci坦n, uso comercial, obras derivadas. Las licencias ofrecen una forma estandarizada y simple para que los autores controlen c坦mo otros pueden utilizar su trabajo.
El documento habla sobre el uso de las TIC (tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n) en la educaci坦n inicial. Explica que las TIC pueden ser una estrategia efectiva para el aprendizaje, permitiendo reforzar conocimientos a trav辿s de juegos educativos online. Tambi辿n menciona que las TIC son una herramienta importante hoy en d鱈a que nos permite ampliar conocimientos y mantener una relaci坦n online con docentes y estudiantes.
Addressing the linkages between climate change and vulnerability to food inse...FAO
Testing a methodology in Nicaragua
Purpose: to contribute to a comprehensive research approach that bridges the gap between analysis of climate change (CC) impacts on food security (FS) and policy-making
Rationale: downscale the broad and global CC agenda at the local level
Engage policy makers to better address the impact of CC on FS at household level
Approach: Focus on vulnerable groups
Address the access component of FS
息 FAO:
Este proyecto educativo busca que los estudiantes de cuarto grado de secundaria valoren el patrimonio hist坦rico-cultural de Iquitos a trav辿s de un recorrido por las casas caucheras que datan de la 辿poca del boom del caucho a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. El recorrido culminar叩 con la elaboraci坦n de un peri坦dico mural que resalte la importancia de esta 辿poca para la ciudad. El proyecto se llevar叩 a cabo entre agosto y octubre con la participaci坦n de docentes
This dissertation explores interactions between agrobiodiversity and livelihoods among small-scale coffee farmers in El Salvador. It finds that farmers maintain crop diversity through cultivation of maize landraces for food security against climate variability and price fluctuations. While agrobiodiversity provided cultural value, there was no strong relationship between diversity and food security; income was a better predictor. Shade tree diversity in coffee farms was stable over time despite some tree removal. Higher initial shade tree species richness correlated with greater carbon storage in those trees.
This document discusses strategies for positive parenting based on a child's strengths. It recommends activities like building with cardboard, recalling good memories from the day, and spending quality time together. It also suggests focusing on a child's interests and abilities rather than weaknesses. The document advises calibrating praise to a child's accomplishments and using consequences rarely as a last resort.
Goal setting is effective because it directs attention towards focusing on relative goals, mobilizes effort needed to accomplish new learning strategies, and develops new ways of accomplishing tasks that lead to better goal achievement through persistence and focused effort.
This diagram outlines a well-being theory called PERMA which identifies five pillars of well-being: Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. It shows how each pillar contributes to an individual's overall well-being and happiness.
The document discusses the concept of "flow state", which is described as a state of total absorption, optimal functioning, and intrinsic motivation that occurs when an individual's skills are fully matched to the challenge at hand. Key requirements for achieving a flow state include maintaining focused attention, having a positive mental attitude, and ensuring a balance between the perceived skills of the performer and the perceived challenge of the task. Examples are given of activities like playing jazz or martial arts that can facilitate entering a flow state where one's whole being is involved and the activity is intrinsically rewarding.
Long term stress can damage the immune system and disrupt the body's normal chemical balance by constantly elevating levels of cortisol and other stress hormones which depletes energy, makes it difficult to sleep, and can lead to stress related disorders that affect the majority of Americans. Chronic stress causes the body to recalibrate to a new higher level of stress as a "new homeostasis" and can desensitize receptors related to pleasure and happiness over time with constant overexposure and overstimulation of the fear and stress response.
Stress can affect both our psychological state and physiological response. When faced with stressors, our bodies activate what is known as the stress response. This stress response triggers changes in our bodies like increased heart rate and cortisol levels that help us deal with threats.
This document outlines different types of hypnosis, including self-hypnosis which is self-induced relaxation through focusing attention without an external hypnotist, autohypnosis which is self-hypnosis induced through posthypnotic suggestion, and heterohypnosis where hypnosis is induced by another person such as a trained therapist through establishing rapport and avoiding negative suggestions.
The document discusses mindfulness and savoring experiences. It encourages taking time to mindfully experience things through our senses like eating chocolate slowly. It suggests writing in a journal about pleasurable experiences and sharing them with others to build memories and sharpen our perception by becoming fully immersed in sensations.
The document discusses the relationship between emotion and motivation from a two-system perspective. It describes emotions as arising from innate physiological systems that indicate adaptation and react involuntarily to stimuli, as well as being shaped by experience and social interpretation through cognitive systems. Basic emotions like sadness arise from common life circumstances but are uniquely expressed by individuals.
Highlight 3 key public speaking tips: tell stories, end with the key point, and connect key points. Stories are easier for audiences to remember and help illustrate points. Ending on the key point reinforces the main message. Connecting different points within the presentation helps the audience follow the overall narrative.
The document discusses psychosomatic illness, which refers to physical illnesses that are caused or exacerbated by mental or emotional factors. Psychosomatic illnesses form as a communication between the conscious and unconscious mind, often arising from unresolved psychological or existential issues that manifest physically. The document suggests examining psychosomatic illnesses to understand what underlying problems, needs, or secondary gains they may be representing or serving for the individual.
A psychologist explains what caused your problem, how you have the problem, and provides a solution to help you get well through dialogue and communication to change behaviors. A psychotherapist fixes problems through dialogue and communication to change behaviors while a psychiatrist treats mental disorders with drugs.
This document provides tips for improving productivity each week and day. It recommends mapping out goals at the start of each period to focus on accomplishing what you want. The tips suggest prioritizing the most challenging tasks and "eating the frog" by tackling them first for the greatest reward.
El documento habla sobre un juego sobre la historia de Venezuela. Explica los s鱈mbolos patrios del pa鱈s como la bandera y menciona a Sim坦n Bol鱈var, el libertador de Venezuela. El juego consiste en responder preguntas sobre estos s鱈mbolos e historia a trav辿s de enlaces a p叩ginas web.
Las licencias Creative Commons permiten a los autores compartir y permitir que otros usen su trabajo creativo de manera gratuita bajo ciertos t辿rminos. Existen varios tipos de licencias que se basan en la combinaci坦n de permisos como atribuci坦n, uso comercial, obras derivadas. Las licencias ofrecen una forma estandarizada y simple para que los autores controlen c坦mo otros pueden utilizar su trabajo.
El documento habla sobre el uso de las TIC (tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n) en la educaci坦n inicial. Explica que las TIC pueden ser una estrategia efectiva para el aprendizaje, permitiendo reforzar conocimientos a trav辿s de juegos educativos online. Tambi辿n menciona que las TIC son una herramienta importante hoy en d鱈a que nos permite ampliar conocimientos y mantener una relaci坦n online con docentes y estudiantes.
Addressing the linkages between climate change and vulnerability to food inse...FAO
Testing a methodology in Nicaragua
Purpose: to contribute to a comprehensive research approach that bridges the gap between analysis of climate change (CC) impacts on food security (FS) and policy-making
Rationale: downscale the broad and global CC agenda at the local level
Engage policy makers to better address the impact of CC on FS at household level
Approach: Focus on vulnerable groups
Address the access component of FS
息 FAO:
Este proyecto educativo busca que los estudiantes de cuarto grado de secundaria valoren el patrimonio hist坦rico-cultural de Iquitos a trav辿s de un recorrido por las casas caucheras que datan de la 辿poca del boom del caucho a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. El recorrido culminar叩 con la elaboraci坦n de un peri坦dico mural que resalte la importancia de esta 辿poca para la ciudad. El proyecto se llevar叩 a cabo entre agosto y octubre con la participaci坦n de docentes
This dissertation explores interactions between agrobiodiversity and livelihoods among small-scale coffee farmers in El Salvador. It finds that farmers maintain crop diversity through cultivation of maize landraces for food security against climate variability and price fluctuations. While agrobiodiversity provided cultural value, there was no strong relationship between diversity and food security; income was a better predictor. Shade tree diversity in coffee farms was stable over time despite some tree removal. Higher initial shade tree species richness correlated with greater carbon storage in those trees.
This document discusses strategies for positive parenting based on a child's strengths. It recommends activities like building with cardboard, recalling good memories from the day, and spending quality time together. It also suggests focusing on a child's interests and abilities rather than weaknesses. The document advises calibrating praise to a child's accomplishments and using consequences rarely as a last resort.
Goal setting is effective because it directs attention towards focusing on relative goals, mobilizes effort needed to accomplish new learning strategies, and develops new ways of accomplishing tasks that lead to better goal achievement through persistence and focused effort.
This diagram outlines a well-being theory called PERMA which identifies five pillars of well-being: Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. It shows how each pillar contributes to an individual's overall well-being and happiness.
The document discusses the concept of "flow state", which is described as a state of total absorption, optimal functioning, and intrinsic motivation that occurs when an individual's skills are fully matched to the challenge at hand. Key requirements for achieving a flow state include maintaining focused attention, having a positive mental attitude, and ensuring a balance between the perceived skills of the performer and the perceived challenge of the task. Examples are given of activities like playing jazz or martial arts that can facilitate entering a flow state where one's whole being is involved and the activity is intrinsically rewarding.
Long term stress can damage the immune system and disrupt the body's normal chemical balance by constantly elevating levels of cortisol and other stress hormones which depletes energy, makes it difficult to sleep, and can lead to stress related disorders that affect the majority of Americans. Chronic stress causes the body to recalibrate to a new higher level of stress as a "new homeostasis" and can desensitize receptors related to pleasure and happiness over time with constant overexposure and overstimulation of the fear and stress response.
Stress can affect both our psychological state and physiological response. When faced with stressors, our bodies activate what is known as the stress response. This stress response triggers changes in our bodies like increased heart rate and cortisol levels that help us deal with threats.
This document outlines different types of hypnosis, including self-hypnosis which is self-induced relaxation through focusing attention without an external hypnotist, autohypnosis which is self-hypnosis induced through posthypnotic suggestion, and heterohypnosis where hypnosis is induced by another person such as a trained therapist through establishing rapport and avoiding negative suggestions.
The document discusses mindfulness and savoring experiences. It encourages taking time to mindfully experience things through our senses like eating chocolate slowly. It suggests writing in a journal about pleasurable experiences and sharing them with others to build memories and sharpen our perception by becoming fully immersed in sensations.
The document discusses the relationship between emotion and motivation from a two-system perspective. It describes emotions as arising from innate physiological systems that indicate adaptation and react involuntarily to stimuli, as well as being shaped by experience and social interpretation through cognitive systems. Basic emotions like sadness arise from common life circumstances but are uniquely expressed by individuals.
Highlight 3 key public speaking tips: tell stories, end with the key point, and connect key points. Stories are easier for audiences to remember and help illustrate points. Ending on the key point reinforces the main message. Connecting different points within the presentation helps the audience follow the overall narrative.
The document discusses psychosomatic illness, which refers to physical illnesses that are caused or exacerbated by mental or emotional factors. Psychosomatic illnesses form as a communication between the conscious and unconscious mind, often arising from unresolved psychological or existential issues that manifest physically. The document suggests examining psychosomatic illnesses to understand what underlying problems, needs, or secondary gains they may be representing or serving for the individual.
A psychologist explains what caused your problem, how you have the problem, and provides a solution to help you get well through dialogue and communication to change behaviors. A psychotherapist fixes problems through dialogue and communication to change behaviors while a psychiatrist treats mental disorders with drugs.
This document provides tips for improving productivity each week and day. It recommends mapping out goals at the start of each period to focus on accomplishing what you want. The tips suggest prioritizing the most challenging tasks and "eating the frog" by tackling them first for the greatest reward.
This document discusses various factors related to happiness, life satisfaction, and positive psychology. It mentions criteria for happiness such as money, convenience, and relationships. It also discusses returning to one's natural weight after dieting, how daily commutes can decrease happiness, and focusing on what people want to achieve versus what they have achieved. Several tips are provided for cultivating positivity, such as focusing on strengths, reframing problems, asking positive questions, and acknowledging achievements.
The document outlines various positive individual traits, emotions, and institutions that are the focus of positive psychology. These include virtues, love, courage, compassion, resilience, creativity, integrity, self-control, moderation, wisdom, contentment, happiness, satisfaction, present and future hope, positive emotions, fostering better communities, justice, responsibility, civility, parenting, nurturance, work ethic, teamwork, purpose, and tolerance.
This document discusses positive psychology and its study of optimal human functioning. Positive psychology examines positive strengths like subjective experiences, personal growth, and positive emotions. The field focuses on building these positive traits in individuals and communities.
Coaches should remain in the spectator area during games, not advise players how to play, cheer for their child's team and give them support. Coaches should also not direct bad comments toward either team or players, drink alcohol or come to games drunk, and should be in control of their emotions at all times. Officials should be thanked for their work conducting the event.
Feelings arise as reactions to important life events and serve to generate feelings, arouse the body to action, and generate motivational states. Emotions are multidimensional, subjective, biological responses that prepare the body for adaptation through energy mobilization. They direct attention, coping behavior, and communication through expression and body language.
The document discusses concepts related to mental practice and planning for self-improvement, including imagining new skills and ways of being, mentally rehearsing and reviewing experiences, and using techniques like memorization, study, and daily practice to strengthen neural networks and replace old patterns with new, imagined ideals.
This document discusses how to modify thoughts through conscious observation and becoming familiar with internal journeys of self-study, meditation, contemplation and reflection on a specific topic over an extended period of time in order to cultivate greater ideals of self and introspection.