Non poteva essere che Dante, uomo eterno ed inimitabile, a regalare a noi studenti delle classi IIIB e IVB del liceo scienze applicate Guglielmo Marconi di Civitavecchia, una preziosa e inaspettata vittoria, che ha coronato al meglio un percorso intitolato Rapsodia damore, Dante e la Bibbia
The document provides a summary of Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid in Italian. It discusses that Virgil wrote the poem at the request of Emperor Augustus to tell the origins of Rome. The summary then outlines the key events and characters in the poem, including Aeneas fleeing the fallen Troy with his father and son, his seven years of wandering, meeting Dido in Carthage where she falls in love with him, his journey to the underworld, arrival in Italy and battle against Turnus where he founds Lavinium which will later lead to the founding of Alba Longa.
Latitude indicates your position north or south of the equator. It can be measured by taking the angle of the sun or pole star at noon - the higher the sun, the closer you are to the equator. Lines of latitude run parallel to each other. Longitude indicates your position east or west and is measured in degrees from the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England. It can be calculated by comparing your local time to Greenwich Mean Time, as there is a one hour difference for every 15 degrees of longitude.
The document provides a summary of Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid in Italian. It discusses that Virgil wrote the poem at the request of Emperor Augustus to tell the origins of Rome. The summary then outlines the key events and characters in the poem, including Aeneas fleeing the fallen Troy with his father and son, his seven years of wandering, meeting Dido in Carthage where she falls in love with him, his journey to the underworld, arrival in Italy and battle against Turnus where he founds Lavinium which will later lead to the founding of Alba Longa.
Latitude indicates your position north or south of the equator. It can be measured by taking the angle of the sun or pole star at noon - the higher the sun, the closer you are to the equator. Lines of latitude run parallel to each other. Longitude indicates your position east or west and is measured in degrees from the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England. It can be calculated by comparing your local time to Greenwich Mean Time, as there is a one hour difference for every 15 degrees of longitude.
4. Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
di quei sospiri ond'io nudriva 'l core
in sul mio primo giovenile errore
quand'era in parte altr'uom da quel ch'i' sono,
del vario stile in ch'io piango et ragiono
fra le vane speranze e 'l van dolore,
ove sia chi per prova intenda amore,
spero trovar piet, nonch辿 perdono.
Ma ben veggio or s鱈 come al popol tutto
favola fui gran tempo, onde sovente
di me medesmo meco mi vergogno;
et del mio vaneggiar vergogna 竪 'l frutto,
e 'l pentersi, e 'l conoscer chiaramente
che quanto piace al mondo 竪 breve sogno.