This document discusses the journey of Feather River Hospital in Paradise, CA to achieve Baldrige excellence. It seeks to dispel common myths about the Baldrige process. Feather River Hospital has been able to achieve Baldrige recognition despite starting with financial losses, average leadership skills, and room for improvement in clinical and staff satisfaction measures. The document emphasizes that the Baldrige process requires strategic planning, leader development, targeting of best practices, innovation, and most importantly, making the time for continuous improvement. Feather River Hospital's perseverance resulted in them becoming a two-time Baldrige gold award winner and recipient of the 2010 Governor's award.
Oakwood Healthcare System is a large regional healthcare network in southeastern Michigan serving over 1 million people. When the economic crisis hit in 2007, Oakwood saw rising rates of uninsured patients and decreasing profits. To address this, Oakwood formed an Informatics Group to develop a holistic view of organizational performance. After attending a healthcare conference, Oakwood selected ActiveStrategy to help align metrics and initiatives to its strategic priorities through performance management software and consulting. ActiveStrategy helped Oakwood develop cascading scorecards across levels to drive accountability and improvement actions plans to address performance gaps. This increased alignment, collaboration, and improved Oakwood's ability to execute on its strategic priorities.
The document discusses the six fundamental rights provided to all Indian citizens. These include the right to equality, freedom of speech, religion and cultural practices, freedom from exploitation, and the right to constitutional remedies. Specifically, it guarantees equality before the law regardless of personal attributes, protects freedom of expression and movement, prohibits child labor and discrimination, ensures secularism and religious freedom, and allows citizens to seek legal recourse to uphold their rights.
100 Days of Awesome Season 3, Episode 1esme iolanthe
The document recaps the events of a reality show featuring pixel people. It describes various tasks the characters complete on their home lot and in the community, including having a dream date with a spouse, borrowing children from other families to complete tasks requiring children, and opening a shop to help complete business-type tasks. It also describes one character's unsuccessful efforts to find and make out with a vampire on a community lot as part of her assigned task.
Beebe Medical Center is transitioning from solely focusing on data collection to also emphasizing strategic management. They have developed a strategic scorecard and performance model aligned with their organizational strategy and strategic imperatives of ensuring superior outcomes, offering superior service and access, focusing on population health, stewarding financial resources, and sustaining an excellent team. Their communication plan involves educating and engaging executive staff, board members, medical staff, management team, and employees on the strategic scorecard. Lessons learned include focusing on organizational strategy, designing the balanced scorecard before training users, and starting with near-term objectives and quick, measurable gains.
TriHealth, a large healthcare system, implemented a Balanced Scorecard system using ActiveStrategy software and consulting to address strategic challenges and drive accountability. The Scorecard system aligned business units with strategy, provided transparency into performance, and created accountability. It improved focus on strategic issues, performance results, and the organization's ability to achieve its vision of becoming a premier integrated health system.
Fakhrul Ahsan is a 37-year-old man from Bangladesh who has been living in Finland since 2008. He worked in Bangladesh for 10 years in architecture and design before moving to Finland to work as a laundry worker for Mr. Washingman Oy. In 2011, he began studying at KEUDA Jaarvenpaa to become a textile care worker through an apprenticeship program combining work and study. After one year in the program, he feels he has learned much about laundry operations both theoretically and practically.
How to make tacit knowledge visible in a multi-cultural environment. Case study of North South South, an exchange programme involving students and staff from film schools in South Africa, Ghana and Finland
Hankesuunnitelma HHAOKK 11-12 varten. Miten korvata perinteinen tentti oppimisen mittarina?
Haasteena mm. miten mitata oppimista , miten hallita opettajan ty旦m辰辰r辰 uusissa menetelmiss辰, miten antaa arvosanoja oikeudenmukaisesti, motivoiko hyv辰ksytty - hyl辰tty , miten opiskelija saa palautteen, kuka oppimista mittaa/ohjaa, erityishaaste on, ett辰 voidaanko ilman tentti辰 antaa arvosanaa,
mit辰 teoria sanoo (esim. Asko Karjalaisen v辰it旦skirja), Onko oppiaineella vaikutusta eli vaikuttaako se valittaviin menetelmiin.
Perinteisen tentin edut perinteisen tentin ongelmat
Mit辰 halutaan mitatavrt. legojen rakentaminen ohjeen mukaisesti ja legojen rakentaminen omasta p辰辰st辰. Kumpaa arvostetaan, kumpaa halutaan.
Mit辰 opin itse, l旦yd辰nk旦 k辰yt辰nn旦n vastauksia ja saanko itseni uskomaan, ett辰 perinteisille tenteille ON vaihtoehto
Ensi kev辰辰n辰 Maa-57.1010 kurssissa tullaan kokeilemaan kurssia ilman tentti辰. Toivon voivana k辰yt辰nn旦n ty旦kaluja kurssin arviointia varten.
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Fakhrul Ahsan is a 37-year-old man from Bangladesh who has been living in Finland since 2008. He worked in Bangladesh for 10 years in architecture and design before moving to Finland to work as a laundry worker for Mr. Washingman Oy. In 2011, he began studying at KEUDA Jaarvenpaa to become a textile care worker through an apprenticeship program combining work and study. After one year in the program, he feels he has learned much about laundry operations both theoretically and practically.
How to make tacit knowledge visible in a multi-cultural environment. Case study of North South South, an exchange programme involving students and staff from film schools in South Africa, Ghana and Finland
Hankesuunnitelma HHAOKK 11-12 varten. Miten korvata perinteinen tentti oppimisen mittarina?
Haasteena mm. miten mitata oppimista , miten hallita opettajan ty旦m辰辰r辰 uusissa menetelmiss辰, miten antaa arvosanoja oikeudenmukaisesti, motivoiko hyv辰ksytty - hyl辰tty , miten opiskelija saa palautteen, kuka oppimista mittaa/ohjaa, erityishaaste on, ett辰 voidaanko ilman tentti辰 antaa arvosanaa,
mit辰 teoria sanoo (esim. Asko Karjalaisen v辰it旦skirja), Onko oppiaineella vaikutusta eli vaikuttaako se valittaviin menetelmiin.
Perinteisen tentin edut perinteisen tentin ongelmat
Mit辰 halutaan mitatavrt. legojen rakentaminen ohjeen mukaisesti ja legojen rakentaminen omasta p辰辰st辰. Kumpaa arvostetaan, kumpaa halutaan.
Mit辰 opin itse, l旦yd辰nk旦 k辰yt辰nn旦n vastauksia ja saanko itseni uskomaan, ett辰 perinteisille tenteille ON vaihtoehto
Ensi kev辰辰n辰 Maa-57.1010 kurssissa tullaan kokeilemaan kurssia ilman tentti辰. Toivon voivana k辰yt辰nn旦n ty旦kaluja kurssin arviointia varten.
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