- Pharo is an open-source Smalltalk environment that is highly active with many contributors and projects. It has a large community and is used both for academic research and commercial applications.
- Pharo 3 was recently released in April 2014 and included many improvements and changes while remaining easy to adopt. Development is already underway on Pharo 4, with additional changes planned.
- Upcoming work includes first-class variables to improve reflection, a new one-file image format, and advanced reflection capabilities using meta-objects. The goal is to continue enhancing Pharo's functionality while keeping it approachable.
Python Tools for Visual Studio: Python na Microsoftovom .NET-uNikola Plejic
The document discusses Python, Python Tools for Visual Studio, the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) and IronPython. It provides an introduction to the Python programming language and its history. It also discusses how Python Tools for Visual Studio integrates Python with Visual Studio, allowing features like IntelliSense, debugging and profiling. The DLR is explained as a library that makes hosting dynamic languages on the .NET Common Language Runtime easier. IronPython is one such dynamic language hosted on DLR.
So now you have published your app on the Play Store. You certainly have some bugs to fix, and features to refine. And then, what? How do you transform your app into something really, really great? This talk is all about this: making your app astonishing.
Based on simple Interaction design principles, you'll discover how to make your app considerate and smart, and bring it to the next level. From search to machine learning, from social networks to common UX hints, it contains everything your app needs to become amazing!
Why do *you* need a strong open-source Smalltalk!ESUG
Title part2: 鐃Why do *you* need a strong open-source Smalltalk!
Speaker: Stephane Ducasse
Wed, August 20, 11:00am 11:45am
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nab6ArIzo6c
Abstract: In this talk we will present the advances and new features in Pharo 3.0. We will present the current work on Pharo 4.0 and beyond. We will also present our new work around the Pharo consortium.
Bio: Stephane is directeur de recherche at Inria. He is scientific deputee of the Inria Lille Nord Europe lab where he leads the RMoD (http://rmod.lille.inria.fr) team. He is expert in two domains: object-oriented language design and reengineering. He worked on traits, composable groups of methods, and this work got some impact. Traits have been introduced in AmbiantTalk, and Squeak/Pharo, Perl, PHP and under a variant into Scala, Fortress of SUN Microsystems. He is one of the developer of Pharo http://www.pharo.org/ a new dynamic language used in industry and academia. He is also expert on software quality, program understanding, program visualizations, reengineering and metamodeling. He is one of the developer of Moose, an open-source software analysis platform http://www.moosetechnology.org/. He is working with http://www.synectique.eu/ a company building dedicated tools for advanced software analysis.
Title Part1: Pharo Status
Speaker: Marcus Denker
Wed, August 20, 11:00am 11:45am
Part1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mv7SX-8Vlk
Part2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdZq2IZBm4k
Abstract: In this talk we will present the advances and new features in Pharo 3.0. We will present the current work on Pharo 4.0 and beyond. We will also present our new work around the Pharo consortium.
Bio: Marcus Denker is a permanent researcher (CR1, with tenure) at INRIA Lille - Nord Europe. Before, he was a postdoc at the PLEIAD lab/DCC University of Chile and the Software Composition Group, University of Bern. His research focuses on reflection and meta-programming for dynamic languages. He is an active participant in the Squeak and Pharo open source communities for many years. Marcus Denker received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bern/Switzerland in 2008 and a Dipl.-Inform. (MSc) from the University of Karlsruhe/Germany in 2004. He is a member of ACM, GI, and IEEE and a board-member of ESUG.
ESUG 2014, Cambridge
Wed, August 20, 11:00am 11:45am
Part1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mv7SX-8Vlk
Part2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdZq2IZBm4k
Abstract: In this talk we will present the advances and new features in Pharo 3.0. We will present the current work on Pharo 4.0 and beyond.
鐃Why do *you* need a strong open-source Smalltalk!Pharo
This document discusses the benefits of the Pharo open-source Smalltalk platform, including its large community, powerful and elegant programming model, cross-platform support, and many existing projects. It highlights Pharo's growing adoption in academia and industry, with increasing downloads, contributors, and organizations using it. The document advocates joining and supporting the Pharo community to help drive further innovation.
2013 pharo is yours revisited. Santiago DCC University of Chile Presentation.Pharo
This is a key presentation for all users of Pharo and teachers. Considering that Pharo is your systems can radically change your impact and willingness to impact the system. Join and get an impact
- Hands-On Pharo is a one day workshop to get started with Pharo, an open-source Smalltalk development environment and language.
- The objectives are to get familiar with Pharo's syntax, model, testing, coding, and find information. Participants will explore and change running systems through live programming.
- Pharo has a large community and ecosystem powering many web, database, tooling, and other projects. It is fully open source and can be used for software development across domains.
Pharo 3 was released in April 2014 with over 2300 issues closed and 850 updates. Pharo 4 is scheduled for release in Spring 2015 and is already very stable with over 175 updates and 480 issues closed. Key ongoing work includes first class variables, advanced reflection, one file Pharo, Epicea to replace the .changes file, and putting sources directly in the image to simplify deployment. Pharo development remains very active with improvements across many areas.
Pharo3 is an open-source programming environment and language based on Smalltalk. Some key updates in Pharo3 include a new inspector, vector graphics library, Opal compiler, class builder, and debugger. Pharo has an active community with over 80 projects on its continuous integration server and is supported by a consortium and association.
The document summarizes news and updates about the Pharo programming language and ecosystem. It highlights the growing adoption of Pharo in universities and research groups around the world, new books and MOOCs being released, improvements and stabilization in the Pharo 5.0 release, and ongoing work to optimize performance and develop new tools and frameworks like Epicea, GT Tools, Match, and Sista. It also promotes Pharo Pro services and mentions several external projects and companies building on and contributing to Pharo.
The document discusses Smalltalk and its use in business. It provides an overview of Smalltalk, including its history and inventions. It describes dialects like Pharo and how it can be used for web development, databases, and more. Benefits include productivity, flexibility, and being fully object-oriented, while disadvantages include lack of mainstream popularity and documentation compared to other languages.
Pharo: Programming in an Immersive World (St辿phane Ducasse Technology Stream)IT Arena
Lviv IT Arena is a conference specially designed for programmers, designers, developers, top managers, inverstors, entrepreneurs and startuppers. Annually it takes place at the beginning of October in Lviv at Arena Lviv stadium. In 2016 the conference gathered more than 1800 participants and over 100 speakers from companies like Microsoft, Philips, Twitter, UBER and IBM. More details about the conference at itarena.lviv.ua.
Pharo est un langage purement orient辿 objet, enti竪rement r辿flexif et dynamique, avec une syntaxe simple qui tient sur une carte postale. Il offre une tr竪s forte productivit辿 due l'interactivit辿 et la proximit辿 des objets donn辿e aux programmeurs, ainsi qu' la rapidit辿 de sa prise en main.
Inspir辿 par Smalltalk, Pharo d辿finit un ensemble d'outils d'analyse de codes adaptables facilement personnalisables par le programmeur.
Pharo vous plonge en interaction constante avec les objets en cours d'ex辿cution, qu'il s'agisse d'objets simples, de GPU, d'applications Web, d'objets 3D ou de vos propres classes, pour une totale immersion et ma樽trise du code.
Nous vous dresserons un bref tour d'horizon des r辿alisations des startups en France et l'international.
Une occasion unique de d辿couvrir un langage diff辿rent et d'exploiter rapidement ses nouvelles potentialit辿s de d辿veloppement !
Pour aller plus loin :
- http://books.pharo.org/
- http://consortium.pharo.org/
- http://mooc.pharo.org/
- https://pharoweekly.wordpress.com/
An introduction of Pharo.
Pharo is a new dynamically typed language. It is inspired from Smalltalk and it is
elegant, simple and powerful. http://www.pharo.org
Pharo 2.0 is an update to the Pharo programming environment and language. It includes many improvements and new features such as a rewritten code browser called Nautilus, new libraries like Fuel for fast serialization, and core reductions that shrink the size of Pharo. The Pharo Consortium and User Association are being formed to support continued development of Pharo through member fees and help sustain the community. Pharo 3.0 planned for later in 2013 will focus on replacing the compiler and class builder with new implementations to improve the language.
Pharo Consortium: A roadmap to solid evolutionESUG
Title: Pharo Consortium: A roadmap to solid evolution.
Abstract: The Pharo Consortium takes action to guarantee the growth of Pharo as a community organisation as well as supports its development into ever-changing requirements of todays computing needs.
In this talk I will present the current status of Pharo Consortium, its consolidation as Pharo governance structure and the actions taken to make Pharo a more robust environment.
I will also review the Pharo 7 development and direction for Pharo 8 and beyond.
Bio: Esteban Lorenzano studied Computer Sciences at Universidad de Buenos Aires, and worked since 1994 in several object-oriented and low-level technologies, in different software companies, serving in various positions from programmer to senior architect.
In 2007 he co-founded Smallworks to offer Pharo-based agile development projects. Since 2012 he dedicated full time to developing the Pharo code and community.
He works with the INRIA-RMoD team in Lille, France, as core developer for Pharo, being responsible with the coordination of new releases, the implementation and maintenance of Pharo libraries and the maintenance of the Pharo flavour of the Cog Virtual Machine, FFI integration and plugins in all major platforms (OSX, Linux and Windows).
The roadmap of Pharo 7 and Pharo 8.
Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE and OS rolled into one).
Title: Pharo
Tue, July 14, 9am 10am
First Name: Stephane
Last Name: Ducasse
Abstract: This talk will present some exciting news about Pharo such as the birth of PharoPro a support service for Pharo. We will cover the new tools of Pharo 40 and we will show the current development effort such as event touch, new graphical kernel.
Bio: Stephane is directeur de recherche at Inria. He has more than 16 years of experience in software maintenance. He leads the RMoD (http://rmod.lille.inria.fr) team. He is expert in two domains: object-oriented language design and reengineering. He worked on traits, composable groups of methods, and this work got some impact. Traits have been introduced in Pharo, Perl, PHP and under a variant into Scala, Fortress of SUN Microsystems. He is also expert on software quality, program understanding, program visualizations, reengineering and metamodeling. He is one of the developer of Moose, an open-source software analysis platform http://www.moosetechnology.org/. He created http://www.synectique.eu/ a company building dedicated tools for advanced software analysis.
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzwCMLFIJ8
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzwCMLFIJ8
This document compares and summarizes several deep learning frameworks: Caffe, Chainer, CNTK, DL4J, Keras, MXNet, TensorFlow, and Theano. It describes who created each framework, when it was released, example applications, design motivations, and key features from technical, design, and programming perspectives.
This document provides an overview of Pharo, an open-source Smalltalk-based programming language and environment:
- Pharo is a pure object-oriented language where everything is an object, including classes. It has a simple syntax that fits on a postcard and a complete but elegant object model.
- Pharo has a large community of developers and is used for a wide range of projects including web frameworks, databases, tools, and games. It has an active developer community on sites like Twitter and YouTube.
- The document outlines some of Pharo's key features like its live, interactive development environment; single inheritance; public methods and protected attributes; and use of messages, blocks, and keywords for
Eclipse Hawk provides scalable querying of models by indexing them into graph databases. It addresses challenges of collaborative modeling on large systems by distributed teams. The Hawk API is designed for flexibility, performance, and scalability through features like multiple communication styles, efficient encodings, and paged results.
Stackato is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing product from ActiveState that allows developers to easily deploy applications and services written in languages like Perl, Ruby, and JavaScript to public and private clouds. The presenter evaluates Stackato based on their experience, demonstrating how to deploy a simple "Hello World" Perl application using Mojolicious and exploring Stackato's management console, application updating process, and built-in app store. They conclude that Stackato provides benefits like easy access to platforms and frameworks with minimal differences between development and production.
Two years ago Ardoq set out to build the documentation platform that the IT-professional wants to use. Starting a greenfield project, we were free to choose what we considered to be the best technology for the job, so we ended up using Clojure for all backend components.
In this talk I will share our experience using Clojure to build the http://ardoq.com/ documentation platform.
A few highlights
- Building comprehensive REST-APIs in Clojure
- Rapid feedback using REPL driven development
- Building a realtime web backend using Clojure, WebSockets and Redis.
I will also share some of the mistakes we made along the way, as well as lessons learned and tips for anyone starting a new Clojure project.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | Building Production Platform for Large-Scale Recommendat...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Xu Ning (Director of Engineering, AI Platform @ Snap)
In this talk, Xu Ning from Snap provides a comprehensive overview of the unique challenges in building and scaling recommendation systems compared to LLM applications.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
2013 pharo is yours revisited. Santiago DCC University of Chile Presentation.Pharo
This is a key presentation for all users of Pharo and teachers. Considering that Pharo is your systems can radically change your impact and willingness to impact the system. Join and get an impact
- Hands-On Pharo is a one day workshop to get started with Pharo, an open-source Smalltalk development environment and language.
- The objectives are to get familiar with Pharo's syntax, model, testing, coding, and find information. Participants will explore and change running systems through live programming.
- Pharo has a large community and ecosystem powering many web, database, tooling, and other projects. It is fully open source and can be used for software development across domains.
Pharo 3 was released in April 2014 with over 2300 issues closed and 850 updates. Pharo 4 is scheduled for release in Spring 2015 and is already very stable with over 175 updates and 480 issues closed. Key ongoing work includes first class variables, advanced reflection, one file Pharo, Epicea to replace the .changes file, and putting sources directly in the image to simplify deployment. Pharo development remains very active with improvements across many areas.
Pharo3 is an open-source programming environment and language based on Smalltalk. Some key updates in Pharo3 include a new inspector, vector graphics library, Opal compiler, class builder, and debugger. Pharo has an active community with over 80 projects on its continuous integration server and is supported by a consortium and association.
The document summarizes news and updates about the Pharo programming language and ecosystem. It highlights the growing adoption of Pharo in universities and research groups around the world, new books and MOOCs being released, improvements and stabilization in the Pharo 5.0 release, and ongoing work to optimize performance and develop new tools and frameworks like Epicea, GT Tools, Match, and Sista. It also promotes Pharo Pro services and mentions several external projects and companies building on and contributing to Pharo.
The document discusses Smalltalk and its use in business. It provides an overview of Smalltalk, including its history and inventions. It describes dialects like Pharo and how it can be used for web development, databases, and more. Benefits include productivity, flexibility, and being fully object-oriented, while disadvantages include lack of mainstream popularity and documentation compared to other languages.
Pharo: Programming in an Immersive World (St辿phane Ducasse Technology Stream)IT Arena
Lviv IT Arena is a conference specially designed for programmers, designers, developers, top managers, inverstors, entrepreneurs and startuppers. Annually it takes place at the beginning of October in Lviv at Arena Lviv stadium. In 2016 the conference gathered more than 1800 participants and over 100 speakers from companies like Microsoft, Philips, Twitter, UBER and IBM. More details about the conference at itarena.lviv.ua.
Pharo est un langage purement orient辿 objet, enti竪rement r辿flexif et dynamique, avec une syntaxe simple qui tient sur une carte postale. Il offre une tr竪s forte productivit辿 due l'interactivit辿 et la proximit辿 des objets donn辿e aux programmeurs, ainsi qu' la rapidit辿 de sa prise en main.
Inspir辿 par Smalltalk, Pharo d辿finit un ensemble d'outils d'analyse de codes adaptables facilement personnalisables par le programmeur.
Pharo vous plonge en interaction constante avec les objets en cours d'ex辿cution, qu'il s'agisse d'objets simples, de GPU, d'applications Web, d'objets 3D ou de vos propres classes, pour une totale immersion et ma樽trise du code.
Nous vous dresserons un bref tour d'horizon des r辿alisations des startups en France et l'international.
Une occasion unique de d辿couvrir un langage diff辿rent et d'exploiter rapidement ses nouvelles potentialit辿s de d辿veloppement !
Pour aller plus loin :
- http://books.pharo.org/
- http://consortium.pharo.org/
- http://mooc.pharo.org/
- https://pharoweekly.wordpress.com/
An introduction of Pharo.
Pharo is a new dynamically typed language. It is inspired from Smalltalk and it is
elegant, simple and powerful. http://www.pharo.org
Pharo 2.0 is an update to the Pharo programming environment and language. It includes many improvements and new features such as a rewritten code browser called Nautilus, new libraries like Fuel for fast serialization, and core reductions that shrink the size of Pharo. The Pharo Consortium and User Association are being formed to support continued development of Pharo through member fees and help sustain the community. Pharo 3.0 planned for later in 2013 will focus on replacing the compiler and class builder with new implementations to improve the language.
Pharo Consortium: A roadmap to solid evolutionESUG
Title: Pharo Consortium: A roadmap to solid evolution.
Abstract: The Pharo Consortium takes action to guarantee the growth of Pharo as a community organisation as well as supports its development into ever-changing requirements of todays computing needs.
In this talk I will present the current status of Pharo Consortium, its consolidation as Pharo governance structure and the actions taken to make Pharo a more robust environment.
I will also review the Pharo 7 development and direction for Pharo 8 and beyond.
Bio: Esteban Lorenzano studied Computer Sciences at Universidad de Buenos Aires, and worked since 1994 in several object-oriented and low-level technologies, in different software companies, serving in various positions from programmer to senior architect.
In 2007 he co-founded Smallworks to offer Pharo-based agile development projects. Since 2012 he dedicated full time to developing the Pharo code and community.
He works with the INRIA-RMoD team in Lille, France, as core developer for Pharo, being responsible with the coordination of new releases, the implementation and maintenance of Pharo libraries and the maintenance of the Pharo flavour of the Cog Virtual Machine, FFI integration and plugins in all major platforms (OSX, Linux and Windows).
The roadmap of Pharo 7 and Pharo 8.
Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE and OS rolled into one).
Title: Pharo
Tue, July 14, 9am 10am
First Name: Stephane
Last Name: Ducasse
Abstract: This talk will present some exciting news about Pharo such as the birth of PharoPro a support service for Pharo. We will cover the new tools of Pharo 40 and we will show the current development effort such as event touch, new graphical kernel.
Bio: Stephane is directeur de recherche at Inria. He has more than 16 years of experience in software maintenance. He leads the RMoD (http://rmod.lille.inria.fr) team. He is expert in two domains: object-oriented language design and reengineering. He worked on traits, composable groups of methods, and this work got some impact. Traits have been introduced in Pharo, Perl, PHP and under a variant into Scala, Fortress of SUN Microsystems. He is also expert on software quality, program understanding, program visualizations, reengineering and metamodeling. He is one of the developer of Moose, an open-source software analysis platform http://www.moosetechnology.org/. He created http://www.synectique.eu/ a company building dedicated tools for advanced software analysis.
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzwCMLFIJ8
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzwCMLFIJ8
This document compares and summarizes several deep learning frameworks: Caffe, Chainer, CNTK, DL4J, Keras, MXNet, TensorFlow, and Theano. It describes who created each framework, when it was released, example applications, design motivations, and key features from technical, design, and programming perspectives.
This document provides an overview of Pharo, an open-source Smalltalk-based programming language and environment:
- Pharo is a pure object-oriented language where everything is an object, including classes. It has a simple syntax that fits on a postcard and a complete but elegant object model.
- Pharo has a large community of developers and is used for a wide range of projects including web frameworks, databases, tools, and games. It has an active developer community on sites like Twitter and YouTube.
- The document outlines some of Pharo's key features like its live, interactive development environment; single inheritance; public methods and protected attributes; and use of messages, blocks, and keywords for
Eclipse Hawk provides scalable querying of models by indexing them into graph databases. It addresses challenges of collaborative modeling on large systems by distributed teams. The Hawk API is designed for flexibility, performance, and scalability through features like multiple communication styles, efficient encodings, and paged results.
Stackato is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing product from ActiveState that allows developers to easily deploy applications and services written in languages like Perl, Ruby, and JavaScript to public and private clouds. The presenter evaluates Stackato based on their experience, demonstrating how to deploy a simple "Hello World" Perl application using Mojolicious and exploring Stackato's management console, application updating process, and built-in app store. They conclude that Stackato provides benefits like easy access to platforms and frameworks with minimal differences between development and production.
Two years ago Ardoq set out to build the documentation platform that the IT-professional wants to use. Starting a greenfield project, we were free to choose what we considered to be the best technology for the job, so we ended up using Clojure for all backend components.
In this talk I will share our experience using Clojure to build the http://ardoq.com/ documentation platform.
A few highlights
- Building comprehensive REST-APIs in Clojure
- Rapid feedback using REPL driven development
- Building a realtime web backend using Clojure, WebSockets and Redis.
I will also share some of the mistakes we made along the way, as well as lessons learned and tips for anyone starting a new Clojure project.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | Building Production Platform for Large-Scale Recommendat...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Xu Ning (Director of Engineering, AI Platform @ Snap)
In this talk, Xu Ning from Snap provides a comprehensive overview of the unique challenges in building and scaling recommendation systems compared to LLM applications.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?Ava Isley
This PPT on "ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?" provides a comparative analysis of the two AI tools, focusing on usability, interface design, customization, and overall user satisfaction.
It evaluates their strengths and weaknesses to determine which offers a superior experience.
For businesses seeking custom software development services in USA, choosing the right AI tool is essential for enhancing automation, customer interaction, and workflow efficiency.
A Brief Introduction About Raman BhaumikRaman Bhaumik
Raman Bhaumik is a driven Junior Software Developer with over three years of experience crafting efficient web applications. With expertise in Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and frameworks like React, Django, and Node.js, Raman is dedicated to improving system performance. She is passionate about mentoring young developers through coding workshops.
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | How Uber Optimizes LLM Training and FinetuneAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | Optimizing ML Data Access with Alluxio: Preprocessing, ...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Bin Fan (VP of Technology @ Alluxio)
In this talk, Bin Fan shares his insights on data access challenges in ML applications, with particular emphasis on how Alluxio's distributed caching helps bridge the gap between storage and compute in preprocessing, pretraining and inference.
DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
Platform engineering is the foundation of modern software development, equipping teams with the tools and workflows they need to move faster. However, to truly drive impact, platform engineers must think like product managersleveraging productivity metrics to guide decisions, prioritize investments, and measure success. By applying a data-driven approach, platform teams can optimize developer experience, streamline workflows, and demonstrate tangible ROI on platform initiatives.
In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (getdx.com), will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
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Software test automation is transforming the way teams ensure product quality, making testing faster, more efficient, and highly reliable. This guide covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, helping both beginners and experts optimize their testing processes. Youll explore various automation tools, frameworks, and best practices to improve test accuracy and speed up development cycles. With software test automation, organizations can minimize manual effort while enhancing test coverage. Whether you're just starting out or refining your existing automation strategies, this guide provides actionable insights and real-world examples to help you achieve success in automated testing.
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Eric Terry, Senior Director of Quality Control at EVERSANA, shares real-world insights on how his teams leverage code and no-code tools to streamline test automation, bridge skill gaps, and integrate manual and automated workflows seamlessly.
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Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Deployment, Discovery and Serving of LLMs at Uber ScaleAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Sean Po (Staff SWE @ Uber)
- Tse-Chi Wang (Senior SWE @ Uber)
This talk provided a deep dive into how Uber manages its Generative AI Gateway, which powers all generative AI applications across the company.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | Deployment, Discovery and Serving of LLMs at Uber ScaleAlluxio, Inc.
Pharo Status
1. Pharo Status
Marcus Denker, St辿phane Ducasse
presented by
Jannik Laval
3. Pharo
MIT license
Pure object language
Great community of active doers
Elegant and fun to program
Living system under your fingers
Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows
5. Pharo in numbers
282 000 downloads on the Inria gforge
40-60 active commiters
> 600 mailing-list members
200 license agreements
60 association members
11 industrial consortium members
around 400 external projects or more
9. Blogs
Guille Polito, Playing with Objects
Mariano Martinez Peck, Sending messages
Igor Stasenko, Computer Adventures
Laurent Laffont, MaGaLoMa
Esteban Lorenzano, The Martian Chronicles
Tudor Girba, Humane assessment
Philippe Back, The Philippe Back Report
Yuriy Tymchuk, Uko on Code and Sleepy Coders
12. Since may 2008
Very High
Pharo 3.0 - Apr 2014 ( around 2600 closed cases)
Pharo 2.0 - Apr 2013 (1657 closed cases)
Pharo 1.4 - Apr 2012 (988 closed cases)
Pharo 1.3 (736 closed cases)
Pharo 1.2 - mar 2011 (691 closed cases)
Pharo 1.1 - jul 2010 (918 closed cases)
Pharo 1.0 - oct 2009 (307 closed cases)
13. Pharo's Teachers
Uni. of Buenos Aires Uni. of Bern Uni. of
Maroua Uni. of Brussels Ecole des Mines de
Douai Uni. de Savoie Ivan Franko Nat. Uni. of
Lviv Czech Technical Uni. CULS Prague
Uni. of Quilmes Uni. of La Plata
Northern Michigan Uni.
Uni. Technologica Nacional (UTN) Uni.
Catholic of Argentina Uni. of Santiago
Uni. Policnica de Catalunya Uni. of Saarland
Uni. de Bretagne Occidentale Uni. of Tomsk
14. Research Groups
Lafhis (AR)
Software Composition Group (CH)
Ummisco (IRD)
Reveal (CH)
Lysic (FR)
Pleiad (CL)
CEA-List (FR)
Uqbar (AR)
15. Design ideas
Object-centric debugging
First-class slots
Bootstrapping a Smalltalk
Vector graphic core
New modules
New frameworks
STON, Tide, Voyage, Babymock, Mocketry
25. Consortium Members
Managed by Inria for now
Who: companies, institutions, user groups
Privileged access to the core development team
Influence priorities of the next development
Engineering support time
Job posts
Training/Conferences special prices
26. Fees
Gold 4000
4 days of engineering time + multiple job descriptions for job
dashboard + diamond sponsor.
Silver 2000
two days of engineering time + one job description +
diamond sponsor.
Bronze 1000
one day of engineering time + diamond sponsor.
36. Yet easy to adopt
Moose switched in two afternoons (two people)
Others: I just loaded my packages"
37. Infrastructure: CI
https://ci.inria.fr is stable and used a lot
Every fix is validated automatically before human review
Every update triggers test run on 3 Architectures
over 80 projects in pharo-contribution
40. Small Stuff
Lots of Cleanups
Lots of tuning (perfomance, memory)
Lots of small improvements
41. Lots of larger things
Closure class now standard in Pharo3
Terminal output for stderr
Cleanup Source file related code
AST Interpreter
AST based Navigation in Browser
42. New Inspector
Unify Inspector and Explorer
Make specialised inspectors visible
43. Athens: Vector Graphics
New API for Vector Graphics
Independent of Backend
For now: Cairo
Balloon3D for Debugging
Future: OpenGL
45. Opal Compiler
IRBuilder: Bytecode backend with high-level builder
Much easier to change
Basis for advanced Reflection
46. New ClassBuilder
Replaces the old ClassBuilder
Easier to understand and more flexible
Basis for First Class Variables (Slots)
47. New Debugger
Model now separate from View
Model is scriptable
Debugger is extensible with Commands
48. Command Line
denker$ ./pharo Pharo.image --list!
Currently installed Command Line Handlers:!
Fuel Loads fuel files!
config Install Configurations!
save Rename the image and changes file!
update Load updates!
printVersion Print image version!
st Loads and executes .st source files!
test A command line test runner!
clean Run image cleanup!
eval Directly evaluates one line scripts!
52. Pharo4
Again: To be released Spring 2015
Already 175 updates
480 Issues closed
Very stable
53. For example
Improved Refactorings
6MB Deployment Image
ifTrue: on non-Booleans
Browser and Tool cleanups
Context Cleanup (MethodContext/ContextPart merge)
66. One File Pharo
.sources, .changes. .image
It is time to simplify that!
67. Epicea
Replace .changes
High level model:
aggregate changes (refactoring)
serialized to disk independent of source model
69. Sources
It is 2014: Memory is cheap.
Complexity is expensive
Why not just put the sources in the image?
Externalize when needed (small devices)
Code history is in Monticello (or Git)
70. Bootstrap
Create an image from a git repository
Control what the image contains
Easier to make changes
Enforces Modularity
71. Boostrap
Working for Pharo3 as a prototype
Can we even use this for Pharo4 on the build
72. And more
GT Tools
VM related news
Spur, Sista, 64bit
.. there are lots of talks here
73. Pharo Status
Marcus Denker, St辿phane Ducasse
presented by
Jannik Laval