Bullying has become commonplace and is associated with increased rates of suicide, school violence, mental illness, and diminished academic performance. Victims of prolonged bullying frequently see suicide as their only option to escape it, and many school shooters are former students who were bullied. Bullying exacerbates any existing mental health conditions and prevents both victims and bullies from learning due to increased anxiety and a primary focus on bullying respectively. Philosophers like Epicurus, Aquinas, and Aristotle would emphasize treating others with compassion through virtues like justice and kindness.
VE 10 Q2 Topic 6 We Know the Importance of Our Emotions (Modifiers).pdfRedgz Tapalla-Molidor
This document discusses how emotions affect human behavior and responsibility. It explains that emotions are meant to be expressed in healthy ways, as suppressing emotions can harm well-being. The document also discusses several "modifiers of human acts" that can diminish culpability for one's actions, including ignorance, intense emotions, fear, violence, and habits. It provides examples of how different types of ignorance and emotions can lessen or increase responsibility depending on the situation.
This document discusses different types of human freedom, including physical freedom to move freely, psychological freedom of choice, and moral freedom to act with dignity. It also examines elements of freedom such as voluntariness to act of one's own free will and responsibility to accept consequences. Finally, it defines human acts as rational actions involving understanding and free will, and distinguishes these from involuntary acts due to ignorance, fear, passion, violence, or habits.
The passage discusses the pros and cons of the death penalty. It acknowledges that both sides make valid points, with proponents arguing it makes citizens safer and opponents arguing humans shouldn't play God. The author ultimately believes the death penalty should be abolished for three reasons: governments are flawed systems, a law won't end all murders, and people shouldn't have authority to determine if someone lives or dies.
The document discusses abuse and violence, defining abuse as harmful treatment from someone trusted and violence as intentional physical force often causing injury. It outlines types of abuse like physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, bullying, domestic violence, and child abuse. It provides signs and examples for each type. Finally, it recommends ways to prevent abuse and violence, such as reporting abuse, maintaining good relationships, avoiding dangerous situations and people prone to violence, and being cautious online.
Man has free will that distinguishes him from creation and allows him to reason between good and evil. True freedom comes from following moral laws, which sets us free from slavery to sin. While living virtuously requires struggle, strength comes from prayer, Scripture, and sacraments like Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Moral acts proceed from deliberate choices between good and evil, expressing one's character. Responsibility for acts depends on knowledge, with invincible ignorance lessening culpability.
This document provides an introduction and overview of key concepts related to philosophy of the human person, freedom, and responsibility. It discusses the difference between human acts and acts of man, defines voluntary and involuntary actions, and distinguishes between intellectual choice and practical choice. The objectives are to identify concepts around human freedom, explain the relationship between freedom and obligation, distinguish between human actions and acts of man, and apply the concepts to hypothetical situations.
Man's free will distinguishes him from the rest of creation through his ability to reason, understand, and discern between good and evil. True freedom comes from following moral laws rather than one's desires, as desires can enslave us to sin. Living virtuously through obedience to moral truths leads to fulfillment and happiness. While love of God is the perfect motivator for moral living, fear of consequences can also motivate obedience. Christians believe God has established moral laws for our benefit that are written on our hearts through natural law.
Chapter 10
Aggression & Antisocial Behavior
Todays outline
Why are people aggressive?
Social learning
Media & violence
Aggression under orders
Milgrams study
Assertiveness instead of aggression
Antisocial Behavior
Antisocial behavior: any behavior that has a negative impact on other people
Aggression: hurting another person or achieving ones goals at the expense of another person
E.g. war, homicide, riots, rape, assault, forcible robbery, family violence, bullying, etc.
Why are we aggressive?
Why are we aggressive?
First, as a quick note, with each passing year the world has grown more peaceful
Despite what it may seem like from the media
The world is many times more peaceful than in ancient times, where proportionally more people would died in wars
In the 2000s there were only 2k deaths per year from warring countries whereas in the 1950s there were 65k per year.
Ethologists: people who study natural behavior patterns of animals
Believe that aggression is innate in all animals, including humans, e.g. killer instinct
Freud would have agreed
The fact that we are biologically capable of aggression does not mean that aggression is inevitable or part of human nature
The vast majority of people are NOT aggressive
Some cultures show very little: Eskimos, Navajo
Testosterone correlated with aggression
May partially explain why we see more physical violence from men than woman
Alcohol & other drugs lower inhibitions
The majority of murders and violent crimes involve alcohol
Body temperature is also linked to aggression
For this reason prisons usually keep a cool temperature
Other innate causes of aggression
Well, this theme has come up many times so far in this course, but once again:
Violent individuals often have high self-esteem and grandiose self beliefs
Bushman & Baumeister (2002), the authors of your textbook, also found that violent prisoners have higher narcissism scores than nonviolent people
Narcissism continued
Narcissistic personality inventory:
I insist on getting the respect I deserve
Then participants mark the extent to which they agree
Direct quote from the Columbine killer:
Isnt it fun to get the respect that were going to deserve?
Narcissistic rage, yikes!!!
Aggression as a response to Frustration
Frustration-aggression hypothesis: frustration tends to lead to aggression
road rage
watch for verbal aggression when people are frustrated
Why though?
Perhaps because frustration is an aversive state
Aggression as a response to aversive stimuli
Aversive stimuli make us more sensitive to aggressive cues
Aversive stimuli: pain, temperature, odors, etc.
Aggression cues: signals that are associated with aggression
Rude gestures, middle finger, body language
Weapons effect: observation that weapons serve as strong cues for aggressive behavior
Murders are much more likely in homes with guns
Hostile worl ...
ENGLISH-5-Q3-MakeAStand.pptx make a stand To publicly assert one's opinion or...MyleneStoTomas
1) The document discusses making a stand and differentiating between facts and opinions. It provides examples of facts from an article about gossipmongers and asks the reader to identify which statements are facts and which are opinions.
2) The reader is asked to choose a picture about garbage or bullying and write a paragraph explaining their stand on the issue.
3) The document asks questions to assess the reader's understanding of making a stand and defending their beliefs. It also provides hypothetical situations and asks the reader to choose an option for how they would make a stand.
A presentation by Adam Arnold at the event "Bullying in Our Midst" (4/14/13) - http://semnsynod.org/ministries/cyf/bullying-in-our-midst/
What makes a bully be a bully? What conditions and variables are in place that makes him/her think its okay to be cruel to others? If we really want to stop the epidemic that is literally taking the lives of our youth, we must go beyond treating the symptoms of the bullys behavior. We must look at the source of the problem.
Utilizing the latest research on bullying, psychotherapist Adam Arnold discusses systemic, practical, and strength-based approaches for getting to the heart of bullying.
Adam holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and Psychotherapy, is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and is a member of the LGBT Therapists Network, the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy as well as the Minnesota Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
In addition to being a family therapist in private practice and the Executive Artistic Director for blank slate theatre (www.blankslatetheatre.com), Adam has worked as a counselor in several residential and day treatment centers, and as a group psychotherapist in the addiction and domestic violence fields.
More about Adam at www.adamwarnold.com.
VE 10 Q2 Topic 1 We Understand Human Acts And Their Significance (Human Acts...Redgz Tapalla-Molidor
This document discusses the difference between human acts and acts of man. Human acts come from a person's premeditated free will and require elements of knowledge, freedom, and voluntariness. Acts of man are involuntary actions performed without using intellect or will, such as bodily functions, or actions done due to ignorance, fear, or force. The document provides examples of human acts like a student working part-time to help her parents, versus acts of man like a person crossing the street unsafely due to ignorance of traffic rules. It emphasizes that human acts are expected of humans and require full knowledge and willingness.
Albert Ellis (1913-2007) was an American psychologist who developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). He had a difficult childhood, suffering from numerous health issues and an unstable family life after his parents' divorce when he was 12. These experiences influenced his interest in psychotherapy. After earning degrees in business administration and psychology, Ellis began advocating a direct, active form of psychotherapy called Rational Therapy in 1953. REBT helps clients identify and dispute irrational beliefs that lead to dysfunctional emotions and behaviors, replacing them with more rational and adaptive beliefs. Ellis authored over 80 books popularizing REBT for conditions like depression, anger, anxiety, and relationship issues. He is considered one of the founders of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Interview Essay. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example ThatsnotusBridget Zhao
Interview Essay - 11 Examples, Format, Pdf Examples. 003 Interview Essay Examples Free Example Best Photos Of Template .... Essay Interview Telegraph. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus. 006 An Interview Essay Format 309247 Thatsnotus. Wonderful Sample Interview Essay Thatsnotus. 015 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Best Photos Of Papers High .... Interview Essay Example Template Business. Interview Essay Examples Telegraph. 001 Interview Essay Example Special Education Teacher Edited Term Paper .... Interview Essay. Shocking Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus. 020 Interview Essay Example Research Thesis Statement Writing For .... Written Essay For Job Interview - Writing An Interview Essay. Exceptional Interview Essay Introduction Thatsnotus. 20 Interview Essay Templates - PDF, DOC. Interview essay paper. Interview Essay Sample - Essays university students interview essays .... Sample Interview Essay The Document Template. FREE 16 Sample Essay Templates in PDF. 012 Interview Essays Of Student Reflections Free Thatsnotus. 005 High School Application Essay Examples Example Sample Essays For ... Interview Essay Interview Essay. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus
The document discusses disclosing a history of mental illness like OCD and depression when applying for jobs. The narrator wants to return to work after being on disability leave, but is concerned about employers discriminating due to their mental health conditions. The interviewer remarks imply a concern that the narrator could become violent, showing a misunderstanding of mental illness.
The second document analyzes Jeffrey Dahmer's life and possible diagnosis. Dahmer was a serial killer known for disturbing acts like preserving body parts. He had a lonely childhood and interest in dead animals from a young age. The document will discuss his life and whether he exhibited signs of any personality disorders.
The document discusses abuse and violence, defining abuse as harmful treatment from someone trusted and violence as intentional physical force often causing injury. It outlines types of abuse like physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, bullying, domestic violence, and child abuse. It provides signs and examples for each type. Finally, it recommends ways to prevent abuse and violence, such as reporting abuse, maintaining good relationships, avoiding dangerous situations and people prone to violence, and being cautious online.
Man has free will that distinguishes him from creation and allows him to reason between good and evil. True freedom comes from following moral laws, which sets us free from slavery to sin. While living virtuously requires struggle, strength comes from prayer, Scripture, and sacraments like Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Moral acts proceed from deliberate choices between good and evil, expressing one's character. Responsibility for acts depends on knowledge, with invincible ignorance lessening culpability.
This document provides an introduction and overview of key concepts related to philosophy of the human person, freedom, and responsibility. It discusses the difference between human acts and acts of man, defines voluntary and involuntary actions, and distinguishes between intellectual choice and practical choice. The objectives are to identify concepts around human freedom, explain the relationship between freedom and obligation, distinguish between human actions and acts of man, and apply the concepts to hypothetical situations.
Man's free will distinguishes him from the rest of creation through his ability to reason, understand, and discern between good and evil. True freedom comes from following moral laws rather than one's desires, as desires can enslave us to sin. Living virtuously through obedience to moral truths leads to fulfillment and happiness. While love of God is the perfect motivator for moral living, fear of consequences can also motivate obedience. Christians believe God has established moral laws for our benefit that are written on our hearts through natural law.
Chapter 10
Aggression & Antisocial Behavior
Todays outline
Why are people aggressive?
Social learning
Media & violence
Aggression under orders
Milgrams study
Assertiveness instead of aggression
Antisocial Behavior
Antisocial behavior: any behavior that has a negative impact on other people
Aggression: hurting another person or achieving ones goals at the expense of another person
E.g. war, homicide, riots, rape, assault, forcible robbery, family violence, bullying, etc.
Why are we aggressive?
Why are we aggressive?
First, as a quick note, with each passing year the world has grown more peaceful
Despite what it may seem like from the media
The world is many times more peaceful than in ancient times, where proportionally more people would died in wars
In the 2000s there were only 2k deaths per year from warring countries whereas in the 1950s there were 65k per year.
Ethologists: people who study natural behavior patterns of animals
Believe that aggression is innate in all animals, including humans, e.g. killer instinct
Freud would have agreed
The fact that we are biologically capable of aggression does not mean that aggression is inevitable or part of human nature
The vast majority of people are NOT aggressive
Some cultures show very little: Eskimos, Navajo
Testosterone correlated with aggression
May partially explain why we see more physical violence from men than woman
Alcohol & other drugs lower inhibitions
The majority of murders and violent crimes involve alcohol
Body temperature is also linked to aggression
For this reason prisons usually keep a cool temperature
Other innate causes of aggression
Well, this theme has come up many times so far in this course, but once again:
Violent individuals often have high self-esteem and grandiose self beliefs
Bushman & Baumeister (2002), the authors of your textbook, also found that violent prisoners have higher narcissism scores than nonviolent people
Narcissism continued
Narcissistic personality inventory:
I insist on getting the respect I deserve
Then participants mark the extent to which they agree
Direct quote from the Columbine killer:
Isnt it fun to get the respect that were going to deserve?
Narcissistic rage, yikes!!!
Aggression as a response to Frustration
Frustration-aggression hypothesis: frustration tends to lead to aggression
road rage
watch for verbal aggression when people are frustrated
Why though?
Perhaps because frustration is an aversive state
Aggression as a response to aversive stimuli
Aversive stimuli make us more sensitive to aggressive cues
Aversive stimuli: pain, temperature, odors, etc.
Aggression cues: signals that are associated with aggression
Rude gestures, middle finger, body language
Weapons effect: observation that weapons serve as strong cues for aggressive behavior
Murders are much more likely in homes with guns
Hostile worl ...
ENGLISH-5-Q3-MakeAStand.pptx make a stand To publicly assert one's opinion or...MyleneStoTomas
1) The document discusses making a stand and differentiating between facts and opinions. It provides examples of facts from an article about gossipmongers and asks the reader to identify which statements are facts and which are opinions.
2) The reader is asked to choose a picture about garbage or bullying and write a paragraph explaining their stand on the issue.
3) The document asks questions to assess the reader's understanding of making a stand and defending their beliefs. It also provides hypothetical situations and asks the reader to choose an option for how they would make a stand.
A presentation by Adam Arnold at the event "Bullying in Our Midst" (4/14/13) - http://semnsynod.org/ministries/cyf/bullying-in-our-midst/
What makes a bully be a bully? What conditions and variables are in place that makes him/her think its okay to be cruel to others? If we really want to stop the epidemic that is literally taking the lives of our youth, we must go beyond treating the symptoms of the bullys behavior. We must look at the source of the problem.
Utilizing the latest research on bullying, psychotherapist Adam Arnold discusses systemic, practical, and strength-based approaches for getting to the heart of bullying.
Adam holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and Psychotherapy, is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and is a member of the LGBT Therapists Network, the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy as well as the Minnesota Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
In addition to being a family therapist in private practice and the Executive Artistic Director for blank slate theatre (www.blankslatetheatre.com), Adam has worked as a counselor in several residential and day treatment centers, and as a group psychotherapist in the addiction and domestic violence fields.
More about Adam at www.adamwarnold.com.
VE 10 Q2 Topic 1 We Understand Human Acts And Their Significance (Human Acts...Redgz Tapalla-Molidor
This document discusses the difference between human acts and acts of man. Human acts come from a person's premeditated free will and require elements of knowledge, freedom, and voluntariness. Acts of man are involuntary actions performed without using intellect or will, such as bodily functions, or actions done due to ignorance, fear, or force. The document provides examples of human acts like a student working part-time to help her parents, versus acts of man like a person crossing the street unsafely due to ignorance of traffic rules. It emphasizes that human acts are expected of humans and require full knowledge and willingness.
Albert Ellis (1913-2007) was an American psychologist who developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). He had a difficult childhood, suffering from numerous health issues and an unstable family life after his parents' divorce when he was 12. These experiences influenced his interest in psychotherapy. After earning degrees in business administration and psychology, Ellis began advocating a direct, active form of psychotherapy called Rational Therapy in 1953. REBT helps clients identify and dispute irrational beliefs that lead to dysfunctional emotions and behaviors, replacing them with more rational and adaptive beliefs. Ellis authored over 80 books popularizing REBT for conditions like depression, anger, anxiety, and relationship issues. He is considered one of the founders of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Interview Essay. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example ThatsnotusBridget Zhao
Interview Essay - 11 Examples, Format, Pdf Examples. 003 Interview Essay Examples Free Example Best Photos Of Template .... Essay Interview Telegraph. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus. 006 An Interview Essay Format 309247 Thatsnotus. Wonderful Sample Interview Essay Thatsnotus. 015 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Best Photos Of Papers High .... Interview Essay Example Template Business. Interview Essay Examples Telegraph. 001 Interview Essay Example Special Education Teacher Edited Term Paper .... Interview Essay. Shocking Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus. 020 Interview Essay Example Research Thesis Statement Writing For .... Written Essay For Job Interview - Writing An Interview Essay. Exceptional Interview Essay Introduction Thatsnotus. 20 Interview Essay Templates - PDF, DOC. Interview essay paper. Interview Essay Sample - Essays university students interview essays .... Sample Interview Essay The Document Template. FREE 16 Sample Essay Templates in PDF. 012 Interview Essays Of Student Reflections Free Thatsnotus. 005 High School Application Essay Examples Example Sample Essays For ... Interview Essay Interview Essay. 002 How To Start An Interview Essay Example Thatsnotus
The document discusses disclosing a history of mental illness like OCD and depression when applying for jobs. The narrator wants to return to work after being on disability leave, but is concerned about employers discriminating due to their mental health conditions. The interviewer remarks imply a concern that the narrator could become violent, showing a misunderstanding of mental illness.
The second document analyzes Jeffrey Dahmer's life and possible diagnosis. Dahmer was a serial killer known for disturbing acts like preserving body parts. He had a lonely childhood and interest in dead animals from a young age. The document will discuss his life and whether he exhibited signs of any personality disorders.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
PHILO LESSON 5 FREEDOM of Human Person_085830.pptx
Arrange the letters that surrounds the hand to form a
word. Draw the hand in your notebook the write the
word inside the hand, then complete the Five Fingers
by filling each finger with words that you can associate
with the word you have formed.
According to Abella (2016), it is the power or
right to act, speak or think as you want
without hindrance or restraint.
It is an intrinsic and essential property of the
Lito is carrying his things along the hallway when
he suddenly loses his
balance and drops all of those things.
5. Which among the situations depicted in the
images below will be your MOST truthful
reaction? Why? Explain your answer
You may laugh at him
and refuse to help.
You just ignore him
while he picks up his
You choose to help him
pick up his things
1. Physical Freedom. It refers to the absence
of any physical restraint.
2. Psychological Freedom. The person is free
to perform actions that he or she considers
right and wise.
3. Moral Freedom. It refers to using freedom
in a manner that upholds human dignity and
1. Voluntariness
is the ability of a person to act out of his or
her own free will and self-determination.
also means that a person may act even if
he or she is not required or called to take action.
2. Responsibility
It refers to the person being accountable
for his or her actions and their consequences.
Taking responsibility can either mean a person
voluntarily taking responsibility for his or her
own actions, or being held responsible by other
9. Human Acts vs. Acts of Man
Human Acts
According to Dimson (2015), a human act
is referred to as the human activity of man as
man by which he obtains an end he wants to
obtain. Human acts are the rational acts of
human person which involve understanding
and free will. Human act can be morally good or
morally bad.
10. Three essential attributes
of Human Acts:
1. Knowledge.
It is performed consciously.
2. Free will.
It is performed freely.
3. Voluntary.
It is done willfully.
11. Acts of Man
are instinctive or involuntary. These
are actions done under the circumstances of
ignorance, fear, passion, violence, habits and
physical and biological movements.
12. Ignorance. Lack of knowledge in a certain thing.
Fear. It is a mental disorder brought on by the
apprehension of some present or imminent danger.
Passion. Considered as mental responses, either
tendencies towards desirable objects or tendencies
away from undesirable objects.
Violence. Is a forced exerted on a person by another
person in order to compel him to perform a certain
action against his will.
Habits. Is a constant that tends to influence one to
perform repeatedly similar actions
13. QUIZ NO. 1
A. Read the following scenarios carefully.
Identify whether the scenario in each item
depicts Physical Freedom. Psychological
Freedom or Moral Freedom.
1. Alex by nature is short. However, he is very
athletic. He plays lawn tennis whenever there is a
chance. He does not suffer from any physical
2. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a
new pair of shoes, Monique decided to donate the
money to the affected of lockdown in their
barangay due to Covid-19.
14. 3. Mr. Pantalunan is a righteous man. He was
never charged for any immorality. Therefore, he
is free from any moral restraint.
4. Despite threats made on his life, the witness
decided to come forward and reveal the
important information regarding the crime he
5. Mr. Britos choose to live his life bound by an
adherence of virtues such as honesty, loyalty,
forgiveness and self-discipline.
15. B. The following are scenarios or situations about Human
Acts and Acts of Man. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and write FALSE if otherwise.
1. Juan-a young man who grew up in the province-went to the
city for the first time. He crosses the street without a second
thought and almost got hit by a car. This is an example of
Human Acts.
2. Gillian is a college student. Her mother works as a vegetable
dealer while her father is a waiter. Their earnings are barely
enough to send their child to school. Before the final
examination, Gillians parents failed to send her money for her
tuition. One of Gillians friend, Giselle, offered her to work as an
entertainer for her to earn money for tuition. Without
hesitation, Gillian signed up for the job. This action of Gillian is
an example of Human Acts.
16. 3. Mrs. Aquino is a very rich businesswoman.
Her only son was kidnapped and the kidnappers
asked for P 50 million pesos. Mrs. Aquino gave the
money right away. Mrs. Aquinos action is an
example of Acts of Man.
4. Acts of Man is when you decide on material
things like choosing what dress to wear.
5. Example of Human Acts are sleeping, walking
and eating.
17. Assignment No. 1
In the table below, summarize your
understanding on freedom by completing
the table. Copy the table and write your
answer in each column.
Editor's Notes
#3: , he also explained that freedom is also understood as the power to be what you want to be and the ability to decide and create yourself.
Freedom is rooted in the human persons self-determination and the exercise of intellect and free will. This means that a persons every action is freely determined and these actions define him or her.
#6: 1. Meaning, it allows us to move from one place to another and to go wherever we want to go.
2. This freedom is innate or natural and cannot be denied. This is also called freedom of choice.
3. We are become more free when we use our freedom well, but becomes less free when we use it in a bad way
#8: Voluntariness and responsibility go hand-in-hand in determining freedom, when we are in a situation where we are forced to do an action against on our will it follows that we are not be held responsible for our involuntary actions.
#10: Any actions that lack of these attributes are not considered as Human Acts.
#12: These are the actions connected with the persons body. Examples are sleeping, beating of the heart, digestion, blinking of the eye, eating, and walking.