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Public Relations
PDG Upkar Singh Sethi
ARPIC-Assistant Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator
Districts 3070,3080,3090,3100
Pi and membership
Never Heard
of Rotary
Name Only
We are the greatest story
never told. Quite simply,
strengthening our brand is
essential to Rotarys
 Explain who we are
 What we do
 Why we matter.
Doing business without
advertising is like winking at a
girl in the dark.
You know what you are
doing but nobody else does
Tell our Rotary story
We have to be telling our story
with a unified voice,
in a compelling way
with a consistent message
and the story has to have a
humanitarian touch.
Unites leaders to exchange ideas and
take action to improve communities
Tell our Rotary story
We have to be telling our story
with a unified voice,
in a compelling way
with a consistent message
and the story has to have a
humanitarian touch.
Public Image is a result of ----
Doing good, and
letting people know about it
We excel in the former
Often struggle with the latter
Thats why we need to give
emphasiz on on GOOD Public Image
Public relations / Public Image is about
the result of what you do, what you say, and
what others say about you
Thus, we have the future of our
great organisation in our OWN hands,
and it all starts at GRASS ROOTS level 
What we all do in our own community,
the image of Rotary that WE project 
think locally, act locally.
Do things that make the general
public sit up and take notice of
Rotary and what we do
Rotarys Public Relations or Public Image -
is the responsibility of
1.2= more
= =
Success builds Success

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Editor's Notes

  • #2: INTRODUCE MYSELF Rotary Showcase is RIs online tool that allows Rotarians and Rotaract leaders to share their projects with the world. While anyone can view the site only member access authenticated users can upload a project including photos and video. Users can comment on projects they find interesting or gain ideas for future projects.
  • #3: Rotary.org/Showcase or connect through Member Access Online tool where Rotarians and Rotaractors broadcast information and share service projects with the world Add and join service projects, connect with other clubs and districts, and explore the variety of projects that Rotarians are undertaking
  • #10: Rotary.org/Showcase or connect through Member Access Online tool where Rotarians and Rotaractors broadcast information and share service projects with the world Add and join service projects, connect with other clubs and districts, and explore the variety of projects that Rotarians are undertaking
  • #11: Speaking points: These three ideas are the very essence of Rotary: Rotary brings leaders together we are a catalyst for collaboration and for improvement in our communities. We exchange ideas, bringing our expertise and our diverse perspectives to bear on community problems. Then, because ideas are only the first part of the solution and Rotarians are interested in solving problems, Rotarians take action. By taking these three thoughts JOIN LEADERS, EXCHANGE IDEAS, and TAKE ACTION we can help every Rotarian to create an elevator speech that reflects his or her personal Rotary experience and culture as well as these three elements.
  • #17: Rotary.org/Showcase or connect through Member Access Online tool where Rotarians and Rotaractors broadcast information and share service projects with the world Add and join service projects, connect with other clubs and districts, and explore the variety of projects that Rotarians are undertaking
  • #18: Rotary.org/Showcase or connect through Member Access Online tool where Rotarians and Rotaractors broadcast information and share service projects with the world Add and join service projects, connect with other clubs and districts, and explore the variety of projects that Rotarians are undertaking
  • #21: While this has been a brief overview of how things currently exist on Rotary Showcase, we are currently working to further enhance the site based on feedback weve received from our users. While we currently have over 900 projects uploaded to the site, we do see a need for further assistance on how to construct your projects story. If youd like to learn more about effectively promoting your clubs and districts service endeavors, I encourage you to register for our webinar in November: Share your Impact! How to craft your service story at www.rotary.org/webinars EPR Login http://mapepr.rotary.org/en/selfservice/Pages/login.aspx nanico@vsnl.com Testing1