O que move a web atualmente?Fabio JaniszevskiPalestra na Uniguaçu - 2016. O que esta movendo a web atualmente, e quais são os principais pontos que geram produtividade no desenvolvimento.
Keynote address - AMUG 2011 - Miami, FloridaToddGrimmThis document discusses the opportunities and challenges of additive manufacturing. It outlines opportunities in areas like manufacturing, arts/entertainment, apparel, medicine, education, and more. However, it also notes challenges like a lack of awareness about what additive manufacturing is and how it works. It argues that to overcome these challenges, the additive manufacturing industry needs to work collectively with a unified message to raise awareness and leverage standards organizations and industry events.
Clip presentation 97 2003maheshghoneCalling line identification presentation (CLIP) allows the calling party's number and subscriber name to be displayed to the called party. When a call is placed, the originating phone switch sends the caller ID information, which the receiving telephone company looks up in a database to identify the subscriber name. However, caller ID can be blocked, trapped, or spoofed. Blocking prevents display of the caller ID by dialing a code, while trapping still sends the blocked number through the network where it can be identified. Spoofing involves generating fake caller ID information that does not match the actual calling number.
Deployment serviceswd sinwindowsserver2008o12The document provides instructions for configuring Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2008. It describes configuring WDS using the configuration wizard, adding Windows PE and Windows installation images, configuring the boot menu, and adding a capture image. It also describes how to PXE boot a client to install Windows using WDS, but notes this cannot be demonstrated in the virtual environment. The objectives, prerequisites, estimated time, and computer used are also outlined.
Keynote - Rapid 2008ToddGrimm1. The document discusses resistance to adopting new technologies like 3D scanning and discusses overcoming barriers to change.
2. It notes that change is inherent but that concern and fear of new opportunities are natural, and the greatest barrier is often resistance to change from within ourselves, our peers, and management.
3. The document advocates starting with realistic small attempts to learn new technologies, avoiding mission critical uses at first, and persevering through limits and setbacks to gain experience over time.
Presentation240475044The document discusses the Pythagorean theorem and distance formula. The Pythagorean theorem states that for any right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It provides an example of using the theorem to calculate the length of the hypotenuse. The distance formula is used to calculate the distance between two points and similarly involves subtracting the x- and y-coordinates and squaring and summing the results before taking the square root of the total.
Essential steps to rolling out Jet Essentials Heath Turner1. Jet Reports is a database querying tool built into Excel that allows users to directly query databases from within Excel worksheets to extract real-time data without manually copying and pasting.
2. The document discusses challenges organizations face with limited or no reporting functionality within their ERP systems, forcing reliance on manual report creation in Excel which is time-consuming and error-prone.
3. It introduces Jet Essentials as a solution that connects users to all their business data systems from within Excel, allowing automated report creation, data sharing and collaboration to help organizations make faster, more informed decisions.
Od podShopyuk Indonesia1. The document proposes a co-branded product called the o.d-Pod, a watch developed by o.d.m. that has embedded iPod capabilities, allowing users to store and play up to 200 songs.
2. o.d.m is a Hong Kong-based watchmaker known for stylish, minimalist designs, while Apple is famous for the iPod, iPhone, and other devices.
3. The o.d-Pod is intended to be trendy and intuitive like music and fashion, coming in various colorful designs. It would sync with iTunes and allow headphone plugging.
Keynote - Rapid 2008ToddGrimmPast progress has lead to future promises of dramatic growth in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing. Is this a realistic vision or a distant dream? What changes must occur to make this technological fact instead of science fiction? Who will be affected and how? Will the change be evolutionary or revolutionary?
Leveraging the past and building on the present, these questions are investigated to reveal the impact, opportunity and challenge of change in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
Ibm cloud servicejayyoon86IBM targets large enterprises with its cloud computing services as an alternative to services from Google and Amazon that focus more on private users. IBM's main data centers are located at its Almaden Research Center and it cooperates with universities like Stanford and MIT. IBM's cloud services run Linux as the operating system and use Xen for virtualization and Hadoop as middleware. IBM hopes its CloudBurst services, which provide prepackaged and self-contained hardware, software, and services, will help customers reduce costs, improve services, and drive innovation through features like self-service portals and automated provisioning and deprovisioning of resources. As the cloud market continues to grow, IBM expects its cloud computing services to grow as well
Schultz jones2010 through the lens of new school librariansschultzjonesThe document summarizes a study that examined the perceptions of 39 graduating school librarians on professional priorities and the application of professional standards. Through content analysis of students' written assessments, 16 issues were identified and ranked. The top issues were found to be technology, including web 2.0, funding, information literacy, and collaboration. The results indicate that students see meeting the challenges of rapid technological changes and student learning as priorities, within the context of professional standards.
Aplicações web realtimeFabio JaniszevskiEste documento discute as tecnologias para aplicações web em tempo real, incluindo chat, feeds e chamadas API. Ele explica como essas abordagens evoluíram de soluções como multipart/x-mixed-replace e iframes para AJAX, JavaApplet, FlashSocket e WebSocket. Também discute como implementar aplicações em tempo real com Rails usando Faye e Sync para publicação e assinatura de eventos.
Saturnofirstbilingual1Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is known for its prominent ring system. It has a diameter of about 120,000 km at the equator but is noticeably flattened at the poles. Saturn has a low density of only 690 kg/m3, making it the only planet that would float on water if a large enough body of it existed. The planet is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.
Essential steps to rolling out Jet Essentials Heath Turner1. Jet Reports is a database querying tool built into Excel that allows users to directly query databases from within Excel worksheets to extract real-time data without manually copying and pasting.
2. The document discusses challenges organizations face with limited or no reporting functionality within their ERP systems, forcing reliance on manual report creation in Excel which is time-consuming and error-prone.
3. It introduces Jet Essentials as a solution that connects users to all their business data systems from within Excel, allowing automated report creation, data sharing and collaboration to help organizations make faster, more informed decisions.
Od podShopyuk Indonesia1. The document proposes a co-branded product called the o.d-Pod, a watch developed by o.d.m. that has embedded iPod capabilities, allowing users to store and play up to 200 songs.
2. o.d.m is a Hong Kong-based watchmaker known for stylish, minimalist designs, while Apple is famous for the iPod, iPhone, and other devices.
3. The o.d-Pod is intended to be trendy and intuitive like music and fashion, coming in various colorful designs. It would sync with iTunes and allow headphone plugging.
Keynote - Rapid 2008ToddGrimmPast progress has lead to future promises of dramatic growth in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing. Is this a realistic vision or a distant dream? What changes must occur to make this technological fact instead of science fiction? Who will be affected and how? Will the change be evolutionary or revolutionary?
Leveraging the past and building on the present, these questions are investigated to reveal the impact, opportunity and challenge of change in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
Ibm cloud servicejayyoon86IBM targets large enterprises with its cloud computing services as an alternative to services from Google and Amazon that focus more on private users. IBM's main data centers are located at its Almaden Research Center and it cooperates with universities like Stanford and MIT. IBM's cloud services run Linux as the operating system and use Xen for virtualization and Hadoop as middleware. IBM hopes its CloudBurst services, which provide prepackaged and self-contained hardware, software, and services, will help customers reduce costs, improve services, and drive innovation through features like self-service portals and automated provisioning and deprovisioning of resources. As the cloud market continues to grow, IBM expects its cloud computing services to grow as well
Schultz jones2010 through the lens of new school librariansschultzjonesThe document summarizes a study that examined the perceptions of 39 graduating school librarians on professional priorities and the application of professional standards. Through content analysis of students' written assessments, 16 issues were identified and ranked. The top issues were found to be technology, including web 2.0, funding, information literacy, and collaboration. The results indicate that students see meeting the challenges of rapid technological changes and student learning as priorities, within the context of professional standards.
Aplicações web realtimeFabio JaniszevskiEste documento discute as tecnologias para aplicações web em tempo real, incluindo chat, feeds e chamadas API. Ele explica como essas abordagens evoluíram de soluções como multipart/x-mixed-replace e iframes para AJAX, JavaApplet, FlashSocket e WebSocket. Também discute como implementar aplicações em tempo real com Rails usando Faye e Sync para publicação e assinatura de eventos.
Saturnofirstbilingual1Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is known for its prominent ring system. It has a diameter of about 120,000 km at the equator but is noticeably flattened at the poles. Saturn has a low density of only 690 kg/m3, making it the only planet that would float on water if a large enough body of it existed. The planet is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.
2. En pige lå på molen. Hun befandt sig i en stor by i
et varmt land. Hun havde gået hele dagen uden
hverken at få noget at spise eller drikke, så hun var
træt, tørstig og sulten. Det var en trist
historie, havde det ikke været for pigens telefon.
Den forbandt hende med hele verden.
I den fandt hun træet.
3. Træet var et mærkeligt træ.
Det var slet ikke som de
træer, pigen kendte.
Træet havde ikke nogen
rigtig stamme. Det havde
ingen begyndelse eller
Pigen kunne godt li' træet.
Hun tænkte: ”bare jeg var
ligesom træet - bare træet
og jeg var venner” ....
Og træet tænkte det
4. Da træet var begyndt at tænke
på pigen, skete der noget
Pigen lå ikke længere på
molen. Hun kunne ikke mærke
sine arme, de var blevet som
grene. Telefonen var blevet et
blad, og hun tænkte ikke
længere på hele verden.
Hun tænkte på sig selv og
træet - eller måske snarere
på, hvordan hun var blevet til
en del af træet.
5. Pigen kunne mærke, at hun
var ved at blive som træet.
Hun stod stejlt og stolt i
vinden. Hun havde ikke mere
brug for støtte for at stå -
hun kunne selv støtte
de, der ikke kunne stå af sig
Hun havde sat et aftryk på