This document describes an animated series about a family of beans. It introduces the main characters which are different types of beans - Lana and Leo jelly bean siblings, their parents Tracy and Phil bean, and mentions the family lives in a village with other bean characters. Each episode would focus on everyday adventures of the bean family and lessons the main character Lana learns to appeal to children viewers. Ten potential episode ideas are listed covering events like birthdays, school, trips to the zoo, and welcoming a new kitten.
3. 3
Name: Lana Jelly Bean
Identity: Cheeky daughter in a family
of beans
Age: 6, one year older than her
Family: Daddy bean, Mummy bean,
brother (Leo) bean
Allergies: Custard?
Catchphrases: "long bean" "cool beans"?
4. Name: Leo Jelly Bean
Identity: Cheeky daughter in a
family of beans
Age: 6, one year older than her
Family: Daddy bean, Mummy bean,
sister (Lana) bean
Allergies: Jam?
Catchphrases: "cool beans"?
5. Name: Tracy and Phil Bean
Identity: Lovely friendly
Age: mum- 39 and a ? dad-46
Family: Lana and Leo their
6. My animation is a series about a family of
beans. All the different characters are
different types of beans. My film is for
younger children hens the simple idea.?In each
episode the bean?family and friends around the
village they all live in go on different
adventures and do different things. For
example, in one episode the family goes out to
the beach on a nice day and the episode is
about their adventure or a episode about the
children beans going to school and what they
get up too. I have?decide to make the episodes
relate to children these days so they get
interested more and have things to think
about.?My main?character?develops throughout
the series by learning different lessons in
each episode, this makes it interesting for the
audience also gives off a good impression to
the children watching it.?
? 6
7. ?
?? 1. Lana's birthday
?? 2. Lana's first day at big school
?? 3. Going to the zoo
?? 4. Ballet show
?? 5. Lana's little brothers
?? 6. Daddy bean's birthday
?? 7. Shopping trip out
?? 8. Going to the beach
?? 9. Mummy bean goes to hospital?
?? 10. Lana gets a kitten