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Pitusa line sheet aw
Inca Abaya Long Sleeve

Our Favorite Inca Abaya now with long sleeves, fuchsia
inca edging, and 6" neon green fringing hanging from
the sleeves

      100% Rayon 
      Size S, M
      Made in the USA
Star Velvet Leggings

Velvet Leggings w/ Embroidered stars

     98% Polyester Velvet 2% Lycra 
     Sizes XS, S, M
     Colors Left to Right: Purple w/ Yellow
      Stars, Blue w/ Pink Stars
     Made in Peru
Pitusa line sheet aw
Velvet Leggings w/ Inca Zip

Colorful Leggings with an Inca Zip on the back of both

      95% Polyester Velvet 5% Lycra
      XS, S, M, L
      Colors Left to Right: Black, Coral, Purple, Lime,
       Pink, Aqua Blue
      Made in the USA
Inca Blouse

A sheer transparent chiffon blouse with Inca mantilla accents
     100% Synthetic Chiffon
     One Size
     Black with neon lemon accents on the collar, cuffs and back
Velvet Catsuit
Comfortable Velvet Catsuit with
an Inca zip

     95% Polyester Velvet 5% Lycra
     Colors Left to Right: Black w/
      fuchsia zip, Purple w/ neon
      lemon zip
     XS, S, M
Comfy Inca Pants and Inca Hoody

     Comfy Inca Pants, fitted on the bottom, yet loose on the thighs and calves. Like many of our "comfy" items
      there is no elastic on the waistband just a wide band created from the same fabric. Pockets on both legs.
      The Inca Hoody has an front inca pocket and a hood edged in Inca mantilla
     95% Cotton, 5% Lycra
     Colors left to right Tan w/ blood orange Inca details, Purple w/ lemon inca details, Black w/ hot pink inca
      details, Grey w/ lemon inca details
     Comfy Inca Pants: XS, S, M Inca Hoody: XS/S, M/L
     Made in the USA
     Comfy Inca Pants $52
     Inca Hoody $48
Cotton Corset

A form fitting cotton corset with a great shape for the perfect lift. Can
be paired with both high waisted and low waisted skirts/trousers 
      95% Cotton 5% Lycra 
      Black with neon seams on the front 
      XS (A Cup), S (Cup B), M (Cup C)
      Made in Peru
Kookara Makara

Tank & Crop Top
     50% Cotton 50%
      Polyester w/ burn
      out effect
     Colors: White w/ neon
      pink white w/ neon
      Grey w/ neon pink
      Grey w/ neon yellow
      in both styles
Tribal Comfy Pants                                         Palazzo Pants

Similar to our Tribal Comfy Shorts, comes the tribal       Wide Leg Palazzo Pants in an Aztec print with an elastic
Comfy Pants. No elastic, no discomfort, wide in the leg    threaded waistband
but well fitted on the bottom. Waistband can be folded
over if a lower waist fit is desired                             100% Rayon
                                                                 Colors Left to Right: Red, Blue
      62% Cotton 30% Polyester 8% Lycra                         XS, S, M, L
      Colors Left to Right: Multi Blue and Multi Black          $40
      XS (Short) XS (Long +3), S (Short), S (Long +3)
       M, L
Crop Top

Crop Top made from a unique fabric:
Pima Cotton/Alpaca, edged in Inca
Lemon threading, with neon pink
fringing on the collar

     90% Pima Cotton 10% Alpaca
     Color: Charcoal
     One Size
All Items Ready to Ship
Pitusa offers Fedex Shipping with Discounts up to 60%
             For all inquiries email us at

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Fillerina UK Advanced Anti-Aging & Volume-Boosting TreatmentFillerina UK Advanced Anti-Aging & Volume-Boosting Treatment
Fillerina UK Advanced Anti-Aging & Volume-Boosting Treatment
Sustainable Fashion Presentation (1).pptx
Sustainable Fashion Presentation (1).pptxSustainable Fashion Presentation (1).pptx
Sustainable Fashion Presentation (1).pptx

Pitusa line sheet aw

  • 2. Inca Abaya Long Sleeve Our Favorite Inca Abaya now with long sleeves, fuchsia inca edging, and 6" neon green fringing hanging from the sleeves 100% Rayon Size S, M Black $55 Made in the USA
  • 3. Star Velvet Leggings Velvet Leggings w/ Embroidered stars 98% Polyester Velvet 2% Lycra Sizes XS, S, M Colors Left to Right: Purple w/ Yellow Stars, Blue w/ Pink Stars Made in Peru $34
  • 5. Velvet Leggings w/ Inca Zip Colorful Leggings with an Inca Zip on the back of both legs 95% Polyester Velvet 5% Lycra XS, S, M, L Colors Left to Right: Black, Coral, Purple, Lime, Pink, Aqua Blue Made in the USA $36
  • 6. Inca Blouse A sheer transparent chiffon blouse with Inca mantilla accents 100% Synthetic Chiffon One Size Black with neon lemon accents on the collar, cuffs and back buttons $42
  • 7. Velvet Catsuit Comfortable Velvet Catsuit with an Inca zip 95% Polyester Velvet 5% Lycra Colors Left to Right: Black w/ fuchsia zip, Purple w/ neon lemon zip XS, S, M $48
  • 8. Comfy Inca Pants and Inca Hoody Comfy Inca Pants, fitted on the bottom, yet loose on the thighs and calves. Like many of our "comfy" items there is no elastic on the waistband just a wide band created from the same fabric. Pockets on both legs. The Inca Hoody has an front inca pocket and a hood edged in Inca mantilla 95% Cotton, 5% Lycra Colors left to right Tan w/ blood orange Inca details, Purple w/ lemon inca details, Black w/ hot pink inca details, Grey w/ lemon inca details Comfy Inca Pants: XS, S, M Inca Hoody: XS/S, M/L Made in the USA Comfy Inca Pants $52 Inca Hoody $48
  • 9. Cotton Corset A form fitting cotton corset with a great shape for the perfect lift. Can be paired with both high waisted and low waisted skirts/trousers 95% Cotton 5% Lycra Black with neon seams on the front XS (A Cup), S (Cup B), M (Cup C) Made in Peru $27
  • 10. Kookara Makara Tank & Crop Top 50% Cotton 50% Polyester w/ burn out effect Colors: White w/ neon pink white w/ neon yellow Grey w/ neon pink Grey w/ neon yellow in both styles $36
  • 11. Tribal Comfy Pants Palazzo Pants Similar to our Tribal Comfy Shorts, comes the tribal Wide Leg Palazzo Pants in an Aztec print with an elastic Comfy Pants. No elastic, no discomfort, wide in the leg threaded waistband but well fitted on the bottom. Waistband can be folded over if a lower waist fit is desired 100% Rayon Colors Left to Right: Red, Blue 62% Cotton 30% Polyester 8% Lycra XS, S, M, L Colors Left to Right: Multi Blue and Multi Black $40 XS (Short) XS (Long +3), S (Short), S (Long +3) M, L $36
  • 12. Crop Top Crop Top made from a unique fabric: Pima Cotton/Alpaca, edged in Inca Lemon threading, with neon pink fringing on the collar 90% Pima Cotton 10% Alpaca Color: Charcoal One Size $30
  • 13. All Items Ready to Ship Pitusa offers Fedex Shipping with Discounts up to 60% For all inquiries email us at sales@pitusa.co.uk