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Planet azure starship system center exploring new worlds
Planet Azure: starship System
Center exploring new worlds
Maarten Goet
System Center MVP
   Windows Server 2012
   System Center
   Cross Platform
   Capacity Management
Cloud? Its all about the App!
Public Cloud

    App   App       App    App   VM   VM   VM   VM   VM

    App   App       App    App   VM   VM   VM   VM   VM

          Microsoft .NET         VM   VM   VM   VM   VM
Windows Azure
Private Cloud

Windows Server 2012
Unified management for the Cloud
Contoso Bank is running a business critical Trading floor
application Stocktrader, for which we guarantee
99,999% uptime

 System Center is the platform of choice
 We need to monitor all app components across all platforms
 Provide insights for both IT administrators as well as CIO
Operations Manager

     Network                                               Virtualization

                              OpsMgr            Cloud

     (Application) Services

                                       Operating Systems
Management Packs

                          App #1          App #2

       Active Directory       DNS            IIS   Clustering

                             Operating System



Cross Platform


  Operating Systems
Cross Platform Monitoring
Deep insights
   APM in OpsMgr is a lightweight profiler
   Monitors applications in production
   Isolate and triage issues
   Provide the application team with the details they need

                                              Triage      System state
                      event              Isolate tier    Event details
                     Exception event    Assign owner

                          Detect                             Diagnose
Maarten Goet

Deep insights                                    Mark Eveleens - Available
                                                 Database Administrator

   APM in OpsMgr is a lightweight profiler
   Monitors applications in production
                                Mark Eveleens
   Isolate and triage issues     Hi Maarten, I wanted to update you on Stocktrader.
   Provide the application team with Goet details they needCan this wait?
                                  Mark, Im in the middle of something.
                                         Mark Eveleens
                                           Well, I know your team is doing proactive monitoring of
                                           the Stocktrader service, and we just added some Oracle
                                           instances to the backend you might want to add to
                                           Operations Manager.              System state
                          event          Maarten  Isolate tier
                                                  Goet                      Event details
                         Exception event Thanks for updating us. Well add them now so we stay
                                                   Assign owner
                                           in control from end to end.

                              DetectMark, Im inupdating us. of something. Can this wait?
                                    Thanks for the middle Well add them now so we stay
                                        in control from end to end.
Oracle Monitoring
Various layers of monitoring
CIO dashboards
Maarten Goet

                  Vincent de Vries - Available
                  Capacity Manager

         Vincent de Vries
            Hi Maarten, do you have a second?
         Maarten Goet
            Actually Vincent, Im quite busy at the moment.

    demo Vincent de Vries
            Its quite urgent. Im not sure if we can meet the
            Stocktrader SLA. Were getting signals that the capacity
            might be insufficient. Can SC OpsMgr show forecasts of
            the app components and fabric?
         Maarten Goet
CIO dashboards
            Actually yes, SC OpsMgr can do that. Given the urgency,
            Ill set up the dashboards for you right now.

         Actually Vincent, Im quite busy at the moment.urgency,
         Actually yes, SC OpsMgr can do that. Given the
         Ill set up the dashboards for you right now.
Capacity Management
Capacity Management is a process used to manage
IT. Its primary goal is to ensure that IT capacity
meets current and future business requirements in a
cost-effective manner. ITIL version 3 views capacity
management as comprising three sub-processes:

 Business capacity management
 Service capacity management
 Component capacity management
Capacity Management
Capacity Management
Capacity Management
Capacity Management
           70 days left!
Capacity Management
New in OpsMgr 2012 SP1
   Global Service Monitor
   ACS support for Dynamic Access Control
   APM: Monitoring Windows Services built on .NET
   APM: Monitoring of front-end components of SharePoint
   APM: Integration with TFS 2010 and TFS 2012
   APM: Conversion of events to IntelliTrace format
   New MPs and support for Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8
   360 .NET Application Monitoring Dashboards
Cloud on your terms                                                          Enterprise


    Small Business                                                           Virtualization &
                                                            Automated         Management,
                                                          Virtualization &    Private Cloud
                                         Virtualization    Management

     First Server

                                      Windows Server

                                      System Center                                             3
Bedankt! Vragen?
System Center trainingen!
Planet azure starship system center exploring new worlds

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Ronnie Isherwood
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Ca today here and_now_martin_vajda

Planet azure starship system center exploring new worlds

  • 2. Planet Azure: starship System Center exploring new worlds Maarten Goet System Center MVP
  • 3. MVP
  • 4. Agenda Welkom Azure Windows Server 2012 System Center Cross Platform Dashboards Capacity Management Demos Q&A
  • 5. Cloud? Its all about the App!
  • 7. Public Cloud App App App App VM VM VM VM VM App App App App VM VM VM VM VM Microsoft .NET VM VM VM VM VM
  • 9. Private Cloud Compute
  • 12. Scenario Contoso Bank is running a business critical Trading floor application Stocktrader, for which we guarantee 99,999% uptime System Center is the platform of choice We need to monitor all app components across all platforms Provide insights for both IT administrators as well as CIO
  • 13. Operations Manager Network Virtualization OpsMgr Cloud (Application) Services Operating Systems
  • 14. Management Packs App #1 App #2 Active Directory DNS IIS Clustering Operating System Virtualization Compute Network
  • 15. Cross Platform Applications Operating Systems
  • 17. Deep insights APM in OpsMgr is a lightweight profiler Monitors applications in production Isolate and triage issues Provide the application team with the details they need Performance Triage System state event Isolate tier Event details Exception event Assign owner Detect Diagnose
  • 18. Maarten Goet Deep insights Mark Eveleens - Available Database Administrator APM in OpsMgr is a lightweight profiler Monitors applications in production Mark Eveleens Isolate and triage issues Hi Maarten, I wanted to update you on Stocktrader. Provide the application team with Goet details they needCan this wait? Maarten the Mark, Im in the middle of something. Mark Eveleens Well, I know your team is doing proactive monitoring of the Stocktrader service, and we just added some Oracle instances to the backend you might want to add to Performance Triage Operations Manager. System state event Maarten Isolate tier Goet Event details Exception event Thanks for updating us. Well add them now so we stay Assign owner in control from end to end. DetectMark, Im inupdating us. of something. Can this wait? Diagnose Thanks for the middle Well add them now so we stay in control from end to end.
  • 20. Various layers of monitoring
  • 22. Maarten Goet Vincent de Vries - Available Capacity Manager Vincent de Vries Hi Maarten, do you have a second? Maarten Goet Actually Vincent, Im quite busy at the moment. demo Vincent de Vries Its quite urgent. Im not sure if we can meet the Stocktrader SLA. Were getting signals that the capacity might be insufficient. Can SC OpsMgr show forecasts of the app components and fabric? Maarten Goet CIO dashboards Actually yes, SC OpsMgr can do that. Given the urgency, Ill set up the dashboards for you right now. Actually Vincent, Im quite busy at the moment.urgency, Actually yes, SC OpsMgr can do that. Given the Ill set up the dashboards for you right now.
  • 23. Capacity Management Capacity Management is a process used to manage IT. Its primary goal is to ensure that IT capacity meets current and future business requirements in a cost-effective manner. ITIL version 3 views capacity management as comprising three sub-processes: Business capacity management Service capacity management Component capacity management
  • 29. New in OpsMgr 2012 SP1 Global Service Monitor ACS support for Dynamic Access Control APM: Monitoring Windows Services built on .NET APM: Monitoring of front-end components of SharePoint APM: Integration with TFS 2010 and TFS 2012 APM: Conversion of events to IntelliTrace format New MPs and support for Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8 360 .NET Application Monitoring Dashboards
  • 30. Cloud on your terms Enterprise Mid-market Automated Small Business Virtualization & Automated Management, Virtualization & Private Cloud Virtualization Management Management Virtualization First Server Windows Server System Center 3 0 '