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Colegio Las Cumbres
Nivel Medio - secundaria@lascumbres.edu.ar

PLAN DE TRABAJO: Instrumentaci坦n para el Per鱈odo de Orientaci坦n, evaluaci坦n y promoci坦n - cierre
Diciembre 2013


Senior 2
Patricia Chujman



Dec 10

1 hs

Folder Review. Attachment corrections. Orientation stage.

Dec 13

2 hs Evaluation Term 1-2. Orientation stage for term 3.

Dec 17

1 hs Evaluation term 3.

Dec 20

2 hs

Evaluation of the required content. (for those who need to be reevaluated)

Condiciones de Aprobaci坦n para cada contenido nodal:

In order to pass each term, students will have to: a) present the complete folder, b) present complete
attachments, c) pass the written exam with a minimum of 6, d)have 75% of attendance

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Plan de trabajo dic 2013-senior 2

  • 1. Colegio Las Cumbres Nivel Medio - secundaria@lascumbres.edu.ar PLAN DE TRABAJO: Instrumentaci坦n para el Per鱈odo de Orientaci坦n, evaluaci坦n y promoci坦n - cierre Diciembre 2013 ASIGNATURA: CURSO: PROFESOR/A: Fecha Literature Senior 2 Patricia Chujman Horas Actividades Dec 10 1 hs Folder Review. Attachment corrections. Orientation stage. Dec 13 2 hs Evaluation Term 1-2. Orientation stage for term 3. Dec 17 1 hs Evaluation term 3. Dec 20 2 hs Evaluation of the required content. (for those who need to be reevaluated) Condiciones de Aprobaci坦n para cada contenido nodal: In order to pass each term, students will have to: a) present the complete folder, b) present complete attachments, c) pass the written exam with a minimum of 6, d)have 75% of attendance