This document outlines a presentation on management functions including planning and control. It begins with an introduction to management and its key functions. It then defines and discusses planning, including the characteristics and importance of planning as well as the planning process. Next, it covers types of planning such as operational, strategic, tactical, and contingency planning. It concludes by defining control, the importance and process of controlling, and the different types of controls including preventive, detective, and corrective controls. The document provides a high-level overview of key concepts in management, planning, and control.
This document provides an overview of the planning process. It begins by listing the names of five individuals who were involved in planning. It then provides definitions of planning, noting that planning bridges the gap from the present to the future. Goals are described as important for providing direction, focusing efforts, guiding decisions, and helping to evaluate progress. The nature, objectives, steps, importance, failures, advantages, and levels of planning are then outlined. Finally, it discusses operationalizing and institutionalizing strategy.
The essence of management is planning. To start a new things every people and organization first set the planning process. It is one of the essential and major beginning functions of management.
The document discusses planning in management. It defines planning and describes the types and levels of planning including strategic, intermediate, and operational planning. The planning process and key steps are outlined including establishing objectives, developing strategies, determining premises and alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting actions, formulating derivative plans, and reviewing the process. Advantages of planning such as facilitating management by objectives and minimizing uncertainty are highlighted. Limitations including cost, time consumption, and uncertainty are also reviewed.
Planning is the fundamental management function that involves deciding objectives and developing courses of action to achieve objectives. It helps organizations prepare for the future. There are three types of planning: strategic planning sets long-term goals, tactical planning supports strategic plans at lower levels, and operational planning focuses on day-to-day procedures. The planning process involves establishing objectives, identifying alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting plans, formulating supporting plans, and establishing activity sequences. Barriers to effective planning include lack of leadership, excessive distractions, lack of proper systems, limited resources, and inadequate funding. Forecasting uses past and present data to predict future economic conditions and helps businesses plan for uncertainty.
Planning is the primary function of management and involves deciding in advance what should be done. It bridges the gap between where an organization currently is and where it wants to go. There are various types of planning including strategic, tactical, long-term, medium-term, and short-term planning. Planning provides focus, avoids waste, and ensures efficiency. Some limitations include uncertainty and potential rigidity. Key elements in planning include objectives, strategies, policies, and budgets. Tools that assist with planning include Porter's Five Forces model and SWOT analysis.
This document discusses planning and management by objectives. It defines planning as selecting objectives and deciding on actions to achieve them. Planning involves establishing objectives in a hierarchy from overall goals to specific departmental and individual objectives. The key steps in planning are establishing objectives, developing premises, determining alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course, formulating supporting plans, and quantifying plans through budgeting. Management by objectives involves managers and employees agreeing to objectives to improve results-oriented planning, clarification of roles, and encouragement.
Planning - Meaning and Definition Nature Objectives Advantages and Disa...Jumanul Haque
This document discusses the key functions of management according to various scholars. It focuses on planning as the most crucial function. Planning involves setting goals and strategies to achieve those goals. It reduces uncertainty and helps organizations use their resources efficiently to achieve objectives. The document outlines the planning process and different types of plans like operational, tactical, and strategic plans. It also discusses organizing, which involves grouping tasks, assigning roles, and coordinating activities to accomplish goals.
This document discusses planning and decision making. It defines planning as selecting objectives and deciding on actions to achieve them, requiring decision making by choosing among alternatives. Planning is the most basic managerial function involving deciding what, who, how, when and where in advance. Good plans are based on clearly defined objectives, are simple, comprehensive, flexible, balanced and utilize available resources. Planning establishes direction, coordination and helps accomplish budgets. Planning involves establishing objectives, developing premises, determining alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course, and formulating derivative plans. Management by objectives is a process where management and employees agree on and understand organizational objectives.
UNIT - III: PLANNING AND CONTROL: Concept- Process and Types; Decision making
concept and process; Bounded rationality; Management by objectives; Corporate Planning;
Environment analysis and Diagnosis; Strategy Formulations; Managerial Control- Concept
and process - Designing an Effective Control System - Techniques - Traditional and Modern
(PERT and CPM).
Planning is the process managers use to identify goals and courses of action for an organization. It determines the strategy and effectiveness of the organization. Planning controls the future by identifying what people want to happen and what must be done to make it happen. A framework for planning involves defining the present situation, establishing goals and objectives, analyzing aids and barriers, developing action plans, budgets, implementation, and control. Contingency plans provide alternatives if original plans cannot be implemented. Operating plans, policies, procedures, and rules convert strategic plans into action through organizational efficiency and accomplishing strategic goals.
Planning is the most fundamental managerial function because it sets the direction for organizing, leading, controlling, and staffing an organization. Effective planning prepares organizations for the future by assessing goals and how to achieve them. There are three types of plans - strategic plans outline steps for the organization's goals over multiple years, tactical plans focus on goals for divisions over one year or less, and operational plans are used by managers to accomplish responsibilities and support tactical plans. Planning provides direction, focus on objectives, a basis for teamwork, ability to anticipate problems, guidelines for decision making, and is a prerequisite for other management functions.
This wonderful and helpful
A company description is an overview of the company's plan, vision, and relationships. These documents typically include the company's name, business structure, mission statement, and an overview of the target mark
Communicate the story of your business and why you started it. Describe the customers or the cause that your business serves. Explain your business model or how your products are made. Put a face to your business, featuring the founders or the people on your team.
Planning is deciding in advance what actions need to be taken to achieve organizational goals. It involves setting objectives and determining alternative courses of action. Planning reduces uncertainty, utilizes resources effectively, and increases organizational effectiveness. The key steps in planning are establishing objectives and planning premises, identifying alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course of action, implementation, and follow-up. Planning is important as it helps coordinate activities, control performance, encourage innovation, and strengthen competitiveness.
Mananagement PPT.pptx Diploma in Electrical engineering1303EEVirajAlim
This document discusses planning and organizing at the supervisory level. It begins with introductions to planning and its importance. Planning provides direction, decreases risk, and avoids wasteful activities. The document then discusses the planning process, types of plans like operational and strategic, and the scope of plans for supervisors. It also discusses budgeting, delegation, motivation, group dynamics, and the organizing process. Overall, the document provides an overview of key concepts related to planning, organizing, and the roles and responsibilities of supervisors.
Management involves strategic planning, setting objectives, allocating resources, and measuring results. The four main functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning involves setting objectives and determining how to achieve them. Organizing involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources. Leading involves inspiring others to work towards objectives. Controlling ensures performance meets standards and takes corrective actions when needed. Management occurs at three levels - top level sets long term goals, middle level focuses on tactical planning, and lower level oversees day-to-day operations.
02. Organizational Goals, Planning & Decision Making (2021).pptxGoglePixl
The document discusses organizational goals, planning, and decision making. It defines goals as measurable end results to be achieved within a timeframe. Goals provide guidance, motivation, and a means of evaluation. Vision and mission statements describe an organization's purpose and direction. Planning involves setting goals by level (strategic, tactical, operational), area, and timeframe. Barriers to planning like improper goals must be overcome. Decision making requires choosing between alternatives, and styles include autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, consensus, and contingency approaches.
1) Planning involves selecting objectives and actions to achieve them through decision making about future courses of action. It requires determining what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who will do it.
2) Planning is a goal-oriented, intellectual process that establishes direction and guides decision making. It is forward-looking, continuous, and integrated across management levels.
3) Effective planning requires clear objectives, analysis of alternatives, coordination across levels, and an open approach that establishes premises and allows for evaluation and change.
Integrating Graph-Powered Insights: Neo4j with OutSystemsShubhamSharma2528
In the fast-paced software development industry, the ability to deliver robust applications quickly is a significant competitive advantage. OutSystems, a premier low-code platform, empowers developers to rapidly build applications without compromising quality. This agility enables businesses to swiftly respond to market changes and customer needs.
The document discusses planning in management. It defines planning and describes the types and levels of planning including strategic, intermediate, and operational planning. The planning process and key steps are outlined including establishing objectives, developing strategies, determining premises and alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting actions, formulating derivative plans, and reviewing the process. Advantages of planning such as facilitating management by objectives and minimizing uncertainty are highlighted. Limitations including cost, time consumption, and uncertainty are also reviewed.
Planning is the fundamental management function that involves deciding objectives and developing courses of action to achieve objectives. It helps organizations prepare for the future. There are three types of planning: strategic planning sets long-term goals, tactical planning supports strategic plans at lower levels, and operational planning focuses on day-to-day procedures. The planning process involves establishing objectives, identifying alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting plans, formulating supporting plans, and establishing activity sequences. Barriers to effective planning include lack of leadership, excessive distractions, lack of proper systems, limited resources, and inadequate funding. Forecasting uses past and present data to predict future economic conditions and helps businesses plan for uncertainty.
Planning is the primary function of management and involves deciding in advance what should be done. It bridges the gap between where an organization currently is and where it wants to go. There are various types of planning including strategic, tactical, long-term, medium-term, and short-term planning. Planning provides focus, avoids waste, and ensures efficiency. Some limitations include uncertainty and potential rigidity. Key elements in planning include objectives, strategies, policies, and budgets. Tools that assist with planning include Porter's Five Forces model and SWOT analysis.
This document discusses planning and management by objectives. It defines planning as selecting objectives and deciding on actions to achieve them. Planning involves establishing objectives in a hierarchy from overall goals to specific departmental and individual objectives. The key steps in planning are establishing objectives, developing premises, determining alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course, formulating supporting plans, and quantifying plans through budgeting. Management by objectives involves managers and employees agreeing to objectives to improve results-oriented planning, clarification of roles, and encouragement.
Planning - Meaning and Definition Nature Objectives Advantages and Disa...Jumanul Haque
This document discusses the key functions of management according to various scholars. It focuses on planning as the most crucial function. Planning involves setting goals and strategies to achieve those goals. It reduces uncertainty and helps organizations use their resources efficiently to achieve objectives. The document outlines the planning process and different types of plans like operational, tactical, and strategic plans. It also discusses organizing, which involves grouping tasks, assigning roles, and coordinating activities to accomplish goals.
This document discusses planning and decision making. It defines planning as selecting objectives and deciding on actions to achieve them, requiring decision making by choosing among alternatives. Planning is the most basic managerial function involving deciding what, who, how, when and where in advance. Good plans are based on clearly defined objectives, are simple, comprehensive, flexible, balanced and utilize available resources. Planning establishes direction, coordination and helps accomplish budgets. Planning involves establishing objectives, developing premises, determining alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course, and formulating derivative plans. Management by objectives is a process where management and employees agree on and understand organizational objectives.
UNIT - III: PLANNING AND CONTROL: Concept- Process and Types; Decision making
concept and process; Bounded rationality; Management by objectives; Corporate Planning;
Environment analysis and Diagnosis; Strategy Formulations; Managerial Control- Concept
and process - Designing an Effective Control System - Techniques - Traditional and Modern
(PERT and CPM).
Planning is the process managers use to identify goals and courses of action for an organization. It determines the strategy and effectiveness of the organization. Planning controls the future by identifying what people want to happen and what must be done to make it happen. A framework for planning involves defining the present situation, establishing goals and objectives, analyzing aids and barriers, developing action plans, budgets, implementation, and control. Contingency plans provide alternatives if original plans cannot be implemented. Operating plans, policies, procedures, and rules convert strategic plans into action through organizational efficiency and accomplishing strategic goals.
Planning is the most fundamental managerial function because it sets the direction for organizing, leading, controlling, and staffing an organization. Effective planning prepares organizations for the future by assessing goals and how to achieve them. There are three types of plans - strategic plans outline steps for the organization's goals over multiple years, tactical plans focus on goals for divisions over one year or less, and operational plans are used by managers to accomplish responsibilities and support tactical plans. Planning provides direction, focus on objectives, a basis for teamwork, ability to anticipate problems, guidelines for decision making, and is a prerequisite for other management functions.
This wonderful and helpful
A company description is an overview of the company's plan, vision, and relationships. These documents typically include the company's name, business structure, mission statement, and an overview of the target mark
Communicate the story of your business and why you started it. Describe the customers or the cause that your business serves. Explain your business model or how your products are made. Put a face to your business, featuring the founders or the people on your team.
Planning is deciding in advance what actions need to be taken to achieve organizational goals. It involves setting objectives and determining alternative courses of action. Planning reduces uncertainty, utilizes resources effectively, and increases organizational effectiveness. The key steps in planning are establishing objectives and planning premises, identifying alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives, selecting a course of action, implementation, and follow-up. Planning is important as it helps coordinate activities, control performance, encourage innovation, and strengthen competitiveness.
Mananagement PPT.pptx Diploma in Electrical engineering1303EEVirajAlim
This document discusses planning and organizing at the supervisory level. It begins with introductions to planning and its importance. Planning provides direction, decreases risk, and avoids wasteful activities. The document then discusses the planning process, types of plans like operational and strategic, and the scope of plans for supervisors. It also discusses budgeting, delegation, motivation, group dynamics, and the organizing process. Overall, the document provides an overview of key concepts related to planning, organizing, and the roles and responsibilities of supervisors.
Management involves strategic planning, setting objectives, allocating resources, and measuring results. The four main functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning involves setting objectives and determining how to achieve them. Organizing involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources. Leading involves inspiring others to work towards objectives. Controlling ensures performance meets standards and takes corrective actions when needed. Management occurs at three levels - top level sets long term goals, middle level focuses on tactical planning, and lower level oversees day-to-day operations.
02. Organizational Goals, Planning & Decision Making (2021).pptxGoglePixl
The document discusses organizational goals, planning, and decision making. It defines goals as measurable end results to be achieved within a timeframe. Goals provide guidance, motivation, and a means of evaluation. Vision and mission statements describe an organization's purpose and direction. Planning involves setting goals by level (strategic, tactical, operational), area, and timeframe. Barriers to planning like improper goals must be overcome. Decision making requires choosing between alternatives, and styles include autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, consensus, and contingency approaches.
1) Planning involves selecting objectives and actions to achieve them through decision making about future courses of action. It requires determining what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who will do it.
2) Planning is a goal-oriented, intellectual process that establishes direction and guides decision making. It is forward-looking, continuous, and integrated across management levels.
3) Effective planning requires clear objectives, analysis of alternatives, coordination across levels, and an open approach that establishes premises and allows for evaluation and change.
Integrating Graph-Powered Insights: Neo4j with OutSystemsShubhamSharma2528
In the fast-paced software development industry, the ability to deliver robust applications quickly is a significant competitive advantage. OutSystems, a premier low-code platform, empowers developers to rapidly build applications without compromising quality. This agility enables businesses to swiftly respond to market changes and customer needs.
Strategic Excellence: In the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology, and governance, traditional views of capital as a static resource no longer suffice. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must not only accumulate resources but must activate, integrate, and orchestrate them in ways that align with long-term goals. Jarinzo Tanabatas Six Capital Forces offers a rigorous and pragmatic framework for achieving this level of strategic agility. By viewing capital not as a static accumulation but as an interconnected system of forces, Tanabata introduces a model that drives growth, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
In the same tradition as thinkers like Peter Drucker, who emphasized the importance of aligning strategy with organizational capabilities, and Michael Porter, who outlined the critical dynamics of competitive advantage, Tanabata offers a vision of capital that is fluid, responsive, and ever-adapting. His Six Capital Forces Intellectual, Social, Financial, Human, Structural, and Natural must be continuously activated, integrated, and orchestrated to yield real value. This approach aligns with the strategic and operational needs of organizations looking to excel in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Traditionally, capital was seen primarily as a static resource to be accumulated: assets, cash reserves, intellectual property, and human resources. But Tanabata's framework challenges this perspective by viewing capital as a dynamic force, a series of interrelated modalities that must be activated and integrated to drive sustained value creation. The success of modern institutions, corporations, and political bodies does not lie simply in their capital reserves but in their capacity to activate and orchestrate these reserves to deliver tangible, long-term results.
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Analyse av trafikkulykker
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De nordiske landene er blant de beste i verden n奪r det gjelder trafikksikkerhet. Men vi kan fortsatt l脱re og forbedre
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The hospitality industry is deeply influenced by social and cultural factors that shape customer expectations, service delivery, and overall business operations. Hospitality, which encompasses lodging, food and beverage services, travel, and tourism, thrives on human interactions. Understanding the social and cultural dimensions is crucial for businesses to create positive guest experiences, ensure inclusivity, and maintain a competitive edge in a globalized world. This paper explores the social and cultural perspectives in hospitality, focusing on their impact on service quality, customer relations, workforce diversity, and the adaptation of businesses to different cultural settings.
Australia's energy policy for heavy industries such as steel production are based on storing renewable energy as green hydrogen. However, steel production is energy intensive and green hydrogen is proving to be difficult to commercialise, let alone produce, store, and transport. The renewable energy link to Indonesia and Singapore, based on the plan for the Australian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara, has been replaced by the idea that green hydrogen can be converted to green ammonia for transportation, and converted back to hydrogen on the other side. Again, the process is energy intensive. Add to the energy demands that will be created by data centres and artificial intelligence, the scaling up of energy production is unlikely to be met without nuclear. The green energy dream is unlikely to materialise and is proving unworkable.
In this session, you will hear in the first person what he does and how he got there. Tips and tricks that can apply to you, whether you are just starting a career, unsure about the professional path to follow, planning to launch your own OutSystems business, or just aiming to be the best professional that you can be.
Mastering ODC Architecture: Everything You Need to KnowShubhamSharma2528
This session is your ultimate guide to OutSystems Developer Cloud (ODC) architecture, providing insights into every critical aspect of the design process. Learn how to:
Disclose: Identify and analyze business requirements, processes, user stories, personas, and roles.
Organize: Group concepts into bounded contexts for modularity and clarity.
Assemble: Map bounded contexts into scalable and maintainable ODC applications.
Whether you're new to ODC or looking to deepen your understanding, this session offers everything and anything you need to build effective architectures. Get ready to design with confidence, ensuring your solutions are both robust and aligned with business objectives!
Mastering ODC Architecture: Everything You Need to KnowShubhamSharma2528
1. Management Functions
2. Concept of Planning
3. Types of Planning
4. Concept of Control
5. Types of Control
6. Difference of Planning & Control
3. Management is a process of planning,
decision making, organizing, leading,
Motivation and controlling the human
resources, financial, physical, and
information resources of an organization to
reach its goals efficiently and effectively.
Good management is the backbone
of successful organizations.
It is the basic function of management.
It deals with chalking out a future course of
action & deciding in advance the most
appropriate course of actions for
achievement of pre-determined goals.
6. It is the process of bringing together physical,
financial and human resources and
developing productive relationship amongst
them for achievement of organizational
7. Identification of activities.
Classification of grouping of activities.
Assignment of duties.
Delegation of authority and creation of
Coordinating authority and responsibility
Organizing as a process involves:
8. - It is the function of manning the
organization structure and keeping it
Staffing involves:
Manpower Planning
Recruitment, Selection & Placement.
Training & Development.
Performance Appraisal.
Promotions & Transfer.
9. It is that part of managerial function which
actuates the organizational methods to
efficiently for achievement of
10. It implies measurement of accomplishment
against the standards and correction of
deviation if any to ensure achievement
of organizational goals.
11. Concept of Planning
in Management
Planning means deciding in advance what to do,
why to do, and when to do it.
12. Introduction
Planning is defined as setting an objective for a given time period,
developing various strategies or methods to attain them, and then
selecting the best possible alternatives from the various methods
Planning is all about what managers at all levels perform. It require
s adopting a decision as it involves making a choice from an
alternative course of action.
13. Planning helps in
achieving the
objective. We cann
ot think of achieving
any objective
without any kind of
to the
of Planning
Planning is universal
We always stay in
the present and
plan for the future.
Planning is never
done in the past
Planning is
14. Once plan is
framed and
implemented, it is
followed by another
Planning is
of Planning
In planning,
managers evaluate
various alternatives
and select the most
appropriate way to
manage things
It is not a mere gue
sswork but a
rotational thinking.
It involves
application of high
order thinking skills
and intellectual
Planning is
a Mental
15. Importance of Planning
Reduces the
Risk of
By stating in
advance, how
work has to be
done, planning
direction for
Uncertainty means
any events in the
future that change our
course of action.
Planning helps the
manager to face
If we plan, our time
will not be wasted
Planning encourages
to think creatively and
out of the box to
generate ideas
16. Importance of Planning
Establishes a
Standard for
on the
With good planning, our d
ecision-making gets accur
ate, it
becomes feasible
and it also gets
Controlling is incomplete
without planning and
planning is incomplete
without controlling.
Through planning, all
efforts of employees will
be directed towards the
achievement of the
goals and objectives of
the organization
20. Planning is about
managing resources and
priorities in an organized
way, Berry says.
Management is related
to leadership, and its
related to productivity.
Why Plan?
If companies improve how
they plan, managing and
leadership will also
improve. The following
steps can help businesses
plan better.
21. Devise a Plan: Write
important details down and
focus on strengths, what
matters, what people are
most important to you and
what you can do for them.
This will help you
communicate your vision to
your employees.
Define Success: How do you see
your business in several years?
Define long-term goals and be
specific. Establish milestones for
certain goals and who will
achieve the goals. Look at what
drives your business; it may be
presentations, conversions,
page views or something else.
Then establish a review
schedule and re-examine your
long-term goals as necessary.
22. Put It in Motion: Track and analyze
numbers to help you manage the work
behind the numbers. Youll be better able
to make changes or to develop new
plans that will help you manage better.
24. Operational plans are about how things need to
happen, motivational leadership speaker Mack
Story said at LinkedIn. Guidelines of how to
accomplish the mission are set.
25. Operational
This type of planning typically describes the day-to-
day running of the company. Operational plans are
often described as single use plans or ongoing plans.
Single use plans are created for events and activities
with a single occurrence (such as a single marketing
campaign). Ongoing plans include policies for
approaching problems, rules for specific regulations
and procedures for a step-by-step process for
accomplishing particular objectives.
26. Strategic plans are all about why things need to
happen, Story said. Its big picture, long-term
thinking. It starts at the highest level with defining
a mission and casting a vision.
27. Strategic planning includes a high-level overview
of the entire business. Its the foundational basis
of the organization and will dictate long-term
decisions. The scope of strategic planning can be
anywhere from the next two years to the next 10
years. Important components of a strategic plan
are vision, mission and values.
28. Tactical plans are about what is going to
happen, Story said. Basically at the tactical
level, there are many focused, specific, and
short-term plans, where the actual work is
being done, that support the high-level strategic
29. Tactical planning supports strategic planning. It includes
tactics that the organization plans to use to achieve
whats outlined in the strategic plan. Often, the scope is
less than one year and breaks down the strategic plan
into actionable chunks. Tactical planning is different
from operational planning in that tactical plans ask
specific questions about what needs to happen to
accomplish a strategic goal; operational plans ask how
the organization will generally do something to
accomplish the companys mission.
30. Contingency plans are made when something
unexpected happens or when something needs to
be changed. Business experts sometimes refer to
these plans as a special type of planning.
31. Contingency planning can be helpful in
circumstances that call for a change. Although
managers should anticipate changes when
engaged in any of the primary types of planning,
contingency planning is essential in moments
when changes cant be foreseen. As the business
world becomes more complicated, contingency
planning becomes more important to engage in
and understand.
Controlling is the process of assessing the organizations
progress toward accomplishing its goals. It includes
monitoring the implementation of a plan and correcting
deviations from that plan.
Controlling is a follow-up action to the other functions of
management performed by managers to control the
activities assigned to them in the organization.
It helps to check errors.
It helps in taking the correct actions so that there is a
minimum deviation from standards.
It will help the organization achieve its goal in the most
effective and efficient manner.
- to prevent some potential problem from occurring when
an activity is performed.
Access controls
Pre-approval of actions and transactions
Physical control over assets
- to discover the occurrence of adverse events such as
operational inefficiency.
Physical inventory checks
Review of accounts reports
- to remedy problems discovered through detective controls.
Implementing data back up
Recovery procedure
40. While planning sets out the goals, mission and steps for companies or
organizations to meet market demands, controls are put into place so
that companies or organizations can contend with changes when they
inevitably occur.
In other words, control ensures that companies or organizations can
adapt and change their plans and processes swiftly.
Reporter: Arshied A. Alfonso
41. Control follows planning. It is the process to ensure that plans are being
attained. It is a feedback.
Planning sets the philosophy and the guidelines on which the organization
operates. And controlling ensures that the activities of the organization
conform to these.
42. Points of
Planning Controlling
It means to decide the way to
do the actual work.
It refers to measuring
Nature Planning is forward-looking.
Controlling is backward-
Planning is the first step in the
management function.
Controlling is the last step in
the management function.
43. Points of
Planning Controlling
Planning is a function that decides how,
when, where, and who will do the work.
It includes the measurement of the
actual performance and feedback.
Planning is important because other
functions of management are only
performed in a better way if proper planning
is done. Hence, managerial function
depends on planning.
Controlling plays an important role as
without feedback, managers cannot
judge the performance of employees.
The primary motive of planning is to set
Controlling ensures that the target is
achieved or not.
44. Both controlling and planning differ in some way. Controlling establishes
performance standards that are used to measure performance towards
organizational goals. The primary objective of control is to determine whether
people and different parts of the organization are performing the work as per
their target, attaining the objectives that they have planned to achieve.
On the other hand, planning chooses goals and determines the necessary
strategy and tactics to accomplish those goals. Planning is made on how to
perform goals in order to prevent failures and promote success. Planning also
provides mediums on how to measure the performance of individuals, divisions,
departments, and the organization as a whole.