Plaforma CSR Umbrella M.G.Grzegorz OsóbkaDobre efekty zrównoważonego rozwoju można osiągnąć stylumując oddolną inicjatywę społeczną.
Ta prezentacja pozwoli Ci na poznanie przemyślanego rozwiązania w tym celu. Mam nadzieję, że temat uznasz za interesujący i godny pogłębienia.
Wprowadzamy ramy wartości określonej firmy jako kryteria dopuszczenia projektów zgłaszanych przez animatorów, społeczników (w tym pracowników).
Zakładamy określone ramy budżetu, raportowania i tworzenia treści do możliwej multikanałowej emisji.
Efekt? Mnóstwo uporządkowanych aktywności, dzięki którym zarówno środowisko i społeczeństwo osiągają korzyści, jak i Państwa firma w sposób świadomy buduje swoje miejsce w zrównoważonym otoczeniu.
DEKADA OCEANÓWGrzegorz OsóbkaThe document summarizes the major human impacts on the marine environment according to the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment from 2016. These impacts include climate change, mortality and disturbance of marine life, pollution from toxins/pathogens/plastics, increased demand for ocean space, underwater noise, disruption of migration patterns, and introduction of invasive species. The impacts are negatively affecting ocean ecosystems.
Zarzadzanie okazjami w Trade MarketinguGrzegorz OsóbkaKrotko o tym, co nam swietnie wychodzi, czyli stymulowanie popytu w oparciu o okazje - rozne swieta
The Ocean ProjectGrzegorz OsóbkaThe document discusses the importance of protecting oceans, which cover most of the Earth's surface and contain most of its water. It proposes creating a platform to submit ideas for social initiatives and projects to protect aquatic ecosystems, with evaluation and potential funding support from scientific organizations. The platform aims to connect local initiatives with sponsors to more easily realize projects that benefit both communities and sponsors' brands through authentic, socially responsible support of environmental causes.
Credentials UMBRELLAGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella is a marketing agency network that has been operating since 2004 with over 30 employees across offices in Warsaw, Poland and Auckland, New Zealand. They provide various marketing services including strategy and research, social media marketing, product design, and ecommerce solutions. Umbrella has delivered over 60 marketing integration projects for FMCG companies. Some of their clients include Coca-Cola HBC, Maspex, Bahlsen, and Materne, for whom they have implemented CSR campaigns, innovation tools, category management strategies, and new product launches.
POSM Umbrella Marketing GroupGrzegorz OsóbkaThis document discusses an outsourcing partner's experience in point-of-sale management. It offers analysis of customer experience, prototyping of POS materials, and a dedicated web and mobile platform for ordering. The partner has extensive experience across Europe and emerging markets, and specializes in standardizing product displays. It conducts research to optimize the customer shopping experience and design customized POS solutions.
Trendwatching BenchmarkingGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella Marketing Group is an international network of marketing agencies that provides research, strategy, sales support, and e-marketing services. It has over 25 marketing specialists representing clients from various industries including Coca-Cola, IBM, and Sony. Umbrella conducts trendwatching and benchmarking to help clients identify important consumer and industry trends, understand competitors, and leverage opportunities to improve results.
Umbrella Marketing Group - Branża budowlana i instalacyjnaGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella Marketing Group has long-term business relationships with international companies from Saint Gobain Group, EATON, AmeriGas, Velux, Maspex, Hilding Anders, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Securitas, Materne, Duravit, IBM, and SONY. Their team consists of over 20 marketers, sales and marketing project specialists with experience in large corporations and building materials. Umbrella is expanding internationally through a chain of Umbrella companies around the world, currently in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Kazakhstan, Dubai, China, and the United States. They offer a range of effective marketing tools and processes developed over 13 years of
Join us!Grzegorz OsóbkaThe document describes a proposed global marketing agency network called Umbrella Marketing Group. It would connect independent marketing agencies around the world to share knowledge, resources, and clients through regional branches. Agencies could offer integrated marketing services to local clients while also taking on international projects by collaborating with other agencies in the network. The network aims to standardize marketing methods, commercialize knowledge through an online platform, and eventually expand through new branches and public listing.
Standardization of expositionsGrzegorz OsóbkaStandardization is the order of the shopper's navigation at the point of sale.
Social media for fittersGrzegorz OsóbkaThe document discusses using social media, specifically targeting fitters in the building and construction market. It recommends communicating with young fitters via social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram to help them in their careers, by offering benefits like e-learning, bonus programs, and online references. Engaging with fitters on social media can help build strong cooperation and association with the brand, while providing specific support.
TrendwatchingGrzegorz OsóbkaMamy tu własną metodologię szukania inspiracji w zakresie nowości ofertowych, zmian na rynku, innowacyjnych kanałów sprzedaży i modeli budowania relacji z nabywcami.
Credentials UMBRELLAGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella is a marketing agency network that has been operating since 2004 with over 30 employees across offices in Warsaw, Poland and Auckland, New Zealand. They provide various marketing services including strategy and research, social media marketing, product design, and ecommerce solutions. Umbrella has delivered over 60 marketing integration projects for FMCG companies. Some of their clients include Coca-Cola HBC, Maspex, Bahlsen, and Materne, for whom they have implemented CSR campaigns, innovation tools, category management strategies, and new product launches.
POSM Umbrella Marketing GroupGrzegorz OsóbkaThis document discusses an outsourcing partner's experience in point-of-sale management. It offers analysis of customer experience, prototyping of POS materials, and a dedicated web and mobile platform for ordering. The partner has extensive experience across Europe and emerging markets, and specializes in standardizing product displays. It conducts research to optimize the customer shopping experience and design customized POS solutions.
Trendwatching BenchmarkingGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella Marketing Group is an international network of marketing agencies that provides research, strategy, sales support, and e-marketing services. It has over 25 marketing specialists representing clients from various industries including Coca-Cola, IBM, and Sony. Umbrella conducts trendwatching and benchmarking to help clients identify important consumer and industry trends, understand competitors, and leverage opportunities to improve results.
Umbrella Marketing Group - Branża budowlana i instalacyjnaGrzegorz OsóbkaUmbrella Marketing Group has long-term business relationships with international companies from Saint Gobain Group, EATON, AmeriGas, Velux, Maspex, Hilding Anders, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Securitas, Materne, Duravit, IBM, and SONY. Their team consists of over 20 marketers, sales and marketing project specialists with experience in large corporations and building materials. Umbrella is expanding internationally through a chain of Umbrella companies around the world, currently in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Kazakhstan, Dubai, China, and the United States. They offer a range of effective marketing tools and processes developed over 13 years of
Join us!Grzegorz OsóbkaThe document describes a proposed global marketing agency network called Umbrella Marketing Group. It would connect independent marketing agencies around the world to share knowledge, resources, and clients through regional branches. Agencies could offer integrated marketing services to local clients while also taking on international projects by collaborating with other agencies in the network. The network aims to standardize marketing methods, commercialize knowledge through an online platform, and eventually expand through new branches and public listing.
Standardization of expositionsGrzegorz OsóbkaStandardization is the order of the shopper's navigation at the point of sale.
Social media for fittersGrzegorz OsóbkaThe document discusses using social media, specifically targeting fitters in the building and construction market. It recommends communicating with young fitters via social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram to help them in their careers, by offering benefits like e-learning, bonus programs, and online references. Engaging with fitters on social media can help build strong cooperation and association with the brand, while providing specific support.
TrendwatchingGrzegorz OsóbkaMamy tu własną metodologię szukania inspiracji w zakresie nowości ofertowych, zmian na rynku, innowacyjnych kanałów sprzedaży i modeli budowania relacji z nabywcami.