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What is a Play Day?
Ideas Unlimited Play Days are forays into the edge of the leadership and organisational development
field. They are an opportunity to take time to think creatively about your work and to go back
refreshed and with insight.
Play Days are characterised by:
• Stimulating topics and engaging facilitation from Ideas Unlimited
• Creativity and experimentation
• Group members bringing their experience
• Interesting or unusual venues.

Who is it for?
Play Days are for:
Those who are concerned with the development of leaders and organisations. Attendees are usually
interested in progressive thinking and are willing to take part in a day of exploration. We have 12
places on each Play Day.

When and where?
The next Play Day will be on 1st December at Talent Hub, BSkyB Offices, 4 Macintosh Road, Livingston,
Scotland EH54 7BW. Please arrive by 0930 for a 0945 start. The day will finish by 1700.

What’s the topic?

Some questions under consideration
•   How can we conceive and design leadership development so that it is completely applied to
   the day to day work of leaders?
•   If 70% of learning takes place on the job what’s the role of the Learning and Development
   community in leadership development?
•   What’s the alternative to traditional ‘offline’ Leadership Development Programmes?
•   What is the place of simulation, project work, team and individual coaching and other applied
   learning approaches?

What’s the cost?
Play Days are not a profit-maker for us but we do like to cover our costs, so we will be asking each
participant for a £150 + VAT (£180) contribution. Cheques on the day made out to Ideas Unlimited
would be great or we can invoice you if you let Linda know what details you need on the invoice.

Who to bring
Please come with a friend, colleague or contact who is involved in leadership development. We want
their contribution! We try to ensure no more than three individuals from the same organisation at
one session.

Sign up
Contact: linda@ideasunlimited.com to sign up.

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Play Day Scotland December 2011

  • 1. APPLIED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT What is a Play Day? Ideas Unlimited Play Days are forays into the edge of the leadership and organisational development field. They are an opportunity to take time to think creatively about your work and to go back refreshed and with insight. Play Days are characterised by: • Stimulating topics and engaging facilitation from Ideas Unlimited • Creativity and experimentation • Group members bringing their experience • Interesting or unusual venues. Who is it for? Play Days are for: Those who are concerned with the development of leaders and organisations. Attendees are usually interested in progressive thinking and are willing to take part in a day of exploration. We have 12 places on each Play Day. When and where? The next Play Day will be on 1st December at Talent Hub, BSkyB Offices, 4 Macintosh Road, Livingston, Scotland EH54 7BW. Please arrive by 0930 for a 0945 start. The day will finish by 1700. What’s the topic? APPLIED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Some questions under consideration • How can we conceive and design leadership development so that it is completely applied to the day to day work of leaders? • If 70% of learning takes place on the job what’s the role of the Learning and Development community in leadership development? • What’s the alternative to traditional ‘offline’ Leadership Development Programmes? • What is the place of simulation, project work, team and individual coaching and other applied learning approaches? What’s the cost? Play Days are not a profit-maker for us but we do like to cover our costs, so we will be asking each participant for a £150 + VAT (£180) contribution. Cheques on the day made out to Ideas Unlimited would be great or we can invoice you if you let Linda know what details you need on the invoice. Who to bring Please come with a friend, colleague or contact who is involved in leadership development. We want their contribution! We try to ensure no more than three individuals from the same organisation at one session. Sign up Contact: linda@ideasunlimited.com to sign up.