Fitxes per treballar els n炭meros del 0 al 100. Les fitxes estan organitzades per fam鱈lies de n炭meros. Hi ha exercicis per encerclar els que s坦n de la mateixa fam鱈lia, per comptar endavant, enrere, per ordenar-los de m辿s petit a m辿s gran, etc.
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
Poemes infantils sobre l'estiu, les vacances, el sol, el mar, la calor, les sirenes, la lluna... de diferents poetes, amb il揃lustracionsMolts poemes diferents per a gaudir al llarg de tot l'estiu els xiquets i xiquetes.
Us invitem a crear els vostres poemes i que ens els enviu. Els publicarem al blog de Poesia Infantil i Juvenil per tal de compartir-los. Animeu-se a escriure'n!
Per practicar la cal揃ligrafia en lletra d' impremta.J炭lia All竪s
The document provides instructions for a handwriting exercise. It includes spaces for a student's name and date and instructs them to trace each of seven vocabulary words. The source is identified as Handwriting for Kids website and copyright information is listed at the bottom.
Fitxes per treballar la descripci坦 a nivell de cicle inicial de primria.
Es poden descarregar a la web:
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
Poemes infantils sobre l'estiu, les vacances, el sol, el mar, la calor, les sirenes, la lluna... de diferents poetes, amb il揃lustracionsMolts poemes diferents per a gaudir al llarg de tot l'estiu els xiquets i xiquetes.
Us invitem a crear els vostres poemes i que ens els enviu. Els publicarem al blog de Poesia Infantil i Juvenil per tal de compartir-los. Animeu-se a escriure'n!
Per practicar la cal揃ligrafia en lletra d' impremta.J炭lia All竪s
The document provides instructions for a handwriting exercise. It includes spaces for a student's name and date and instructs them to trace each of seven vocabulary words. The source is identified as Handwriting for Kids website and copyright information is listed at the bottom.
Fitxes per treballar la descripci坦 a nivell de cicle inicial de primria.
Es poden descarregar a la web:
Romania is known for traditional dishes like sarmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) and mici (grilled meatballs of goat, pork, or chicken). Typical desserts include cozonac (sweet bread) and mona de Pascua (Easter bread). One of Romania's most famous landmarks is Bran Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle. Romania experiences very cold winters, with temperatures sometimes dropping to -38属C, and mild summers around 25属C. Some Romanian words that have been adopted into English include bon dia (hello), adeu (goodbye), and bona nit (good night).
There was a pond with 12 bugs originally that included scarabs, insects, arachnids and a centipede. A hungry frog ate some of the bugs, including 2 scarabs, 2 varied insects, 1 arachnid, and 5 insects. After the frog ate the bugs, there were 7 bugs remaining in the pond.
Jan has 18 toys and his sister has 12 dolls. Gerard gives Jan 7 whistles. The question is how many total objects do they have altogether. Jan originally had 18 toys but lost 10 toys. So now he has 27 objects in total including the 7 whistles Gerard gave him.
Eloi originally had 16 balls. His brother gave him 8 more balls, so he had 24 balls total. Then Eloi lost 3 balls at the park. So to calculate how many balls Eloi has left, we start with the 24 balls total, subtract the 3 lost balls, and get 21 balls remaining.
1. Nadal per Sempre, dngel Daban
En la llgrima d'un estel
o en un boc鱈 de lluna,
en el somriure d'un infant
o en uns ulls de tendresa,
en un pet坦 de mar
o en el ball dun camp al vent,
en una taula compartida
o en una m oberta,
en un dringar de pau
o en la flaire d'una llar,
en la il揃lusi坦 del dem
o en un cor que estimes...
trobars la dansa dun llumet,
trobars el cant duna flor,
trobars la mgia de la nit,
trobars sentit al Nadal.
Llavors ja no et caldr
esperar que arribi el dia;
i en cada moment de vida
sentirs batecs damor.