Laudatio de Francisco Castro sobre a figura e a obra de Agust¨ªn Fern¨¢ndez PazFrancisco Castro
Laudatio pronunciada polo escritor Francisco Castro en Trasalba, na Casa Grande de don Ram¨®n, o 29 de xu?o de 2014, co gallo da entrega do Premio Trasalba ao escritor Agust¨ªn Fern¨¢ndez Paz.
A comprehensive look at one of the world's leading corporate training institutions. Innerwealth brings leading self awareness to corporate environments. Straight talking Aussie style
The document summarizes key points from an FDA guidance on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and the use of electronic PROs (ePROs). It defines PROs as measures coming directly from patients about their health without interpretation. The FDA guidance provides recommendations on PRO development, validation and use in clinical trials to support product labels. It also discusses levels of evidence needed to establish equivalence when migrating paper PROs to electronic formats, with more changes requiring more rigorous validation. In general, studies show high correlations and equivalence between paper and ePRO versions.
Laudatio de Francisco Castro sobre a figura e a obra de Agust¨ªn Fern¨¢ndez PazFrancisco Castro
Laudatio pronunciada polo escritor Francisco Castro en Trasalba, na Casa Grande de don Ram¨®n, o 29 de xu?o de 2014, co gallo da entrega do Premio Trasalba ao escritor Agust¨ªn Fern¨¢ndez Paz.
A comprehensive look at one of the world's leading corporate training institutions. Innerwealth brings leading self awareness to corporate environments. Straight talking Aussie style
The document summarizes key points from an FDA guidance on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and the use of electronic PROs (ePROs). It defines PROs as measures coming directly from patients about their health without interpretation. The FDA guidance provides recommendations on PRO development, validation and use in clinical trials to support product labels. It also discusses levels of evidence needed to establish equivalence when migrating paper PROs to electronic formats, with more changes requiring more rigorous validation. In general, studies show high correlations and equivalence between paper and ePRO versions.
This document contains frequently asked questions about the American College of Radiology's BI-RADS Atlas, 5th Edition. It provides corrections that have been made to the atlas, answers questions about mammography, ultrasound, MRI, follow-up and outcome monitoring, and other topics. The document is copyright protected by the ACR and cannot be reproduced without permission.
This document outlines the plot of a love story between twins who were separated at birth and meet for the first time when one is the new student at the other's school. It explores how they will react to discovering they are twins and how they will help each other as the popular boy struggles in school while the geeky girl struggles socially. It then provides direction for filming scenes at the school to depict their relationship developing between the socially different twins.
PHT, Almac, and Medidata have partnered to integrate their clinical trial systems in order to facilitate rapid data sharing. This integration allows sites and sponsors to view all real-time patient data within one system, eliminating duplicate data entry and reducing errors. It increases the ease of use of eClinical systems and reduces data management workload and costs for sponsors.
ACI is a company focused on developing affinity programs for associations to generate non-dues revenue and funds. Their mission is to be a trusted partner for associations of any size in building marketing programs. They offer a complete line of loyalty program and sponsorship solutions that link associations, members, and partners to increase benefits for all groups. Research shows loyalty programs can significantly increase member spending and engagement when done effectively.
The document appears to be a resume or portfolio for an interior designer named Deborah L. Norman, listing various commercial and healthcare design projects she worked on, including corporate offices, medical centers, and showroom designs. It provides images and brief descriptions of each project, focusing on the design goals and how the finished spaces were developed. The portfolio highlights Deborah Norman's experience in corporate, healthcare, retail, and exhibition design work.
Leadership Thru Uncertainty By Chris Walker EbookChris Walker
1) The document summarizes notes from a corporate presentation about leadership under pressure, using a metaphorical journey climbing mountains in Nepal.
2) The speaker discusses leading people into dangerous situations and gaining their trust. Key aspects of leadership discussed include having a clear vision of the future, balancing management of current needs with planning for tomorrow, and maintaining confidence despite challenges.
3) Additional leadership lessons covered include focusing on the present moment, establishing a balanced perspective by acknowledging both challenges and support, understanding human nature, and ensuring one's purpose is larger than themselves.
The document provides information on marketing and developing business with the federal government. It discusses common myths about federal marketing and outlines the truth that over 90% of buying decisions are made at the local level. It also provides tips on networking with federal agencies and locating opportunities on websites like Details are given on various federal clients including the Department of the Navy, Department of the Army, and U.S. General Services Administration.
The document discusses a magazine front cover design targeted towards 16-19 year olds. It analyzes the design elements and how they appeal to the target audience. Smaller images and speech boxes were used to showcase the magazine's content. Yellow font was used to make the title stand out. The target audience likes individual music and fashion and lives independently. The cover style reflects this personality. Both teenage and adult comments on the design were positive about its eye-catching elements and uniqueness but had some criticisms on text amount and use of color.
The document provides instructions for analyzing truss structures. It outlines 4 steps: 1) determine support reactions if not given, 2) draw free body diagrams of joints with unknown forces, 3) apply equilibrium equations to solve for unknowns, 4) repeat steps 2 and 3 until all forces are determined. It also discusses zero-force members, which can be removed from the truss for analysis if they meet certain criteria. Zero-force members do not carry loads but increase stability. The document contains sample problems and solutions demonstrating these concepts.
The document provides an overview of the 76th annual San Mateo County Fair to be held from June 12-20, 2010. It details that the nine-day community festival attracts around 140,000 consumers and offers sponsorship opportunities to showcase products and services. Sponsorship levels range from $500 to $50,000, and provide benefits like on-site signage, advertising, and promotional partnerships. Demographic data notes that over half of attendees are families with incomes over $65,000.
This is a presentation given by our Director of Creative Services, that outlines that advantages variable data printing can bring to your marketing campaigns.
Search Engine Marketing - A Business PerspectiveHans Riemer
A management approach to SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
When it comes to SEO, there's no shortage of information on what to do and how to do it. Some of it is quite good, while other information is out of date or flat-out wrong. This presentation, delivered at the North-By-North-Shore conference near Boston in June, 2013, focuses on the overall strategy and issues that senior management must address to be successful with Search Marketing.
1. A poes¨ªa non morde, non fai dano e, a¨ªnda que hai quen pense o contrario, non ¨¦ aburrida , nin romanticona , nin rid¨ªcula , nin dif¨ªcil.
2. Test de afectividade: a literatura e ti 1 . Recordas onde co?eciches o ¨²ltimo libro do que te namoraches? a. Claro. b. E ten que ser o ¨²ltimo? c. Puff... 2 . Se o teu mozo ou moza che pide que lle leas un poema... a. Que guai. b. Prefires outro tipo de vicios... c. Cambias de mozo ou moza.
3. Test de afectividade: a literatura e ti 4 . Que palabra elixir¨ªas para rimar nun soneto con poeta? a. Peta. b. Caldeireta. c. Ornitorrinco. 3 . ? certo que os var¨®ns que len habitualmente te?en mais espermatozoides per capita? a. Si. b. Non. c. Ns. / nc.
4. Test de afectividade: a literatura e ti 5 . Podes facer cola durante unha hora antes de que empecen as rebaixas... a. Diante dunha librar¨ªa. b. Diante dunha tenda de roupa. c. Nunca. 7 . Que significa en ¨¦uscaro ¡° Kulturan sakonago orduan eta askeago¡± ? a. S¨¦ cult@ para ser libre. b. Qu¨¦rote, meu amor. c. Un pincho de tortilla, por favor. 6 . As mulleres len m¨¢is que os homes... a. Como moitas outras cousas. b. As¨ª lles vai (aos homes) c. Pero saben menos de f¨²tbol.
5. Test de afectividade: a literatura e ti 8 . Na t¨²a mesi?a de noite non pode faltar... a. Un libro. b. Cond¨®ns. c. Unha postal da virxe Mar¨ªa. 9 . Canto tempo les ao d¨ªa... a. Menos do que gustar¨ªa. b. M¨¢is do que gustar¨ªa. c. M¨¢is ou menos . 10 . Tiveches algunha experiencia sexual con alg¨²n libro na mao? a. Si. b. Non. c. Eink ?
6. RESULTADO: 1. Maior¨ªa de a : Parab¨¦ns!, os libros e ti sodes a parella perfecta! Por moitos anos! 2. Maior¨ªa de b : En fin, pod¨ªa ser mellor... Os libros e ti t¨¦desvos cari?o a¨ªnda que, seguramente a ra¨ªz dalgunha mala experiencia, existen pequenos problemas entre v¨®s que tal vez deberiades solucionar. 3. Maior¨ªa de c : Existen moitas desavinzas entre a literatura e mais ti, tedes que dialogar e descubrir os vosos problemas. Deber¨ªas p¨®r mais da t¨²a parte se non queres ser un desgraciado lector, ou lectora, o resto da t¨²a vida. Non esquezas que sempre hai un libro agardando por ti. SECHU SENDE Infoxove n¨²mero 4, agosto de 2006
10. A poes¨ªa serve para ler , cantar , gritar , recitar , rapear , musicar , declararse , rebelarse contra o mundo ou para sinxelamente rumorear suave ao o¨ªdo.
25. Yolanda Casta?o Modesto Fraga Estevo Creus Mar¨ªa do Cebreiro Miro Villar Cristal M¨¦ndez Queiz¨¢n Mar¨ªa Lado Rafa Villar Pilar Pallar¨¦s Olga Novo nOVAS vOCES dA pOES?A
26. O XOGO DE ESCRIBIR POEMAS Cando podes voar coa poes¨ªa Once m¨¢is quince
27. Son Ana Roman¨ª, Celso Fern¨¢ndez Sanmart¨ªn, Enma Couceiro, Yolanda Casta?o, Mar¨ªa do Cebreiro R¨¢bade, Marta Dacosta, Mart¨ªn Veiga, Olga Novo e Rafa Villar. Volverlles a palabra. Homenaxe aos represaliados do franquismo Marilar Aleixandre , Xes¨²s Alonso Montero , Manuel ?lvarez Torneiro , Anxo Angueira , Carmen Blanco , Xurxo Borraz¨¢s , Dar¨ªo Xoh¨¢n Cabana , Marica Campo , Xos¨¦ Carlos Caneiro , Ram¨®n Caride Ogando , Arturo Casas , Francisco Castro , Marta Dacosta , Isaac D¨ªaz Pardo , X. Ant¨®n L. Dobao , Est¨ªbaliz Espinosa , Francisco X. Fern¨¢ndez Naval , Salvador Garc¨ªa-Boda?o , Bieito Iglesias , Arcadio L¨®pez-Casanova , Mar¨ªa do Cebreiro , Paco Mart¨ªn , Franck Meyer , Xos¨¦ M. Mill¨¢n Otero , Xos¨¦ Neira Vilas , Isidro Novo , Olga Novo , Pilar Pallar¨¦s , Chus Pato , Emma Pedreira , Ant¨®n Riveiro Coello , Manoel Riveiro Loureiro , Elvira Riveiro Tob¨ªo , Claudio Rodr¨ªguez Fer , Xulio L. Valc¨¢rcel , Eva Veiga , Manuel Veiga , Miro Villar Polifon¨ªas: voces po¨¦ticas contra a violencia de x¨¦nero Marilar Aleixandre , Marica Campo , Yolanda Casta?o , Emma Couceiro , Marta Dacosta , Lupe G¨®mez , Margarita Ledo , Mar¨ªa do Cebreiro , Chus Pato , Ana Roman¨ª , Marga do Val , Helena Villar Janeiro Espiral Maior-Secretar¨ªa Xeral da Igualdade Ano de publicaci¨®n: 2006 Lugar de publicaci¨®n: Culleredo (A Coru?a) ISBN: 84-96475-23-9
28. Dun poema que me pasou e debo unha vez m¨¢is queimar os barcos, Non vou mudar de pel: a mi?a lingua Canta ben o meu doce desencanto, Pero tam¨¦n aquilo que esperamos, So?adores diurnos do que debe Comprenderse coa luz do partisano. RAMIRO FONTE
29. Cando escribo eu esa palabra Rosa, Unha flor de verdade Nesta p¨¢xina abrolla. Cando eu escribo esa palabra Melro, Un paxari?o negro alzo o seu voo Desde a pola dun verso
30. (INTENCI?NS) Non levo t¨¦ nas palmas pero te?o unhas xemas que poden rebentar en calquera momento. Asisto ¨¢ prehistoria das ra¨ªces e os meus dedos ensaian a caricia s¨® porque non te poden rabu?ar. Con auga da tra¨ªda preparo unha infusi¨®n de fin¨ªsimas herbas e o verde leva un nome proscrito de muller, de mar¨ªa, de min. Tam¨¦n quero casar pero non te?o roupa. Por iso ¨¢s veces penso no xabr¨®n do lagarto, nas eventualidades, mi?a nai: enxugar outra vez a saia coa que andaba perdida por a¨ª (igual que a carolina ¨ªspome polos p¨¦s). Primeiro eu almorzaba malas herbas ata un fondo chamado ¨²ltima gota e logo as¨ª fregaba a louza, as¨ª, as¨ª, mesturando na lingua memoria con desexo. Imito a voz de isolda, lamento o meu destino moito m¨¢is torpemente que lu¨ªsa insisto (sempre insisto) en preguntar, coas mi?as mans tan brancas sumidas nos cacharros m¨¢is profundos. Pod¨ªa demorarme en refregar a carne contra t¨®dolos concos para apa?ar os restos dun pouso tan acedo como in¨²til. Ped¨ªn xogar a bico, verdade ou consecuencia pero non me deixaron. As¨ª pasaba o ferro, as¨ª, as¨ª coa traiz¨®n dos outros incendi¨¢ndome o pulso, e emprend¨ªa reformas nese cuarto que por desgracia todos levamos dentro ou tapaba as goteiras dun faiado que ardera sendo eu inmediatamente anterior na orde do tr¨¢nsito. O braseiro e a decadencia son case a mesma cousa. Sorprendeume entre os dedos o espertar do remol Porque me souben l¨²cida pero sentimental despois de todo. As¨ª berrei por fin, as¨ª, as¨ª, solicitando asilo, pedra p¨®mez, calquera circunstancia respir¨¢bel. O estadio do espello, 1998