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Coordination of Territorial and Sector
         Planning in Latvia

                           Alise Vitola, Mg. oec.
                   Maija Senfelde, prof., Dr. oec.

                                 Delft, May 2012

 Policy coordination

 Current trends in Latvia

 Results of the survey

Policy coordination

 Continuous procedural value

 Avoidance or at least minimisation of
  duplication, overlapping and inconsistency of
  government policies

 Promotion of comprehensive and coherent,
  whole government perspective
Types of policy coordination

   Administrative               Policy
    (functional)              (strategic)

                   Vertical                   Horizontal
              (multi-level)                 (cross-sectoral)

                                Negative                       Positive
Horizontal policy coordination




 Cross-sectoral challenges - competitveness,
  sustainability, information society etc.

 National interests

 Fiscal pressures

 Efectiveness and eficiency of public administration
Policy coordination system


                                                                         PUBLIC SERVICES
                            Formal                           Informal

                         arrangements                     arrangements

                                   Formal      Informal
Policy coordination

 Not an all of nothing matter

 Depends on the political system (coalition vs.

 Distributional interests of sectors

 Trust & social capital
Ways to promote policy

 Increased coordination in particular areas

 The centre of government

 Bottom-up initiatives
Policy coordination scale*

* Les Metcalfe, 1994
Policy coordination in Latvia
 High number of documents, but - lack of the process

 Generalisation and fragmentation (e.g. policy and
  investment planning)

 Lack of political support and scepticism in public

 Increase in bottom-up initiatives in territorial level

 Insufficient level of policy coordination due to the
  lack of motivation and low social capital

Often political energies are exhausted in process of setting
objectives and defining missions which cannot be fulfilled
because more basic but less glamorous aspects of the
policy coordination process are too weak to support the
weight of large political ambitions
                                          Metcalfe 1994
Social capital in Latvia

Indicator                            Latvia   EU-27   Estonia Finland
Trust level in national parliament   14%      27%     40%     58%

Trust level in national government   19%      24%     49%     56%

Trust level in most people           15%      30%     33%     61%
Satisfaction  with       the    way 23%       49%     38%     79%
democracy works

Satisfaction with life               65%      87%     74%     96%
Level of policy coordination
          (the survey)

    Arbitration by the third party (e.g. prime
                 minister) (1,70)

Integration of sectoral policies by setting and
  mantaining national level priorities (2,03)

   Voluntary search for an agreement (2,23)

  Exchange of information and consultations

                                                  0%   20%    40%      60%      80%      100%

            Very often (4)     Often (3)      Sometimes (2)   Seldom (1)     Never (0)
Policy coordination scale*

* Les Metcalfe, 1994                LV
Usefulness of instruments
        (the survey)
Declaration of the government

   Formal consultations (1,83)

 Common policy papers (2,10)

  Cross-sectoral policy papers
    Voluntary interministerial
     working groups (2,23)

     Informal networks (2,25)

                                   0%           20%             40%         60%           80%        100%
    Very useful (3)   Fairly useful (2)   Not very useful (1)    Not at all useful (0)   No answer (0)
Future prospects
              (the survey)
      The implementation of comprehensive
           whole-government strategy

Special cross-sectoral project or programmes
 in fields especially important for the state's                                 28%
Special cross-sectoral project or programmes
     in fields where closer sector policy                                   26%
            coordination is needed

 Sector policy planning consulting with other

      None of the form will work sufficiently          7%

                                                  0%    10%         20%         30%
Regional and local level
              (the survey)
Need to involve in policy making
          Local level - local municipalities

         Regional level - planning regions

                                               0%         20%            40%           60%           80%         100%

                 Very important     Fairly important     Not very important       Not important      No answer

Capacity to participate in policy making

          Local level - local municipalities

         Regional level - planning regions

                                               0%         20%            40%           60%           80%         100%

                     Sufficient    Fairly sufficient   Not very sufficient     Not sufficient     No answer
 Informal aspects play a very important role

 Focus on enhanced coordination in particular domains

 Financial motivation (to counteracts distributive interests
  of sectors)

 束Soft損 measures - exchange of experience, informal
  networks, rotation of senior staff etc.

 The role of regional level

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Policy Coordination in Latvia (Delft, 2012)

  • 1. Coordination of Territorial and Sector Planning in Latvia Alise Vitola, Mg. oec. Maija Senfelde, prof., Dr. oec. Delft, May 2012
  • 2. Content Policy coordination Current trends in Latvia Results of the survey Suggestions
  • 3. Policy coordination Continuous procedural value Avoidance or at least minimisation of duplication, overlapping and inconsistency of government policies Promotion of comprehensive and coherent, whole government perspective
  • 4. Types of policy coordination Administrative Policy (functional) (strategic) Vertical Horizontal (multi-level) (cross-sectoral) Negative Positive
  • 5. Horizontal policy coordination Prioritising Synergy Balancing Merging
  • 6. Topicality Cross-sectoral challenges - competitveness, sustainability, information society etc. National interests Fiscal pressures Efectiveness and eficiency of public administration
  • 7. Policy coordination system Policy coordination PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC SERVICES REGULATION Formal Informal GRANTS TAXES arrangements arrangements Organisations Formal Informal
  • 8. Policy coordination Not an all of nothing matter Depends on the political system (coalition vs. majority) Distributional interests of sectors Trust & social capital
  • 9. Ways to promote policy coordination 束Super-ministries損 Increased coordination in particular areas The centre of government Bottom-up initiatives
  • 10. Policy coordination scale* * Les Metcalfe, 1994
  • 11. Policy coordination in Latvia High number of documents, but - lack of the process approach Generalisation and fragmentation (e.g. policy and investment planning) Lack of political support and scepticism in public administration Increase in bottom-up initiatives in territorial level
  • 12. Reasons Insufficient level of policy coordination due to the lack of motivation and low social capital Often political energies are exhausted in process of setting objectives and defining missions which cannot be fulfilled because more basic but less glamorous aspects of the policy coordination process are too weak to support the weight of large political ambitions Metcalfe 1994
  • 13. Social capital in Latvia Indicator Latvia EU-27 Estonia Finland Trust level in national parliament 14% 27% 40% 58% Trust level in national government 19% 24% 49% 56% Trust level in most people 15% 30% 33% 61% Satisfaction with the way 23% 49% 38% 79% democracy works Satisfaction with life 65% 87% 74% 96%
  • 14. Level of policy coordination (the survey) Arbitration by the third party (e.g. prime minister) (1,70) Integration of sectoral policies by setting and mantaining national level priorities (2,03) Voluntary search for an agreement (2,23) Exchange of information and consultations (2,90) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very often (4) Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom (1) Never (0)
  • 15. Policy coordination scale* * Les Metcalfe, 1994 LV
  • 16. Usefulness of instruments (the survey) Declaration of the government (1,35) Formal consultations (1,83) Common policy papers (2,10) Cross-sectoral policy papers (2,10) Voluntary interministerial working groups (2,23) Informal networks (2,25) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very useful (3) Fairly useful (2) Not very useful (1) Not at all useful (0) No answer (0)
  • 17. Future prospects (the survey) The implementation of comprehensive 15% whole-government strategy Special cross-sectoral project or programmes in fields especially important for the state's 28% development Special cross-sectoral project or programmes in fields where closer sector policy 26% coordination is needed Sector policy planning consulting with other 25% sectors None of the form will work sufficiently 7% 0% 10% 20% 30%
  • 18. Regional and local level (the survey) Need to involve in policy making Local level - local municipalities Regional level - planning regions 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very important Fairly important Not very important Not important No answer Capacity to participate in policy making Local level - local municipalities Regional level - planning regions 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Sufficient Fairly sufficient Not very sufficient Not sufficient No answer
  • 19. Conclusions Informal aspects play a very important role Focus on enhanced coordination in particular domains Financial motivation (to counteracts distributive interests of sectors) 束Soft損 measures - exchange of experience, informal networks, rotation of senior staff etc. The role of regional level