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The evaluation of socioeconomic
development of Latvian cities and towns
  using development level-rate matrix

                                                  Alise V朝tola
                                     Riga Technical University

                                             Zintis Hermansons
                              Ministry of Regional Development
                                         and Local Government
             Riga, September 2010
Cities and towns in Latvia
 High degree of urbanisation  70% of inhabitants live in cities and towns
 Wide network of 76 small and medium sized towns
 Monocentric development - dominancy of capital city Riga and its
 Alternative growth poles - Liepaja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Daugavpils,
  Rezekne, Valmiera

                                  Source: SRDA                                             Source: SRDA
  Incomes of inhabitants (2009)                  Changes in number of inhabitants (2005-2010)

        The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                           using development level-rate matrix
Regional policy in Latvia*
  Promotion of polycentric development by
   competitiveness of growth poles
   functional networking of cities and towns
   urban-rural partnership

  Preconditions for polycentric development:
   concentration of resources

  Spatial perspective of Latvia 2030
   levels of growth poles
   functional networks of growth poles

                                                                 Source: Latvia 2030
* Sustainable Development Strategy for Latvia till 2030 (2010)
  National Development Plan 2007-2013 (2006)

           The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                              using development level-rate matrix
The study
 Purpose: to analyse socioeconomic development of major cities
  and towns in Latvia in 10 years period (1999-2008)

    10 major cities  Riga (capital city), Daugavpils, Liepaja,
     Jelgava, Jurmala, Ventspils, Rezekne, Valmiera, Jekabpils
     and Ogre
    12 towns with more than 10 000 inhabitants, four of them 
     amalgamated municipalities

 Methodology: calculation of indexes and graphical analysis
  using development level-rate matrix

 Data: local level statistics - income of inhabitants, unemployment
  level and density of inhabitants

   The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                      using development level-rate matrix
Indexes and matrix
Indexes :                                               xi  ximin
 covering 10 year period                       Ii =                     (1)
 separate development level and
                                                       xi max  ximin
   rate indexes for each indicator (1)
 aggregated indicator for the                   I =                    (2)
   overall socioeconomic                              n
   development rate and level (2)

 x axis represents development
  level and y axis  development rate
 horizontal axis crosses vertical axis
  at 0,5
 bubbles represent the number of
  inhabitants in cities and towns

   The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                      using development level-rate matrix
Results: income

   Leader positions are taken by Riga and cities and towns in 50 km radius around it, as well as
    Valmiera, Csis and Talsi
   Also some cities and towns with lower income level have high income increase rates  Saldus,
   Special attention should be paid to Kuldiga where the income increase rate is lower than
    average, but the income lewel is rather low
          The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                             using development level-rate matrix
Results: unemployment

   Higher unemplyment decrease rates are in the largest cities, except Riga (with the lowest
    unemployment level), and in Kraslava (with the highest unemployment level)
   Higher unemplyment decrease rates are in cities and towns with higher unemployment level
    and vice versa
   Exeptions  Dobele, Bauska and Kuldiga with moderate level of unemployment and lower
    unemployment decrease rates
          The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                             using development level-rate matrix
Results: density of inhabitants

   Higher density increase rates - in cities and towns in 70 km radius around Riga, as well as
    Tukums, Saldus and Csis
   N.B.! The number of inhabitants increased only in Tukums, Sigulda and Jelgava. In Jurmala,
    Ogre and Salaspils it remained unchanged
   Special attention should be paid to Ventspils which is rapidly loosing its inhabitants while its
    density of inhabitants is very low
          The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                             using development level-rate matrix
Results: overal development

   Leaders - cities and towns located in 70 km radius around capital city Riga, as well as Valmiera,
    Dobele, Cesis and Saldus
   Special attention should be paid to:
      further exploration of growth potential of Jekabpils, Liepaja, Daugavpils and Kraslava (low
        development level, high development rate)
      strengthening of growth potential of Kuldiga (low development rate and level)
      effective usage of existing resources in Ventspils (high development level, but the lowest
        development rate)
          The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities
                               using development level-rate matrix

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  • 1. The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian cities and towns using development level-rate matrix Alise V朝tola Riga Technical University Zintis Hermansons Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government Riga, September 2010
  • 2. Cities and towns in Latvia High degree of urbanisation 70% of inhabitants live in cities and towns Wide network of 76 small and medium sized towns Monocentric development - dominancy of capital city Riga and its surroundings Alternative growth poles - Liepaja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Valmiera Source: SRDA Source: SRDA Incomes of inhabitants (2009) Changes in number of inhabitants (2005-2010) The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
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  • 4. The study Purpose: to analyse socioeconomic development of major cities and towns in Latvia in 10 years period (1999-2008) Object: 10 major cities Riga (capital city), Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava, Jurmala, Ventspils, Rezekne, Valmiera, Jekabpils and Ogre 12 towns with more than 10 000 inhabitants, four of them amalgamated municipalities Methodology: calculation of indexes and graphical analysis using development level-rate matrix Data: local level statistics - income of inhabitants, unemployment level and density of inhabitants The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
  • 5. Indexes and matrix Indexes : xi ximin covering 10 year period Ii = (1) separate development level and xi max ximin rate indexes for each indicator (1) Ii aggregated indicator for the I = (2) overall socioeconomic n development rate and level (2) Matrix: x axis represents development level and y axis development rate horizontal axis crosses vertical axis at 0,5 bubbles represent the number of inhabitants in cities and towns The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
  • 6. Results: income Leader positions are taken by Riga and cities and towns in 50 km radius around it, as well as Valmiera, Csis and Talsi Also some cities and towns with lower income level have high income increase rates Saldus, Jkabpils Special attention should be paid to Kuldiga where the income increase rate is lower than average, but the income lewel is rather low The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
  • 7. Results: unemployment Higher unemplyment decrease rates are in the largest cities, except Riga (with the lowest unemployment level), and in Kraslava (with the highest unemployment level) Higher unemplyment decrease rates are in cities and towns with higher unemployment level and vice versa Exeptions Dobele, Bauska and Kuldiga with moderate level of unemployment and lower unemployment decrease rates The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
  • 8. Results: density of inhabitants Higher density increase rates - in cities and towns in 70 km radius around Riga, as well as Tukums, Saldus and Csis N.B.! The number of inhabitants increased only in Tukums, Sigulda and Jelgava. In Jurmala, Ogre and Salaspils it remained unchanged Special attention should be paid to Ventspils which is rapidly loosing its inhabitants while its density of inhabitants is very low The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix
  • 9. Results: overal development Leaders - cities and towns located in 70 km radius around capital city Riga, as well as Valmiera, Dobele, Cesis and Saldus Special attention should be paid to: further exploration of growth potential of Jekabpils, Liepaja, Daugavpils and Kraslava (low development level, high development rate) strengthening of growth potential of Kuldiga (low development rate and level) effective usage of existing resources in Ventspils (high development level, but the lowest development rate) The evaluation of socioeconomic development of Latvian towns and cities using development level-rate matrix