Coding toolsFrancisco PerezThis document discusses various coding tools and science and technology projects that can be used in education. It provides examples of projects on air pollution measurement and analysis, astronomy research including analyzing supernovas and exoplanets, and in silico research on herbal drugs against coronavirus. It describes tools for block-based and text-based programming, machine learning, and data analysis. Specific coding tools highlighted include Scratch, MIT App Inventor, p5.js, and ml5.js. Details and resources are given for each sample project.
Analysing the UniverseFrancisco Perez1. The document outlines an Erasmus+ school project between several high schools in Europe to analyze the universe through creating constellation maps, interactive sky spheres, and analyzing data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
2. Students will create interactive constellation image maps using GIMP and analyze spectra using online tools to understand chemical compositions. They will also create interactive sky spheres using code.
3. The document provides instructions and resources for students to find astronomical data, analyze X-ray data from Cassiopeia A using JS9 and ImageJ, and identifies common elements present in supernova spectra like oxygen, neon, magnesium, and silicon. It displays examples of student work analyzing Chandra data.
Vivid library powerpointFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Multicultural theatresFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Debating in LatviaFrancisco PerezStudents from Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Czechia, and Italy gathered in Riga, Latvia to participate in a debating competition on the topic of whether people who think logically or sensually are happier. Each team was composed of students from the different countries who had previously read Pride and Prejudice. They debated their positions through 4-minute speeches and questioning opponents to defend their ideas. In the end, the team arguing that people who think sensually are happier won the competition, and all students received certificates.
Projecte amb institut xinèsFrancisco PerezReunió de directors d'instituts de tot el món amb directors xinesos a prop de Xangai i signatura d'un acord de col.laboració entre l'Institut Pompeu Fabra de Martorell i un institut de Wuxi (Xina9
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Coding toolsFrancisco PerezThis document discusses various coding tools and science and technology projects that can be used in education. It provides examples of projects on air pollution measurement and analysis, astronomy research including analyzing supernovas and exoplanets, and in silico research on herbal drugs against coronavirus. It describes tools for block-based and text-based programming, machine learning, and data analysis. Specific coding tools highlighted include Scratch, MIT App Inventor, p5.js, and ml5.js. Details and resources are given for each sample project.
Analysing the UniverseFrancisco Perez1. The document outlines an Erasmus+ school project between several high schools in Europe to analyze the universe through creating constellation maps, interactive sky spheres, and analyzing data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
2. Students will create interactive constellation image maps using GIMP and analyze spectra using online tools to understand chemical compositions. They will also create interactive sky spheres using code.
3. The document provides instructions and resources for students to find astronomical data, analyze X-ray data from Cassiopeia A using JS9 and ImageJ, and identifies common elements present in supernova spectra like oxygen, neon, magnesium, and silicon. It displays examples of student work analyzing Chandra data.
Vivid library powerpointFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Multicultural theatresFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Debating in LatviaFrancisco PerezStudents from Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Czechia, and Italy gathered in Riga, Latvia to participate in a debating competition on the topic of whether people who think logically or sensually are happier. Each team was composed of students from the different countries who had previously read Pride and Prejudice. They debated their positions through 4-minute speeches and questioning opponents to defend their ideas. In the end, the team arguing that people who think sensually are happier won the competition, and all students received certificates.
Projecte amb institut xinèsFrancisco PerezReunió de directors d'instituts de tot el món amb directors xinesos a prop de Xangai i signatura d'un acord de col.laboració entre l'Institut Pompeu Fabra de Martorell i un institut de Wuxi (Xina9
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Presentation for PortugalFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Sant Jordi 2018Francisco PerezInstitut Pompeu Fabra
Class listsFrancisco Perez
Poetry, drama and classics are on stage
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Families are reading the world classic novelsFrancisco PerezPOETRY, DRAMA AND CLASSICS ARE ON STAGE
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez
Erasmus+ project 2017-1-TR01-KA219-045575_3-4. Coordinator: Esen Kuvvet. Webmaster: Dr. Francisco Pérez