Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang adab puasa dan manfaat puasa. Adab puasa meliputi menjaga pandangan, lisan, pendengaran, tubuh dari perbuatan dosa, serta hati yang takut dan berharap kepada Allah. Manfaat puasa secara kejiwaan, sosial, dan kesehatan adalah menguatkan kesabaran, ketaqwaan, persatuan umat, membersihkan tubuh, dan mematahkan nafsu. Dokumen juga menegaskan bahwa puasa tid
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang syarat-syarat pelaksanaan ibadah utama dalam Islam yaitu shalat lima waktu, shalat jumat, dan shalat hajat. Syarat-syarat tersebut meliputi keadaan jasmani dan rohani seseorang, waktu pelaksanaan, tempat, dan jumlah jamaah.
Dokumen tersebut membahas empat ibadah pokok dalam Islam yaitu shalat, puasa, haji, dan umrah. Shalat dijelaskan secara rinci mulai dari hukum, rukun, sunnah, dan keutamaannya. Puasa dijelaskan mengenai hukum dan keutamaan puasa Ramadhan serta puasa sunnah. Haji dan umrah dijelaskan syarat dan rukunnya beserta penjelasan mengenai ihram, thawaf, sa'i, dan w
Jangan terlalu mudah membid'ahkan sesuatu jika kita belum melihat dari berbagai perspektif. Bersikap Cerdas adalah tuntutan bagi setiap muslim, agar senantiasa Islam terhadirkan dengan elegan dan solutif.
Pendidikan agama yang menekankan aspek kesehatan dapat membantu menghilangkan kesenjangan antara ajaran agama dan perilaku kehidupan sehari-hari. Dokumen ini membahas hubungan antara ajaran Islam dan kesehatan, termasuk penyakit menurut Al-Quran, pokok ajaran Islam yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan, dan skema kebersihan menurut konsep Islam.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang rabbaniyyah dalam Islam yang berarti ketuhanan. Semua hukum, konsep, prinsip, nilai, dan peraturan dalam Islam bersumber dari wahyu Allah. Untuk memiliki sifat rabbaniyyah seseorang harus beriman kepada Allah, menjalankan perintah-Nya dan meninggalkan larangan-laranganNya, berjihad untuk meninggikan syariat Islam, serta berusaha mencari keridhaan Allah dengan akhlak yang mulia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan macam-macam puasa wajib dan sunah menurut agama Islam. Puasa wajib meliputi puasa Ramadhan, puasa nazar, dan puasa kafarat. Sedangkan puasa sunah meliputi puasa Senin-Kamis, puasa Syawal, dan puasa Arafah. Dokumen juga menjelaskan fungsi dan cara mempraktikkan berbagai jenis puasa tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian ibadah secara umum dan khusus menurut ajaran Islam, prinsip-prinsip dalam melaksanakan ibadah, dan beberapa ketentuan tentang shalat menurut pandangan Muhammadiyah."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang puasa Ramadhan sebagai salah satu rukun Islam yang wajib, termasuk syarat-syarat sah dan tidak sah puasa, rukun-rukun puasa, sunah puasa, penentuan waktu puasa, doa berbuka puasa, hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa, serta manfaat berpuasa.
Dokumen tersebut berisi tentang riwayat pramuka dan kompetensi dasar siswa bernama Erfin Nurfalah. Terdapat penjelasan mengenai makna iman, rukun islam, shalat sunnah, puasa sunnah, tata cara mengurus jenazah, doa ijab qobul zakat fitrah, dan satu contoh hadits tentang kewajiban menuntut ilmu.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang salat sunah rawatib yang terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu sunah muakkad dan sunah ghairu muakkad. Sunah muakkad terdiri atas 12 rakaat yang sangat dianjurkan untuk dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah salat lima waktu, sedangkan sunah ghairu muakkad terdiri atas 6 rakaat yang pelaksanaannya kurang ditekankan.
The document summarizes key findings from a 2013 social media marketing report. It finds that 56% of respondents use social media primarily to target customers, while 44% target businesses. Daily deal sites like Groupon and LivingSocial have declined drastically, with 80% of marketers reporting they no longer use such sites. The success of companies will increasingly depend on their ability to generate lifetime customer value through repeat transactions and long customer retention.
Oxfam India's annual report for 2011 documents the organization's new strategy which focuses on reducing inequality in India. The strategy targets seven lagging states and four socially excluded groups: Dalits, Tribals, Muslims, and Women.
The report provides an overview of Oxfam India's work in 2011 to implement this new strategy, including phasing out programs in non-focus states and initiating new partnerships and programs in focus states. It also describes changes to Oxfam India's organizational structure, such as closing two offices and opening a new one.
The strategy aims to address economic and social injustice through four thematic areas: economic justice, essential services, gender justice, and humanitarian response. Oxfam
The document discusses creating a "Me-Book" or "Me-Wall" to help a graduate student build confidence in a new field and country with low income. It recommends the student make a binder or use wall space to document achievements, challenges overcome, and inspirational quotes. Specific sections in the binder track achievements, challenges, ideas to address challenges, and notes. The wall could alternatively display inspirations with options to move items to the binder. Feedback on the idea was positive, with suggestions to simplify the wall's focus to achievements while keeping challenges and ideas in the binder.
Open data engagement: ideas for open data 2.0Leah Lockhart
As a community of interest we understand why open data, smart cities and IoT will create enormous economic, environmental and social benefits and opportunities. But how well do citizens understand these ideas and concepts? What responsibilities do we have to foster understanding and to bridge technical and non-technical communities in the development of open, smart and IoT agendas? We'll look at research and case studies to frame a discussion about the importance of meaningful citizen engagement and involvement in the development of technologies and services that will eventually impact nearly everything in their lives.
This document provides an overview of how to use the online lesson planning tool Planbook. It includes instructions for setting up classes and subjects, customizing display settings, using templates for repeated lessons, linking lessons to standards, and a list of upcoming features. Screenshots and step-by-step directions are provided for tasks like adding classes, templates, and standards. It also briefly covers using the school website for tutorials and transferring media from an iPad to a computer without syncing with iTunes.
Healthy beats of heart PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Bilgisayar Teknik Servis Hizmetleri, Apple Servisi, Bak?m Anla?mas?, Bilgisayar Tamiri, Notebook Tamiri, Bilgisayar Servisi, Notebook Servisi, Anakart Tamiri, Data Kurtarma, Teknik Servis, Mac Servisi, Toplama Bilgisayar, ?stanbul Bilgisayar Servisi, Laptop Servisi, Web Tasar?m, Google Seo Hizmeti, Servis Bilgisayar, Hosting Sat??, Teknik Servis Bilgisayar, Bilgisayar Teknik Servisleri Konusunda Uzman Personeli Ve Deneyemli Kadrosu ?le Hizmetinizde.
This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) services and provides an overview of an affordable SEO marketplace. It explains that SEO involves methods to improve a website's ranking in search engines like Google in order to drive more visitors. The marketplace offers thousands of cheap SEO services including social media marketing, link building, content writing, and more to boost rankings. Website owners can purchase services like likes, followers, articles, and programming through categories on the marketplace site at
El documento describe el proceso de integraci¨®n continua, comenzando con un equipo que intercambiaba archivos de c¨®digo y luego adoptando el control de versiones para compartir cambios. Luego, se implement¨® un servidor de integraci¨®n continua que detecta cambios autom¨¢ticamente, reconstruye el proyecto y ejecuta pruebas, notificando cuando fallan. El documento tambi¨¦n resume las mejores pr¨¢cticas de integraci¨®n continua como mantener un solo repositorio, automatizar el build, arreglar r¨¢pidamente los builds rotos, y hacer que el proceso
Success puzzle PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Doctors team PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang rabbaniyyah dalam Islam yang berarti ketuhanan. Semua hukum, konsep, prinsip, nilai, dan peraturan dalam Islam bersumber dari wahyu Allah. Untuk memiliki sifat rabbaniyyah seseorang harus beriman kepada Allah, menjalankan perintah-Nya dan meninggalkan larangan-laranganNya, berjihad untuk meninggikan syariat Islam, serta berusaha mencari keridhaan Allah dengan akhlak yang mulia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan macam-macam puasa wajib dan sunah menurut agama Islam. Puasa wajib meliputi puasa Ramadhan, puasa nazar, dan puasa kafarat. Sedangkan puasa sunah meliputi puasa Senin-Kamis, puasa Syawal, dan puasa Arafah. Dokumen juga menjelaskan fungsi dan cara mempraktikkan berbagai jenis puasa tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian ibadah secara umum dan khusus menurut ajaran Islam, prinsip-prinsip dalam melaksanakan ibadah, dan beberapa ketentuan tentang shalat menurut pandangan Muhammadiyah."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang puasa Ramadhan sebagai salah satu rukun Islam yang wajib, termasuk syarat-syarat sah dan tidak sah puasa, rukun-rukun puasa, sunah puasa, penentuan waktu puasa, doa berbuka puasa, hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa, serta manfaat berpuasa.
Dokumen tersebut berisi tentang riwayat pramuka dan kompetensi dasar siswa bernama Erfin Nurfalah. Terdapat penjelasan mengenai makna iman, rukun islam, shalat sunnah, puasa sunnah, tata cara mengurus jenazah, doa ijab qobul zakat fitrah, dan satu contoh hadits tentang kewajiban menuntut ilmu.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang salat sunah rawatib yang terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu sunah muakkad dan sunah ghairu muakkad. Sunah muakkad terdiri atas 12 rakaat yang sangat dianjurkan untuk dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah salat lima waktu, sedangkan sunah ghairu muakkad terdiri atas 6 rakaat yang pelaksanaannya kurang ditekankan.
The document summarizes key findings from a 2013 social media marketing report. It finds that 56% of respondents use social media primarily to target customers, while 44% target businesses. Daily deal sites like Groupon and LivingSocial have declined drastically, with 80% of marketers reporting they no longer use such sites. The success of companies will increasingly depend on their ability to generate lifetime customer value through repeat transactions and long customer retention.
Oxfam India's annual report for 2011 documents the organization's new strategy which focuses on reducing inequality in India. The strategy targets seven lagging states and four socially excluded groups: Dalits, Tribals, Muslims, and Women.
The report provides an overview of Oxfam India's work in 2011 to implement this new strategy, including phasing out programs in non-focus states and initiating new partnerships and programs in focus states. It also describes changes to Oxfam India's organizational structure, such as closing two offices and opening a new one.
The strategy aims to address economic and social injustice through four thematic areas: economic justice, essential services, gender justice, and humanitarian response. Oxfam
The document discusses creating a "Me-Book" or "Me-Wall" to help a graduate student build confidence in a new field and country with low income. It recommends the student make a binder or use wall space to document achievements, challenges overcome, and inspirational quotes. Specific sections in the binder track achievements, challenges, ideas to address challenges, and notes. The wall could alternatively display inspirations with options to move items to the binder. Feedback on the idea was positive, with suggestions to simplify the wall's focus to achievements while keeping challenges and ideas in the binder.
Open data engagement: ideas for open data 2.0Leah Lockhart
As a community of interest we understand why open data, smart cities and IoT will create enormous economic, environmental and social benefits and opportunities. But how well do citizens understand these ideas and concepts? What responsibilities do we have to foster understanding and to bridge technical and non-technical communities in the development of open, smart and IoT agendas? We'll look at research and case studies to frame a discussion about the importance of meaningful citizen engagement and involvement in the development of technologies and services that will eventually impact nearly everything in their lives.
This document provides an overview of how to use the online lesson planning tool Planbook. It includes instructions for setting up classes and subjects, customizing display settings, using templates for repeated lessons, linking lessons to standards, and a list of upcoming features. Screenshots and step-by-step directions are provided for tasks like adding classes, templates, and standards. It also briefly covers using the school website for tutorials and transferring media from an iPad to a computer without syncing with iTunes.
Healthy beats of heart PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Bilgisayar Teknik Servis Hizmetleri, Apple Servisi, Bak?m Anla?mas?, Bilgisayar Tamiri, Notebook Tamiri, Bilgisayar Servisi, Notebook Servisi, Anakart Tamiri, Data Kurtarma, Teknik Servis, Mac Servisi, Toplama Bilgisayar, ?stanbul Bilgisayar Servisi, Laptop Servisi, Web Tasar?m, Google Seo Hizmeti, Servis Bilgisayar, Hosting Sat??, Teknik Servis Bilgisayar, Bilgisayar Teknik Servisleri Konusunda Uzman Personeli Ve Deneyemli Kadrosu ?le Hizmetinizde.
This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) services and provides an overview of an affordable SEO marketplace. It explains that SEO involves methods to improve a website's ranking in search engines like Google in order to drive more visitors. The marketplace offers thousands of cheap SEO services including social media marketing, link building, content writing, and more to boost rankings. Website owners can purchase services like likes, followers, articles, and programming through categories on the marketplace site at
El documento describe el proceso de integraci¨®n continua, comenzando con un equipo que intercambiaba archivos de c¨®digo y luego adoptando el control de versiones para compartir cambios. Luego, se implement¨® un servidor de integraci¨®n continua que detecta cambios autom¨¢ticamente, reconstruye el proyecto y ejecuta pruebas, notificando cuando fallan. El documento tambi¨¦n resume las mejores pr¨¢cticas de integraci¨®n continua como mantener un solo repositorio, automatizar el build, arreglar r¨¢pidamente los builds rotos, y hacer que el proceso
Success puzzle PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Doctors team PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Leader PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Starbucks PowerPoint templates designed by skilled, experienced and professional graphic designers that are intended to solve the big issue of time consumption. These are fully editable slides and organized in a way to simplify the most complex topics and present it in an attractive manner. You can easily incorporate charts, diagrams and animations along with the content to these layouts in order to explore new technologies and trends of businesses in a unique way. All editable slides are digitally created to pinpoint and clarify the message, and summarize information regarding topic.
Makalah ini membahas tentang ibadah shalat dan zakat. Ibadah merupakan perhambaan manusia kepada Allah yang meliputi ibadah khusus seperti shalat, zakat, puasa dan haji, serta ibadah umum seperti zikir, doa, dan kebaikan kepada sesama. Shalat dan zakat merupakan ibadah pokok dalam agama Islam. Shalat digunakan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan membersihkan jiwa,
Dokumen tersebut memberikan daftar isi tentang topik solat yang mencakupi pengertian, syarat, dan cara mengerjakan solat termasuk solat jenazah dan solat khas."
Dokumen tersebut merangkum konsep-konsep dasar hukum Islam, termasuk definisi mukallaf, klasifikasi hukum-hukum Islam (wajib, sunah, haram, makruh, mubah), serta penjelasan syarat dan rukun dalam hukum Islam.
Dokumen tersebut membandingkan konsep Fardhu A'in dan Fardhu Kifayah dalam Islam. Fardhu A'in merujuk kepada ibadah wajib bagi setiap individu seperti shalat, puasa, dan zakat, sedangkan Fardhu Kifayah merujuk kepada ibadah yang wajib dilakukan oleh sebagian umat Islam untuk kepentingan komunitas seperti menuntut ilmu dan shalat berjamaah.
Ibadah dan Pembentukan Perilaku PositifImam Iswanto
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan hakikat ibadah dalam Islam. Ibadah didefinisikan secara etimologis dan terminologis sebagai taat dan patuh kepada Allah dengan melaksanakan perintah-Nya dan menjauhi larangan-Nya. Ibadah dibedakan menjadi ibadah mahdhah (khusus seperti shalat dan puasa) dan ghairu mahdhah (umum seperti sedekah). Untuk menggapai ibadah yang berkual
Ayat 162-163 Surat Al An'am dan ayat 5 Surat Al Bayyinah memberikan perintah untuk menyerahkan diri kepada Allah dengan ikhlas tanpa menyekutukan-Nya, serta melaksanakan perintah-Nya seperti salat dan zakat sepanjang hidup.
Makalah ini membahas tentang ibadah shalat dan zakat. Terdapat dua jenis ibadah yaitu ibadah mahdah (khusus) dan ibadah ghairu mahdah (umum). Ibadah mahdah meliputi shalat, zakat, puasa dan haji. Sedangkan ibadah ghairu mahdah meliputi i'tikaf, wakaf, qurban dan lainnya. Makalah ini juga menjelaskan hakikat dan manfaat shalat bagi moral
Makalah ini membahas tentang ibadah shalat dan zakat. Terdapat dua jenis ibadah yaitu ibadah mahdah (khusus) dan ibadah ghairu mahdah (umum). Ibadah mahdah meliputi shalat, zakat, puasa dan haji. Sedangkan ibadah ghairu mahdah meliputi i'tikaf, wakaf, qurban dan lainnya. Makalah ini juga menjelaskan hakikat dan manfaat shalat bagi moral
?Ibadah adalah perbuatan untuk
menyatakan bakti kpd Allah SWT,
yg didasari ketaatan mengerjakan
perintah-Nya dan menjauhi
6. Berbakti Kepada Kedua Orang Tua selama tidak untuk maksiatPuasa RomadhonZakat FitrahSholat wajib 5 waktu
? Fardhu ¡®Ain adalah ibadah fardhu yang wajib
dilaksanakan oleh masing ¨C masing individu
Sholat wajib 5 waktu
Zakat Fitrah
Puasa Romadhon
Haji ke tanah suci mekkah
Berbakti Kepada Kedua Orang Tua selama tidak
untuk maksiat
Belajar ilmu agama yang digunakan untuk
Syahadat Haji ke tanah suci mekkah
Belajar ilmu agama yang digunakan untuk beribadah
7. Ilmu KedokteranBelajar ilmu agama yang digunakan untuk beribadah
? Fardhu Kifayah adalah ibadah fardhu yang wajib ke
atas seluruh umat, jika kewajiban itu sudah
dilaksanakan oleh salah satu orang, maka sudah gugur
kewajiban seluruh umat dalam satu
kelompok/kampung, jika tidak ada yang
melaksanakan, maka berdosa seluruh umat dalam satu
Sholat janazah
Belajar ilmu agama yang digunakan untuk beribadah
Ilmu Kedokteran
Sholat janazah
? Ibadah Sunat adalah ibadah yang jika dikerjakan
mendapat palaha, dan jika ditinggalkan tidak
mendapat apa ¨C apa atau tidak berdosa.
Sholat Sunat Rowatib
Sholat Malam
Sholat Dhuha
Puasa sunat
9. Segala aktivitas dalam
kehidupan sehari ¨C hari yang
tidak untuk maksiat bisa
memperoleh pahala sebagai
ibadah kepada ALLAH jika
diniati dengan niat beribadah
kepada ALLAH.