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What is history?
 As you look through you can see moves
towards equality and how men use to play a
bigger role in the family. Women have more
power. Religion is no longer public and for
everyone to see. Religion stay in church and at
home. Trade has brought new ideas and the
discovery of many things. Pastoralist offered
a technological solution to the ecological
Hammurabis law played a big part in history from 1700 BCE and even in todays
society. Hammurabis laws were made to seek to uphold social order in Babylon.
(WFHUA, L 3.3 p. 18) Hammurabis law 117. If a man sells his wife or child to
settle a debt, they shall work in the house of the buyer for three years, and regain
their freedom in the fourth. (p. 18) In Things Fall Apart its a patriarchic society.
Gender plays a big part in what your role is in a family. The Men are in charge and
the women did what they were told to do by the men. Once a women was married
her main jobs were to cook for their husband and children and to look after the
children. In communities money always brings power. Titles played a big part in
everything weather it was roles, economy, family, or marriage. To earn titles you
needed money. Men ruled all of the communities and women didnt have much
say in anything.
Women had no say in marriage. The fathers would negotiate a deal and then display
the daughter and then finalize the deal.
Hierarchy maintained order the men were the security force so they had the
privilege of being in control.
Ancient civilizations where hierarchical. Women were considered less
than men. They were the head of the family and had control over
womens lives and this has been established since the Code of
Hammurabi was written in
Trade brings new ideas and discovery
still in todays world.
 Pastoralist and Complex civilizations and different due
to the nature of their governments.
 Trade and selling of goods to make more money leads
to more travel and discovery of new places.
 The Portuguese wanted gold and land, so they started
sailing across the ocean in hope to find gold and land.
 Trade routes
 Quotes from global trade routes, asia, greek
 Trade can lead to war
Trade still in todays world brings new
ideas and discoveries.
 Rome was a big places for people to travel to
sell and trade goods.
 Knowledge is power. In order to have
control, freedom, and democracy you must
have knowledge.
 Pastoralist offered a technological solution to the
ecological problems. With their population growth
that brought new challenges. Pastoralist were warriors
and had a strong military, they started training their
children at a young age. They need a strong military to
protect their animals and people, but to also keep
enemies away. To get food you had to hunt and gather.
They domesticated animals for meat, milk, wool, hides,
and power. They could sell this stuff to people in
complex civilizations for good money. They used pull
carts, wagons and chariots.
Religion is no longer public it is private.
 Religion played a big role in every day life,
everyone had a religion they believed in and were
very loyal to it. Big religions were..
 Judaism- 10 commandments
 Religion explained why the word was created.
Religion brought people together and tore them
 In todays society marriages and families are more
equal. Today women have much more say. Men
propose and women have the final say yes or no.
 In todays world Religion doesnt take any everyday
role in everyone's decisions. . Not everything is based
around religion because of all the different religious
beliefs. Not everyone belongs to a religion and goes to
church every Sunday. You dont have to marry some of
the same religion or belief
 Today we still sell and trade goods with each other but
we do it with more technology.
 Hammurabis law Seeks To Uphold The Social Order in Babylon (About 1700 BCE). In World
History For Us All. Big Era3, Landscape 3.3. Retrieved from

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  • 2. What is history? As you look through you can see moves towards equality and how men use to play a bigger role in the family. Women have more power. Religion is no longer public and for everyone to see. Religion stay in church and at home. Trade has brought new ideas and the discovery of many things. Pastoralist offered a technological solution to the ecological problems.
  • 3. Hammurabis law played a big part in history from 1700 BCE and even in todays society. Hammurabis laws were made to seek to uphold social order in Babylon. (WFHUA, L 3.3 p. 18) Hammurabis law 117. If a man sells his wife or child to settle a debt, they shall work in the house of the buyer for three years, and regain their freedom in the fourth. (p. 18) In Things Fall Apart its a patriarchic society. Gender plays a big part in what your role is in a family. The Men are in charge and the women did what they were told to do by the men. Once a women was married her main jobs were to cook for their husband and children and to look after the children. In communities money always brings power. Titles played a big part in everything weather it was roles, economy, family, or marriage. To earn titles you needed money. Men ruled all of the communities and women didnt have much say in anything. Women had no say in marriage. The fathers would negotiate a deal and then display the daughter and then finalize the deal. Hierarchy maintained order the men were the security force so they had the privilege of being in control. Ancient civilizations where hierarchical. Women were considered less than men. They were the head of the family and had control over womens lives and this has been established since the Code of Hammurabi was written in
  • 4. Trade brings new ideas and discovery still in todays world. Pastoralist and Complex civilizations and different due to the nature of their governments. Trade and selling of goods to make more money leads to more travel and discovery of new places. The Portuguese wanted gold and land, so they started sailing across the ocean in hope to find gold and land. Trade routes Quotes from global trade routes, asia, greek Trade can lead to war
  • 5. Trade still in todays world brings new ideas and discoveries. Rome was a big places for people to travel to sell and trade goods. Knowledge is power. In order to have control, freedom, and democracy you must have knowledge.
  • 6. Pastoralist offered a technological solution to the ecological problems. With their population growth that brought new challenges. Pastoralist were warriors and had a strong military, they started training their children at a young age. They need a strong military to protect their animals and people, but to also keep enemies away. To get food you had to hunt and gather. They domesticated animals for meat, milk, wool, hides, and power. They could sell this stuff to people in complex civilizations for good money. They used pull carts, wagons and chariots.
  • 7. Religion is no longer public it is private. Religion played a big role in every day life, everyone had a religion they believed in and were very loyal to it. Big religions were.. Judaism- 10 commandments Hinduism-recarnation Christianity Religion explained why the word was created. Religion brought people together and tore them away.
  • 8. In todays society marriages and families are more equal. Today women have much more say. Men propose and women have the final say yes or no. In todays world Religion doesnt take any everyday role in everyone's decisions. . Not everything is based around religion because of all the different religious beliefs. Not everyone belongs to a religion and goes to church every Sunday. You dont have to marry some of the same religion or belief Today we still sell and trade goods with each other but we do it with more technology.
  • 9. References Hammurabis law Seeks To Uphold The Social Order in Babylon (About 1700 BCE). In World History For Us All. Big Era3, Landscape 3.3. Retrieved from http://worldhistoryforusall.sdsu.edu/eras/era3.php