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Angelia Cariaso | FMD 258 | Summer 2013
Company Name
Friar Tux Shop
Job Title
Formal Wear Consultant
Job Responsibilities
Assist customers with rental & retail needs to meet individual and store
revenue goals
Register wedding parties and regularly communicate with brides & grooms
Accurately size customers by using measuring tape & fitter garments
Efficiently communicate companys promotions including: wedding promos,
groomsmen gifts, prom packages, and retail sales
Handle sales tickets, orders and typical cashiering duties, including cash
Ive always known that a career in the creative
industry was the path I wanted to embark on. I
feel that a visual merchandising position would
suit me well because I have a strong interest in
fashion, I have a knack for putting things
together in a cohesive manner and I have a
creative eye. More specifically, working in
visual merchandising management would allow
me to create and design visual programs for a
spectrum of stores rather than just one
individual shop. I like hands-on work and I
would really enjoy the challenge of relying on
my creative judgment to plan and accomplish
I have learned so much in the short six months
that I have been working at Friar Tux Shop. I
gained product knowledge on mens suits,
tuxedos and accessories, I learned how to
accurately fit customers with the use of
measuring tape and try-on garments, as well
as how to register wedding parties and other
formal events, how to effectively
communicate with brides & grooms, and the
importance of teamwork to better service our
customers and provide a welcoming, laid-
back environment for everyone.
Extra Credit
FMD 296 Final Project:
Brand Development
Board 1
Extra Credit
FMD 296 Final Project:
Brand Development
Board 2

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  • 4. PRACTICUM EXPERIENCE Company Name Friar Tux Shop Job Title Formal Wear Consultant Job Responsibilities Assist customers with rental & retail needs to meet individual and store revenue goals Register wedding parties and regularly communicate with brides & grooms Accurately size customers by using measuring tape & fitter garments Efficiently communicate companys promotions including: wedding promos, groomsmen gifts, prom packages, and retail sales Handle sales tickets, orders and typical cashiering duties, including cash handling
  • 5. FUTURE CAREER OBJECTIVE Ive always known that a career in the creative industry was the path I wanted to embark on. I feel that a visual merchandising position would suit me well because I have a strong interest in fashion, I have a knack for putting things together in a cohesive manner and I have a creative eye. More specifically, working in visual merchandising management would allow me to create and design visual programs for a spectrum of stores rather than just one individual shop. I like hands-on work and I would really enjoy the challenge of relying on my creative judgment to plan and accomplish
  • 6. WHAT I LEARNED I have learned so much in the short six months that I have been working at Friar Tux Shop. I gained product knowledge on mens suits, tuxedos and accessories, I learned how to accurately fit customers with the use of measuring tape and try-on garments, as well as how to register wedding parties and other formal events, how to effectively communicate with brides & grooms, and the importance of teamwork to better service our customers and provide a welcoming, laid- back environment for everyone.
  • 7. Extra Credit FMD 296 Final Project: Brand Development Board 1
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