The document discusses various topics occurring on April 30th, 2014. Dates and events are noted throughout the day, with references to meetings, tasks, and activities. Progress is made on multiple projects, with notes on next steps before the day concludes.
1. The LRFF trade in Indonesia involves catching live reef fish and trading them through networks until they reach consumers in Hong Kong.
2. Fishing networks are based on patron-client relationships where patrons provide boats, gear and loans to fishermen. Trade networks involve collectors, exporters and importers.
3. The COREMAP project aims to promote sustainable fishing through community-based marine protected areas and alternative livelihoods, but faces challenges of overfishing, debt, and lack of community participation.
This document provides instructions for building an Open vSwitch RPM package on RHEL/CentOS 6 and setting up an OVS bridge. It outlines the procedure, potential troubleshooting issues, and setup of the OVS bridge. The procedure involves downloading the OVS tarball, extracting it, building the RPM package using rpmbuild, potentially troubleshooting a failed kernel module build, and configuring network scripts and services to use the OVS bridge.
The document discusses various topics occurring on April 30th, 2014. Dates and events are noted throughout the day, with references to meetings, tasks, and activities. Progress is made on multiple projects, with notes on next steps before the day concludes.
1. The LRFF trade in Indonesia involves catching live reef fish and trading them through networks until they reach consumers in Hong Kong.
2. Fishing networks are based on patron-client relationships where patrons provide boats, gear and loans to fishermen. Trade networks involve collectors, exporters and importers.
3. The COREMAP project aims to promote sustainable fishing through community-based marine protected areas and alternative livelihoods, but faces challenges of overfishing, debt, and lack of community participation.
This document provides instructions for building an Open vSwitch RPM package on RHEL/CentOS 6 and setting up an OVS bridge. It outlines the procedure, potential troubleshooting issues, and setup of the OVS bridge. The procedure involves downloading the OVS tarball, extracting it, building the RPM package using rpmbuild, potentially troubleshooting a failed kernel module build, and configuring network scripts and services to use the OVS bridge.
This document discusses various aspects of communications studies including the fields of human communication studies, organizational communication, journalism/public relations, media studies, and media production. It outlines the jobs, salaries, and skills associated with communications degrees. It provides an example of a communications professional, Melissa Boyer, who works as a technical writer. The document concludes that communications offers various career fields, good pay, enjoyable and rewarding work, and allows you to learn many valuable skills.
Terbang dalam formasi "V" membuat angsa lebih efisien dan mudah mencapai tujuan. Bekerja sama dalam tim dan saling mendukung anggota tim akan memudahkan penyelesaian tugas dan menghadapi tantangan.
1) La par¨¢bola narra la historia de un hombre rico que viv¨ªa en abundancia y no ayudaba a L¨¢zaro, un pobre que yac¨ªa en su puerta, y de c¨®mo sus destinos cambiaron despu¨¦s de morir.
2) El rico, a pesar de sus bienes, fue al infierno, mientras que L¨¢zaro fue llevado al seno de Abraham.
3) Jes¨²s usa esta historia para ense?ar que los bienes materiales pueden alejarnos de Dios si no ayudamos a los necesitados.