The Pythagorean theorem states that for any right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It is used to calculate the length of the hypotenuse or other sides of a right triangle when the other two lengths are known. The distance formula gives the distance between two points by taking the square root of the sum of the squared differences between their x- and y-coordinates.
Este documento resume un pasaje del Evangelio de Lucas sobre la necesidad de estar preparados para el regreso de Jes炭s. Jes炭s les dice a sus disc鱈pulos que no teman porque Dios les ha dado el Reino, y les aconseja vender sus bienes y acumular tesoros en el cielo. Tambi辿n les dice que est辿n preparados y vigilantes como criados esperando a su amo, para que cuando Jes炭s regrese los encuentre listos y los recompense.
Sor Maria Wachtler (05.08.1935 - 05.09.2016)Maike Loes
Sor Mar鱈a Wachtler naci坦 en 1935 en Hungr鱈a y muri坦 en 2016 en Venezuela despu辿s de dedicar 51 a単os de su vida a las misiones salesianas entre el pueblo yanomami en la Amazon鱈a venezolana. Sor Mar鱈a sinti坦 el llamado a la vida religiosa desde temprana edad y profes坦 sus votos como Hija de Mar鱈a Auxiliadora en 1953 y 1961. En 1964 su petici坦n misionera fue aceptada y pas坦 a trabajar en las misiones amaz坦nicas de Venezuela, donde se dedic坦 a la evangelizaci坦n y educaci坦n de los y
The document provides information for parents about kindergarten registration for the 2012-2013 school year in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. It outlines the registration periods and timelines, details the different program options including English, French Immersion, and Alternative programs. It also provides information about full day kindergarten, transportation, and contact information for any additional questions.
The student's research has informed their film publicity campaign in several ways:
1) Real campaigns for films like Friday the 13th and The Blair Witch Project influenced the student's campaign's use of striking posters and creating a sense of fear and suspense.
2) Research on horror films like The Ring and comparisons to films like Friday the 13th informed character and weapon choices for the student's film.
3) Target audiences were selected from supernatural and "slasher" horror films to match the student's film's themes and content.
4) Digital technologies like blogs, Facebook, and Myspace were utilized to advertise the film and engage target audiences online.
The magazine represents youth in a stereotypical yet positive way by using upbeat language, images of artists posing in a carefree manner, and fashionable outfits. While some may see this as portraying youth as uneducated, the intention was to attract young teenage girls aged 11-16 by depicting popular artists as confident and fashionable icons. Facial expressions and direct eye contact in photos further the impression of idolized yet cheerful personalities.
This document provides a specimen paper for an Advanced Subsidiary GCE Media Studies exam on key media concepts related to TV drama. It includes a sample unseen TV extract, two essay questions, and a sample mark scheme for assessing student responses. The first question requires analyzing representations of gender in the extract through camerawork, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene. The second asks about issues an institution faces in targeting audiences. Answers are judged on explanation, example usage, terminology, and other criteria according to three levels of achievement.
This slideshow document features photographs taken by Michele Kearns of black and yellow insects at Brunswick Lake, Alderfer-Oenslager Wildlife Sanctuary, and the woods behind her house, set to the music "The Flight of the Bumble Bee" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, performed by James Galway. The slideshow has captions providing details about the photographs and music.
Los Reyes Magos visitaron a Jes炭s reci辿n nacido siguiendo la estrella que hab鱈an visto en el este, les gui坦 hasta Bel辿n donde encontraron al ni単o Jes炭s con Mar鱈a su madre, y postr叩ndose ante 辿l le ofrecieron oro, incienso y mirra.
This document summarizes data from an analysis of growth and carcass traits in Angus and Hereford cattle from multiple herds over time. Some key findings include:
1) Traits like weight, fat thickness and muscle area showed moderate to high heritability and genetic correlations between time periods, indicating these traits are genetically repeatable over time.
2) Cows experienced substantial changes in weight and composition throughout lactation and between parities. Change in weight had low heritability.
3) Genetic trends show rapid improvement in growth traits, body composition and profitability in the national herd, suggesting these trends will continue to accelerate with ongoing selection.
The document discusses various topics occurring on April 30th, 2014. Dates and events are noted throughout the day, with references to meetings, tasks, and activities. Progress is made on multiple projects, with notes on next steps before the day concludes.
Andrea Arnold's film Fish Tank tells the story of 15-year-old Mia, whose volatile behavior has led to her being excluded from school. When her mother brings home a new boyfriend, Connor, it disrupts Mia's life. The film was directed by Andrea Arnold and stars Katie Jarvis, Kierston Wareing, and Michael Fassbender. It was filmed on location in Essex, England over six weeks in 2008.
O documento defende que Deus criou todos os seres humanos como iguais e complementares, destinados a formar um "NS" cada vez maior. Pretende-se construir uma sociedade mais inclusiva onde n達o existam "os outros", mas apenas um 炭nico povo unido. A Igreja deve acolher a todos sem preconceitos para promover a comunh達o entre pessoas de diversas origens.
The document provides information for parents about kindergarten registration for the 2012-2013 school year in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. It outlines the registration periods and timelines, details the different program options including English, French Immersion, and Alternative programs. It also provides information about full day kindergarten, transportation, and contact information for any additional questions.
The student's research has informed their film publicity campaign in several ways:
1) Real campaigns for films like Friday the 13th and The Blair Witch Project influenced the student's campaign's use of striking posters and creating a sense of fear and suspense.
2) Research on horror films like The Ring and comparisons to films like Friday the 13th informed character and weapon choices for the student's film.
3) Target audiences were selected from supernatural and "slasher" horror films to match the student's film's themes and content.
4) Digital technologies like blogs, Facebook, and Myspace were utilized to advertise the film and engage target audiences online.
The magazine represents youth in a stereotypical yet positive way by using upbeat language, images of artists posing in a carefree manner, and fashionable outfits. While some may see this as portraying youth as uneducated, the intention was to attract young teenage girls aged 11-16 by depicting popular artists as confident and fashionable icons. Facial expressions and direct eye contact in photos further the impression of idolized yet cheerful personalities.
This document provides a specimen paper for an Advanced Subsidiary GCE Media Studies exam on key media concepts related to TV drama. It includes a sample unseen TV extract, two essay questions, and a sample mark scheme for assessing student responses. The first question requires analyzing representations of gender in the extract through camerawork, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene. The second asks about issues an institution faces in targeting audiences. Answers are judged on explanation, example usage, terminology, and other criteria according to three levels of achievement.
This slideshow document features photographs taken by Michele Kearns of black and yellow insects at Brunswick Lake, Alderfer-Oenslager Wildlife Sanctuary, and the woods behind her house, set to the music "The Flight of the Bumble Bee" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, performed by James Galway. The slideshow has captions providing details about the photographs and music.
Los Reyes Magos visitaron a Jes炭s reci辿n nacido siguiendo la estrella que hab鱈an visto en el este, les gui坦 hasta Bel辿n donde encontraron al ni単o Jes炭s con Mar鱈a su madre, y postr叩ndose ante 辿l le ofrecieron oro, incienso y mirra.
This document summarizes data from an analysis of growth and carcass traits in Angus and Hereford cattle from multiple herds over time. Some key findings include:
1) Traits like weight, fat thickness and muscle area showed moderate to high heritability and genetic correlations between time periods, indicating these traits are genetically repeatable over time.
2) Cows experienced substantial changes in weight and composition throughout lactation and between parities. Change in weight had low heritability.
3) Genetic trends show rapid improvement in growth traits, body composition and profitability in the national herd, suggesting these trends will continue to accelerate with ongoing selection.
The document discusses various topics occurring on April 30th, 2014. Dates and events are noted throughout the day, with references to meetings, tasks, and activities. Progress is made on multiple projects, with notes on next steps before the day concludes.
Andrea Arnold's film Fish Tank tells the story of 15-year-old Mia, whose volatile behavior has led to her being excluded from school. When her mother brings home a new boyfriend, Connor, it disrupts Mia's life. The film was directed by Andrea Arnold and stars Katie Jarvis, Kierston Wareing, and Michael Fassbender. It was filmed on location in Essex, England over six weeks in 2008.
O documento defende que Deus criou todos os seres humanos como iguais e complementares, destinados a formar um "NS" cada vez maior. Pretende-se construir uma sociedade mais inclusiva onde n達o existam "os outros", mas apenas um 炭nico povo unido. A Igreja deve acolher a todos sem preconceitos para promover a comunh達o entre pessoas de diversas origens.
El documento habla sobre la necesidad de construir un "Nosotros" cada vez m叩s grande que incluya a toda la humanidad. Dios nos cre坦 a todos como iguales, pero actualmente el mundo est叩 fragmentado y marginan a los migrantes y refugiados. Debemos esforzarnos por derribar los muros entre las personas y construir puentes de encuentro para crear una comuni坦n entre todos. El futuro depende de que trabajemos juntos como un solo pueblo para el cuidado de nuestro planeta y las generaciones futuras.
This document discusses the need for greater unity and inclusion among all people. It argues that God created humanity as both male and female in order to form a "we" that would grow together. However, today divisions exist that separate people into "them" and "those." The document calls for embracing diversity and building communion between all, including foreigners, migrants and refugees. It envisions an ever wider "we" that encompasses all of humanity as God intended. Borders should become places where people of different backgrounds encounter each other and form new bonds of shared humanity.
[1] A carta agradece s irm達s pelo trabalho mission叩rio realizado nos 炭ltimos anos e convida a refletir sobre o tema do Dia Mundial do Migrante e do Refugiado, contemplando a Sagrada Fam鱈lia como exemplo de fam鱈lia migrante. [2] A carta tamb辿m agradece o apoio dado s mission叩rias, especialmente no aprendizado de l鱈nguas e culturas estrangeiras, e deixa uma mensagem de gratid達o e ora巽達o por todas as irm達s.
Este documento es una carta de la Consejera para las Misiones Sor Ala鱈de Deretti a las hermanas de su orden religiosa. En la carta, ella agradece a las hermanas por su apoyo al trabajo misionero durante los 炭ltimos 10 a単os, y las anima a apoyar a los migrantes y refugiados como lo hizo la Sagrada Familia cuando tuvo que huir a Egipto. Tambi辿n les desea lo mejor para su misi坦n presente y futura.
1. The document is a letter from Sr. Alaide Deretti, Councilor for Missions, thanking the sisters for their support of missionary work over the past year.
2. It encourages sisters to reflect on Pope Francis' message for the upcoming World Day of Migrants and Refugees, seeing migrants as fellow human beings in need of welcome and support.
3. It draws a parallel between the Holy Family's flight into Egypt to escape danger and the current reality of families forced to migrate and live as foreigners, urging sisters to support migrant brothers and sisters through welcome and non-judgement.
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 august 2021 engMaike Loes
The document is a letter from Sr. Alaide Deretti, Councilor for Missions, to her sisters reflecting on the figure of St. Joseph and the importance of the initial proclamation of Christ. She highlights how Joseph witnessed key events in Jesus' life like his birth and the visits of the shepherds and Magi. The initial proclamation is communicating one's personal encounter with Christ in order to transform lives and share joy with others. As FMAs, each sister should strive to renew her encounter with Christ daily and live her missionary life with greater joy and creativity, becoming a witness of God's love through her actions.
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 aout 2021 fraMaike Loes
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 aout 2021 fra
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 agosto 2021 thaiMaike Loes
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 agosto 2021 thai
Messaggio della Consigliera per le Missioni_14 agosto 2021 porMaike Loes
A carta discute S達o Jos辿 como testemunha do primeiro an炭ncio de Jesus e como modelo para as Irm達s Salesianas. S達o Jos辿 presenciou o nascimento de Jesus e encontros de Jesus com pastores, magos e outros. Da mesma forma, as Irm達s devem ser testemunhas do amor de Deus por meio de seus pr坦prios encontros com Jesus e an炭ncios do Evangelho.