This document discusses file operations in C including opening, reading, writing, and closing files. It describes different file types and functions used for file input/output like fopen(), fclose(), fread(), fwrite(), getc(), putc(), fseek(), ftell(), and more. It also covers command line arguments, random access of files using functions like fseek() and ftell(), and file system functions such as rename(), remove(), and chmod().
DataClass Case Study #1: Solving the Duplication ProblemMax Guernsey
There has always been a problem of duplication with regards to database and client code. These are the slides I use to demonstrate how that problem can be solved using DataClass.
DataClass's official website:
Winning and nurturing leads in a web 2.0 environment; ShipServ and why conten...John Watton
Presentation I gave at a B2B Marketing Magazine seminar in November 2009 together with Stan from and the subject of content marketing in lead generation
Roles on the actual day (what we have to do)sathma
The document assigns roles and tasks to different people for an art exhibition event taking place on Tuesday. Sathma is tasked with setting up the venue for the theme of the art exhibition. During the second lesson, others will help Sathma set up the venue, while Rajan creates an attendance spreadsheet and Logan researches music. In the third lesson, they will continue setting up and do technical work. They will then rehearse the presentation during the third lesson and lunch time. Afterschool, Sathma and Marie will finish preparations while Logan and Rajan prepare the presentation and sounds.
This document discusses irregular verbs in Spanish. It begins by introducing some example sentences describing physical characteristics of people named Pam, Jim, Dwight and Andy. It then states that the purpose is to talk about irregular verbs. It provides an overview of irregular verbs, noting there are many kinds that vary by tense. It highlights stem-changing verbs as ones where the stem changes during conjugation. Examples of stem-changing verbs are provided, such as tener, querer, recordar, dormir, poder, pensar, and entender. A side note explains the nosotros form always keeps the original stem.
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) is an inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidneys that can result from infections or injuries. There are two types: focal affects some glomeruli while diffuse affects all glomeruli and can lead to renal failure. Diseases that can cause glomerulonephritis include various types of vasculitis, lupus, and immunoglobulin A nephropathy. Acute renal failure (ARF) is the rapid loss of kidney function that occurs when toxic waste builds up in the blood due to the kidneys' inability to excrete it. There are three types of ARF defined by their causes.
Polydipsia is a symptom of excessive thirst that can be caused by conditions that create a water deficit in the body like diabetes insipidus. If too much water is consumed and the kidneys cannot excrete it, it can dilute sodium levels dangerously and potentially cause seizures or cardiac arrest.
Polyuria is excessive urination of over 2.5 liters per day and can be caused by medications like diuretics, conditions like diabetes, or psychogenic polydipsia. Patients experiencing polyuria should track fluid intake, urination frequency and volume, and urine color to monitor their symptoms. Simple dietary changes may help but worsening symptoms require seeing a doctor.
The document discusses female reproductive system procedures and gynecology. It defines a total hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as the removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It notes gynecology deals with diseases of the female reproductive system, and a gynecologist is a physician who specializes in gynecology. It recommends annual Pap smears for women beginning at age 21 according to gynecology guidelines.
Four montages of different live performances sathma
This document discusses different types of montages that can be used for live performances including theatrical, musical, and art exhibitions. It suggests montages can enhance live performances by interweaving clips or images from different parts of the production. A well-crafted montage engages the audience and provides context during transitions between acts or scenes.
1. The document proposes an approach called Open Mobile Ambient Learning (OMAL) to bridge digital divides in developing country universities.
2. OMAL combines mobile ambient intelligence, personalized learning, open learning, and mobile learning to provide easy access to high-quality educational resources through mobile phones.
3. It aims to help "computer poor" contexts where desktop access is limited but mobile phone ownership is widespread. The approach would provide independence and flexibility in accessing open educational resources.
This document discusses configuring a router in steps, beginning with identifying the router and naming its interfaces. It describes configuring the router globally, the interfaces, and a routing protocol. It emphasizes testing each configuration step and checking the router's operation before moving to the next step of adding security policies or other features. The overall process is to configure parts individually, test connectivity, and then combine the pieces while continuing to check the router's behavior.
In this presentation, Amit explains querying with MongoDB in detail including Querying on Embedded Documents, Geospatial indexing and Querying etc.
The tutorial includes a recap of MongoDB, the wrapped queries, queries which are using modifiers, Upsert (saving/ updating queries), updating multiple documents at once, etc. Moreover, it gives a brief explanation about specifying which keys to return, the AND/OR queries, querying on embedded documents, cursors and Geospatial indexing. The tutorial begins with a section about MongoDB which includes steps to install and start MongoDB, to show and select Database, to drop collection and database, steps to insert a document and get up to 20 matching documents. Furthermore, it also includes steps to store and use Javascript functions on the server side.
The next section after the MongoDB section is about wrapped queries and queries using modifiers which includes the types of wrapped queries which are used like LikeQuery, SortQuery, LimitQuery, SkipQuery. It also includes the types of queries using modifiers like NotEqualModifier, Greater/Lesser modifier, Increment Modifier, Set Modifier, Unset Modifier, Push Modifier etc. Then comes the section about Upsert (Save or update). There are steps mentioned for saving or updating queries in this section.
At the same time, there are steps to update multiple documents altogether. The next section which is called specifying which keys to return talks about ways to specify the keys the user wants. After this section comes OR/AND query. It informs us about the general steps to do an OR query. Also, it includes the general steps to do an AND query. After this section comes another section called querying on embedded document which tells the user about ways of querying for an embedded document.
One of the important sections of this tutorial is about cursors, uses of a cursor and also methods to chain additional options onto a query before it is performed. Following is a section about indexing which talks about indexing as a term and how indexing helps in improving the querys speed. At the end is a section which gives a brief explanation on geospatial indexing which is another type of query that became common with the emergence of mobile devices. Also, it includes the ways geospatial queries can be performed.
This document discusses different types of montages that can be used for live performances including theatrical, musical, and art exhibitions. It suggests montages can enhance live performances by interweaving clips with the live elements. A short montage may be shown between acts of a play or during intermissions at a concert to engage the audience.
Nurturing: Where Human Touch & Digital Practices come togetherJohn Watton
The document discusses how human touch and digital practices can work together in lead nurturing. It emphasizes that defined processes and a strong relationship between marketing and sales are important. It also stresses that great content marketing involves creating high-quality, shareable content that treats prospects as people first. The content should be independent, credible, and address hot issues while supporting arguments with data.
The document analyzes data from a questionnaire about interests in live performances. It finds that the 10-15 age group participated most and the 25-30 age group participated least. It also found that females outnumbered and were more interested in live performances than males based on the questionnaire. Most participants had been to a live performance before. Musicals and comedy received more interest than other genres like art. The most popular performance venues and artist types were also identified to help decide what content would appeal most to audiences.
Interactive dia3 (dl3) holsten english translationKonstellation
1) The document provides instructions for uploading a photo and filling out contact details to become the "Man of the Year" featured in a TV commercial and movie by Holsten Viral.
2) It allows the user to choose uploading a photo from Facebook, their personal computer, or via camera. It then guides the user through adjusting the photo within the frame and providing their name, email, city, and country contact details.
3) Finally, it prompts the user to join Holsten's fan page and club to receive updates and get access to share the movie video with friends via email, Facebook, or a URL link.
This document provides information about various banking and finance career opportunities and training programs. It discusses different roles in fields like commercial banking, investment banking, broking, research, fund management, and insurance. It also outlines certificate programs that finberry offers related to banking and financial services, finance for engineers, and finance and general management. The programs aim to provide practical skills and knowledge about topics such as accounting, financial statement analysis, risk management, and communication. The document promotes finberry's programs and expertise in developing courseware and training clients in the banking, finance, and securities sectors.
The document discusses linguistic devices used in propaganda posters from World War II. It examines the use of imperatives, rhetorical questions, emotive language, and personal pronouns to command and encourage certain behaviors. Students will analyze example posters' use of images and language to understand the intentions of the designers and the intended effect on audiences.
The document discusses propaganda posters used during World War 1 to recruit soldiers and encourage support for the war on the home front. It analyzes two posters, a British one showing an idealized family scene to motivate enlistment, and a German one depicting a battle-weary soldier to urge factory workers to work hard for victory. Presentational devices like images, colors, fonts and layouts were manipulated in the posters to influence audiences and further the countries' war aims.
This document outlines assessment criteria for analyzing propaganda posters, including understanding information from texts, deducing ideas, identifying structure and organization, explaining language use, identifying purpose and viewpoint, and relating the text to its social context. It also provides learning objectives to present an analysis of presentational and linguistic devices in a propaganda poster considering these assessment criteria. An evaluation section asks if the analysis demonstrated understanding, used examples and quotations, offered interpretation, and commented on presentation, language, purpose, effect, and social/historical context.
This document provides guidance for designing a World War I propaganda poster, recommending including personal references like "We want you!", commands or imperatives like "Women of Britain say go!", questions like "Who's absent, is it you?", family references like "What did you do Daddy?", using impactful colors, and featuring a powerful image often of soldiers.
This document outlines the planning section of a project. The planning section should include rough designs, font and color choices, and annotated reflections on strengths and areas for improvement. It should also contain final designs and versions of products, with explanations of any major changes. The document recommends thoroughly completing previous sections on research before beginning planning, which should be informed by audience and product research.
This document provides evaluation tips and guidance for creating a PowerPoint presentation to evaluate a media product. It includes advice such as keeping slides concise, using a consistent design, referring to research, and being prepared to answer questions. It also lists the key questions that must be answered in the evaluation, such as how the product represents social groups, what type of institution might distribute it, who the audience is, and how the audience is appealed to or addressed. Sample evaluation responses are provided as examples.
This document provides guidance on analyzing existing products to inform new creations. It discusses analyzing elements like front covers, contents pages, spreads, and film openings. Key things to consider include camera angles, fonts, images, layout, celebrity choice, topics, production elements, target audiences, and practical details. The goal is to research and analyze examples from the chosen genre in order to create new work.
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) is an inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidneys that can result from infections or injuries. There are two types: focal affects some glomeruli while diffuse affects all glomeruli and can lead to renal failure. Diseases that can cause glomerulonephritis include various types of vasculitis, lupus, and immunoglobulin A nephropathy. Acute renal failure (ARF) is the rapid loss of kidney function that occurs when toxic waste builds up in the blood due to the kidneys' inability to excrete it. There are three types of ARF defined by their causes.
Polydipsia is a symptom of excessive thirst that can be caused by conditions that create a water deficit in the body like diabetes insipidus. If too much water is consumed and the kidneys cannot excrete it, it can dilute sodium levels dangerously and potentially cause seizures or cardiac arrest.
Polyuria is excessive urination of over 2.5 liters per day and can be caused by medications like diuretics, conditions like diabetes, or psychogenic polydipsia. Patients experiencing polyuria should track fluid intake, urination frequency and volume, and urine color to monitor their symptoms. Simple dietary changes may help but worsening symptoms require seeing a doctor.
The document discusses female reproductive system procedures and gynecology. It defines a total hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as the removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It notes gynecology deals with diseases of the female reproductive system, and a gynecologist is a physician who specializes in gynecology. It recommends annual Pap smears for women beginning at age 21 according to gynecology guidelines.
Four montages of different live performances sathma
This document discusses different types of montages that can be used for live performances including theatrical, musical, and art exhibitions. It suggests montages can enhance live performances by interweaving clips or images from different parts of the production. A well-crafted montage engages the audience and provides context during transitions between acts or scenes.
1. The document proposes an approach called Open Mobile Ambient Learning (OMAL) to bridge digital divides in developing country universities.
2. OMAL combines mobile ambient intelligence, personalized learning, open learning, and mobile learning to provide easy access to high-quality educational resources through mobile phones.
3. It aims to help "computer poor" contexts where desktop access is limited but mobile phone ownership is widespread. The approach would provide independence and flexibility in accessing open educational resources.
This document discusses configuring a router in steps, beginning with identifying the router and naming its interfaces. It describes configuring the router globally, the interfaces, and a routing protocol. It emphasizes testing each configuration step and checking the router's operation before moving to the next step of adding security policies or other features. The overall process is to configure parts individually, test connectivity, and then combine the pieces while continuing to check the router's behavior.
In this presentation, Amit explains querying with MongoDB in detail including Querying on Embedded Documents, Geospatial indexing and Querying etc.
The tutorial includes a recap of MongoDB, the wrapped queries, queries which are using modifiers, Upsert (saving/ updating queries), updating multiple documents at once, etc. Moreover, it gives a brief explanation about specifying which keys to return, the AND/OR queries, querying on embedded documents, cursors and Geospatial indexing. The tutorial begins with a section about MongoDB which includes steps to install and start MongoDB, to show and select Database, to drop collection and database, steps to insert a document and get up to 20 matching documents. Furthermore, it also includes steps to store and use Javascript functions on the server side.
The next section after the MongoDB section is about wrapped queries and queries using modifiers which includes the types of wrapped queries which are used like LikeQuery, SortQuery, LimitQuery, SkipQuery. It also includes the types of queries using modifiers like NotEqualModifier, Greater/Lesser modifier, Increment Modifier, Set Modifier, Unset Modifier, Push Modifier etc. Then comes the section about Upsert (Save or update). There are steps mentioned for saving or updating queries in this section.
At the same time, there are steps to update multiple documents altogether. The next section which is called specifying which keys to return talks about ways to specify the keys the user wants. After this section comes OR/AND query. It informs us about the general steps to do an OR query. Also, it includes the general steps to do an AND query. After this section comes another section called querying on embedded document which tells the user about ways of querying for an embedded document.
One of the important sections of this tutorial is about cursors, uses of a cursor and also methods to chain additional options onto a query before it is performed. Following is a section about indexing which talks about indexing as a term and how indexing helps in improving the querys speed. At the end is a section which gives a brief explanation on geospatial indexing which is another type of query that became common with the emergence of mobile devices. Also, it includes the ways geospatial queries can be performed.
This document discusses different types of montages that can be used for live performances including theatrical, musical, and art exhibitions. It suggests montages can enhance live performances by interweaving clips with the live elements. A short montage may be shown between acts of a play or during intermissions at a concert to engage the audience.
Nurturing: Where Human Touch & Digital Practices come togetherJohn Watton
The document discusses how human touch and digital practices can work together in lead nurturing. It emphasizes that defined processes and a strong relationship between marketing and sales are important. It also stresses that great content marketing involves creating high-quality, shareable content that treats prospects as people first. The content should be independent, credible, and address hot issues while supporting arguments with data.
The document analyzes data from a questionnaire about interests in live performances. It finds that the 10-15 age group participated most and the 25-30 age group participated least. It also found that females outnumbered and were more interested in live performances than males based on the questionnaire. Most participants had been to a live performance before. Musicals and comedy received more interest than other genres like art. The most popular performance venues and artist types were also identified to help decide what content would appeal most to audiences.
Interactive dia3 (dl3) holsten english translationKonstellation
1) The document provides instructions for uploading a photo and filling out contact details to become the "Man of the Year" featured in a TV commercial and movie by Holsten Viral.
2) It allows the user to choose uploading a photo from Facebook, their personal computer, or via camera. It then guides the user through adjusting the photo within the frame and providing their name, email, city, and country contact details.
3) Finally, it prompts the user to join Holsten's fan page and club to receive updates and get access to share the movie video with friends via email, Facebook, or a URL link.
This document provides information about various banking and finance career opportunities and training programs. It discusses different roles in fields like commercial banking, investment banking, broking, research, fund management, and insurance. It also outlines certificate programs that finberry offers related to banking and financial services, finance for engineers, and finance and general management. The programs aim to provide practical skills and knowledge about topics such as accounting, financial statement analysis, risk management, and communication. The document promotes finberry's programs and expertise in developing courseware and training clients in the banking, finance, and securities sectors.
The document discusses linguistic devices used in propaganda posters from World War II. It examines the use of imperatives, rhetorical questions, emotive language, and personal pronouns to command and encourage certain behaviors. Students will analyze example posters' use of images and language to understand the intentions of the designers and the intended effect on audiences.
The document discusses propaganda posters used during World War 1 to recruit soldiers and encourage support for the war on the home front. It analyzes two posters, a British one showing an idealized family scene to motivate enlistment, and a German one depicting a battle-weary soldier to urge factory workers to work hard for victory. Presentational devices like images, colors, fonts and layouts were manipulated in the posters to influence audiences and further the countries' war aims.
This document outlines assessment criteria for analyzing propaganda posters, including understanding information from texts, deducing ideas, identifying structure and organization, explaining language use, identifying purpose and viewpoint, and relating the text to its social context. It also provides learning objectives to present an analysis of presentational and linguistic devices in a propaganda poster considering these assessment criteria. An evaluation section asks if the analysis demonstrated understanding, used examples and quotations, offered interpretation, and commented on presentation, language, purpose, effect, and social/historical context.
This document provides guidance for designing a World War I propaganda poster, recommending including personal references like "We want you!", commands or imperatives like "Women of Britain say go!", questions like "Who's absent, is it you?", family references like "What did you do Daddy?", using impactful colors, and featuring a powerful image often of soldiers.
This document outlines the planning section of a project. The planning section should include rough designs, font and color choices, and annotated reflections on strengths and areas for improvement. It should also contain final designs and versions of products, with explanations of any major changes. The document recommends thoroughly completing previous sections on research before beginning planning, which should be informed by audience and product research.
This document provides evaluation tips and guidance for creating a PowerPoint presentation to evaluate a media product. It includes advice such as keeping slides concise, using a consistent design, referring to research, and being prepared to answer questions. It also lists the key questions that must be answered in the evaluation, such as how the product represents social groups, what type of institution might distribute it, who the audience is, and how the audience is appealed to or addressed. Sample evaluation responses are provided as examples.
This document provides guidance on analyzing existing products to inform new creations. It discusses analyzing elements like front covers, contents pages, spreads, and film openings. Key things to consider include camera angles, fonts, images, layout, celebrity choice, topics, production elements, target audiences, and practical details. The goal is to research and analyze examples from the chosen genre in order to create new work.
This document provides guidance on conducting interviews and questionnaires to research a target audience for a production project. It offers tips for creating effective questionnaires, such as only including relevant questions, breaking down the product into features to ask about, and aiming for at least 10 questions. Tips for interviews include only asking open-ended questions, keeping interviews to around 15 minutes with 6 topics/questions, and having existing products to discuss. Students will be evaluated on reflecting in-depth on how they appealed to their target audience through discussing the research conclusions.
The document contains questions about common elements of tabloid news articles including: the lead paragraph, details under a headline, attribution of the author, editorials, facts in the main body, all-caps bold headlines, techniques like wordplay used in headlines, and recapping or concluding paragraphs. It also asks which British newspaper, The Daily Mirror or The Daily Telegraph, has higher sales.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.