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Poster	template	courtesy	Faculty	&	Curriculum	Support	(FACS),	Georgetown	University	School	of	Medicine	
Clonal	assessment	of	func.onal	muta.ons	in	cancer	from	whole-exome	sequencing	data
In cancer, clonal evolution is characterized based on
single nucleotide variants and copy number alterations.
Previous methods accepted as input all variants
predicted by variant-callers, regardless of differences in
dispersion of variant allele frequencies (VAFs) due to
uneven depth of coverage and possible presence of
strand bias, prohibiting accurate inference of clonal
architecture. We present a general framework for
assignment of functional mutations to specific cancer
clones, which is based on distinction between passenger
variants with expected low dispersion of VAF versus
putative functional variants, which may not be used for
the reconstruction of cancer clonal architecture but can
be assigned to inferred clones at the final stage. It takes
into account VAFs and genotypes of corresponding
regions together with information about normal cell.
Student:	Xingzhi	Chen1;	Faculty	Advisor:	Xiaogang	(Simon)	Zhong,	PhD1,2	
1Department	of	BiostaKsKcs,	BioinformaKcs,	and	BiomathemaKcs,	;	2Lombardi	Comprehensive	Cancer	Center;	Georgetown	University	Medical	Center,	Washington,	DC 20057 		
on a binomial distribution:
where d is the depth of coverage of the variation, f is the
number of reads supporting the variant and c is the
sample contamination by normal cells. We then write the
log likelihood function to maximize
Where are weights of the possibility computed for a
corresponding genotype
By adding weights that for each variant sum to one, we
favor mutations with the lowest number of copies. Each
mutation is then attributed to its most likely possibility,
which is the possibility with highest probability to
belong to a clone. The number of clones is determined
by minimization of the Bayesian Information Criterion
(BIC). Priors can be provided by the user, randomly
generated or determined by the k-medoids clustering on
Fig1, Nine mutation clusters corresponding to inferred
clones are shown in different colors.
Roth, A., Khattra, J., Yap, D., Wan, A., Laks, E., Biele, J., Ha,
G., Aparicio, S., Bouchard-C?t¨¦, A., and Shah, S. P., et al. ,
2014. PyClone: statistical inference of clonal population
structure in cancer. Nature Methods , 11 (4):396_398.
?Jiao, W., Vembu, S., Deshwar, A. G., Stein, L., and Morris,
Q., 2014. Inferring clonal evolution of tumors from single
nucleotide somatic mutations. BMC Bioinformatics , 15 (1):
Khurana, E., Fu, Y., Colonna, V., Mu, X. J., Kang, H. M.,
Lappalainen, T., Sboner, A., Lochovsky, L., Chen, J.,
Harmanci, A., et al. , 2013. Integrative Annotation of Variants
from 1092 Humans: Application to Cancer Genomics. Science
(New York, N.Y.) , 342 (6154):1235587.
In the framework of this study, we carried out Illumina
paired-end sequencing for 22 neuroblastoma patients
(tumor tissue at diagnosis, relapse and constitutional
DNA). DNA material for each patient (lymphocytes,
primary tumors and relapse tumors) was in each case
sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2500 instruments to an
average depth of coverage of 80 by Beijing Genomics
Institute (BGI). Sequenced reads were mapped to the
human genome hg19 using BWA, reads then were
realigned around indels with the Genome Analysis
ToolKit, followed by a base recalibration, and mutations
were called using Varscan2.
We performs clustering of cellular prevalence values of
mutations defined by , where is the cellular
prevalence, the number of copies of the
corresponding locus, NC the number of chromosomal
copies bearing the mutation, and P the tumor purity. We
use an EM algorithm based on the probability to observe
a specific number of reads confirming a mutation given
the number of reads overlapping the position, the
contamination and the cellularity of a clone. In more
detail, we attribute to each possibility a probability to
observe f reads supporting the variant given that the
latter belongs to a clone of cellular prevalence , based
Fig2, Illustration of the rule for assignment of mutations
to (i) the ancestral clones (ii) clones expanding after the
treatment and (iii) shrinking clones.
Fig3, Absolute numbers and proportions of deleterious
mutations in gene maps and modules in the ancestral
clones, and clones expanding and shrinking at relapse.
Here we propose a framework to detect functional
mutations in cancer samples and associate the mutations
to their corresponding clonal structure. It allows
reconstruction of clonal populations based on both
variant allele frequencies and genotype information. It
is based on two central ideas. First, high-reliability
passenger mutations must be used to reconstruct the
clonal structure of tumors samples; then, low coverage
functional mutations (with high variance in VAFs)
should be mapped onto the inferred clonal structure.
Second, we suggest to limit the set of functional
mutations to those in genes known to be associated with
cancer (e.g., Cancer Census genes) or to those in genes
from gene modules/pathways frequently disrupted in a
given cancer type.
In this application, we excluded information about SVs
and indels due to the low mapping. In the future, the
sensitivity can be improved by using higher depth of
coverage data and combining the paired-end datasets
with reads produced with the mate-pair protocol or with
long PacBio reads.
¦È =
P( f |¦È) =
¦È ¡Á NC(1? c)
1? (¦È ¡Á NC(1? c))
d? f
L = ¦Øi,p
log Pi,s,p
( fi,s,p
¡Æ ,

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  • 1. Poster template courtesy Faculty & Curriculum Support (FACS), Georgetown University School of Medicine Clonal assessment of func.onal muta.ons in cancer from whole-exome sequencing data In cancer, clonal evolution is characterized based on single nucleotide variants and copy number alterations. Previous methods accepted as input all variants predicted by variant-callers, regardless of differences in dispersion of variant allele frequencies (VAFs) due to uneven depth of coverage and possible presence of strand bias, prohibiting accurate inference of clonal architecture. We present a general framework for assignment of functional mutations to specific cancer clones, which is based on distinction between passenger variants with expected low dispersion of VAF versus putative functional variants, which may not be used for the reconstruction of cancer clonal architecture but can be assigned to inferred clones at the final stage. It takes into account VAFs and genotypes of corresponding regions together with information about normal cell. Abstract Student: Xingzhi Chen1; Faculty Advisor: Xiaogang (Simon) Zhong, PhD1,2 1Department of BiostaKsKcs, BioinformaKcs, and BiomathemaKcs, ; 2Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center; Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20057 on a binomial distribution: where d is the depth of coverage of the variation, f is the number of reads supporting the variant and c is the sample contamination by normal cells. We then write the log likelihood function to maximize Where are weights of the possibility computed for a corresponding genotype By adding weights that for each variant sum to one, we favor mutations with the lowest number of copies. Each mutation is then attributed to its most likely possibility, which is the possibility with highest probability to belong to a clone. The number of clones is determined by minimization of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Priors can be provided by the user, randomly generated or determined by the k-medoids clustering on mutations. Fig1, Nine mutation clusters corresponding to inferred clones are shown in different colors. Results Discussions References Roth, A., Khattra, J., Yap, D., Wan, A., Laks, E., Biele, J., Ha, G., Aparicio, S., Bouchard-C?t¨¦, A., and Shah, S. P., et al. , 2014. PyClone: statistical inference of clonal population structure in cancer. Nature Methods , 11 (4):396_398. ?Jiao, W., Vembu, S., Deshwar, A. G., Stein, L., and Morris, Q., 2014. Inferring clonal evolution of tumors from single nucleotide somatic mutations. BMC Bioinformatics , 15 (1): 35. Khurana, E., Fu, Y., Colonna, V., Mu, X. J., Kang, H. M., Lappalainen, T., Sboner, A., Lochovsky, L., Chen, J., Harmanci, A., et al. , 2013. Integrative Annotation of Variants from 1092 Humans: Application to Cancer Genomics. Science (New York, N.Y.) , 342 (6154):1235587. In the framework of this study, we carried out Illumina paired-end sequencing for 22 neuroblastoma patients (tumor tissue at diagnosis, relapse and constitutional DNA). DNA material for each patient (lymphocytes, primary tumors and relapse tumors) was in each case sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2500 instruments to an average depth of coverage of 80 by Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI). Sequenced reads were mapped to the human genome hg19 using BWA, reads then were realigned around indels with the Genome Analysis ToolKit, followed by a base recalibration, and mutations were called using Varscan2. We performs clustering of cellular prevalence values of mutations defined by , where is the cellular prevalence, the number of copies of the corresponding locus, NC the number of chromosomal copies bearing the mutation, and P the tumor purity. We use an EM algorithm based on the probability to observe a specific number of reads confirming a mutation given the number of reads overlapping the position, the contamination and the cellularity of a clone. In more detail, we attribute to each possibility a probability to observe f reads supporting the variant given that the latter belongs to a clone of cellular prevalence , based Methods Fig2, Illustration of the rule for assignment of mutations to (i) the ancestral clones (ii) clones expanding after the treatment and (iii) shrinking clones. Fig3, Absolute numbers and proportions of deleterious mutations in gene maps and modules in the ancestral clones, and clones expanding and shrinking at relapse. Here we propose a framework to detect functional mutations in cancer samples and associate the mutations to their corresponding clonal structure. It allows reconstruction of clonal populations based on both variant allele frequencies and genotype information. It is based on two central ideas. First, high-reliability passenger mutations must be used to reconstruct the clonal structure of tumors samples; then, low coverage functional mutations (with high variance in VAFs) should be mapped onto the inferred clonal structure. Second, we suggest to limit the set of functional mutations to those in genes known to be associated with cancer (e.g., Cancer Census genes) or to those in genes from gene modules/pathways frequently disrupted in a given cancer type. In this application, we excluded information about SVs and indels due to the low mapping. In the future, the sensitivity can be improved by using higher depth of coverage data and combining the paired-end datasets with reads produced with the mate-pair protocol or with long PacBio reads. ¦È = VAF ¡Á NCh NC ¡Á P NCh P( f |¦È) = d f ? ? ? ? ? ? ¦È ¡Á NC(1? c) NCh ? ?? ? ?? f ¡Á 1? (¦È ¡Á NC(1? c)) Nch ? ?? ? ?? d? f L = ¦Øi,p ti,k log Pi,s,p ( fi,s,p |¦Èk,s ) p ¡Æ s ¡Æ k ¡Æ i ¡Æ , ¦Øi,p ¦Øi,p = xs NCi,s,p ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + ys NCi,s,p ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2 NChs s ¡Ç