This short document is about identifying an animal based on clues. It provides clues that the animal is brown, a mammal with big teeth that lives outside. The animal is identified as a bear.
UltraLearn is a company that provides a complete web-based e-learning solution for authoring, managing, distributing, and tracking rich media content. They have over 20 years of experience in training and learning. Their goal is to bridge the gap between knowledge and organizational development with an interactive video solution that allows for quick production, broadcasting, and evaluation of rich media trainings. They do this through their platform and UltraMashup player, which allow users to produce, broadcast, and evaluate interactive video courses and collect data on viewer usage and ROI. UltraLearn offers their solution as software as a service, application service provider, or for enterprise customers.
Anne is from Arizona, United States but now lives in Valladolid, Spain with two flatmates. She works as an English teacher at a language school in Valladolid, teaching children and adults, and starts work at 4pm, finishing at 10:30pm. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, and going to the disco with her friends on weekends.
The document discusses several operating systems including:
1. TUNIS - A Unix clone developed at the University of Toronto in the 1980s that targeted the PDP-11 and Motorola architectures.
2. MINIX - A small open source Unix clone first released in 1987 that is known for inspiring the development of Linux.
3. Plan 9 from Bell Labs - A distributed operating system primarily used for research that represented all system interfaces through the filesystem.
This short document appears to be a student writing assignment where they were asked to write about their hero and villain. The document includes the student's name, CEIP Jose Payan Garrido, and grade level, 6th grade, suggesting it is the beginning of their essay on this topic for a class.
This document provides information about a student named Jose Payan Garrido who attends the primary school of San Juan de Aznalfarache located in Seville, Spain. Jose is in the 5th grade of primary school for the 2012/13 school year at this school in Seville.
History,applications,algebra and mathematical form of plane in mathematics (p...guesta62dea
The document provides information about planes and equations of planes. It defines a plane as a flat surface that extends indefinitely in width and height but has no thickness. Various plane shapes and their area formulas are described. Different forms of equations for a straight line including slope-intercept, point-slope, two-point, and standard forms are derived from the general linear equation. Two and three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems are also explained.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated from the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain. The Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits to walk the earth. To avoid notice from these spirits, people would dress as them and engage in activities like trick-or-treating, parades, and bonfires. Irish and Scottish immigrants brought Halloween traditions to North America in the 19th century, where they began carving pumpkins instead of turnips for jack-o'-lanterns and giving treats to children, developing the tradition of trick-or-treating.
1. The document discusses strategies for effective communication to promote behavior change related to climate change. It outlines understanding audiences, mapping a journey to change, creating clear messages, choosing appropriate media, and creating lasting changes.
2. The strategies involve segmenting audiences, identifying their attitudes and barriers, framing specific actions to overcome barriers, using positive messaging and imagery, matching media to audiences, making connections, and providing feedback and reminders over time.
3. Examples are given of audience segments from Defra and how to frame renewable energy for different groups, with tips on benefits, grants, examples, and language used.
Transition Town Stafford Presentation 3 22nd October 2009Carbon Forum
TT Stafford Presentation 3 - 22nd October 2009.ppt
Presented on 22.10.09 as part on Learning to Deliver West Midlands seminar series on Growing Community Action on Climate Change.
Expedited Partner Therapy For Chlamydia Treatment Power Point Flagstaff July...npjoann
The document discusses expedited partner therapy (EPT) for treating chlamydia. EPT allows patients to receive medications to give to their partners without the partner first being examined by a healthcare provider. The document outlines the benefits of EPT including facilitating partner treatment and preventing reinfection. It also notes some risks and limitations of EPT including legal issues and ensuring partners also receive examination and testing.
La reforma de la negociación colectiva de 2011 en España debilitó los derechos de los trabajadores. Desde los años 1970, las polÃticas de "flexibilidad laboral" han transferido poder a los empleadores y reducido la protección de los trabajadores. Aunque se presentó como una forma de crear empleos, en realidad solo aumentó la precariedad laboral. La última reforma dio aún más poder a los empleadores para imponer sus condiciones sobre los sindicatos y trabajadores.
El documento discute las condiciones laborales de los jóvenes en España. Señala que las reformas laborales desde 1980 han facilitado la contratación temporal y reducido la estabilidad laboral. Esto ha creado una división entre trabajadores estables e inestables, donde los jóvenes suelen estar en contratos precarios. Las reformas han ampliado la duración de contratos temporales como prácticas y formación, reduciendo la protección de los trabajadores.
La reforma laboral aprobada por el gobierno facilita y abarata el despido, incrementa la temporalidad y limita la negociación colectiva. El documento analiza detalladamente los cambios introducidos por la reforma en materia de despidos, contratación, indemnizaciones, trabajo temporal y negociación colectiva. Se convoca una huelga general para el 29 de septiembre en respuesta a las agresiones que la reforma supone para los derechos de los trabajadores.
This short document appears to be a student writing assignment where they were asked to write about their hero and villain. The document includes the student's name, CEIP Jose Payan Garrido, and grade level, 6th grade, suggesting it is the beginning of their essay on this topic for a class.
This document provides information about a student named Jose Payan Garrido who attends the primary school of San Juan de Aznalfarache located in Seville, Spain. Jose is in the 5th grade of primary school for the 2012/13 school year at this school in Seville.
History,applications,algebra and mathematical form of plane in mathematics (p...guesta62dea
The document provides information about planes and equations of planes. It defines a plane as a flat surface that extends indefinitely in width and height but has no thickness. Various plane shapes and their area formulas are described. Different forms of equations for a straight line including slope-intercept, point-slope, two-point, and standard forms are derived from the general linear equation. Two and three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems are also explained.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated from the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain. The Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits to walk the earth. To avoid notice from these spirits, people would dress as them and engage in activities like trick-or-treating, parades, and bonfires. Irish and Scottish immigrants brought Halloween traditions to North America in the 19th century, where they began carving pumpkins instead of turnips for jack-o'-lanterns and giving treats to children, developing the tradition of trick-or-treating.
1. The document discusses strategies for effective communication to promote behavior change related to climate change. It outlines understanding audiences, mapping a journey to change, creating clear messages, choosing appropriate media, and creating lasting changes.
2. The strategies involve segmenting audiences, identifying their attitudes and barriers, framing specific actions to overcome barriers, using positive messaging and imagery, matching media to audiences, making connections, and providing feedback and reminders over time.
3. Examples are given of audience segments from Defra and how to frame renewable energy for different groups, with tips on benefits, grants, examples, and language used.
Transition Town Stafford Presentation 3 22nd October 2009Carbon Forum
TT Stafford Presentation 3 - 22nd October 2009.ppt
Presented on 22.10.09 as part on Learning to Deliver West Midlands seminar series on Growing Community Action on Climate Change.
Expedited Partner Therapy For Chlamydia Treatment Power Point Flagstaff July...npjoann
The document discusses expedited partner therapy (EPT) for treating chlamydia. EPT allows patients to receive medications to give to their partners without the partner first being examined by a healthcare provider. The document outlines the benefits of EPT including facilitating partner treatment and preventing reinfection. It also notes some risks and limitations of EPT including legal issues and ensuring partners also receive examination and testing.
La reforma de la negociación colectiva de 2011 en España debilitó los derechos de los trabajadores. Desde los años 1970, las polÃticas de "flexibilidad laboral" han transferido poder a los empleadores y reducido la protección de los trabajadores. Aunque se presentó como una forma de crear empleos, en realidad solo aumentó la precariedad laboral. La última reforma dio aún más poder a los empleadores para imponer sus condiciones sobre los sindicatos y trabajadores.
El documento discute las condiciones laborales de los jóvenes en España. Señala que las reformas laborales desde 1980 han facilitado la contratación temporal y reducido la estabilidad laboral. Esto ha creado una división entre trabajadores estables e inestables, donde los jóvenes suelen estar en contratos precarios. Las reformas han ampliado la duración de contratos temporales como prácticas y formación, reduciendo la protección de los trabajadores.
La reforma laboral aprobada por el gobierno facilita y abarata el despido, incrementa la temporalidad y limita la negociación colectiva. El documento analiza detalladamente los cambios introducidos por la reforma en materia de despidos, contratación, indemnizaciones, trabajo temporal y negociación colectiva. Se convoca una huelga general para el 29 de septiembre en respuesta a las agresiones que la reforma supone para los derechos de los trabajadores.
El grupo Bilderberg, compuesto por más de 100 polÃticos, banqueros y periodistas influyentes, se reunirá secretamente en Sitges, España para planificar eventos internacionales. Mientras tanto, el documento critica las medidas de austeridad en España que recortan derechos laborales y prestaciones sociales y que solo afectan a la clase trabajadora, no a las clases adineradas. El documento pide que dejen de decidir por el pueblo y anima a la participación en el rechazo a estas polÃticas.
Oit Informe Sobre Horas De Trabajo En El MundoMohamedPsucViu
El informe de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) encontró que aproximadamente una de cada cinco personas en el mundo, equivalente a 600 millones de trabajadores, trabajan más de 48 horas por semana. Los paÃses en desarrollo tienden a tener más personas que trabajan horas excesivas, mientras que los paÃses desarrollados tienden a tener jornadas laborales más cortas. Reducir las horas de trabajo tiene beneficios para la salud, la familia y la productividad, pero algunas personas necesitan trabajar más horas para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.