The document discusses plans for a music video for the song "Got Nuffin But Love" by Heavy D & The Boyz. It will update the setting and costumes to make them more modern and 21st century. The theme will remain a boy chasing after a girl, following her in her daily life through parks and streets. The video will end with the main artist being rejected by the first girl but then having her fall for him after he moves on to another girl.
The document discusses plans for a music video for the song "Got Nuffin But Love" by Heavy D & The Boyz. It will update the setting and costumes to make them more modern and 21st century. The theme will remain a boy chasing after a girl, following her in her daily life through parks and streets. The video will end with the main artist being rejected by the first girl but then having her want him after he moves on to another girl, making her feel rejected as well.
The document provides information about places to visit in the Malaysian state of Perak. It describes several historical places in Perak including the Ubudiah Mosque, Sam Poh Tong Temple, Kellie's Castle, Perak Museum, and Leaning Tower. It also mentions beaches and parks such as Lata Kinjang, Lumut, and Taiping Lake Gardens. Pangkor Island is highlighted as a popular island resort in Perak. Additionally, it provides details about shopping malls like Ipoh Parade.
This document provides tips for building a strong digital reputation. It recommends cleaning up social media profiles and establishing a personal brand focused on skills and expertise. The document outlines five steps: 1) Clean up social media, 2) Create a personal brand, 3) Establish expertise through blogging, guest posts and group participation, 4) Build professional profiles on sites like LinkedIn, and 5) Market the digital reputation through a central website and social media. Maintaining an online presence helps potential employers learn more about skills and makes applicants stand out.
China invaded and took control of Tibet in 1950, a region the size of Western Europe located on the world's highest plateau. Since then, over 1.2 million Tibetans have died from uprisings against Chinese rule, starvation, or destruction of Buddhist sites. Many Tibetans have fled to Nepal and India to escape China's oppressive six-decade occupation of their homeland and fight to regain Tibet's independence.
MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER (MSC) is a liquid biodegradable soil conditioner, with all the secondary macro-nutrients, and all the necessary micro-nutrients needed for vigorous plant growth. It also has natural insect repellent ingredients which non-harmful to the farmer and environment-friendly.
This document discusses various medical career paths such as administrative medical assistant, dental assisting, medical assisting, pharmacy technician, EKG/phlebotomy, and clinical days. It emphasizes that success is defined not by what we do but who we are, and expresses gratitude to Deanna Head and Mr. and Mrs. Head for their vision and support of the medical career training program.
2011 World Usability Day - Teresa Hodder - Chrysler Group LLC.Lextant
The Challenges in Developing a Usable Automotive Interface
Exploring the challenges of developing a usable automotive interface with a broad / diversified customer, complicated feature configurations, etc. Review the UConnect Touch implementation is an example of successfully addressing these challenges.
El uso del portafolio para la autoevaluaci¨°n continua del profesor -Pujola...Mar¨ªa Julia Bravo
Este documento presenta la propuesta del Portafolio Reflexivo del Profesor como una herramienta para la formaci¨®n continua de profesores de espa?ol como lengua extranjera. El portafolio se basa en la pr¨¢ctica reflexiva, que implica que los profesores observen, reflexionen y mejoren sus propias pr¨¢cticas docentes. El portafolio permite a los profesores establecer objetivos y evaluar su propio proceso de mejora profesional de manera aut¨®noma y continua.
Slovak consular services in Birmingham, 2-3 April 2014konzulatNYC
The Slovak Embassy in co-operation with NASH DOM will carry out consular days in Birmingham on 2-3 April 2014. The consular services will be provided by appointment only at 17-16 Elite House, office 17, 70 Warwick street, Birmingham, B12 0NL.
The document discusses the BBC World Have Your Say (WHYS) program and its goal of giving audiences a bigger role in the news produced through discussion forums and direct participation. It outlines some experiments in open journalism that worked, such as inviting audience members to editorial meetings focused on issues rather than process, and some that did not work well, like an open-ended invitation for story suggestions. It provides guidance on choosing discussion topics based on evidence and considering all audience perspectives. It also discusses techniques for involving audiences that worked, such as direct on-air conversations, and those that did not, like offering total website control. Overall it emphasizes building trust with audiences through explanation, invitation and response.
The document discusses plans for a music video for the song "Got Nuffin But Love" by Heavy D & The Boyz. It will update the setting and costumes to make them more modern and 21st century. The theme will remain a boy chasing after a girl, following her in her daily life through parks and streets. The video will end with the main artist being rejected by the first girl but then having her want him after he moves on to another girl, making her feel rejected as well.
The document provides information about places to visit in the Malaysian state of Perak. It describes several historical places in Perak including the Ubudiah Mosque, Sam Poh Tong Temple, Kellie's Castle, Perak Museum, and Leaning Tower. It also mentions beaches and parks such as Lata Kinjang, Lumut, and Taiping Lake Gardens. Pangkor Island is highlighted as a popular island resort in Perak. Additionally, it provides details about shopping malls like Ipoh Parade.
This document provides tips for building a strong digital reputation. It recommends cleaning up social media profiles and establishing a personal brand focused on skills and expertise. The document outlines five steps: 1) Clean up social media, 2) Create a personal brand, 3) Establish expertise through blogging, guest posts and group participation, 4) Build professional profiles on sites like LinkedIn, and 5) Market the digital reputation through a central website and social media. Maintaining an online presence helps potential employers learn more about skills and makes applicants stand out.
China invaded and took control of Tibet in 1950, a region the size of Western Europe located on the world's highest plateau. Since then, over 1.2 million Tibetans have died from uprisings against Chinese rule, starvation, or destruction of Buddhist sites. Many Tibetans have fled to Nepal and India to escape China's oppressive six-decade occupation of their homeland and fight to regain Tibet's independence.
MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER (MSC) is a liquid biodegradable soil conditioner, with all the secondary macro-nutrients, and all the necessary micro-nutrients needed for vigorous plant growth. It also has natural insect repellent ingredients which non-harmful to the farmer and environment-friendly.
This document discusses various medical career paths such as administrative medical assistant, dental assisting, medical assisting, pharmacy technician, EKG/phlebotomy, and clinical days. It emphasizes that success is defined not by what we do but who we are, and expresses gratitude to Deanna Head and Mr. and Mrs. Head for their vision and support of the medical career training program.
2011 World Usability Day - Teresa Hodder - Chrysler Group LLC.Lextant
The Challenges in Developing a Usable Automotive Interface
Exploring the challenges of developing a usable automotive interface with a broad / diversified customer, complicated feature configurations, etc. Review the UConnect Touch implementation is an example of successfully addressing these challenges.
El uso del portafolio para la autoevaluaci¨°n continua del profesor -Pujola...Mar¨ªa Julia Bravo
Este documento presenta la propuesta del Portafolio Reflexivo del Profesor como una herramienta para la formaci¨®n continua de profesores de espa?ol como lengua extranjera. El portafolio se basa en la pr¨¢ctica reflexiva, que implica que los profesores observen, reflexionen y mejoren sus propias pr¨¢cticas docentes. El portafolio permite a los profesores establecer objetivos y evaluar su propio proceso de mejora profesional de manera aut¨®noma y continua.
Slovak consular services in Birmingham, 2-3 April 2014konzulatNYC
The Slovak Embassy in co-operation with NASH DOM will carry out consular days in Birmingham on 2-3 April 2014. The consular services will be provided by appointment only at 17-16 Elite House, office 17, 70 Warwick street, Birmingham, B12 0NL.
The document discusses the BBC World Have Your Say (WHYS) program and its goal of giving audiences a bigger role in the news produced through discussion forums and direct participation. It outlines some experiments in open journalism that worked, such as inviting audience members to editorial meetings focused on issues rather than process, and some that did not work well, like an open-ended invitation for story suggestions. It provides guidance on choosing discussion topics based on evidence and considering all audience perspectives. It also discusses techniques for involving audiences that worked, such as direct on-air conversations, and those that did not, like offering total website control. Overall it emphasizes building trust with audiences through explanation, invitation and response.
El dia de la dona treballadora / ?????? ?? ????? ?? /????? ?????? ??????JosepRamonGregoriMuo
El 8 de mar? ¨¦s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici¨® comen?a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer¨¨ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa?sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R¨²ssia van organitzar una manifestaci¨® per la pau i la just¨ªcia. Avui, el 8 de mar? hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m¨®n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just¨ªcia social.