The trailer for House at the End of the Street raises several questions for the audience. It shows a young girl running from something scary in an isolated house at night. Intercut with shots of a bottle of pills and a nervous man, it leaves the audience wondering what evil presence the girl is fleeing from and what relation the man has to both her and the evil entity in the house. The fast cuts and liberal use of rewinding adds suspense to the typical horror conventions featured in the trailer.
The document outlines the agenda and logistics for a training program called the L.E.A.D. Program for Trainers. The objectives are to teach instructional techniques, demonstrate good examples through live demos and applied tools, and have participants practice and receive feedback. The training will start at 8:30am, include breaks and lunch, and finish at 4:30pm.
2014 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS GEOL?GICAS - Study of Cedral Horses and the...Ruben LLumihucci
Se realiz¨® un estudio detallado de un dep¨®sito ¨²nico de huesos de caballo en Cedral, San Luis Potos¨ª, centro de M¨¦xico. Se usaron caracteres morfol¨®gicos y morfom¨¦tricos, as¨ª como an¨¢lisis estad¨ªsticos bivariantes y multivariantes de los restos del cr¨¢neo y del esqueleto postcraneal y se compararon con restos de otras localidades del Pleistoceno mexicano. Se suministran las medidas del material estudiado as¨ª como la estimaci¨®n de la masa corporal de cada una de las especies. Tres especies de caba- llo est¨¢n representadas en varios dep¨®sitos del Pleistoceno superior de M¨¦xico, correspondientes a la edad de mam¨ªferos Rancholabreana, los cuales pueden haber sido contempor¨¢neos: un caballo de gran tama?o Equus mexicanus Hibbard, 1955 conocido desde la porci¨®n occidental de Estados Unidos de Am¨¦rica hasta M¨¦xico y Am¨¦rica Central; un caballo de tama?o mediano ampliamente distribuido Equus conversidens Owen, 1869 que se encuentra en la mayor parte de Am¨¦rica del Norte y Central; y un nuevo caballo de peque?o tama?o Equus cedralensis sp. nov., conocido hasta ahora s¨®lo en localidades mexicanas. El conocimiento de la presencia conjunta de estas tres especies en el Pleistoceno tard¨ªo de M¨¦xico (g¨¦nero Equus sp.) es importante para entender los modelos de diversidad y extinci¨®n en los primeros tiempos de la presencia humana en el continente. Adicionalmente, se proponen algunas inferencias ambientales, pero se requerir¨¢ de m¨¢s estudios para ponerlas a prueba.
Palabras clave: taxonom¨ªa; Equus; especie nueva; Pleistoceno Tard¨ªo; M¨¦xico; Cedral.
1) Existem quatro n¨ªveis de avalia??o de treinamento: rea??o, aprendizagem, comportamento e resultados. Cada n¨ªvel fornece informa??es importantes, apesar de mais complexas nos n¨ªveis mais altos.
2) O n¨ªvel 1 avalia a satisfa??o dos participantes com o treinamento. O n¨ªvel 2 avalia o que foi aprendido em termos de conhecimento e habilidades. O n¨ªvel 3 avalia mudan?as no comportamento no trabalho. O n¨ªvel 4 avalia resultados para a organiza??o como produtividade e lucros.
3) ? importante avaliar todos os n¨ª
2013 ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute presentationShirley Alexander
This document discusses approaches to leading and managing change when adopting learning technologies. It outlines two main approaches: technocracy and dynamism. Technocracy favors a centralized, expert-led approach while dynamism emphasizes decentralized experimentation and adaptation. The document also examines learning spaces and technologies at UTS, including how student needs and preferences have changed over time. Classroom audits found attendance decreases slightly each week, and informal learning spaces are important to students if well-designed and equipped. The UTS model of learning integrates professional practice through modes like work-integrated learning and simulations. Technologies like online platforms can help achieve the model's aims if chosen to support curriculum goals.
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.
NewyorkSys is one of the leading top Training and Consulting Company in US. Newyorksys have certified trainers. We will provide Online Training, Fast Track online training, with job assistance. We are providing excellent Training in all courses.
MWW¡¯s ¡°Matter More¡± philosophy is an attitude that permeates our whole company, makes us different and guides how everyone at MWW thinks and works. Matter More also means that we practice these same standards in how we conduct our own business and how we treat and respect our employees, the environment and the communities in which we live and work. This is an overview of our company culture and our services.
Were Ancient Americans Familiar with Real Horses? - JOURNAL OF BOOK OF MORMON...Ruben LLumihucci
The document summarizes evidence that ancient Mesoamericans may have been familiar with horses before the Spanish conquest. Excavations have uncovered horse bones dated to before this time period. It also mentions an artifact found in Bolivia that locals want help examining, as it may contain Semitic script characters, but its relevance to the Book of Mormon is unclear.
The trailer for House at the End of the Street raises several questions for the audience. It shows a young girl running from something scary in an isolated house at night. Intercut with shots of a bottle of pills and a nervous man, it leaves the audience wondering what evil presence the girl is fleeing from and what relation the man has to both her and the evil entity in the house. The fast cuts and liberal use of rewinding adds suspense to the typical horror conventions featured in the trailer.
The document outlines the agenda and logistics for a training program called the L.E.A.D. Program for Trainers. The objectives are to teach instructional techniques, demonstrate good examples through live demos and applied tools, and have participants practice and receive feedback. The training will start at 8:30am, include breaks and lunch, and finish at 4:30pm.
2014 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS GEOL?GICAS - Study of Cedral Horses and the...Ruben LLumihucci
Se realiz¨® un estudio detallado de un dep¨®sito ¨²nico de huesos de caballo en Cedral, San Luis Potos¨ª, centro de M¨¦xico. Se usaron caracteres morfol¨®gicos y morfom¨¦tricos, as¨ª como an¨¢lisis estad¨ªsticos bivariantes y multivariantes de los restos del cr¨¢neo y del esqueleto postcraneal y se compararon con restos de otras localidades del Pleistoceno mexicano. Se suministran las medidas del material estudiado as¨ª como la estimaci¨®n de la masa corporal de cada una de las especies. Tres especies de caba- llo est¨¢n representadas en varios dep¨®sitos del Pleistoceno superior de M¨¦xico, correspondientes a la edad de mam¨ªferos Rancholabreana, los cuales pueden haber sido contempor¨¢neos: un caballo de gran tama?o Equus mexicanus Hibbard, 1955 conocido desde la porci¨®n occidental de Estados Unidos de Am¨¦rica hasta M¨¦xico y Am¨¦rica Central; un caballo de tama?o mediano ampliamente distribuido Equus conversidens Owen, 1869 que se encuentra en la mayor parte de Am¨¦rica del Norte y Central; y un nuevo caballo de peque?o tama?o Equus cedralensis sp. nov., conocido hasta ahora s¨®lo en localidades mexicanas. El conocimiento de la presencia conjunta de estas tres especies en el Pleistoceno tard¨ªo de M¨¦xico (g¨¦nero Equus sp.) es importante para entender los modelos de diversidad y extinci¨®n en los primeros tiempos de la presencia humana en el continente. Adicionalmente, se proponen algunas inferencias ambientales, pero se requerir¨¢ de m¨¢s estudios para ponerlas a prueba.
Palabras clave: taxonom¨ªa; Equus; especie nueva; Pleistoceno Tard¨ªo; M¨¦xico; Cedral.
1) Existem quatro n¨ªveis de avalia??o de treinamento: rea??o, aprendizagem, comportamento e resultados. Cada n¨ªvel fornece informa??es importantes, apesar de mais complexas nos n¨ªveis mais altos.
2) O n¨ªvel 1 avalia a satisfa??o dos participantes com o treinamento. O n¨ªvel 2 avalia o que foi aprendido em termos de conhecimento e habilidades. O n¨ªvel 3 avalia mudan?as no comportamento no trabalho. O n¨ªvel 4 avalia resultados para a organiza??o como produtividade e lucros.
3) ? importante avaliar todos os n¨ª
2013 ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute presentationShirley Alexander
This document discusses approaches to leading and managing change when adopting learning technologies. It outlines two main approaches: technocracy and dynamism. Technocracy favors a centralized, expert-led approach while dynamism emphasizes decentralized experimentation and adaptation. The document also examines learning spaces and technologies at UTS, including how student needs and preferences have changed over time. Classroom audits found attendance decreases slightly each week, and informal learning spaces are important to students if well-designed and equipped. The UTS model of learning integrates professional practice through modes like work-integrated learning and simulations. Technologies like online platforms can help achieve the model's aims if chosen to support curriculum goals.
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.
NewyorkSys is one of the leading top Training and Consulting Company in US. Newyorksys have certified trainers. We will provide Online Training, Fast Track online training, with job assistance. We are providing excellent Training in all courses.
MWW¡¯s ¡°Matter More¡± philosophy is an attitude that permeates our whole company, makes us different and guides how everyone at MWW thinks and works. Matter More also means that we practice these same standards in how we conduct our own business and how we treat and respect our employees, the environment and the communities in which we live and work. This is an overview of our company culture and our services.
Were Ancient Americans Familiar with Real Horses? - JOURNAL OF BOOK OF MORMON...Ruben LLumihucci
The document summarizes evidence that ancient Mesoamericans may have been familiar with horses before the Spanish conquest. Excavations have uncovered horse bones dated to before this time period. It also mentions an artifact found in Bolivia that locals want help examining, as it may contain Semitic script characters, but its relevance to the Book of Mormon is unclear.
El dia de la dona treballadora / ?????? ?? ????? ?? /????? ?????? ??????JosepRamonGregoriMuo
El 8 de mar? ¨¦s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici¨® comen?a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer¨¨ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa?sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R¨²ssia van organitzar una manifestaci¨® per la pau i la just¨ªcia. Avui, el 8 de mar? hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m¨®n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just¨ªcia social.
Hoy es domingo 21 de septiembre de 2014 FF ii nn
son las 20:15 hs.