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BY: CL. Abinoja
What is Microsoft Power Point?
Microsoft PowerPoint is the name of a proprietary
commercial presentation program developed by
Microsoft. It was officially launched on May 22, 1990 as a
part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft
Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The
current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010
for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for
Introduction to Microsoft Power Point 2007

 Better Sharing Capabilities    Save as PDF
 Digital Signature              Document Inspector
 New user Interface
 Live Preview
 XML Compatibility
 Enhanced Special Effects
 Create a Custom Layout
 Presenter View
 Print Preview
Power Point

 PowerPoint is a multimedia tool that reaches students
 with different learning styles. Students learn visual
 literacy by communicating in this medium. They can
 also use audio to get a message across.
 Furthermore, the program has the capability of
 including video and easily links to the Internet.
 PowerPoint is versatile and has as many uses. Projects
 that teachers have done in the past using this program
 are: tutorials, lesson reviews, running
 presentations, reports, autobiographies, interactive
 quizzes and spelling sentences.
Parts of PowerPoint
Parts of the PowerPoint screen:
 Title bar - displays the document name
 Menu bar - click on a menu option to see a list of commands
 Standard toolbar - frequently used menu options
 Formatting toolbar - displays formatting commands
 Placeholder - click or double-click to add an element to a slide
 Outline view button - displays document in outline form
 際際滷 view button - displays slides one at a time
 際際滷 Sorter view button - displays all slides in a single screen
 際際滷 show button - displays slide show
 Drawing toolbar - displays drawing tools
 Status bar - shows the current page number and position of the
  insertion point in the document
 Office Assistant - quick help when you need it
Power Point Uses and Importance
PowerPoint Presentations are a way of attracting
audience towards your views and arguments. It is one of
the most helping factors behind success of every
meeting. There are various uses of power point
presentations, some of them are integrated. The most
popular uses of power point presentations are in modern
days learning, corporate training sessions, business and
marketing meetings, and sales gatherings.
Power Point Uses and Importance
     Used as Learning Solutions
 Used in Corporate Training Sessions
     Used in Marketing Strategy
Guidelines for an effective presentation session:
 Your presentation should be to the point and focusing over
    actual purpose.
   There should be a professional look deciding your
    organizations identity.
   You need to practice properly before delivering a
    presentation in any seminars.
   There should be less text, and maximum possible graphics
    in presentations.
   Take care of your time, users positive responses, and their
    ease, don't make people bored with longer duration
   There should be uniform colors and font appearance
    throughout the presentation to avoid in-convenience.
Top 10 benefits of PowerPoint
 Bring more energy and visual impact to your
   Work with others without having to wait your turn.
   Add a personalized video experience.
   Imagine just-in-time show and tell.
   Access your presentations from more locations and on
    more devices.
Top 10 benefits of PowerPoint
 Create high-quality presentations with stunning
   Captivate your audience with new transitions and
    improved animations.
   Organize and print your slides more effectively.
   Get things done faster.
   Work on multiple presentations and multiple
Best Practices in Presenting with PowerPoint
   Think about goals and purpose of handouts
   Minimize the number of slides
   Don't parrot PowerPoint
   Hold up your end
   Time your talk
   Give it a rest
   Make it interactive
   Mix up the media
   Hide your pointer
   Rehearse before presenting
Know Your Moves
In addition to being a smooth presenter, youll need to make sure you
know the basic keyboarding techniques for technically moving through
your presentation.

Go to the next slide
 Click the mouse
 Press spacebar or enter
 Click the forward arrow
 Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click next

Go to the previous slide
 Press backspace
 Click the back arrow
 Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click previous
Know Your Moves
Go to a specific slide
 Type the slide number, and then press return
 Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, then
point to by title and click the slide you want.

See previously viewed slide
 Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, and then
click Previously Viewed
Know Your Moves
Temporarily black out the screen during a presentation
 Press the B key - This turns the audience's monitor black

 To resume the slide show
 Press the B key again to return to the current slide
 Press any of the keys listed above to move to the next screen
 Press any of the keys listed above to return to the screen
previously displayed
Graphic Design Issues
 Use contrasting colors
 Use readable fonts
 Limit text per slide
 Use bright background colors
 Use simple muted background images
 Avoid excessive motions
 Eschew cutesy sounds
Technical Issues
 Power Point File size
 Dont work off of a Floppy Disc
 Images- compress outside Power Point
 Audio- embedded or linked
 Video- always linked
 Using Power Point on Web
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
1. Start by creating an outline
The most important part of any presentation is
the content, not the graphical appeal. That is why
you should develop your presentation with the
content first, before deciding on the look
(colors, graphics, etc.) Create a good structure
for your presentation by reflecting on the goal
of the presentation, what your audience is
thinking right now, and what points you need to
make in order to move the audience from where
they are to where you want them to be.
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
2. Use Contrasting Colors
If you want your audience to be able to see
what you have on the slide, there needs to be
a lot of contrast between the text color and
the background color.

3. Use a big enough font
When deciding what font size to use in your
presentation, make sure it is big enough so that the
audience can read it
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
4. Stop the moving text
When text comes on the screen, we want the
audience to read the text, then focus back on
the presenter to hear the message.

5. Turn the pointer off
During a presentation, it is very annoying to
have the pointer (the little arrow) come on
the screen while the presenter is speaking. It
causes movement on the screen and draws the
audience attention from the presenter to the
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
6. Use visuals instead of text slides
Instead of using slides that only contain text,
use visuals such as graphs, diagrams, photos
and media clips to engage the audience.

7. Have 際際滷s at the End of Your Presentation
The last slide you speak to should not be the
last slide in your presentation file.
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
8. Be able to Jump to Any 際際滷
PowerPoint has a feature that allows you to be able to
move quickly and seamlessly to any slide in your
presentation. To do so, you need to know the slide numbers.

9. Blank the screen
10. Draw on the screen during a presentation
Sometimes it can be valuable to be able to draw
on the screen during your presentation to
illustrate a particular point or item.

Source: wikipedia

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Powerpoint acvitvity1

  • 2. What is Microsoft Power Point? http://www.eglobiotraining.com Microsoft PowerPoint is the name of a proprietary commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It was officially launched on May 22, 1990 as a part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.
  • 3. Introduction to Microsoft Power Point 2007 http://www.eglobiotraining.com WHATS NEW ON MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007 ? Better Sharing Capabilities Save as PDF Digital Signature Document Inspector New user Interface Live Preview XML Compatibility Themes Enhanced Special Effects Create a Custom Layout SmartArt Presenter View Print Preview
  • 4. Power Point http://www.eglobiotraining.com PowerPoint is a multimedia tool that reaches students with different learning styles. Students learn visual literacy by communicating in this medium. They can also use audio to get a message across. Furthermore, the program has the capability of including video and easily links to the Internet. PowerPoint is versatile and has as many uses. Projects that teachers have done in the past using this program are: tutorials, lesson reviews, running presentations, reports, autobiographies, interactive quizzes and spelling sentences.
  • 5. Parts of PowerPoint http://www.eglobiotraining.com Parts of the PowerPoint screen: Title bar - displays the document name Menu bar - click on a menu option to see a list of commands Standard toolbar - frequently used menu options Formatting toolbar - displays formatting commands Placeholder - click or double-click to add an element to a slide Outline view button - displays document in outline form 際際滷 view button - displays slides one at a time 際際滷 Sorter view button - displays all slides in a single screen 際際滷 show button - displays slide show Drawing toolbar - displays drawing tools Status bar - shows the current page number and position of the insertion point in the document Office Assistant - quick help when you need it
  • 6. Power Point Uses and Importance http://www.eglobiotraining.com PowerPoint Presentations are a way of attracting audience towards your views and arguments. It is one of the most helping factors behind success of every meeting. There are various uses of power point presentations, some of them are integrated. The most popular uses of power point presentations are in modern days learning, corporate training sessions, business and marketing meetings, and sales gatherings.
  • 7. Power Point Uses and Importance http://www.eglobiotraining.com Used as Learning Solutions Used in Corporate Training Sessions Used in Marketing Strategy
  • 8. Guidelines for an effective presentation session: http://www.eglobiotraining.com Your presentation should be to the point and focusing over actual purpose. There should be a professional look deciding your organizations identity. You need to practice properly before delivering a presentation in any seminars. There should be less text, and maximum possible graphics in presentations. Take care of your time, users positive responses, and their ease, don't make people bored with longer duration presentations. There should be uniform colors and font appearance throughout the presentation to avoid in-convenience.
  • 9. Top 10 benefits of PowerPoint http://www.eglobiotraining.com Bring more energy and visual impact to your presentations. Work with others without having to wait your turn. Add a personalized video experience. Imagine just-in-time show and tell. Access your presentations from more locations and on more devices.
  • 10. Top 10 benefits of PowerPoint http://www.eglobiotraining.com Create high-quality presentations with stunning graphics. Captivate your audience with new transitions and improved animations. Organize and print your slides more effectively. Get things done faster. Work on multiple presentations and multiple monitors.
  • 11. Best Practices in Presenting with PowerPoint http://www.eglobiotraining.com Think about goals and purpose of handouts Minimize the number of slides Don't parrot PowerPoint Hold up your end Time your talk Give it a rest Make it interactive Mix up the media Hide your pointer Rehearse before presenting
  • 12. Know Your Moves http://www.eglobiotraining.com In addition to being a smooth presenter, youll need to make sure you know the basic keyboarding techniques for technically moving through your presentation. Go to the next slide Click the mouse Press spacebar or enter Click the forward arrow Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click next Go to the previous slide Press backspace Click the back arrow Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click previous
  • 13. Know Your Moves http://www.eglobiotraining.com Go to a specific slide Type the slide number, and then press return Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, then point to by title and click the slide you want. See previously viewed slide Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, and then click Previously Viewed
  • 14. Know Your Moves http://www.eglobiotraining.com Temporarily black out the screen during a presentation Press the B key - This turns the audience's monitor black To resume the slide show Press the B key again to return to the current slide Press any of the keys listed above to move to the next screen Press any of the keys listed above to return to the screen previously displayed
  • 15. Graphic Design Issues http://www.eglobiotraining.com Use contrasting colors Use readable fonts Limit text per slide Use bright background colors Use simple muted background images Avoid excessive motions Eschew cutesy sounds
  • 16. Technical Issues http://www.eglobiotraining.com Power Point File size Dont work off of a Floppy Disc Images- compress outside Power Point Audio- embedded or linked Video- always linked Using Power Point on Web
  • 17. Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively http://www.eglobiotraining.com 1. Start by creating an outline The most important part of any presentation is the content, not the graphical appeal. That is why you should develop your presentation with the content first, before deciding on the look (colors, graphics, etc.) Create a good structure for your presentation by reflecting on the goal of the presentation, what your audience is thinking right now, and what points you need to make in order to move the audience from where they are to where you want them to be.
  • 18. Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively http://www.eglobiotraining.com 2. Use Contrasting Colors If you want your audience to be able to see what you have on the slide, there needs to be a lot of contrast between the text color and the background color. 3. Use a big enough font When deciding what font size to use in your presentation, make sure it is big enough so that the audience can read it
  • 19. Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively http://www.eglobiotraining.com 4. Stop the moving text When text comes on the screen, we want the audience to read the text, then focus back on the presenter to hear the message. 5. Turn the pointer off During a presentation, it is very annoying to have the pointer (the little arrow) come on the screen while the presenter is speaking. It causes movement on the screen and draws the audience attention from the presenter to the screen.
  • 20. Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively http://www.eglobiotraining.com 6. Use visuals instead of text slides Instead of using slides that only contain text, use visuals such as graphs, diagrams, photos and media clips to engage the audience. 7. Have 際際滷s at the End of Your Presentation The last slide you speak to should not be the last slide in your presentation file.
  • 21. Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively http://www.eglobiotraining.com 8. Be able to Jump to Any 際際滷 PowerPoint has a feature that allows you to be able to move quickly and seamlessly to any slide in your presentation. To do so, you need to know the slide numbers. 9. Blank the screen 10. Draw on the screen during a presentation Sometimes it can be valuable to be able to draw on the screen during your presentation to illustrate a particular point or item. Source: wikipedia