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    DA     P                                                                        C.V. / Pag 1

MSU Libr raries                                      amaandaclaypowwers@gmail.com
Mississipp State University
         pi                                          twitt
MS State, MS 39762-5
         ,           5408                            face
                                                        ebook.com/aamandaclayp powers
                     ate.edu                         linke


Simmons College Gr
        s           raduate Scho of Librar & Informa
                               ool         ry      ation Scienc Boston, M
                                                              ce,       MA
Masters of Library and Informat
        o                      tion Science, 2005

Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
        y           W          M
Bachelor of Arts in English Liter
       r            E           rature, 1996

             E      NCE

Mississip State University Libr
        ppi                     raries
Mitchell Memorial Library, MS State, Missis
                   L                      ssippi
Virtual Reference Pr
        R           roject Manag Agricult
                               ger,       ture and Life Sciences Librarian,
Assistant Professor (2010 – present)
        t           (

Mississip State University Libr
        ppi                   raries
Mitchell Memorial Library, MS State, Missis
                  L                        ssippi
Referenc Services Librarian, As
       ce         L           ssistant Prof
                                          fessor (2005 – 2010)

 Virtual Reference
  ? Supervise thir  rteen chat opperators in providing 56 hours of cha reference from the pu
                                             p                         at                     ublic
       ervice desks
  ? Manage the operations of the virtual reference ser
      M            o             f            r           rvices, inclu
                                                                      uding chat, email and soccial
      networking reeference serv vices
  ? Create trainin programs for virtual reference sta based on r
      C            ng                        r           aff           review of all chat
  ? Provide a monthly assessment of virtu reference services
                                              ual         e
  ? Coordinate te
      C            echnical supp with the Web Servic team
                                 port        e            ces
  ? Collaborate with the Instr
      C            w             ructional Me Center t design ma
                                             edia         to          arketing and publicity fo
       eference serv
  ? Led the Libra
      L            aries’ transiti from con
                                 ion         nsortial chat reference to local chat i summer 2
                                                                      o            in         2008,
       ncluding trai
                   ining and sup pervision an assessmen
                                             nd          nt

 Genera Reference and Liaison
      al                       n
    ? Provide gen neral and in-depth refere
                                          ence services and through chat, consu
                                                       s             h            ultations, em
       instant messaging, Face ebook, Twitt and at ge
                                           ter,        eneral refereence and info ormation dessks
    ? Develop an teach gene
                  nd           eral and cour
                                           rse-specific workshops o bibliograp instruct
                                                                     on           phic        tion
    ? Serve as liaaison to the College of Agriculture an Life Scie
                               C          A             nd          ences as well as the MSU
                                                                                  l           U
       Extension and Experim Stations with respon
                  a           ment                     nsibilities for related refe
                                                                     r            erence and
       electronic collections.

    DA     P                                                                         C.V. / Pag 2

       ?   Collect matterial and pro
                                   ovide suppor for the Pla and Soil Science and Poultry Sci
                                              rt          ant                  d           ience
       ?   Served as th acting Bu
                      he          usiness and Social Scienc Referenc Librarian January 200 –
                                              S           ces       ce                     08
           January 20009

    Emergi Technolo
         ing        ogies-relatedd
     ? Chair the MS Libraries Emerging Technologies Summit (20
        C          SU                       T             s           007 – presennt)
            o Engag nationally known key
                    ge          y           ynote speake rs
            o Lead the planning and executi of the co
                     t          g            ion         onference
     ? Chair the MS Libraries’ Library 2.0 Committee (2007 – pre
        C          SU            ’          0            e           esent)
            o Desig and implem
                   gn             ment an Em
                                           merging Tech  hnologies Traaining Series to provide
              library faculty and staff with new tools an resources
                    y            d           n           nd
            o Devel and main
                    lop         ntain the MS Libraries’ presence o Facebook, Flickr and
                                            SU                      on
            o Investtigate and in
                                ncubate appliications for e
                                                          emerging tecchnologies w
                                                                                 within the lib
     ? Manage the MSU Librari
        M          M             ies’ Faceboo presence, building a c
                                            ok                       community o nearly 100
                                                                                 of           00
     ? Contribute to the MSU Libraries’ Tw
        C                                   witter stream (@msu_libr  raries)

Dewey Library for Management and Social Sciences, Ca
       L            M                         S           ambridge, M
                                                                    Massachusetts  s
Library and Referenc Assistant, Public Serv
        a            ce                       vices (2002 – 2005)
  ? Proovided refere ence services for manage
                                  s           ement, econoomics, and p
                                                                     political scie
  ? Par rticipated as a cross-train member of a process
                                  ned                     sing team wi primary r
                                                                      ith          responsibilit
     for serials and government documents
  ? Dev veloped and implemente instruction programs f MIT’s lib
                                  ed          n            for        brary staff
  ? Act as a mem
        ted         mber of the Service Desk Task Force creating co competen
                                  S           k           e          ore          ncies, referra
     guidelines, cust tomer servic guidelines and a traini and docu
                                  ce          s           ing        umentation p for the M
                                                                                  plan         MIT
       braries transiition to a new integrated reference m
                                  w                      model for the entire Publi Services s
                                                                     e             ic          staff

A Global Equity Hed Fund Ma
       l            dge         anager, Cam  mbridge, MA
Manager (1999 – 2001)
 ? Com  mpiled a libr
                    rary of mark research and general resource ma
                                ket           a                 aterial
 ? Cre eated market ting and sale presentatio for clien
                                es            ons       nts
 ? Hir and supervised admin
       red                       nistrative an IT profess
                                             nd         sionals

A Divisio of Rando House Inc
         on         om       corporated, New York, N
                                         N            NY
Assistant Editor (199 –1998)
        t           96
 ? Acqu uired and edi book-len
                     ited    ngth comme ercial fiction
 ? Wrot and edited cover copy for mystery fiction
        te          d                   y


Nolen, David, Aman Clay Pow
       D         nda      wers, Li Zhan Yu Xu, R
                                      ng,      Rachel Cann
                                                         nady and Jud Li. “Mov
                                                                    dy       ving

    DA     P                                                                    C.V. / Pag 3

Beyond Assumptions The Use of Virtual Re
        A           s:        o          eference Dat in an Acad
                                                     ta          demic Librar portal:
Libraries and the Aca
        s           ademy. Acce
                              epted, Forthc
                                          coming. (peeer-reviewed)

Powers, Amanda Cla Julie She and Clay Hill. "The R
        A          ay,        edd       y             Role of Virtu Referenc in Library
                                                                  ual      ce         y
Web Site Design." Jo
       e           ournal of We Librarianship 5, iss. 2 (2011). DO
                               eb                                OI:
10.1080/19322909.2011.573279 peer-reviewwed

Powers, Amanda Cla David No
         A         ay,        olen, Li Zhan Yu Xu a Gail Pey
                                          ng,         and          yton. “Movin from the
Consortiu to the Re
         um        eference Des Keeping Chat and Im
                              sk:                     mproving Re  eference at th MSU
Libraries Internet Reference Se
        s.”        R          ervices Quar
                                         rterly 15, iss. 3 (2010): 169 - 188. DO
                                                       .                        OI:
10.1080/10875301.2010.500939 (peer-review wed)

Powers, Amanda Cla “Social Networking as Ethical Di
        A        ay.         N            a          iscourse: Blogging a Pra actical and
Normativ Library Ethic.” Journal of Library Administra
        ve       E                        y          ation 47, iss. 3-4 (2008): 191 – 209.
                                                                  .           :
DOI: 10.1080/019308208021865 (invited)
                              522         )

Powers, Amanda Cla June Schm and Cla Hill. “Wh Can’t We Be Friends The MSU
         A          ay,       midt        ay          hy        e           s?
Libraries Find Friend on Facebo
        s           ds        ook.” Missis
                                         ssippi Librar 72, iss. 1 (2008): 3-5
                                                     ries                   5.

Brazzeal, Bradley an Amanda Clay Powers. “Electronic Access to A
                   nd         C                    c           Agriculture Journals: An
Agronom Case Stud Serials Review 33, iss. 3 (2007) 155-160.
       my           dy.”      R                    ):
                   v.2007.06.00 (peer-revi
                              04         iewed)

Powers, Amanda Cla and Deborah Lee. “Li
          A          ay               ibrary 2.0 in Mississippi Mississippi Libraries, 71,
                                                              i.”                    ,
iss. 3 (20
         007): 74-75.


Mining Virtual Refer
        V          rence Data for an Iterativ Assessme Cycle. 17 Annual R
                              f             ve         ent        7th        Reference
Research Forum, Am
       h          merican Libra Associat
                               ary          tion Annual Conference. New Orlea LA. June 26,
                                                                            ans,       e
2011. Jur

Creating, Growing an Managing Identity in Social Netw
        ,          nd          g         n          works. Prese
                                                               ented at the G
                                                                            Golden Trian
Regional Public Rela
        l          ations Assoc
                              ciation Meeti Starkvil MS. Febr
                                          ing.      lle,        ruary 16, 20

Web 2.0 for the K-12 Classroom Presented at the 11th A
                   2         m.          a           Annual Mega
                                                               aResource S
                                                                         School Libra
Worksho MS State MS. Febru
       op,         e,        uary 11, 2011

Rejecting Anonymity and Embra
        g             y        acing Commmunity: Virtu Reference Services at Mississippi
                                                     ual           e          t          i
State Uniiversity. Pos session with David Nolen (lead) , Li Zhang, Y Xu, Judy Li and Rac
                     ster      w          N                        Yu         y         chel
Cannady presented at the Americ Libraries Associatio n Annual Co
       y             a         can        s                        onference, W
                                                                              Washington, DC.
June 26, 2010. Juried d.

Libraries Creating Co
        s           ontext with Public Medi Partners. P
                                P         ia          Presented at PubCampM 2010,
sponsored by National Public Raadio and Mis
                                          ssissippi Pub Broadca
                                                      blic       asting, Jackso MS. June 5,
                                                                              on,      e
2010. Unnconference.

    DA     P                                                                        C.V. / Pag 4


Analyzin Evaluatin & Comm
        ng,        ng,         municating th Value of W Presenc Presented with Mich
                                           he         Web        ce.     d        hael
Porter at Computers in Libraries, Washington DC. April 12, 2010. J
                                ,           n,        l          Juried.

Social Ne
        etworking Tools for the 21st Century Learner. P
                  T                                   Presented at t 10th Ann
                                                                   the      nual
MegaRes source Schoo Librarian Workshop, MS State, M February 19, 2010.
                   ol                                 MS.          y

Bringing Web 2.0 int Academic Libraries. Presented vir
         g            to         c           P            rtually with Ellen Hamp
                                                                                pton Filgo att
WebJunc  ction (archiv at http://w
                     ved         www.webjun   nction.org/ev
          content/677001125). June 30, 2009. Invited.
                                 e           I

From the Consortium to the Publ Services Desk: Keepi CHAT a Improvin Reference at
        e          m            lic       D          ing       and          ng         e
the MSU Libraries. Poster sessio with Li Zh
        U          P           on         hang, David Nolen, Gail Peyton and Yu Xu
                                                                l          d
presented at the Ame
         d         erican Librar Associat
                               ries       tion Annual Conference, Chicago, IL July 19, 2
                                                                            L.         2009.

Social Ne
        etwork Profi Managem
                   file       ment. Presen with Sar Houghto
                                          nted        rah    on-Jan, Greg Schwartz an
Michael Porter at Co
                   omputers in Libraries, Washington, D March 3 2009. Jur
                               L          W           DC.     31,        ried.

New Med in Educa
        dia       ation and PR
                             R/Marketing. Panel at the New Media Conferenc presented by
                                                     e         a         ce
Mississip Public Br
        ppi        roadcasting, Jackson, MS. Novembe 10, 2008. Invited.
                              ,          M           er

Emerging Technolog for Rese
        g         gies        earch: Tools from the MS Libraries Presented at the
                                                     SU        s.
Mississip State University Plan & Soil Sci
        ppi                   nt          iences Depar
                                                     rtment Semi
                                                               inar Series. M State, M
                                                                            MS       MS.
September 15, 2008.

2.0 for Pu
         ublic Librari Presente at the Firs Regional L
                     ies.     ed          st         Library Syst Staff Tra
                                                                tem       aining Day.
Hernando MS. Augu 7, 2008. Invited.
         o,          ust       I

       king the MSU Libraries. Presented with Pattye A
                             .           w           Archer at the MS Library 2.0 Summ
                                                                 e          y        mit.
MS State MS. June 20, 2008.
       e,         2

Where Do You Go From Here? Managing Your Identity in Social N
      D         F          M        Y           y           Networks. Pre
                                                                        esented at th
MS Libra 2.0 Summ MS Sta MS. June 20, 2008.
       ary       mit.     ate,       e

2.0 for th K-12 Libr
         he        rary. Present at the nin annual M
                               ted         nth     MegaResourc School Li
                                                             ce        ibrarian
Worksho MS State MS. Febru
         op,       e,          uary 22, 2008

         onalizing Lib
                     brary 2.0: A Case Study in the Mississippi State University L
Presented with Pattye Archer, Ste
          d           e           ephen Cunet Deborah Lee and Ha Llull at the MS Libr
                                             tto,       h            arry                   rary
2.0 Summ MS Stat MS. June 15, 2007.
         mit,        te,         e

        tion to MySppace. Presen at the eig
                               nted        ghth annual MegaResou School L
                                                               urce     Librarian
Worksho MS State MS. Febru
       op,         e,          uary 23, 2007

    DA     P                                                                          C.V. / Pag 5


Universit Workshop
        ty          ps
 ? APA and MLA Style workshops
 ? Bib bliographic Instruction fo English an Commun
                   I            or         nd          nications Deppartment stu
 ? Out  treach worksshops for MSU Extensio and Exper
                                           on           riment Statio
 ? Sub bject-specific workshops for graduat students a faculty in the College of Agricu
                    c           s          te          and          n           es    ulture
     & Life Sciences, Arts & Sc
       L                       ciences, Educcation, Engi
                                                       ineering, and Forestry
 ? Fac cebook, Soci Networki and Eme
                    ial         ing       erging Techn nologies wor rkshops for t MSU

Internal Library Train
         L             ning
  ? Vir  rtual referenc training on software, service stand
                      ce         o                        dards, referr and cust
                                                                      rals     tomer service
  ? Soc media te
         cial         echnologies such as Face
                                  s          ebook, Twitt Dropbox and RSS a
                                                          ter,        x,       aggregators
  ? Ma  anaging ident online, including pri
                       tity      i           ivacy-related workshops on social n
                                                          d           s        networking


    ?   201 Mississipp Library Association Past Presiden Award f outstandi early car
           10         pi          A            P           nt's      for          ing         reer
    ?   200 MIT Libra
           05         aries Infinite Mile Awar for Innova
                                   e           rd         ation and Cr
                                                                     reativity with the Service
                                                                                  h           e
        Des Task Forc for work to transition the Librarie to an Integ
           sk         ce           t                      es          grated Servic Point
    ?   200 MIT Libra
           04         aries Infinite Mile Awar for Comm unication an Collabora
                                   e           rd                    nd           ation with th
        Dew and Hum
           wey        manities Lib braries Proce
                                               essing Team
    ?   Nattional Endow
                      wment for th Humanitie Younger S
                                  he            es        Scholars Gra for the p
                                                                      ant        paper “Scient tific
        and Literary Re
           d          easoning: Co ontextualizin Connectio
                                               ng         ons” (1995)


 ? Cha Virtual Reference Discussion Gr
        air,        R                      roup, Ameri ican Library Association (ALA),
     Refference User Services Association (RUSA), MA
                    rs         A           (           ARS (Emerg  ging Technoologies in
     Refference Section ) (2010-2011)
 ? Sec cretary, Virtu Referenc Discussion Group, AL RUSA, M
                    ual        ce           n         LA,          MARS (200  09-2010)
 ? Me  ember, Virtua Reference Committee ALA, RUS MARS/R (Emerg
                    al         e           e,          SA,         RSS        ging
       chnologies/RReference Seervices Section) (2010-2 014)
 ? Me  ember, MAR Conferenc Planning Committee (2011-2012)
                   RS           ce                                 )
 ? Me  ember, MAR Mid-Wint Survey Task Force (2
                   RS           ter       T            2011)
 ? Me  ember, RUSA Technolog Task Forc ALA, RU
                    A          gy          ce,        USA (2008)
 ? RSS Liaison to the Access to Informati Committ
                                           ion         tee, ALA, RU
                                                                  RUSA (2007 – 2009)
 ? Me  ember, Virtua Reference Committee Associatio of Southea
                    al         e           e,         on           astern Resea
                                                                              arch Librarie
       SERL) (2006  6-2008)

    ?   Tre
                     cutive Board Member (el
                                           lected), MS Library Ass
                                                                 sociation (20 – 2009)

    DA     P                                                                       C.V. / Pag 6

Mississip State University
 ? Me  ember, Cente for Teachi and Lear
                  er         ing      rning, Facult Advisory Committee (2006- 2011
                                                  ty                             1)

Mississip State University Libr
        ppi                   raries

    Standin Committe
          ng         ees
      ? Chair, MSU Libraries Em
         C           L          merging Tech hnologies Su
                                                        ummit (2010 0-present)
      ? Chair, MS Library 2.0 Su
         C                      ummit (2007 – 2008)
      ? Chair, Library 2.0 Comm
         C           y         mittee (2006 – present)
      ? Member, Mea
         M           asurement an Evaluatio Committe (2010 – p
                                 nd         on           ee        present)
      ? Member, Libr
         M           rary Coordinnators Group (2010 – pr
                                            p           resent)
      ? Member, Elec
         M           ctronic Reso
                                ources Evaluuation Comm mittee (2006- present)
      ? Member, Libr
         M           rary Technoology Comm mittee (2007 – present)

    Search Committees s
     ? Head of Public Service (2
         H                        2011-current t)
     ? Web Services Specialist (2011)
         W            s            (
     ? Assistant Professor, Busin
         A                         ness Referen Librarian (2008)
                                               nce      n
     ? Digital Projec Coordina
         D            cts         ator (2006)
     ? Assistant Professor, Libra Instructio (2006)
         A                         ary         on
     ? Library Assoc
         L             ciate, Access Services (2
     ? In nstructional Technology Specialist (2
                                  y            2005)


     ?   Chair, Starkv
         C           ville Commu  unity Theatre Fourth Frid
                                              e            days forum f local pla
                                                                       for      aywrights andd
          ther writers to have their work read and discusse on the Ma Stage (20 - presen
                                   r                       ed          ain       007        nt)
     ?   Costumes, Pr
         C            rops, Stageha Starkvil Commun Theatre’ competitio productio of
                                   and,        lle        nity        ’s        on          on
         Catfish Moon by Lonny , (2009)
         C            n
            o Missis   ssippi Theat Association Festival, “Best Produ
                                  tre                                 uction”
            o South  heastern Thea Confere
                                   atre       ence, “Best P
            o American Associa     ation of Com
                                              mmunity The eatre Festiva “Outstan
                                                                      al’s      nding Backst tage
                Achie evement Awa  ard” and “Be Ensembl
                                               est        le”
     ?   Assistant Dire
         A             ector and Sta Manage Starkville Community Theatre’s p
                                   age        er,                     y          production o
         Not Now Dar
         N            rling by Ray Cooney at the Starkville Communit Theatre (2
                                              t            e           ty        2006).
     ?   Assistant Dire
         A             ector and Sta Manage Starkville Community Theatre’s p
                                   age        er,                     y          production o
         Aspirin and Elephants by Alan Ayckb
         A            E           y            bourne (200 ?


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Powers Vita

  • 1. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 1 ge ? Contact MSU Libr raries amaandaclaypowwers@gmail.com Mississipp State University pi twitt ter.com/amaandaclay MS State, MS 39762-5 , 5408 face ebook.com/aamandaclayp powers apowers@@library.mssta ate.edu linke edin.com/in//amandaclay y 662-325-77677 EDUCA ATION Simmons College Gr s raduate Scho of Librar & Informa ool ry ation Scienc Boston, M ce, MA Masters of Library and Informat o tion Science, 2005 Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA y W M Bachelor of Arts in English Liter r E rature, 1996 PROFES SSIONAL EXPERIEN E NCE Mississip State University Libr ppi raries Mitchell Memorial Library, MS State, Missis L ssippi Virtual Reference Pr R roject Manag Agricult ger, ture and Life Sciences Librarian, fe Assistant Professor (2010 – present) t ( Mississip State University Libr ppi raries Mitchell Memorial Library, MS State, Missis L ssippi Referenc Services Librarian, As ce L ssistant Prof fessor (2005 – 2010) Virtual Reference l ? Supervise thir rteen chat opperators in providing 56 hours of cha reference from the pu p at ublic se ervice desks ? Manage the operations of the virtual reference ser M o f r rvices, inclu uding chat, email and soccial networking reeference serv vices ? Create trainin programs for virtual reference sta based on r C ng r aff review of all chat tr ransactions ? Provide a monthly assessment of virtu reference services ual e ? Coordinate te C echnical supp with the Web Servic team port e ces ? Collaborate with the Instr C w ructional Me Center t design ma edia to arketing and publicity fo or re eference serv vices ? Led the Libra L aries’ transiti from con ion nsortial chat reference to local chat i summer 2 o in 2008, in ncluding trai ining and sup pervision an assessmen nd nt Genera Reference and Liaison al n ? Provide gen neral and in-depth refere ence services and through chat, consu s h ultations, em mail, instant messaging, Face ebook, Twitt and at ge ter, eneral refereence and info ormation dessks ? Develop an teach gene nd eral and cour rse-specific workshops o bibliograp instruct on phic tion ? Serve as liaaison to the College of Agriculture an Life Scie C A nd ences as well as the MSU l U Extension and Experim Stations with respon a ment nsibilities for related refe r erence and electronic collections. c ?
  • 2. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 2 ge ? ? Collect matterial and pro ovide suppor for the Pla and Soil Science and Poultry Sci rt ant d ience departments. ? Served as th acting Bu he usiness and Social Scienc Referenc Librarian January 200 – S ces ce 08 January 20009 Emergi Technolo ing ogies-relatedd ? Chair the MS Libraries Emerging Technologies Summit (20 C SU T s 007 – presennt) o Engag nationally known key ge y ynote speake rs o Lead the planning and executi of the co t g ion onference ? Chair the MS Libraries’ Library 2.0 Committee (2007 – pre C SU ’ 0 e esent) o Desig and implem gn ment an Em merging Tech hnologies Traaining Series to provide library faculty and staff with new tools an resources y d n nd o Devel and main lop ntain the MS Libraries’ presence o Facebook, Flickr and SU on Twitteer o Investtigate and in ncubate appliications for e emerging tecchnologies w within the lib brary ? Manage the MSU Librari M M ies’ Faceboo presence, building a c ok community o nearly 100 of 00 ? Contribute to the MSU Libraries’ Tw C witter stream (@msu_libr raries) MIT LIBBRARIES Dewey Library for Management and Social Sciences, Ca L M S ambridge, M Massachusetts s Library and Referenc Assistant, Public Serv a ce vices (2002 – 2005) ? Proovided refere ence services for manage s ement, econoomics, and p political scie ence ? Par rticipated as a cross-train member of a process ned sing team wi primary r ith responsibilit ties for serials and government documents g ? Dev veloped and implemente instruction programs f MIT’s lib ed n for brary staff ? Act as a mem ted mber of the Service Desk Task Force creating co competen S k e ore ncies, referra als guidelines, cust tomer servic guidelines and a traini and docu ce s ing umentation p for the M plan MIT Lib braries transiition to a new integrated reference m w model for the entire Publi Services s e ic staff CHRONOS ASSET MANAGEM MENT, INC. A Global Equity Hed Fund Ma l dge anager, Cam mbridge, MA A Manager (1999 – 2001) r ? Com mpiled a libr rary of mark research and general resource ma ket a aterial ? Cre eated market ting and sale presentatio for clien es ons nts ? Hir and supervised admin red nistrative an IT profess nd sionals BANTAM BOOKS M A Divisio of Rando House Inc on om corporated, New York, N N NY Assistant Editor (199 –1998) t 96 ? Acqu uired and edi book-len ited ngth comme ercial fiction ? Wrot and edited cover copy for mystery fiction te d y PUBLIC CATIONS Nolen, David, Aman Clay Pow D nda wers, Li Zhan Yu Xu, R ng, Rachel Cann nady and Jud Li. “Mov dy ving ?
  • 3. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 3 ge ? Beyond Assumptions The Use of Virtual Re A s: o eference Dat in an Acad ta demic Librar portal: ry.” Libraries and the Aca s ademy. Acce epted, Forthc coming. (peeer-reviewed) ) Powers, Amanda Cla Julie She and Clay Hill. "The R A ay, edd y Role of Virtu Referenc in Library ual ce y Web Site Design." Jo e ournal of We Librarianship 5, iss. 2 (2011). DO eb OI: 10.1080/19322909.2011.573279 peer-reviewwed Powers, Amanda Cla David No A ay, olen, Li Zhan Yu Xu a Gail Pey ng, and yton. “Movin from the ng Consortiu to the Re um eference Des Keeping Chat and Im sk: mproving Re eference at th MSU he Libraries Internet Reference Se s.” R ervices Quar rterly 15, iss. 3 (2010): 169 - 188. DO . OI: 10.1080/10875301.2010.500939 (peer-review wed) Powers, Amanda Cla “Social Networking as Ethical Di A ay. N a iscourse: Blogging a Pra actical and Normativ Library Ethic.” Journal of Library Administra ve E y ation 47, iss. 3-4 (2008): 191 – 209. . : DOI: 10.1080/019308208021865 (invited) 522 ) Powers, Amanda Cla June Schm and Cla Hill. “Wh Can’t We Be Friends The MSU A ay, midt ay hy e s? Libraries Find Friend on Facebo s ds ook.” Missis ssippi Librar 72, iss. 1 (2008): 3-5 ries 5. Brazzeal, Bradley an Amanda Clay Powers. “Electronic Access to A nd C c Agriculture Journals: An n Agronom Case Stud Serials Review 33, iss. 3 (2007) 155-160. my dy.” R ): DOI:10.1 1016/j.serrev v.2007.06.00 (peer-revi 04 iewed) Powers, Amanda Cla and Deborah Lee. “Li A ay ibrary 2.0 in Mississippi Mississippi Libraries, 71, i.” , iss. 3 (20 007): 74-75. PRESEN NTATIONS S Mining Virtual Refer V rence Data for an Iterativ Assessme Cycle. 17 Annual R f ve ent 7th Reference Research Forum, Am h merican Libra Associat ary tion Annual Conference. New Orlea LA. June 26, ans, e 2011. Jur ried. Creating, Growing an Managing Identity in Social Netw , nd g n works. Prese ented at the G Golden Trian ngle Regional Public Rela l ations Assoc ciation Meeti Starkvil MS. Febr ing. lle, ruary 16, 20 011. Web 2.0 for the K-12 Classroom Presented at the 11th A 2 m. a Annual Mega aResource S School Libra arian Worksho MS State MS. Febru op, e, uary 11, 2011 1. Rejecting Anonymity and Embra g y acing Commmunity: Virtu Reference Services at Mississippi ual e t i State Uniiversity. Pos session with David Nolen (lead) , Li Zhang, Y Xu, Judy Li and Rac ster w N Yu y chel Cannady presented at the Americ Libraries Associatio n Annual Co y a can s onference, W Washington, DC. June 26, 2010. Juried d. Libraries Creating Co s ontext with Public Medi Partners. P P ia Presented at PubCampM 2010, MS sponsored by National Public Raadio and Mis ssissippi Pub Broadca blic asting, Jackso MS. June 5, on, e 2010. Unnconference. ?
  • 4. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 4 ge ? Analyzin Evaluatin & Comm ng, ng, municating th Value of W Presenc Presented with Mich he Web ce. d hael Porter at Computers in Libraries, Washington DC. April 12, 2010. J , n, l Juried. Social Ne etworking Tools for the 21st Century Learner. P T Presented at t 10th Ann the nual MegaRes source Schoo Librarian Workshop, MS State, M February 19, 2010. ol MS. y Bringing Web 2.0 int Academic Libraries. Presented vir g to c P rtually with Ellen Hamp pton Filgo att WebJunc ction (archiv at http://w ved www.webjun nction.org/ev vents/webinnars/webinar-archives/- /articles/c content/677001125). June 30, 2009. Invited. e I From the Consortium to the Publ Services Desk: Keepi CHAT a Improvin Reference at e m lic D ing and ng e the MSU Libraries. Poster sessio with Li Zh U P on hang, David Nolen, Gail Peyton and Yu Xu l d presented at the Ame d erican Librar Associat ries tion Annual Conference, Chicago, IL July 19, 2 L. 2009. Juried. Social Ne etwork Profi Managem file ment. Presen with Sar Houghto nted rah on-Jan, Greg Schwartz an nd Michael Porter at Co omputers in Libraries, Washington, D March 3 2009. Jur L W DC. 31, ried. New Med in Educa dia ation and PR R/Marketing. Panel at the New Media Conferenc presented by e a ce Mississip Public Br ppi roadcasting, Jackson, MS. Novembe 10, 2008. Invited. , M er Emerging Technolog for Rese g gies earch: Tools from the MS Libraries Presented at the SU s. Mississip State University Plan & Soil Sci ppi nt iences Depar rtment Semi inar Series. M State, M MS MS. September 15, 2008. 2.0 for Pu ublic Librari Presente at the Firs Regional L ies. ed st Library Syst Staff Tra tem aining Day. Hernando MS. Augu 7, 2008. Invited. o, ust I Facebook king the MSU Libraries. Presented with Pattye A . w Archer at the MS Library 2.0 Summ e y mit. MS State MS. June 20, 2008. e, 2 Where Do You Go From Here? Managing Your Identity in Social N D F M Y y Networks. Pre esented at th he MS Libra 2.0 Summ MS Sta MS. June 20, 2008. ary mit. ate, e 2.0 for th K-12 Libr he rary. Present at the nin annual M ted nth MegaResourc School Li ce ibrarian Worksho MS State MS. Febru op, e, uary 22, 2008 8. Institutio onalizing Lib brary 2.0: A Case Study in the Mississippi State University L Libraries. Presented with Pattye Archer, Ste d e ephen Cunet Deborah Lee and Ha Llull at the MS Libr tto, h arry rary 2.0 Summ MS Stat MS. June 15, 2007. mit, te, e Introduct tion to MySppace. Presen at the eig nted ghth annual MegaResou School L urce Librarian Worksho MS State MS. Febru op, e, uary 23, 2007 7. ?
  • 5. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 5 ge ? TEACH HING Universit Workshop ty ps ? APA and MLA Style workshops A ? Bib bliographic Instruction fo English an Commun I or nd nications Deppartment stu udents ? Out treach worksshops for MSU Extensio and Exper on riment Statio ons ? Sub bject-specific workshops for graduat students a faculty in the College of Agricu c s te and n es ulture & Life Sciences, Arts & Sc L ciences, Educcation, Engi ineering, and Forestry d ? Fac cebook, Soci Networki and Eme ial ing erging Techn nologies wor rkshops for t MSU the com mmunity Internal Library Train L ning ? Vir rtual referenc training on software, service stand ce o dards, referr and cust rals tomer service e ? Soc media te cial echnologies such as Face s ebook, Twitt Dropbox and RSS a ter, x, aggregators ? Ma anaging ident online, including pri tity i ivacy-related workshops on social n d s networking AWARD DS ? 201 Mississipp Library Association Past Presiden Award f outstandi early car 10 pi A P nt's for ing reer libr rarian ? 200 MIT Libra 05 aries Infinite Mile Awar for Innova e rd ation and Cr reativity with the Service h e Des Task Forc for work to transition the Librarie to an Integ sk ce t es grated Servic Point ce ? 200 MIT Libra 04 aries Infinite Mile Awar for Comm unication an Collabora e rd nd ation with th he Dew and Hum wey manities Lib braries Proce essing Team m ? Nattional Endow wment for th Humanitie Younger S he es Scholars Gra for the p ant paper “Scient tific and Literary Re d easoning: Co ontextualizin Connectio ng ons” (1995) ACADEMIC SERV VICE National ? Cha Virtual Reference Discussion Gr air, R roup, Ameri ican Library Association (ALA), n Refference User Services Association (RUSA), MA rs A ( ARS (Emerg ging Technoologies in Refference Section ) (2010-2011) ? Sec cretary, Virtu Referenc Discussion Group, AL RUSA, M ual ce n LA, MARS (200 09-2010) ? Me ember, Virtua Reference Committee ALA, RUS MARS/R (Emerg al e e, SA, RSS ging Tec chnologies/RReference Seervices Section) (2010-2 014) ? Me ember, MAR Conferenc Planning Committee (2011-2012) RS ce ) ? Me ember, MAR Mid-Wint Survey Task Force (2 RS ter T 2011) ? Me ember, RUSA Technolog Task Forc ALA, RU A gy ce, USA (2008) ? RSS Liaison to the Access to Informati Committ ion tee, ALA, RU RUSA (2007 – 2009) ? Me ember, Virtua Reference Committee Associatio of Southea al e e, on astern Resea arch Librarie es (AS SERL) (2006 6-2008) State ? Tre easurer/Exec cutive Board Member (el lected), MS Library Ass sociation (20 – 2009) 007 ?
  • 6. AMAND CLAY POWERS DA P C.V. / Pag 6 ge ? Mississip State University ppi ? Me ember, Cente for Teachi and Lear er ing rning, Facult Advisory Committee (2006- 2011 ty 1) Mississip State University Libr ppi raries Standin Committe ng ees ? Chair, MSU Libraries Em C L merging Tech hnologies Su ummit (2010 0-present) ? Chair, MS Library 2.0 Su C ummit (2007 – 2008) 7 ? Chair, Library 2.0 Comm C y mittee (2006 – present) ? Member, Mea M asurement an Evaluatio Committe (2010 – p nd on ee present) ? Member, Libr M rary Coordinnators Group (2010 – pr p resent) ? Member, Elec M ctronic Reso ources Evaluuation Comm mittee (2006- present) - ? Member, Libr M rary Technoology Comm mittee (2007 – present) Search Committees s ? Head of Public Service (2 H 2011-current t) ? Web Services Specialist (2011) W s ( ? Assistant Professor, Busin A ness Referen Librarian (2008) nce n ? Digital Projec Coordina D cts ator (2006) ? Assistant Professor, Libra Instructio (2006) A ary on ? Library Assoc L ciate, Access Services (2 2006) ? In nstructional Technology Specialist (2 y 2005) COMMU UNITY SER RVICE ? Chair, Starkv C ville Commu unity Theatre Fourth Frid e days forum f local pla for aywrights andd ot ther writers to have their work read and discusse on the Ma Stage (20 - presen r ed ain 007 nt) ? Costumes, Pr C rops, Stageha Starkvil Commun Theatre’ competitio productio of and, lle nity ’s on on Catfish Moon by Lonny , (2009) C n o Missis ssippi Theat Association Festival, “Best Produ tre uction” o South heastern Thea Confere atre ence, “Best P Production” o American Associa ation of Com mmunity The eatre Festiva “Outstan al’s nding Backst tage Achie evement Awa ard” and “Be Ensembl est le” ? Assistant Dire A ector and Sta Manage Starkville Community Theatre’s p age er, y production o of Not Now Dar N rling by Ray Cooney at the Starkville Communit Theatre (2 t e ty 2006). ? Assistant Dire A ector and Sta Manage Starkville Community Theatre’s p age er, y production o of Aspirin and Elephants by Alan Ayckb A E y bourne (200 ? 07). ?