Intervetntions-based assessment - supevisors - private schools.pptxCarlo Magno
Use the specific learning competencies to determine the areas that learners need further help.
Organize results of literacy and numeracy assessment based on competencies to inform instruction.
The document outlines the 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum for Mathematics in the Philippines. It discusses the conceptual framework, which focuses on developing core competencies like problem solving, communicating mathematically, reasoning mathematically, and making connections through representations. It describes the three-stage curriculum design process and the refinement of standards, assessments, and learning plans based on feedback from stakeholders and pilot testing. Key features of the lean yet rich curriculum include an emphasis on essential understandings, high performance standards, and developing students' multiple intelligences through special programs in areas like arts, sports, journalism, science, and vocational education.
This document discusses the importance of Year 10 in positioning students for success in their senior years of schooling. It provides data on cohort GPAs and achievement over time. Strategies are suggested for students to improve their learning outcomes, such as creating a study schedule and using spaced practice. The importance of ISMGs for assessment is explained, as well as how students can understand marking criteria by reading these guides. School policies on assessment, late submissions and missed exams are also outlined.
This document outlines a framework for ensuring strategic coherence in education. It emphasizes aligning goals, measures of success, and practices at the district, school, and teacher levels to support student learning. The district identifies high-leverage student skills and measures of success. Schools then set goals aligned with the district's, and teachers create student learning objectives and professional goals tied to the school's. Measures and practices at each level are also aligned upward from teachers to schools to the district to ensure coherence across the system.
The document discusses updates to the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines. It provides an overview of the curriculum review process which involved classifying learning competencies as essential or desirable, analyzing prerequisites across subjects and grade levels, and comparing cognitive demand.
The review found issues like an excessive number of competencies, implicit prerequisites, and repetitive content. It recommended reducing competencies, explicitly stating prerequisites, and strengthening the spiral approach.
The presentation then outlines features of the new 2022 curriculum like a focus on essential competencies, strengthening foundational skills in literacy and numeracy, intensifying values formation, and rationalizing technical education. It aims to develop students with 21st century skills through an enriched curriculum.
Mpu3212 national language a week 1 ppt (summer 2016)wanarizwan
This document outlines the course details for MPU3212 National Language A taught in the Summer Semester of 2016. The course is aimed at improving students' proficiency in the Malay language. It will assess students through various means such as assignments, presentations, online quizzes, and a final exam. Students must achieve a minimum 80% attendance rate and complete all assessments to pass the course. The assessments include weekly online exercises, a group assignment, an online quiz, a group presentation, and a final written exam.
The document provides information on continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE), including its meaning, significance, and aims according to the National Curriculum Framework. It discusses formative versus summative assessment and their roles in the assessment scheme. Key terms related to CCE are defined. The roles of teachers and CCE mentors in implementing CCE are outlined. Guidelines are provided on developing a school-based CCE plan and assessing scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Formats and software for recording CCE are described.
The document provides information on continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE), including its meaning, significance, and key terms. CCE aims to reduce student stress, make evaluation regular and comprehensive, allow for creative teaching, provide diagnosis and remediation, and develop well-rounded skills in students. CCE involves regular and frequent assessment, identifying learning gaps, using corrective measures, retesting, and providing feedback to teachers and students. It assesses both academic and non-academic aspects of student growth. Formative assessments directly impact student growth, while summative assessments measure growth without affecting it. The roles of teachers and CCE mentors in implementing CCE are also outlined.
Mpu3212 national language a week 1 ppt (summer 2016)wanarizwan
This document outlines the course details for MPU3212 National Language A taught in the Summer Semester of 2016. It includes the course objectives, learning outcomes, attendance policy, learning and teaching approach, unit schedule, and assessment tasks. Students will develop their proficiency in the Malay language through both in-person and online lectures and activities. Assessment will consist of learning reinforcement exercises, an assignment, an online quiz, a group presentation, and a final written exam. Students must complete all assessment tasks to pass the course.
This document provides a report on the Homeroom Guidance (HG) and Career Guidance (CG) program at Abuno High School for the 2021-2022 school year. It outlines 5 areas that will be monitored to evaluate the program's implementation and delivery, including curriculum and assessment, delivery processes, learner development assessment, program supervision, and administrative concerns. It also provides details of HG programs, activities, objectives and discussion topics by grade level for the first quarter. The report identifies some issues including lack of parent attention, additional burdens, and scheduling concerns. It also highlights best practices such as emphasis on the program's importance, extended deadlines, and teacher monitoring.
Eece 311 syllabus queens college fall 2012 children in cultural context ii le...John Smith
This course examines major learning theories and effective instructional principles. It explores classroom structures, management, intelligence, learning styles, assessment, and the impact of culture and class. Students complete field observations and teaching experiences to reflect on working with children. The course objectives are for students to understand how to teach purposefully using learning theory, be reflective learners aware of biases, apply understanding of diversity to teaching, articulate differences in learning patterns, demonstrate principles of motivation and communication, and foster positive relationships. The course is aligned with the education unit's core values of equity, excellence, and ethics in urban education.
1. The document discusses the need for strategic coherence in planning across a school district to ensure student success in an unpredictable world.
2. It emphasizes explicitly connecting foundational systems like mission, leadership, goals and measures to instructional practices to achieve high leverage student learning goals like critical thinking, communication, digital literacy and problem solving.
3. The document provides examples of how districts, schools, teachers and students can develop aligned goals, measures and practices at each level to create organizational coherence focused on equitable student outcomes.
Mpu3212 national language a week 1 ppt (summer 2016)ninawariz
This document provides an overview of a National Language A course offered during the summer semester of 2016. It outlines the course objectives, learning outcomes, attendance policy, learning and teaching approach, unit schedule, and assessment tasks. The course aims to improve students' proficiency in the Malay language through oral and written communication in both formal and informal contexts. Students will be assessed through learning reinforcement exercises, an individual or group assignment, an online quiz, a group presentation, and a final written exam, which together contribute to 60% of the overall grade. The final exam makes up the remaining 40% of the grade.
This document provides a learning guide for the unit Methods 2B: PDHPE 2Y. It outlines six learning outcomes for the unit and two assessments. Assessment 1 involves designing an assessment schedule, task outlines, and rubrics worth 50% of the grade. It is due in Week 4. Assessment 2 involves participating in a testing workshop during Weeks 7 and 8 worth 50% and assessing outcomes 1-6. The guide also provides contact information for academic staff and a schedule of teaching activities.
Preparations are underway for transitioning to 5 days of in-person classes beginning November 2, 2022. Schools must ensure classrooms and facilities are ready, teaching loads are appropriate, and programs and materials are in place. District readiness reports show most schools are prepared to transition, with a few needing additional preparations. The document provides detailed guidelines and requirements for schools to follow in their preparations.
The document is a syllabus for a course on teaching multi-grade classes from the Bato Institute of Science and Technology. It outlines the course objectives, which are to demonstrate an understanding of theories and concepts of multi-grade learning, display knowledge of pedagogical approaches for different grade levels, and employ effective teaching strategies in a multi-grade classroom. The syllabus provides a weekly schedule over 10 weeks, dividing the course content into 8 modules that will address topics like the structure of multi-grade programs, principles of multi-grade teaching, classroom diversity, and the roles and responsibilities of multi-grade teachers. Students will be assessed through quizzes, assignments, exams and other activities completed both individually and collaboratively online
Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptxmansk2
This document discusses the importance of Year 10 for students and their future pathways. It provides the following key points:
1. Year 10 is important as it develops students' understanding of post-school options and allows them to choose subjects that set them up for success. The subjects mirror the Senior program.
2. Data on the cohort's GPA and engagement over time is presented, showing mostly consistent performance but room for improvement. Strategies are suggested to help students improve outcomes, including developing study plans and using spaced and interleaved practice techniques.
3. Policies on assessment, extensions, late submissions, and missed examinations are outlined. These policies aim to ensure academic integrity and support students in completing assessment tasks to
The document provides an overview of key concepts in curriculum planning and classroom assessment. It discusses educational goals, student profiles, learning outcomes, minimum and higher learning competencies, and their role in curriculum planning. It also covers different types of assessment including formative and summative assessment, informal and formal assessment, and traditional vs contemporary assessment. Classroom assessment strategies, methods, tools, and the purpose of pre, formative, and summative assessment are also summarized.
Blended distance learning combines several categories of distance learning including modular distance learning (print and digital), online distance learning, TV/radio-based instruction, and offline distance learning. Teachers are advised to check in often with students through messages, surveys, or other communication to monitor progress and provide intervention strategies as needed. The weekly home learning plan and individual learning monitoring plan are tools used to track student learning and provide support to students who are falling behind. The plans include details such as learning areas, tasks, competencies, mode of delivery, and monitoring of student progress with intervention strategies. School monitoring also utilizes these tools to evaluate instructional leadership, learning environment, human resource management, and community partnerships.
This document provides information about the English 2 module offered at Taylor's University. The module aims to develop students' English proficiency skills, including reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is a 5-credit, 18-week module that meets once a week for 4 hours of lectures and tutorials. Students will learn to communicate effectively for different situations and purposes, demonstrate accuracy in the 4 language skills, and think critically about language use. Assessment includes analyzing reading texts, writing essays, identifying elements of listening passages, and developing presentation and interview skills. The document outlines the module objectives, learning outcomes, delivery format, and policies regarding attendance, plagiarism, and student participation.
intended vs implemented vs achieved curriculumobemrosalia
The document discusses the intended, implemented, and achieved curriculum. It defines each type of curriculum: the intended curriculum refers to the objectives and goals set out at the beginning, the implemented curriculum consists of the learning activities and experiences provided to students, and the achieved curriculum reflects the learning outcomes based on evaluations of students' performance. The document also provides examples of how each type of curriculum could be assessed and compared.
Directions Please answer the discussion questions in 150 words eaAlyciaGold776
Directions: Please answer the discussion questions in 150 words each, using in-text citation (APA style) and answer reply to the responses using 100 words each. This is for an ESL (English as a Second Language) Education Course. This is due within 26 hours!
Discussion Question 1: Explore the National Center on Universal Design for Learning website, particularly noting the principles of UDL. How would employing these principles in lesson planning increase academic achievement of ELLs?
Response: Magaly wrote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) main goal is to make learning more accessible to students, especially those in inclusionary programs (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2019). UDL is a structure that gives flexible and responsive curriculum that will decrease learning barriers. The concept is that with modifications of油representation油(materials),油expression油(methods of communication) and油engagement油(how students respond to curriculum) teachers will be able to include a more diverse range of students in a general education classroom of instructions (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2019). When using UDL, educators and speech-language pathologist (SPLs) can provide curriculum options such as using varies ways to present a lesson. This is important because students can express themselves and their knowledge as well as being able to engage in learning. ELL students need to have variation and choices in their everyday class experience, as educators we should be able to provide different learning styles. Providing different learning styles ensures that ELL students are given the opportunity to have their needs educational goals both daily and by semester. The UDL guidelines can be mixed and matched according to specific learning goals and can be applied to particular content areas and contexts (CAST, 2018). They can be seen as a tool to support the development of a shared language in the design of goals, assessments, methods, and materials that lead to accessible, meaningful, and challenging learning experiences for all (CAST, 2018).油
Response: Stefanie wrote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for teachers to build lesson plans that enables all students the opportunity to participate in, and progress in the general-education curriculum by decreasing their specific obstacles to education (Ralabate, 2017). Each student we will encounter within our classroom has their own needs, preferences for learning, and abilities. UDL takes the burden off of the students and teachers to adapt material and puts it on the curriculum and offers options for the ways that information is taught, how students demonstrate their skills and knowledge, and how students are able to engage in learning within their classroom (Ralabate, 2017)
The UDL Guidelines offer a framework to optimize learning and teaching for all people based on how humans learn (The UDL Guidelines, 2021). This framework can then be used to look at the why of learning to provide eng ...
The document outlines DepEd's classroom assessment policies for K-12 basic education in the Philippines. It discusses what is assessed in the classroom, which includes learning standards like content, performance, and competencies. It also describes how formative and summative assessments are used, including their purposes, examples, and timing. Classroom assessment results are reported to students, parents, and teachers to help track student progress on curriculum standards.
1. The document describes the development and evaluation of SIM-MOD (Strategic Intervention Material and Module Combined) learning materials to improve 8th grade students' skills in performing operations on rational algebraic expressions.
2. A study was conducted with an experimental group using the SIM-MOD materials and a control group using traditional instruction. Results showed the experimental group scored significantly higher on post-tests.
3. Students and experts evaluated the SIM-MOD materials as adequate overall in design, content, usefulness, and delivery. They suggested allowing more time for tasks.
Module 4: Lesson 1 Assessing the CurriculumJUJIE ATILANO
The 3 types of curriculum assessment are:
1. Intended curriculum - refers to objectives set at the beginning and is measured using questions like "Are the objectives achievable?"
2. Implemented curriculum - refers to learning activities and is measured using questions like "Are activities congruent with objectives?"
3. Achieved curriculum - refers to outcomes and is measured using questions like "Do outcomes achieve levels of performance set?"
1. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is a system that assesses all aspects of a student's development through school-based evaluation, with an emphasis on continuity of evaluation and assessment of broad-based learning.
2. CCE was introduced in 2008 for CBSE schools and made the 10th board exam optional. It was implemented in Class 9 from 2009 and extended to Class 10 in 2010.
3. CCE addresses shortcomings of traditional education by equally focusing on scholastic and co-scholastic development, shifting from marks to grades, and
Mpu3212 national language a week 1 ppt (summer 2016)wanarizwan
This document outlines the course details for MPU3212 National Language A taught in the Summer Semester of 2016. It includes the course objectives, learning outcomes, attendance policy, learning and teaching approach, unit schedule, and assessment tasks. Students will develop their proficiency in the Malay language through both in-person and online lectures and activities. Assessment will consist of learning reinforcement exercises, an assignment, an online quiz, a group presentation, and a final written exam. Students must complete all assessment tasks to pass the course.
This document provides a report on the Homeroom Guidance (HG) and Career Guidance (CG) program at Abuno High School for the 2021-2022 school year. It outlines 5 areas that will be monitored to evaluate the program's implementation and delivery, including curriculum and assessment, delivery processes, learner development assessment, program supervision, and administrative concerns. It also provides details of HG programs, activities, objectives and discussion topics by grade level for the first quarter. The report identifies some issues including lack of parent attention, additional burdens, and scheduling concerns. It also highlights best practices such as emphasis on the program's importance, extended deadlines, and teacher monitoring.
Eece 311 syllabus queens college fall 2012 children in cultural context ii le...John Smith
This course examines major learning theories and effective instructional principles. It explores classroom structures, management, intelligence, learning styles, assessment, and the impact of culture and class. Students complete field observations and teaching experiences to reflect on working with children. The course objectives are for students to understand how to teach purposefully using learning theory, be reflective learners aware of biases, apply understanding of diversity to teaching, articulate differences in learning patterns, demonstrate principles of motivation and communication, and foster positive relationships. The course is aligned with the education unit's core values of equity, excellence, and ethics in urban education.
1. The document discusses the need for strategic coherence in planning across a school district to ensure student success in an unpredictable world.
2. It emphasizes explicitly connecting foundational systems like mission, leadership, goals and measures to instructional practices to achieve high leverage student learning goals like critical thinking, communication, digital literacy and problem solving.
3. The document provides examples of how districts, schools, teachers and students can develop aligned goals, measures and practices at each level to create organizational coherence focused on equitable student outcomes.
Mpu3212 national language a week 1 ppt (summer 2016)ninawariz
This document provides an overview of a National Language A course offered during the summer semester of 2016. It outlines the course objectives, learning outcomes, attendance policy, learning and teaching approach, unit schedule, and assessment tasks. The course aims to improve students' proficiency in the Malay language through oral and written communication in both formal and informal contexts. Students will be assessed through learning reinforcement exercises, an individual or group assignment, an online quiz, a group presentation, and a final written exam, which together contribute to 60% of the overall grade. The final exam makes up the remaining 40% of the grade.
This document provides a learning guide for the unit Methods 2B: PDHPE 2Y. It outlines six learning outcomes for the unit and two assessments. Assessment 1 involves designing an assessment schedule, task outlines, and rubrics worth 50% of the grade. It is due in Week 4. Assessment 2 involves participating in a testing workshop during Weeks 7 and 8 worth 50% and assessing outcomes 1-6. The guide also provides contact information for academic staff and a schedule of teaching activities.
Preparations are underway for transitioning to 5 days of in-person classes beginning November 2, 2022. Schools must ensure classrooms and facilities are ready, teaching loads are appropriate, and programs and materials are in place. District readiness reports show most schools are prepared to transition, with a few needing additional preparations. The document provides detailed guidelines and requirements for schools to follow in their preparations.
The document is a syllabus for a course on teaching multi-grade classes from the Bato Institute of Science and Technology. It outlines the course objectives, which are to demonstrate an understanding of theories and concepts of multi-grade learning, display knowledge of pedagogical approaches for different grade levels, and employ effective teaching strategies in a multi-grade classroom. The syllabus provides a weekly schedule over 10 weeks, dividing the course content into 8 modules that will address topics like the structure of multi-grade programs, principles of multi-grade teaching, classroom diversity, and the roles and responsibilities of multi-grade teachers. Students will be assessed through quizzes, assignments, exams and other activities completed both individually and collaboratively online
Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptxmansk2
This document discusses the importance of Year 10 for students and their future pathways. It provides the following key points:
1. Year 10 is important as it develops students' understanding of post-school options and allows them to choose subjects that set them up for success. The subjects mirror the Senior program.
2. Data on the cohort's GPA and engagement over time is presented, showing mostly consistent performance but room for improvement. Strategies are suggested to help students improve outcomes, including developing study plans and using spaced and interleaved practice techniques.
3. Policies on assessment, extensions, late submissions, and missed examinations are outlined. These policies aim to ensure academic integrity and support students in completing assessment tasks to
The document provides an overview of key concepts in curriculum planning and classroom assessment. It discusses educational goals, student profiles, learning outcomes, minimum and higher learning competencies, and their role in curriculum planning. It also covers different types of assessment including formative and summative assessment, informal and formal assessment, and traditional vs contemporary assessment. Classroom assessment strategies, methods, tools, and the purpose of pre, formative, and summative assessment are also summarized.
Blended distance learning combines several categories of distance learning including modular distance learning (print and digital), online distance learning, TV/radio-based instruction, and offline distance learning. Teachers are advised to check in often with students through messages, surveys, or other communication to monitor progress and provide intervention strategies as needed. The weekly home learning plan and individual learning monitoring plan are tools used to track student learning and provide support to students who are falling behind. The plans include details such as learning areas, tasks, competencies, mode of delivery, and monitoring of student progress with intervention strategies. School monitoring also utilizes these tools to evaluate instructional leadership, learning environment, human resource management, and community partnerships.
This document provides information about the English 2 module offered at Taylor's University. The module aims to develop students' English proficiency skills, including reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is a 5-credit, 18-week module that meets once a week for 4 hours of lectures and tutorials. Students will learn to communicate effectively for different situations and purposes, demonstrate accuracy in the 4 language skills, and think critically about language use. Assessment includes analyzing reading texts, writing essays, identifying elements of listening passages, and developing presentation and interview skills. The document outlines the module objectives, learning outcomes, delivery format, and policies regarding attendance, plagiarism, and student participation.
intended vs implemented vs achieved curriculumobemrosalia
The document discusses the intended, implemented, and achieved curriculum. It defines each type of curriculum: the intended curriculum refers to the objectives and goals set out at the beginning, the implemented curriculum consists of the learning activities and experiences provided to students, and the achieved curriculum reflects the learning outcomes based on evaluations of students' performance. The document also provides examples of how each type of curriculum could be assessed and compared.
Directions Please answer the discussion questions in 150 words eaAlyciaGold776
Directions: Please answer the discussion questions in 150 words each, using in-text citation (APA style) and answer reply to the responses using 100 words each. This is for an ESL (English as a Second Language) Education Course. This is due within 26 hours!
Discussion Question 1: Explore the National Center on Universal Design for Learning website, particularly noting the principles of UDL. How would employing these principles in lesson planning increase academic achievement of ELLs?
Response: Magaly wrote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) main goal is to make learning more accessible to students, especially those in inclusionary programs (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2019). UDL is a structure that gives flexible and responsive curriculum that will decrease learning barriers. The concept is that with modifications of油representation油(materials),油expression油(methods of communication) and油engagement油(how students respond to curriculum) teachers will be able to include a more diverse range of students in a general education classroom of instructions (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2019). When using UDL, educators and speech-language pathologist (SPLs) can provide curriculum options such as using varies ways to present a lesson. This is important because students can express themselves and their knowledge as well as being able to engage in learning. ELL students need to have variation and choices in their everyday class experience, as educators we should be able to provide different learning styles. Providing different learning styles ensures that ELL students are given the opportunity to have their needs educational goals both daily and by semester. The UDL guidelines can be mixed and matched according to specific learning goals and can be applied to particular content areas and contexts (CAST, 2018). They can be seen as a tool to support the development of a shared language in the design of goals, assessments, methods, and materials that lead to accessible, meaningful, and challenging learning experiences for all (CAST, 2018).油
Response: Stefanie wrote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for teachers to build lesson plans that enables all students the opportunity to participate in, and progress in the general-education curriculum by decreasing their specific obstacles to education (Ralabate, 2017). Each student we will encounter within our classroom has their own needs, preferences for learning, and abilities. UDL takes the burden off of the students and teachers to adapt material and puts it on the curriculum and offers options for the ways that information is taught, how students demonstrate their skills and knowledge, and how students are able to engage in learning within their classroom (Ralabate, 2017)
The UDL Guidelines offer a framework to optimize learning and teaching for all people based on how humans learn (The UDL Guidelines, 2021). This framework can then be used to look at the why of learning to provide eng ...
The document outlines DepEd's classroom assessment policies for K-12 basic education in the Philippines. It discusses what is assessed in the classroom, which includes learning standards like content, performance, and competencies. It also describes how formative and summative assessments are used, including their purposes, examples, and timing. Classroom assessment results are reported to students, parents, and teachers to help track student progress on curriculum standards.
1. The document describes the development and evaluation of SIM-MOD (Strategic Intervention Material and Module Combined) learning materials to improve 8th grade students' skills in performing operations on rational algebraic expressions.
2. A study was conducted with an experimental group using the SIM-MOD materials and a control group using traditional instruction. Results showed the experimental group scored significantly higher on post-tests.
3. Students and experts evaluated the SIM-MOD materials as adequate overall in design, content, usefulness, and delivery. They suggested allowing more time for tasks.
Module 4: Lesson 1 Assessing the CurriculumJUJIE ATILANO
The 3 types of curriculum assessment are:
1. Intended curriculum - refers to objectives set at the beginning and is measured using questions like "Are the objectives achievable?"
2. Implemented curriculum - refers to learning activities and is measured using questions like "Are activities congruent with objectives?"
3. Achieved curriculum - refers to outcomes and is measured using questions like "Do outcomes achieve levels of performance set?"
1. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is a system that assesses all aspects of a student's development through school-based evaluation, with an emphasis on continuity of evaluation and assessment of broad-based learning.
2. CCE was introduced in 2008 for CBSE schools and made the 10th board exam optional. It was implemented in Class 9 from 2009 and extended to Class 10 in 2010.
3. CCE addresses shortcomings of traditional education by equally focusing on scholastic and co-scholastic development, shifting from marks to grades, and
The document outlines 5 main functions of oral communication: 1) Control/regulation to guide behavior, 2) Social interaction to develop relationships, 3) Motivation to encourage positive outlooks, 4) Emotional expression to convey feelings, and 5) Information dissemination to acquire and share information. Examples are provided for each function.
This document provides information about concept papers, including their purpose and typical structure. A concept paper summarizes a proposed project, including its objectives, methodology, and importance. It is used to obtain feedback on project ideas and determine feasibility before developing a full proposal. A typical concept paper introduces the proposed project, describes the rationale and background, outlines the project goals and methodology, and explains the project's significance. It serves to help funding agencies understand and evaluate project proposals in a concise manner.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
2. Creative Writing vs.
Academic/Technical Writing
Creative writing
is the artistic expression through
written word
It is used to express the writers
ideas and emotions in an artistic
3. Creative Writing vs.
Academic/Technical Writing
Creative writing
reflect the writers
It targets general/broader
audience and uses generalized
or informal language
8. Differences between Creative writing
and academic or technical writing.
Forms/samples poetry, fiction,
memo, guidelines, research journals, proposals,
scientific report, laboratory report, technical report,
survey report, field report
Objectives aims to entertain
the readers
aims to instruct and inform the readers
Content reflects the
shows facts
Audience broader audience with specific target audience
Diction informal formal formal
9. 3. Profiling of Learners
Goals and Objectives
1. To come up with support system program that will cater to
learning challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. To assure that learners are mentally and emotionally stable
as they attend to their self-guided modules.
3. To strengthen the partnership by and between the school,
parent and BLGUs leading to better learners performance.
4. Bolster better communication between and among
stakeholders and the school.
11. 4. Computation of Grades
Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (DO No. 31, s. 2020)
To evaluate student learning at particular points in each quarter,
summative assessment shall continue in the form of written works and
performance tasks.
a) Written works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge
and understandings through quizzes and long/unit tests.
b) Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks that allow learners to
show what they know and are able to do in diverse ways. They may
create or innovate products or do performance-based tasks
(including) skill demonstrations, group presentations, oral work,
multimedia presentations, and research projects. It is important to
note that written outputs may also be considered as performance
12. 4. Computation of Grades
Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (D.O. No. 31, s. 2020)
13. 4. Computation of Grades
Grade 11
Core Subjects Applied Subjects Specialized Subject
First Semester
Oral Communication Empowerment Technologies TVE Subjects (TVL)
General Mathematics Business Mathematics (ABM)
Earth and Life Science Organization and Management
Personal Development General Biology 1(STEM)
Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa
Wikang Pilipino at Kulturang
Pre-Calculus (STEM)
PE and Health 1
Earth Science (ABM and STEM)
14. 4. Computation of Grades
Grade 11
Core Subjects Applied Subjects Specialized Subject
Second Semester
Reading and Writing Practical Research 1 TVE Subjects (TVL)
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Ibat
Ibang Teksto Tungo sa
Fundamentals of Accountancy,
Business and Mathematics
Statistics and Probability Principles of Marketing (ABM)
Physical Science General Biology 2 (STEM)
21st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World
Basic Calculus (STEM)
PE and Health 2
15. 4. Computation of Grades
Grade 12
Core Subjects Applied Subjects Specialized Subject
First Semester
Media and Information Literacy Practical Research 2 TVE Subjects (TVL)
Introduction to Philosophy of the
Human Person
Filipino sa Piling Larang General Physics 1 (STEM)
Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics
English for Academic and
Professional Purposes
General Chemistry 1 (STEM)
PE and Health 3
16. 4. Computation of Grades
Grade 12
Core Subjects Applied Subjects Specialized Subject
Second Semester
Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions
Inquiries, Investigation and
TVE Subjects (TVL)
PE and Health 4 Empowerment Technologies General Physics 2 (STEM)
General Chemistry 2 (STEM)
Work Immersion (All Tracks)
17. 4. Computation of Grades
Activities with Key Answers are NOT
Activities in the LAS are either recorded under
written or performance depending on the
learning competency.
Summative tests are either recorded under
written or performance depending on the level
of knowledge.
18. 5. Computation of Learners
Interim Guidelines on the Preparation, Submission, and
Checking of School Forms for the School Year 2020-2021
(D.O. No. 014, s. 2021)
19. 5. Computation of Learners
Interim Guidelines on the Preparation, Submission, and Checking of School
Forms for the School Year 2020-2021 (DO No. 014, s. 2021)
Learner Attendance
Converter Tool
Description How to Record in SF 2
Applicable Distance
Learning Modality
Converting the
submission of
outputs/LAS of
learners into class
day attendance.
Assigned class day equivalency
for the percentage of
module/output submission by
getting the number of
outputs/modules submitted over
the required outputs/modules
for the week and multiplied by
the complete weekly attendance
Printed Modular
Digital Modular
20. 5. Computation of Learners
Interim Guidelines on the Preparation, Submission, and Checking of School
Forms for the School Year 2020-2021 (DO No. 014, s. 2021)
Learner Attendance
Converter Tool
Description How to Record in SF 2
Applicable Distance
Learning Modality
The total number of
regardless of score
can be converted
into class day
As to illustrate, the week
schedule of six (6) class days in a
modular learning approach is the
complete attendance (100%).
The number of submitted
modules and number of required
modules for the week may vary.
Printed Modular
Digital Modular
21. 5. Computation of Learners
Interim Guidelines on the Preparation, Submission, and Checking of School
Forms for the School Year 2020-2021 (DO No. 014, s. 2021)
Learner Attendance
Converter Tool
How to Record in SF 2
Thus, if the learner has
submitted only six (6)
modules against nine (9)
required modules for the
week, then he/she will have
4 class days present and 2
class days absent.
22. 5. Computation of Learners
The learners attendance DOES NOT
affect his/her grades.
There are activities with rubrics which contains
TIMELINESS as a criteria. This is where the
time of submission affect the score of the
learner in that particular activity.
23. 6. Scholastic Record and Forms
of Learners
Scholastic Record of Learners
Grade slips for the First Quarter were already given.
Learners with honors in some sections were
recognized and already posted in their chat group.
Reminders on the lacking activities for this second
24. 6. Scholastic Record and Forms
of Learners
Academic Excellence Awards
With honors= 90%-94% GWA
With high honors= 95%-97% GWA
With highest honors= 98%-100% GWA
25. 6. Scholastic Record and Forms
of Learners
Forms of Learners
PSA Birth Certificate
Form 137/ Form 10/ Permanent Form (Grade 11 and
Form 138/ Form 9/ School Report Card
Certificate of Good Moral (Grade 11 and transferees)
26. 7. School Calendar of Activities
School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2021-2022
(DO No. 029, s. 2021)
January 28, 2022- End of Academic Quarter 2
January 31- February 5, 2022- Mid-year Break (Enrolment for
the Second Semester)
February 7- April 8, 2022- Third Academic Quarter
April 11-June 24, 2022- Fourth Academic Quarter
June 24, 2022- End of School Year
June 27-July 2, 2022- End-of-School-Year Rites
July 4- August 12, 2022- Remedial, Enrichment, Advance Classes
27. 8. Tutorial-Based Instruction
There will be a tutorial-based instruction to be
scheduled starting February 2022 (Second Semester).
Learners who will come for the tutorial-based
instruction should be fully vaccinated.
Eligible family members living with the learner
should also be fully vaccinated.
NOTE: Always check your chat groups for
announcements regarding this.
28. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The school and the parent representatives are scheduled
alternately in the delivery and retrieval of learning activity
Barangay Parent Representative Contact Number
Sumadel Caroline M. Cabay 09097429390
Bantey Lily Ann B. Lagdaen 09091637813
Lubon Alma Angayen 09127878053
Maket-an Anita Kiako 09464663369
Tue Jovelyn Godangan 09466569483
Balaoa Prescilla Tiken 09483623889
29. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The school and the parent representatives are scheduled
alternately in the delivery and retrieval of learning activity
Barangay Parent Representative Contact Number
Bato and Sumey-ang Jerome Gayadan 09634251458
Sadsadan Proper Leticia Sagay 09203873432
Monamon Norte Merin Dosalen 09496159826
Monamon Sur Maricris Daganos 09634803649
Mabaay Marilou Pacantes 0919910062
Tapapan Dominga Mananig 09301896638
30. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The school and the parent representatives are scheduled
alternately in the delivery and retrieval of learning activity
Barangay Parent Representative Contact Number
Abatan Bauko Cynthia P. Lee 09087339991
Coputan, Lagawa Melchor Cobcobo 09309982176
Bila, Otucan Eugenio Laguiwed 09219910062
Bagnen Oriente Stella Maitang 09638769746
Bagnen Proper Agusta Inomes 09504274317
Mayag Dolly P. Dacay 09070844007
31. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The school and the parent representatives are scheduled alternately
in the delivery and retrieval of learning activity sheets.
Barangay Parent Representative Contact Number
Bunga Luiza Wanget 09308238440
Kayan East Janet Pilpilen 09074950417
Kayan West Quennie Latawan 09460139900
Cervantes Amelyn Cortez 09483546767
Dacudac Remedios Pias 09503013093
Lenga Marsiona Langbayan 09462875337
Cadad-anan Rienne Capsuyen 09517878110
32. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The school and the parent representatives are scheduled alternately
in the delivery and retrieval of learning activity sheets.
Barangay Parent Representative Contact Number
Cagubatan, Pandayan, Banaao Ma. Fatima M. Pasayan
Poblacion, Tadian
Purok I
Virgie Sillatoc 09388061252
Ceasar Amoy 09103650877
Purok II
Estella Guinat 09192165368
James Buned 09504578045
Purok III
Rose Quinto
Yvonne Cawalo 09773379757
Purok IV Dionisio Wacdisen 09194135569
33. 9. Others
A. Delivery and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets
The delivery and retrieval is every Saturday.
In case of missing learning activity sheets, please inform
your class adviser immediately.
Inform also your class adviser if ever there will be a
change in your address.