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Importance of Year 10
Position yourself for success in Senior
Lets celebrate our cohort most improved at the end of
- A fairly consistent pattern over time.
- BUT, we dont want good to be the enemy of great. The challenge will be to
ensure that this cohort can live up to their potential.
Cohort GPA over time
YR 7 S1 YR 7 S2 YR 8 S1 YR 8 S2 YR 9 S1 YR 9 S2 YR 10
YR 10
GPA 10.60
?? ??
?? ??
Year 9 GPA Data Review
Cohort Distribution - Year 9, Semester 1, 2023 Cohort Distribution - Year 9, Semester 2, 2023
A Range  12 %
B Range  51 %
C Range  36 %
D Range  1 %
A Range  15 %
B Range  51 %
C Range  32 %
D Range  2 %
Cohort Distribution
Year 9, Semester 1, 2023 Year 9, Semester 2, 2023
Semester 2 shows a shift from the
number of students with one D to the
number of students with two Ds across
their subjects.
 What are you prepared to do to achieve that?
 How hungry for success or improvement are you?
 Do you have discipline? Responsive? Self-aware?
Responsible? Self-motivated?
 Do you have purpose and goals?
How do you see yourself in the future?
Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptx
Learning Pit Graphic used in all
classrooms! (2019, February
6). Lilydaleprimary.https://
How can you improve your outcomes?
What strategies can you put in place?
 To-do lists
 Study plan creation  general
and weekly
 Pomodoro or chunking methods
 Spaced revision
 Out of order (interleaved)
practice questions and
 Use of flash cards
 Attend academic mentoring
Ask yourself:
Which strategies can
I try?
Any improvements in
your results and/or
 Ask and answer questions every
 Interrogate your feedback with the
 See teachers as partners in your
 Get comfortable being uncomfortable
 Challenge yourself to try the harder
 See failure as learning and useful
 Bounce back from disappointment
The Pomodoro Technique
Time - Chunking - Blocks of time
Use the Pomodoro Technique
20  25 minutes
5-minute break
Spaced Practice
Reviewing information and materials numerous times over
multiple, spread-out or spaced intervals solidifies long-term
memory, positively effecting retention and recall.
Interleaved Practice
Passive Study to be Avoided
Passive Studying Active Studying
Reviewing notes
Summarising the notes and paraphrasing the main ideas
Transferring notes to a 3x5 card with possible test questions on the
other side
Reading the textbook
Scanning the textbook for headings, pictures, graphs etc,
developing questions based on the scan, then reading with
purpose, summarising the key points.
Practice solving
problems from the book
while looking at the
class notes
Replicate the test environment by removing all materials and
taking a practice test from the book (end of chapter assessments
are in most textbooks)
Re-viewing teacher ppts
Print out the PPTs. Write possible test questions in the margins,
then quiz yourself.
Make a study guide with the PPT info and put answers on one side
of the page, so you can fold the page in half and quiz yourself.
Create a useful study space
Consistent  avoid changes to area
Desk / table and comfortable chair
Quiet space  no loud music,
Student planner visible
Study timetable visible
Smart watches
Social media
End of
Middle Years
Senior Phase
Why is Year 10 so important?
1. Develops your understanding around post-school options and
2. You have chosen subjects to set you up for success.
3. Year 10 mirrors the Senior equivalent subject
4. You only have one semester to prove your eligibility for
minimum requirements (prerequisites).
Reading ISMGs
What is an ISMG? Its an Instrument Specific Marking Guide
Teachers use them to:
Make judgments about your work
Match your work to the characteristics
Determine which level of the cognition your work has evidence of
Students use them to:
Understand how their work will be marked
Understand the criteria and assessment objectives against which
their work will be marked
Understand which cognitions they must demonstrate and to what
extent to achieve at a particular level
 Explore what is
required for a top
band response.
 How does it differ
from a second top
band response?
Build a glossary of
qualifiers at the back
of each of your
subject books making
sure you have a clear
language around the
Purposefully explore
examples of the top
band qualifiers in
QCAA annotated
Purposefully ask your
teachers questions 
would this be
systematic and
effective or just
What would
systematic look like in
Biology for this task?
A strategic approach to success
Concentrate on the objectives that carry the most points
for the Assessment Instrument you are undertaking.
English General Maths History Biology
IA 1 IA 1 IA 2 IA 2
Knowledge Application  9
Organisation and
Development  8
Textual Features - 8
Formulate  4
Solve  7
Evaluate and Verify  5
Communicate - 4
Devising and Conducting 
Analysing  8
Evaluating  8
Creating and
Communicating  3
Research and Planning  6
Analysing of Evidence  6
Interpretation and
evaluation  6
Communication - 2
Students will have repeated
exposure to the same mode of
assessment and ISMG design across
Years 10 to 12.
This gives students an opportunity
to know the AOs, respond to
feedback and seek improvement.
Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
English Analytical
Chemistry Student
Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptx
Policies and
Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptx
Assessment Policy
In Years 10  12 students will undertake assessment tasks which appropriately parallel the requirements
of specific Senior syllabus. For subjects which parallel general courses, teachers will make judgements
in relation to instrument specific marking guides (ISMG). For subjects which parallel applied or certificate
courses, teachers will make judgements against criteria or competency standards.
Students must ensure that the assessment they undertake is:
 Completed to their best capacity and their own work
 Submitted on time and in the requested form  including transcripts for oral presentations, completed
research logs and drafts
 Submitted in advance of the timeline in the event of a known absence (e.g. holiday, school approved
Where students have been given the opportunity to submit a draft, they should ensure they:
 Meet the drafting time deadline
 Action the feedback given
 Clarify the feedback with their teacher, in the event they do not understand
Late Submission and Non-Submission of Assessment Procedures
It is an expectation of the College that all students meet the clearly indicated due dates of
 From Years 7  11 it is the responsibility of students who have a legitimate difficulty in meeting
the assessment due date to speak with the Head of Faculty of the subject in advance of the
due date, to make an application for extension.
 In Summative Unit 3 and 4 assessment in Year 11 and Year 12, students should make
application through the Dean of Senior Years. It is advised that students should make
applications 2 days prior the due date.
Late Submission and Non-Submission of Assessment Procedures
 Extensions will only be granted by the Head of Faculty or Dean of Senior Years where
circumstances have meant that students have been unable to work on the task for a
prolonged period of time. Advertised school events, such as participation in extra-curricular
activities, are not grounds for extension.
 Students who are using a computer as an aid for presentation of their assignments should
allow sufficient time to overcome technical problems before the due date. Assignments should
be saved in more than one place to ensure file corruption is not an insurmountable obstacle.
(Ongoing draft copies should be made as evidence of the progress of the assignment.)
 No extra time will normally be allowed for computer or printer malfunction.
Extensions should be applied for 2 days in
advance of the due date. Extension
application forms can be accessed from
MyMTA (electronically). Supporting
documentation, including a medical
certificate (Years 10-12) indicating
prolonged incapacity and evidence of
work completed to date, is required.
Applying for Extension
Missed Examination Policy
Family holidays, non-urgent appointments, attendance at TAFE are not acceptable reasons to
miss published examination periods.
Special circumstances include:
 Illness (which is usually prolonged or significant). In Years 11 and 12 illness applications
must be supported by a medical certificate
 Misadventure  e.g. car accident on the way to school
 Significant family upheaval  e.g. death in the family
 An exam clash
Missed Examination Policy
In the event that an examination is missed as a result of illness, misadventure or significant
family upheaval, the College will organise for examinations to be rescheduled at the earliest
opportunity. In Year 11 and 12 this may include completion of comparable assessment to
ensure the integrity of examination conditions, as per QCAA requirements. Examinations will
not be rescheduled to accommodate non-urgent appointment or holidays.
Students who fail to appear for examinations without meeting the requirements of illness and
misadventure will not receive a result and may lose QCE credit. To ensure absolute integrity of
examination conditions for a maximum number of students, examinations will not be brought
forward in any circumstances.
Assessment Calendar front ended
8th February Assembly - Academic Achievement Awards
22nd February Assembly - Academic Improvement Awards
March Interim Reports
13th  18th March Year 10 Examination Block
26th April Year 10 UQ Visit
9th May Parent, Student, Teacher Progress Review Meetings
10th May Careers Immersion - Compulsory for Year 10
3rd  7th June Year 10 Examination Block
11th June 6pm Year 10 and 11 (2025) SET Planning Information Evening
10th  12th July Year 10 Senior Education and Training (SET) Planning Interviews
Timeline for SET planning and
information evenings 2022
 Set Planning Information evening: 11th June
You will receive a form to complete prior.
Youll send this to your assigned SET plan mentor.
Must have parent to accompany you at the meeting.
Lots of info to come later

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Year 10 cohort meeting Jan 2024_MyMtA version.pptx

  • 1. Importance of Year 10 Position yourself for success in Senior
  • 2. Lets celebrate our cohort most improved at the end of 2023!
  • 3. - A fairly consistent pattern over time. - BUT, we dont want good to be the enemy of great. The challenge will be to ensure that this cohort can live up to their potential. Cohort GPA over time
  • 4. YR 7 S1 YR 7 S2 YR 8 S1 YR 8 S2 YR 9 S1 YR 9 S2 YR 10 S1? YR 10 S2? GPA 10.60 B- 10.87 B- 10.57 B- 11.00 B 10.74 B- 10.70 B- ?? ?? ENGAGEMENT 3.97 Satisfact ory 4.08 Good 4.04 Good 4.02 Good 4.06 Good 4.08 Good ?? ??
  • 5. Year 9 GPA Data Review Cohort Distribution - Year 9, Semester 1, 2023 Cohort Distribution - Year 9, Semester 2, 2023 A Range 12 % B Range 51 % C Range 36 % D Range 1 % A Range 15 % B Range 51 % C Range 32 % D Range 2 %
  • 6. Cohort Distribution Year 9, Semester 1, 2023 Year 9, Semester 2, 2023 Semester 2 shows a shift from the number of students with one D to the number of students with two Ds across their subjects.
  • 7. What are you prepared to do to achieve that? How hungry for success or improvement are you? Do you have discipline? Responsive? Self-aware? Responsible? Self-motivated? Do you have purpose and goals? How do you see yourself in the future?
  • 9. Learning Pit Graphic used in all classrooms! (2019, February 6). Lilydaleprimary.https:// www.lilydaleps.vic.edu.au/sing le-post/2019/02/06/Learning- Pit-Graphic-used-in-all- classrooms
  • 10. How can you improve your outcomes? What strategies can you put in place? To-do lists Study plan creation general and weekly Pomodoro or chunking methods Spaced revision Out of order (interleaved) practice questions and tests/revision Use of flash cards Attend academic mentoring Ask yourself: Which strategies can I try? Notice: Any improvements in your results and/or engagement? Ask and answer questions every lesson Interrogate your feedback with the teacher See teachers as partners in your learning Get comfortable being uncomfortable Challenge yourself to try the harder work/subject See failure as learning and useful Bounce back from disappointment
  • 11. The Pomodoro Technique Time - Chunking - Blocks of time Use the Pomodoro Technique 20 25 minutes 5-minute break
  • 12. Spaced Practice Reviewing information and materials numerous times over multiple, spread-out or spaced intervals solidifies long-term memory, positively effecting retention and recall.
  • 14. Passive Study to be Avoided Passive Studying Active Studying Reviewing notes Summarising the notes and paraphrasing the main ideas Transferring notes to a 3x5 card with possible test questions on the other side Reading the textbook Scanning the textbook for headings, pictures, graphs etc, developing questions based on the scan, then reading with purpose, summarising the key points. Practice solving problems from the book while looking at the class notes Replicate the test environment by removing all materials and taking a practice test from the book (end of chapter assessments are in most textbooks) Re-viewing teacher ppts Print out the PPTs. Write possible test questions in the margins, then quiz yourself. Make a study guide with the PPT info and put answers on one side of the page, so you can fold the page in half and quiz yourself.
  • 15. Create a useful study space Area Consistent avoid changes to area Desk / table and comfortable chair Quiet space no loud music, television Student planner visible Study timetable visible Surrender Phone Smart watches Social media
  • 16. End of Middle Years Beginning Senior Phase Why is Year 10 so important? 1. Develops your understanding around post-school options and pathways. 2. You have chosen subjects to set you up for success. 3. Year 10 mirrors the Senior equivalent subject 4. You only have one semester to prove your eligibility for minimum requirements (prerequisites).
  • 17. Reading ISMGs What is an ISMG? Its an Instrument Specific Marking Guide
  • 18. Teachers use them to: Make judgments about your work Match your work to the characteristics Determine which level of the cognition your work has evidence of Students use them to: Understand how their work will be marked Understand the criteria and assessment objectives against which their work will be marked Understand which cognitions they must demonstrate and to what extent to achieve at a particular level
  • 19. STEP ONE: Explore what is required for a top band response. How does it differ from a second top band response?
  • 20. STEP TWO: Build a glossary of qualifiers at the back of each of your subject books making sure you have a clear language around the qualifiers.
  • 21. STEP THREE Purposefully explore examples of the top band qualifiers in QCAA annotated exemplars Purposefully ask your teachers questions would this be systematic and effective or just effective. What would systematic look like in Biology for this task?
  • 22. A strategic approach to success Concentrate on the objectives that carry the most points for the Assessment Instrument you are undertaking. English General Maths History Biology IA 1 IA 1 IA 2 IA 2 Knowledge Application 9 Organisation and Development 8 Textual Features - 8 Formulate 4 Solve 7 Evaluate and Verify 5 Communicate - 4 Devising and Conducting 6 Analysing 8 Evaluating 8 Creating and Communicating 3 Research and Planning 6 Analysing of Evidence 6 Interpretation and evaluation 6 Communication - 2
  • 23. Students will have repeated exposure to the same mode of assessment and ISMG design across Years 10 to 12. This gives students an opportunity to know the AOs, respond to feedback and seek improvement. Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 English Analytical Exposition (Exam conditions) Analytical Exposition (Exam conditions) Analytical Exposition (Exam conditions) General Maths PSMT (Assignment conditions) PSMT (Assignment conditions) PSMT (Assignment conditions) Chemistry Student Experiment (Assignment conditions) Student Experiment (Assignment conditions) Student Experiment (Assignment conditions)
  • 27. Assessment Policy In Years 10 12 students will undertake assessment tasks which appropriately parallel the requirements of specific Senior syllabus. For subjects which parallel general courses, teachers will make judgements in relation to instrument specific marking guides (ISMG). For subjects which parallel applied or certificate courses, teachers will make judgements against criteria or competency standards. Students must ensure that the assessment they undertake is: Completed to their best capacity and their own work Submitted on time and in the requested form including transcripts for oral presentations, completed research logs and drafts Submitted in advance of the timeline in the event of a known absence (e.g. holiday, school approved excursion/event) Where students have been given the opportunity to submit a draft, they should ensure they: Meet the drafting time deadline Action the feedback given Clarify the feedback with their teacher, in the event they do not understand
  • 28. Late Submission and Non-Submission of Assessment Procedures It is an expectation of the College that all students meet the clearly indicated due dates of assessment. From Years 7 11 it is the responsibility of students who have a legitimate difficulty in meeting the assessment due date to speak with the Head of Faculty of the subject in advance of the due date, to make an application for extension. In Summative Unit 3 and 4 assessment in Year 11 and Year 12, students should make application through the Dean of Senior Years. It is advised that students should make applications 2 days prior the due date.
  • 29. Late Submission and Non-Submission of Assessment Procedures Extensions will only be granted by the Head of Faculty or Dean of Senior Years where circumstances have meant that students have been unable to work on the task for a prolonged period of time. Advertised school events, such as participation in extra-curricular activities, are not grounds for extension. Students who are using a computer as an aid for presentation of their assignments should allow sufficient time to overcome technical problems before the due date. Assignments should be saved in more than one place to ensure file corruption is not an insurmountable obstacle. (Ongoing draft copies should be made as evidence of the progress of the assignment.) No extra time will normally be allowed for computer or printer malfunction.
  • 30. Extensions should be applied for 2 days in advance of the due date. Extension application forms can be accessed from MyMTA (electronically). Supporting documentation, including a medical certificate (Years 10-12) indicating prolonged incapacity and evidence of work completed to date, is required. Applying for Extension
  • 31. Missed Examination Policy Family holidays, non-urgent appointments, attendance at TAFE are not acceptable reasons to miss published examination periods. Special circumstances include: Illness (which is usually prolonged or significant). In Years 11 and 12 illness applications must be supported by a medical certificate Misadventure e.g. car accident on the way to school Significant family upheaval e.g. death in the family Suspension An exam clash
  • 32. Missed Examination Policy In the event that an examination is missed as a result of illness, misadventure or significant family upheaval, the College will organise for examinations to be rescheduled at the earliest opportunity. In Year 11 and 12 this may include completion of comparable assessment to ensure the integrity of examination conditions, as per QCAA requirements. Examinations will not be rescheduled to accommodate non-urgent appointment or holidays. Students who fail to appear for examinations without meeting the requirements of illness and misadventure will not receive a result and may lose QCE credit. To ensure absolute integrity of examination conditions for a maximum number of students, examinations will not be brought forward in any circumstances.
  • 34. IMPORTANT DATES FOR SEMESTER 1 DATE ACTIVITY 8th February Assembly - Academic Achievement Awards 22nd February Assembly - Academic Improvement Awards March Interim Reports 13th 18th March Year 10 Examination Block 26th April Year 10 UQ Visit 9th May Parent, Student, Teacher Progress Review Meetings 10th May Careers Immersion - Compulsory for Year 10 3rd 7th June Year 10 Examination Block 11th June 6pm Year 10 and 11 (2025) SET Planning Information Evening 10th 12th July Year 10 Senior Education and Training (SET) Planning Interviews
  • 35. Timeline for SET planning and information evenings 2022 Set Planning Information evening: 11th June 10th 12th JULY DURING SCHOOL TIME You will receive a form to complete prior. Youll send this to your assigned SET plan mentor. Must have parent to accompany you at the meeting. Lots of info to come later