창발 업사이클링 최종과제po02117This document repeatedly mentions "PPT BY. YOONYM" and provides the URL http://ds1104.blog.me. It appears to be advertising the PowerPoint presentations and blog of someone named YoonYm that can be found at the given URL. The document consists of multiple repetitions of this same message.
Build Features, Not AppsNatasha MurashevPresented at Tokyo iOS Meetup https://www.meetup.com/TokyoiOSMeetup/events/234405194/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlyR8chDwo
소셜앱스 개발사 간담회 - 네이버 소셜앱스의 변화를 앞두고Changhun OhThe document discusses various APIs for social apps on Naver, including inviting friends, posting to apps, and creating custom tags. It also covers plans to support mobile and improve profile and cafe views by applying owner, viewer, and visitor permissions. Ranking views and their data structure are described.
창발 업사이클링 최종과제po02117This document repeatedly mentions "PPT BY. YOONYM" and provides the URL http://ds1104.blog.me. It appears to be advertising the PowerPoint presentations and blog of someone named YoonYm that can be found at the given URL. The document consists of multiple repetitions of this same message.
Build Features, Not AppsNatasha MurashevPresented at Tokyo iOS Meetup https://www.meetup.com/TokyoiOSMeetup/events/234405194/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlyR8chDwo
소셜앱스 개발사 간담회 - 네이버 소셜앱스의 변화를 앞두고Changhun OhThe document discusses various APIs for social apps on Naver, including inviting friends, posting to apps, and creating custom tags. It also covers plans to support mobile and improve profile and cafe views by applying owner, viewer, and visitor permissions. Ranking views and their data structure are described.
4. 현대에 핸드폰은 누구나 들고 다니는 필수품이 되어버렸다.
핸드폰을 보호하기 위한 목적, 핸드폰을 장식하기 위한 목적으로 핸드폰 케이스를 들고 다녔지만
지금은 또 다른 기능을 핸드폰 케이스에 접목시킴으로써
사람들은 누구나 핸드폰에 핸드폰 케이스를 껴서 다니고 있다.
이에 제일 쉽게 관찰하기 쉬운 물건이라 생각하여 컬러배스 주제로 정하려고 한다.
주변 사람들이 어떤 색깔, 어떤 디자인, 어떤 기능의 핸드폰 케이스를
사용하는지 관찰하고 정보를 얻음으로써
결국에는 사람들이 가장 선호할만한 핸드폰 케이스를 디자인해보려고 한다.