Growth curve and growth kineticsSuby Mon BennyThe document discusses bacterial growth curves and kinetics. It explains that bacterial populations go through four phases: lag phase, exponential growth phase, stationary phase, and death phase. The exponential growth phase is when bacteria divide at their maximum rate and the population increases exponentially. The stationary phase occurs when resources are depleted and the growth rate slows. The death phase follows as more bacteria die than grow. Growth curves can provide insights into bacterial infection and be important for microbial control and food microbiology.
TYPES OF STERILE PRODUCTS.pptxmnouma1612Sterile products include injections, ophthalmic preparations, dressings, and non-injectable sterile fluids. Injections can be aqueous or oily solutions, suspensions, or freeze-dried powders sterilized in their final containers. Non-injectable sterile fluids are used in hospitals for wound irrigation, urological irrigation, and peritoneal/hemodialysis. Ophthalmic preparations like eye drops must be sterile to prevent infection of the eye. Dressings used on open wounds or burns require sterility and include gauze, film, foam, and adhesive dressings.
Viral Resistant Plants.pptxPonSutha1This 3 sentence summary provides the essential information from the document:
The document outlines a seminar presentation for a postgraduate microbiology course, where the student Uma R will present on the topic of insecticide, herbicide and viral resistant plants. The presentation is for Semester IV of the Biotechnology course, and is being submitted to Dr. G. Ramanathan of the Microbiology Department.
Genetic exchange in prokayotesDhruviSuvagiyaProkaryotes can exchange DNA with eukaryotes, although the mechanisms behind this process are not well understood. Suspected mechanisms include conjugation and endocytosis, such as when a eukaryotic cell engulfs a prokaryotic cell and gathers it into a special membrane-bound vesicle for degradation.
Chap06 growthPathogens OutlookThis document discusses microbial growth and requirements. It covers:
- The four phases of bacterial growth: lag, log/exponential, stationary, and death. Bacteria double rapidly during the log phase.
- Physical requirements for growth including temperature, pH, and osmotic pressure. Most bacteria grow best between 25-40°C at neutral pH.
- Chemical requirements including carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and trace elements. Aerobic bacteria produce more energy than anaerobes.
- Culture media used to grow microbes in the lab, including solid and liquid media, selective/differential media, and enrichment cultures.
- Methods to measure microbial growth including plate counts, which measure viable
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF AMYLASE FROM FUNGUSShraddha MadgheThis document summarizes the production of amylase enzyme through surface culture method using Aspergillus oryzae. It describes inoculum preparation using wheat bran, incubation of the inoculated medium at 38-41°C for 24-36 hours to allow mycelium growth and amylase production, and recovery of amylase enzyme through extraction and precipitation from the culture. The extracted amylase powder finds applications in industries like baking, textiles, and fuel alcohol production by hydrolyzing starch into sugars.
Wine makingNorthgate High SchoolWine making involves 4 main stages: 1) Pressing the grapes to extract juice, 2) Fermentation where yeast converts sugar to alcohol, 3) Casking/aging in wooden barrels or tanks, 4) Bottling for further aging and consumption. Red wine involves fermenting with skins for color and tannins, while white and rose involve brief or no skin contact. Wine quality depends on grape variety, climate, soil, production methods, and aging. Flavors come from acids, tannins, esters, and maturation in barrels. Fortified wines like port have brandy added to halt fermentation and boost alcohol content.
Aero microbiology Abinaya kalyaniThe document discusses aeromicrobiology, which is the study of airborne microorganisms and their effects on human health and the environment. It defines aeromicrobiology and describes the various microbes that can be found in air, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The document also discusses how these microbes can be transmitted through the air and cause diseases in humans and other organisms. It provides examples of common airborne pathogens and the diseases they cause. Furthermore, the document discusses the sizes of airborne biological particles known as bioaerosols and different methods for sampling and analyzing bioaerosols in air, including various impactor and impinger sampling devices.
Spirulina and Dunaliella Dr. R. DINESHKUMARThis document discusses the cultivation of Spirulina and Dunaliella microalgae. It provides background on Spirulina, including its history dating back to the Aztec civilization. The cultivation process of Spirulina involves growing it in alkaline culture solutions in shallow ponds, filtering out the algae, washing, dehydrating, and drying it into a powder. Benefits of Spirulina include being rich in nutrients and having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Dunaliella is introduced as another microalgae that can accumulate large amounts of beta-carotene when grown in high light intensities. Its cultivation process involves growing it in outdoor raceway ponds and harvesting the beta-car
Cultivation of virus Snehal PatelThis document discusses three methods for cultivating viruses: laboratory animals, embryonated eggs, and tissue culture. Laboratory animals like monkeys were historically used but pose risks, while embryonated eggs are economical and sterile but some viruses don't grow in them. Tissue culture became important when Enders grew polio virus in human cells, allowing cultivation of many viruses. The three tissue culture types are organ culture, explant culture, and cell culture.
Development of inoculum pptlasinajarajanaThis document discusses the development of inoculum, which is a mixture of cultured microbes and growth media. It defines inoculum and explains that it is prepared in a stepwise process using increasing volumes of media to produce enough microbes for industrial fermentation. The document outlines the key components of inoculum media, including a carbon source, nitrogen source, growth factors, minerals, buffers to control pH, and defoamers. It provides an example of Bennett's medium used to produce inoculum for vitamin production.
Viruses lecture 1AnzaDar3 Concept of virology
Types of viruses
Viral characteristics
Size and Shape
Viral Variation
Batch and continuous sterilization techniquesSasiK25There are two main types of sterilization techniques - batch and continuous. Batch sterilization involves subjecting culture media to steam or heat over 20-60 minutes at 121°C. It has disadvantages of potentially damaging media and being energy intensive. Continuous sterilization occurs at a higher temperature of 140°C for only 30-120 seconds, using less energy. Air sterilization is also important and can be done by filtration using depth or membrane cartridge filters to trap and remove particles from the air.
ActinomycetesDr. Kalpesh VaghelaThis document discusses the history, classification, morphology, roles, isolation sources, and applications of actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a group of gram-positive bacteria that produce bioactive agents including antibiotics. They play important roles in decomposing organic matter in soil and producing various antibiotics. Actinomycetes can be isolated from various environmental sources using different media and characterized using morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular techniques.
BIOREMEDIATION.pptEstherShobhaRThis document provides an overview of bioremediation. It defines bioremediation as using living organisms such as bacteria and fungi to degrade environmental pollutants. There are two main types - in situ, which treats contamination on-site, and ex situ, which involves removing contaminated material to another location. Common bioremediation techniques discussed include bioventing, biosparging, bioslurping, and phytoremediation. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms play an important role in degradation processes. The document outlines various strategies for bioremediation and discusses their applications and limitations.
Lab.10 methods for estimating nitrification processHama NabazNitrification is the two-step process by which ammonia is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by autotrophic bacteria. In the first step, ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by bacteria like Nitrosomonas. In the second step, nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by bacteria like Nitrobacter. This process occurs in aerobic environments in soil and water and makes nitrogen available to plants. The summary demonstrates the key steps in nitrification and the bacteria involved in converting ammonia to nitrates through nitrites in two steps.
Immobilisation of GI.pdfDr Sumitha JagadibabuThis document discusses glucose isomerase (GI), an enzyme that converts glucose to fructose and is important industrially. GI is found in bacteria, fungi, and plants. It is commonly used to produce high fructose corn syrup and convert xylose to ethanol. Methods to immobilize GI include adsorbing it to carriers like DEAE-cellulose or entrapping whole cells that produce GI in polymers. Immobilizing GI makes it reusable and more stable for industrial applications like high fructose corn syrup production.
MicroorganismesFrancisco de la FlorMaterial didáctico para centros bilingües Español / Francés. Ciencias Naturales primero de la ESO.
DNA VIRUS REPLICATIONBhagraj GodaraReplication of virus is very complicated process.
Virus never reproduce by division.
They are replicated by a process in which all components of virus are produced separately and are assembled into intact virion.
For replication of virus host is necessary.
Virus are host specific.
Host may be bacteria, plant ,animal.
Industrially important microbes their large scale productionVibhaKumari13The above presentation is useful for the Students who want to gain and enrich their knowledge about the large scale production of industrially important microbes and fermentation procedure.
This will mainly be helpful for Students opting Agricultural microbiology
Industrial FermentersscuffruffIndustrial fermenters are used to grow cells on a large scale by carefully controlling the environment. They are made of stainless steel and can hold up to 200,000 liters. Nutrients are fed in through sterile pipes and conditions like temperature, pH, oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are monitored electronically and automatically regulated. Fermenters require sterile conditions and cooling to control cell growth and regulate temperature increases from microbial activity that could kill the cells. Most fermentations are batch processes but some use continuous culture systems with steady nutrient input and waste removal.
Tobacco mosaic virus by Pranzly.pptPranzly Rajput TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) is a plant virus that infects tobacco and other solanaceous plants like tomatoes and potatoes. It causes characteristic mosaic and mottling patterns on the leaves of infected plants. TMV is composed of a single-stranded RNA genome enclosed in a protein capsid. The virus enters the host plant through wounds in the leaves or stems and uses the plant's cellular machinery to replicate its RNA and proteins, which then self-assemble to form new virus particles that spread the infection. Control methods include crop rotation, rogueing infected plants, and developing resistant varieties.
Production of alcoholHARINATHA REDDY ASWARTHAGARIThis document provides information on the production of alcohol through fermentation. It discusses:
- Yeast and bacteria that are used as microorganisms for alcohol fermentation, depending on the raw material substrate. Common microorganisms include Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis.
- Raw materials that can be used for alcohol fermentation including sugary materials like glucose and sucrose, and starchy materials like wheat, rice, and maize.
- The fermentation process which typically takes 2-3 days under ideal conditions of pH 4.0-4.5 and temperatures rising from 21-27°C to 30-37°C.
- Glucose is converted
Animal virusesHARINATHA REDDY ASWARTHAGARIThe human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects and destroys CD4+ T cells of the immune system. It has an outer envelope containing glycoproteins gp120 and gp41, and an inner cone-shaped nucleocapsid enclosing two copies of positive-sense RNA and viral enzymes. HIV binds host cells via CD4 and CCR5/CXCR4 receptors, undergoes reverse transcription and integration to form proviral DNA, and hijacks the host cell to produce new virus particles that bud from the cell and infect others.
FungiA.H. ShakibThis document provides information on fungi, including their general characteristics, forms (yeasts, molds, mushrooms), physiological classification (parasitic, saprophytic, symbiotic), and taxonomic classification. Key points are that fungi are eukaryotic, non-vascular organisms that reproduce via spores and exhibit alternation of generations. Their cell walls contain chitin and they obtain nutrients as heterotrophs. Fungi exist in yeast, mold, or mushroom forms and can be parasitic, saprophytic, or symbiotic based on their food source and habitat.
Fermentation technologyMUHAMMED SHARKY .AThis document discusses industrial fermentation processes. It begins by defining fermentation as the production of products by microorganisms and describes the major types of industrial fermentations. It then discusses the nutrient sources, industrial fermenter design, and components. The document outlines the different types of industrial fermenter designs including stirred tank, air lift, bubble column, packed bed, trickle bed, and fluidized bed reactors. It concludes by listing some important fermentation products like ethanol, glycerol, lactic acid, acetone, butanol, and α-amylase and their corresponding microorganism and use.
الرخصة المهنية لمعلمات اللغة العربيةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةشهدت السنوات الأخيرة العديد من التجارب لتطوير العملية التعليمية التي تضمنت المناهج وطرق التدريس واختبارات البناء وأساليب التقييم والتقويم، ولا شك أن كل هذه الجوانب تعتمد في تطويرها وتحقيق أهدافها على المعلم، فهو العنصر الأساسي في العملية التعليمية، حيث لا يمكن للمناهج وأساليب التعليم الحديثة التأثير على العملية وتطويرها وتحقيق النتائج المرجوة بدون معلمٍ مختصٍ قادرٍ على العطاء النابع من الذات، والموجّه من الضمير.
Spirulina and Dunaliella Dr. R. DINESHKUMARThis document discusses the cultivation of Spirulina and Dunaliella microalgae. It provides background on Spirulina, including its history dating back to the Aztec civilization. The cultivation process of Spirulina involves growing it in alkaline culture solutions in shallow ponds, filtering out the algae, washing, dehydrating, and drying it into a powder. Benefits of Spirulina include being rich in nutrients and having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Dunaliella is introduced as another microalgae that can accumulate large amounts of beta-carotene when grown in high light intensities. Its cultivation process involves growing it in outdoor raceway ponds and harvesting the beta-car
Cultivation of virus Snehal PatelThis document discusses three methods for cultivating viruses: laboratory animals, embryonated eggs, and tissue culture. Laboratory animals like monkeys were historically used but pose risks, while embryonated eggs are economical and sterile but some viruses don't grow in them. Tissue culture became important when Enders grew polio virus in human cells, allowing cultivation of many viruses. The three tissue culture types are organ culture, explant culture, and cell culture.
Development of inoculum pptlasinajarajanaThis document discusses the development of inoculum, which is a mixture of cultured microbes and growth media. It defines inoculum and explains that it is prepared in a stepwise process using increasing volumes of media to produce enough microbes for industrial fermentation. The document outlines the key components of inoculum media, including a carbon source, nitrogen source, growth factors, minerals, buffers to control pH, and defoamers. It provides an example of Bennett's medium used to produce inoculum for vitamin production.
Viruses lecture 1AnzaDar3 Concept of virology
Types of viruses
Viral characteristics
Size and Shape
Viral Variation
Batch and continuous sterilization techniquesSasiK25There are two main types of sterilization techniques - batch and continuous. Batch sterilization involves subjecting culture media to steam or heat over 20-60 minutes at 121°C. It has disadvantages of potentially damaging media and being energy intensive. Continuous sterilization occurs at a higher temperature of 140°C for only 30-120 seconds, using less energy. Air sterilization is also important and can be done by filtration using depth or membrane cartridge filters to trap and remove particles from the air.
ActinomycetesDr. Kalpesh VaghelaThis document discusses the history, classification, morphology, roles, isolation sources, and applications of actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a group of gram-positive bacteria that produce bioactive agents including antibiotics. They play important roles in decomposing organic matter in soil and producing various antibiotics. Actinomycetes can be isolated from various environmental sources using different media and characterized using morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular techniques.
BIOREMEDIATION.pptEstherShobhaRThis document provides an overview of bioremediation. It defines bioremediation as using living organisms such as bacteria and fungi to degrade environmental pollutants. There are two main types - in situ, which treats contamination on-site, and ex situ, which involves removing contaminated material to another location. Common bioremediation techniques discussed include bioventing, biosparging, bioslurping, and phytoremediation. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms play an important role in degradation processes. The document outlines various strategies for bioremediation and discusses their applications and limitations.
Lab.10 methods for estimating nitrification processHama NabazNitrification is the two-step process by which ammonia is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by autotrophic bacteria. In the first step, ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by bacteria like Nitrosomonas. In the second step, nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by bacteria like Nitrobacter. This process occurs in aerobic environments in soil and water and makes nitrogen available to plants. The summary demonstrates the key steps in nitrification and the bacteria involved in converting ammonia to nitrates through nitrites in two steps.
Immobilisation of GI.pdfDr Sumitha JagadibabuThis document discusses glucose isomerase (GI), an enzyme that converts glucose to fructose and is important industrially. GI is found in bacteria, fungi, and plants. It is commonly used to produce high fructose corn syrup and convert xylose to ethanol. Methods to immobilize GI include adsorbing it to carriers like DEAE-cellulose or entrapping whole cells that produce GI in polymers. Immobilizing GI makes it reusable and more stable for industrial applications like high fructose corn syrup production.
MicroorganismesFrancisco de la FlorMaterial didáctico para centros bilingües Español / Francés. Ciencias Naturales primero de la ESO.
DNA VIRUS REPLICATIONBhagraj GodaraReplication of virus is very complicated process.
Virus never reproduce by division.
They are replicated by a process in which all components of virus are produced separately and are assembled into intact virion.
For replication of virus host is necessary.
Virus are host specific.
Host may be bacteria, plant ,animal.
Industrially important microbes their large scale productionVibhaKumari13The above presentation is useful for the Students who want to gain and enrich their knowledge about the large scale production of industrially important microbes and fermentation procedure.
This will mainly be helpful for Students opting Agricultural microbiology
Industrial FermentersscuffruffIndustrial fermenters are used to grow cells on a large scale by carefully controlling the environment. They are made of stainless steel and can hold up to 200,000 liters. Nutrients are fed in through sterile pipes and conditions like temperature, pH, oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are monitored electronically and automatically regulated. Fermenters require sterile conditions and cooling to control cell growth and regulate temperature increases from microbial activity that could kill the cells. Most fermentations are batch processes but some use continuous culture systems with steady nutrient input and waste removal.
Tobacco mosaic virus by Pranzly.pptPranzly Rajput TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) is a plant virus that infects tobacco and other solanaceous plants like tomatoes and potatoes. It causes characteristic mosaic and mottling patterns on the leaves of infected plants. TMV is composed of a single-stranded RNA genome enclosed in a protein capsid. The virus enters the host plant through wounds in the leaves or stems and uses the plant's cellular machinery to replicate its RNA and proteins, which then self-assemble to form new virus particles that spread the infection. Control methods include crop rotation, rogueing infected plants, and developing resistant varieties.
Production of alcoholHARINATHA REDDY ASWARTHAGARIThis document provides information on the production of alcohol through fermentation. It discusses:
- Yeast and bacteria that are used as microorganisms for alcohol fermentation, depending on the raw material substrate. Common microorganisms include Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis.
- Raw materials that can be used for alcohol fermentation including sugary materials like glucose and sucrose, and starchy materials like wheat, rice, and maize.
- The fermentation process which typically takes 2-3 days under ideal conditions of pH 4.0-4.5 and temperatures rising from 21-27°C to 30-37°C.
- Glucose is converted
Animal virusesHARINATHA REDDY ASWARTHAGARIThe human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects and destroys CD4+ T cells of the immune system. It has an outer envelope containing glycoproteins gp120 and gp41, and an inner cone-shaped nucleocapsid enclosing two copies of positive-sense RNA and viral enzymes. HIV binds host cells via CD4 and CCR5/CXCR4 receptors, undergoes reverse transcription and integration to form proviral DNA, and hijacks the host cell to produce new virus particles that bud from the cell and infect others.
FungiA.H. ShakibThis document provides information on fungi, including their general characteristics, forms (yeasts, molds, mushrooms), physiological classification (parasitic, saprophytic, symbiotic), and taxonomic classification. Key points are that fungi are eukaryotic, non-vascular organisms that reproduce via spores and exhibit alternation of generations. Their cell walls contain chitin and they obtain nutrients as heterotrophs. Fungi exist in yeast, mold, or mushroom forms and can be parasitic, saprophytic, or symbiotic based on their food source and habitat.
Fermentation technologyMUHAMMED SHARKY .AThis document discusses industrial fermentation processes. It begins by defining fermentation as the production of products by microorganisms and describes the major types of industrial fermentations. It then discusses the nutrient sources, industrial fermenter design, and components. The document outlines the different types of industrial fermenter designs including stirred tank, air lift, bubble column, packed bed, trickle bed, and fluidized bed reactors. It concludes by listing some important fermentation products like ethanol, glycerol, lactic acid, acetone, butanol, and α-amylase and their corresponding microorganism and use.
الرخصة المهنية لمعلمات اللغة العربيةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةشهدت السنوات الأخيرة العديد من التجارب لتطوير العملية التعليمية التي تضمنت المناهج وطرق التدريس واختبارات البناء وأساليب التقييم والتقويم، ولا شك أن كل هذه الجوانب تعتمد في تطويرها وتحقيق أهدافها على المعلم، فهو العنصر الأساسي في العملية التعليمية، حيث لا يمكن للمناهج وأساليب التعليم الحديثة التأثير على العملية وتطويرها وتحقيق النتائج المرجوة بدون معلمٍ مختصٍ قادرٍ على العطاء النابع من الذات، والموجّه من الضمير.
المعهد الوطني للادارة العامةشركة الاتصالات السورية
كل عام وانتم بخير لمناسبة عيد ميلادكم –ارجو لكم ولمن تحبون السعادة الدائمة - صديقكم عبد الرحمن تيشوري
شهادة عليا بالادارة - طرطوس سورية
كم صلاحية شهادة السات- مركز ابوستروفي التعليميapostropheemployeesكم صلاحية شهادة السات؟
تتناول المعلومات الأساسية حول شهادة السات، وهي اختصار لاختبار يُستخدم لتقييم المهارات الأساسية للطلاب الراغبين في الالتحاق بالجامعات. يبدأ المقال بتسليط الضوء على أهمية هذه الشهادة، ومن ثم يُركز على مدة صلاحيتها التي تمتد عادةً لسنتين. يشير المقال إلى أن الجامعات قد تقبل درجات الاختبار التي تم الحصول عليها خلال السنوات الخمس الأخيرة، ولكن بعد هذه الفترة، قد تعتبر النتائج غير دقيقة في تقييم جاهزية الطالب للدراسة الجامعية. يتحدث المقال أيضًا عن كيفية صدور الشهادة والنتائج التي تُعلن بعد أسبوعين من إجراء الاختبار، ومدى إمكانية تجديد الشهادة من خلال إعادة الاختبار. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يقدم المقال نصائح تحضيرية للطلاب، موضحًا أهمية التعرف على هيكل الاختبار واشتراكهم في دورات تحضيرية، مع الإشارة إلى الخدمات التي يوفرها مركز أبوستروفي التعليمي، مثل الدورات تحت إشراف معلمين متخصصين. بتفصيل كل هذه الجوانب، يسعى المقال لتوعية الطلاب حول الشهادة وأهميتها وكيفية التحضير الجيد لها.
يرجى الاطلاع على المقال كاملاً:كم-صلاحية-شهادة-السات1؟/
أو مشاهدة فيديو اليوتيوب:
شهادات ومهارات إدارة الأعمال milemadinahالوصف: يحدثنا الدكتور خالد خلاف الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس (IBDL) عن اهمية الشهادات المهنية للموظف ولرواد الاعمال وما هو الفرق بينها وبين الشهادات الاكاديمية، كما يعطي نبذة عن شهادات (IBDL) واهميتها وتواجدها في الوطن العربي.
مراحل الامساتElmadrasahcom1الاختبارات المعيارية الإماراتية واختصارها امسات. تم وضع هذه الاختبارات لتكون بمثابة اختبارات لكفائة الطلاب على مستويات مختلفة، فبالتالى ينقسم امتحان امسات إلى ثلاث مراحل.
جامعة أم القري تستقبل برامج الدراسات العليا لخريجي الجامعة الأحدشهد محمد نور نور جامعة أم القري تستقبل برامج الدراسات العليا لخريجي الجامعة الأحد
للتقديم والمستندات المطلوبة قم بالتسجيل بالموقع الإليكتروني
من هنا
Cisspمهند العتيبيتُعتبر هذه الشهادة من أشهر الشهادات في المجال الأمني ويُنصح بها لمن يريد أن يصبح خبير أو مستشار أمني أو حتى محلل أمني وهذه الشهادة معترف بها في الكثير من بلدان العالم
الملف التعريفي بالجمعية الدوليةة لتدريب الأعمالIbta Arabiaتراك أبتا إريبيا الموزع الحصري لبرنامج محترف الأعمال المعتمد في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.
يحتوي البرنامج على عدد من البرامج التدريبية المتميزة والمعتمدة عالمياً وتقدم إمتحاناتها أون لاين من خلال برومترك
لدينا أكثر من 50 شريك ومركز معتمد في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وأكثر من 500 شريك في العالم.
يمكنك الإطلاع على الموقع للتعرف أكثر على الجمعية
المنتدى الفلسطيني للتدريب 2019 ، ورقم عمل بعنوان ( التدريب في فلسطين ، هل نق...Palestinian Training Association عرض السيد مروان ترزي بعنوان ( التدريب في فلسطين ، هل نقيم وماذا نقيم ولمن ) والذي قدمه خلال المنتدى الفلسطيني للتدريب خلال الجلسة الرئيسية .
#4: التكوين بالتدج المهني: يوزع التكوين بين المؤسسة والمهنيين: بحيث يمثل الشطر النظري للتكوين 10% ويتم بمقر المؤسسة فيما يخصص أكثر من 85% للجانب التطبيقي الذي يتم على مستوى المقاولة. و يتوج بالحصول على شهادة التدرج المهني أو دبلوم .