Wild animals and demons reside in the human mind, causing wicked thoughts and pranks. The mind is like a battlefield between good and evil sentiments. Humans forget life's true purpose by becoming distracted by the pursuit of wealth and victory. The mind is filled with countless thought birds that chatter noisily and prevent rest. Like Ravana's ten demonic heads, the human mind contains hundreds of changing faces and personalities that make it impossible to achieve consistency. True humanity is to embrace one's natural essence and remove false masks, treating all people with compassion.
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Pranks of mind - Chandramowly
2. Wild Tiger, furious Lion, spiked Bear and Serpent
mocking Monkey, hunting Dog and many such are present
with monstrous faces, wicked pranks of atrocious demons
They rest subdued within the minds of human beings
3. 1+1=3.The creator first
created two animals from
each of his hand. Then, he
combined both. Lo! there
came out the Man, a
combination of Fox and
Monkey (kagga 193)
Human Heart is a battle field
of Gods and Demons. Their
regiments are sentiments,
affection and obstinacy. They
forget the life’s purpose by
deluding in the conquest of
wealth and victory
4. Suppressed pranks of Mind
How can we sleep, when
hundreds of thought birds,
the Parrot, Owl, Crow,
Cuckoo, Eagle and Peacock
are assembled in the mind,
with their twitters and
chatters, melody and
gruff? (kagga203)
How can we learn to put
them to rest, before we
5. If the demonic heads are
ten for Ravana, man has
hundreds and thousands.
With his changing faces
of cobra, tiger, frog and
deer, he is matchless on
this planet (kagga – 202)
Changing Styles, Shifting
Principles, Jumping from
one party to another,
altering life partners,
switching jobs ….. Are we
one headed beings?
6. Humans are part of
nature, which is
congruent and
holistic. Achieving
congruence between
walk and Talk
…disciplines us to
get a natural mould
Be one with
all in soul
Remove the masks
and discover YOUR
face . How long you
pretend and display
false images, which
are unmasked
Can you be a blade
of grass on hillside?
a jasmine at home?
a rock when fate
showers sufferings?
A sweet candy for
the humble and
(kagga 789)