Software per a construir un rellotge de solagueda.grasSoftware per a construir un rellotge de sol per Enric Marco
1 tema 10_vertebradosRafael Alvarez AlonsoEste documento proporciona información sobre los animales vertebrados. Se divide en 7 secciones que describen las características generales, anatomía y reproducción de los vertebrados, así como detalles específicos sobre peces, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. El documento analiza las adaptaciones clave de cada grupo que les permiten vivir en diferentes ambientes como el agua, la tierra o el aire.
Treballs naturals 3r eso 2015 16Rafael Alvarez AlonsoThis document lists the names of student groups, their topics, and presentation dates for a class project on the human body systems. It includes 16 groups presenting on topics such as diseases of the endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. Other topics included are disorders related to eating, the female reproductive cycle, mental health disorders, and the senses. Presentation dates ranged from January 13th to January 29th.
Llista dels Treballs Naturals 3r ESO 2015 16Rafael Alvarez AlonsoThis document lists the names of student groups, their topics, and presentation dates for a class project on the human body systems. It includes 16 groups presenting on topics like diseases of the endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. Other topics included are disorders related to eating, the female reproductive cycle, mental health disorders, and the senses. Presentation dates ranged from January 13th to January 29th.