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Precision Selling
Just the Basics.
Patrick McClure, CEO
What we need from You
 Willingness to Change
 Open to Trying New Ideas
 Defined Goals & Objectives
 Your Commitment to Success
Our View of Sales
 Selling equals Service
 Sell with Honesty, Integrity and
 Its not Hard Sell, its Heart Sell
 Its leading people to take the
actions that they want to take
Barriers to Learning
 Contempt Prior to Investigation
 You know it all
 Previous Training
 Unpleasant Experiences in the Past
 Not Really Here mentally
 Not committed and purposeful
Precision Selling
The LAWS of Precision Selling
 Becoming a Rainmaker
 The 4 Biggest Mistakes all
Salespeople make
 Sell Value, not Features
 The 4 Cs
 Failure is Hard WorkKISS
Precision Selling Precepts
1. A Confused Customer Never Buys
2. Remember WIFT, not WIFM
3. Complexity Equals Failure
4. Irresistible & Compelling
5. Simple wins the Day
Your Biggest Competitor
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
The Sales Ladder
 Each Step in Sequence
 Sales Process Stalls when previous
steps are incomplete or missed
 Each Step has an Objective
 When push too hard, problems arise
 Rarely can you fast flow
 The precise effort at the precise time
Features & Benefits
 Objective Characteristics
 Attributes of a Product or Service
 Answers the question We Have
 Subjective Characteristics
 Advantages/Improvements derived from a
product or service
 Answers question It Will
 Individualized characteristics
 Recognized improvement from a
product or service
 3 Types of Value
 Intangible (not quantified)
 Tangible (a number)
 Concrete (a dollar amount )
 Answers question Which Means
FBV Chart
We Have
It Will
Which Means
Missing out on Benefits
Benefit The Opposite
Make a Profit Miss out on Profit
Improved Marketing Results Losing Market Share
Better Visibility & Sales Missing Potential Sales
More Durable Product Less Shrinkage
New Business Not getting new business
Unique Value Proposition
Unique Value Proposition
1. Who you Are, Where you Work
2. What do you do and what value do
you bring to the table?
3. Whats important (unique) about
that and WIFT
4. Your typical customer
5. Why Companies hire you/do
business with you
Simple, Short and Memorable
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Your Company or Group
4 Key Vertical
Markets Industries
Create Delighted Clients
 80% of new clients come from
existing Client Referrals!
 Whats your Client Retention &
Satisfaction Strategy?
 How are you helping
your customers become
more successful?
Tips to Expand
your Existing Business
 80% of New Business comes from your
existing satisfied clients
 Provide Services & Help
 Give WARM Referrals and Introductions
 Become the Godfather
 Regular contact (Newsletters, calls,
Find your YES Crowd
 Your Ideal Clients are
already at YES
 Market Map by
Territory and Industry
 Region, or Clusters of Opportunity
 Work with Marketing and PR to
precisely target campaigns
Let your YES Crowd Find You
 Stop PUSHING them away with:
 Confusing Messages
 Negative Behavior
 Failure to Listen
 Failure to acknowledge their ideas
 Lack of Understanding
Market Mapping Exercise
 Total Account Listing (includes
Roundtables and others)
 Divide into Qualified Leads and
existing Customers
 Top 3 Target (s) by Industry
 Top 3 Target(s) by Location
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Why Should they Meet?
 Youre Interrupting their Day
 They have Gatekeepers
 They have Work to Do
 They dont remember you
 They told you to call and they didnt
mean it
 You are not a priority
Focus on the Customer
 People do things for their
reasons, not yours
 Be Aware of their Environment
 Focus your attention and interest.
 Ask Intelligent Questions & Listen
 Courtesy, Persistence, and Timing
The Four Primary Motives
Everything that has EVER been bought
was due to one or more of these:
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Building Trust & Rapport
 Rapport is the cornerstone of the
sales process
 People buy from people they like
and they trust
 Their perspective, not yours
 Common Shared Realities
 Match their Energy & Emotion
 Interested, not Interesting
Artful Questioning
 Your job now becomes asking intelligent questions and
learning how to listen and probe for more.
 Types of Questions:
Encourages customer to talk
General Information
Prospect provides detailed information
Avoids a simple yes or no answer
Who, What, When, Where, Why or How
Finishes the conversation
Narrows down choices
Controls the sales call
Generates a short answer (yes or no.)
The 4 Cs
 Find out as much as possible about their business. Ask many open-
ended questions and show you are interested.
 Find out what has changed in the past few months. Who transferred
out, who got promoted, what are the new product lines, how their
business has changed, whos the new manager?
 What are the biggest issues theyre dealing with? What are they
worried about? What are they constantly having trouble with?
 What are the consequences if (Problem X) is not solved? What
impact are they feeling from (Issue Y)? What would happen if
(Problem Y) does not get solved? How have they tried to solve
it in the past?
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Connect the Dots
Their Problems
 Their Ruin
Your Solution
 Your Unique Value
Sharing the Benefits
 Testimonials & References
 Avoid diving into too much detail
 Focus on the Business Benefits
 Stress Value, Value, Value
 A Powerful form of Invisible Selling
 Move people emotionally
 Increase Rapport
 Suspend Time
 Can be used to
 Set Appointments
 Handle Objections
 During the Close
 Sharing Benefits
 Use Liberally
 Social Proof
 Technical Proof
 Pictures, Video, Quotes
 These can seal the deal
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Preparing the
Sales Presentation
 Needs Analysis Completed
 Decision Making Process Understood
 Who is in the Audience? WIFM?
 Possible Objections to Anticipate
 What are your Objectives?
 What are your Clients Objectives?
Sales Presentation: Delivery
 Trust and Rapport
 Open with Key Issues
 3-5 Chunks delivered:
 Their Pain
 Your Story
 Objection Handled
 Recap Benefits and Value
 Deliver your Offer
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Proposal Guidelines
 Executive Background
 Clear Objectives
 Deliverables are Specified
 Performance Metrics
 Terms & Conditions
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Objections: the REAL Buying
 Resistance can be handled by identifying the customers
concern. There are 4 common types of objections:
1. A question  A Request for more information
Solution: Provide an Answer
2. A Stall  need for urgency does not exits
Solution: Provide information that is quantifiable
3. A Reason  attempt to remain in current comfort zone,
unsure what we offer
Solution: Make prospect comfortable with us and
what we offer.
4. A Turndown  prospect does not see value
Solution: clarify using data gathering and move to
Objection Handling System.
Objection Handling System
1. Actively Listen with Empathy
2. Paraphrase/Restate
Thank you, I think I understand, but let me just
repeat to be absolutely certain
3. Question/Clarify the Objection
Do you mind if I ask a couple questions just to
clarify in my mind..
4. Answer it with a Benefit
Now I understand what youre saying and why its
so important. I think the following might help.
5. Confirm its handled
Handling Objections
 Anticipate and Plan for Objections
 Objection Handling is part of the
sales negotiation
 No objections = No Sale
 The True Objection is often hidden
 Beware the Invisible Objection
Common Objections
 I need to think about it
 Money/budget/finance issues
 Need to talk it over with ___
 Fax me some information
 Call me later
 Theres not enough Proof/Research/Data
 Your price is too high
 We tried it and it didnt work
 I never buy at first exposure (trade show special)
 I want to do more homework
Dont Give Up
 Every no brings you closer to a yes
 48% of all sales people give up after the
first contact
 25%/12%/5% give up after 2nd, 3rd and
4th contact
 Totals 90%so only 10% are left *
 Thats where 80% of Sales Happen !
 *Source: Dartnell Corporation, Chicago IL
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
The Close
The Close is the natural conclusion to a
well delivered sales presentation.
Eric Lofholm
The Irresistible Offer
 Clear and Compelling
 Summarize Unique Benefits
 ROI for their Company
 Pricing and billing options
 Any special Bonuses
 Create Urgency
 Ask for the Order
Key Closing Rules
 A Satisfied Customer Will Never Buy
 Why would they ?
 A Confused Customer Never Buys
 What ????
 Only ask for the Order when theyve
completed the rest of the steps
 When you ask a Closing Question, Shut
 Part of the Language of Persuasion is
Closing Principles
 It must be beneficial to both parties.
 It meets a critical business need
 Customer recognizes the problem must be solved.
 It concludes the deal and finalizes the transaction.
 3 Reasons why People Avoid the Close:
 Fear of Rejection
 Thinking its personal (No is not a personal rejection)
 Waiting, and waiting, for the perfect time
How to Close and Win a Client
 Close the Right Person
 Part of qualifying (an earlier step in the sales process) is to ensure you are dealing
with the decision maker.
 Close at the Right Time
 Only do a final close when the time is right and youre almost positive the decision
maker is ready to say yes.
 Remember to Listen
 Customers will many times indicate to you they are ready to proceed and finalize
the transactions. If you arent listening, you will miss these clear buying signs.
 Allow your Customer to Close
 If the decision is correct and the time is right, they will literally close themselves.
Listen and allow this to occur.
 Confirm the Close
 Validate the customer and confirm the transaction. Reinforce the correctness of
the decision and broadcast the decision as wide as possible.
7 Closing Techniques
 Ask for Agreement to Proceed.
 Ive enjoyed talking with you. It looks like weve covered just about everything, so Id like to
recommend we proceed. (the direct approach)
 Assumptive Close (most common)
 Simply assume that the customer will buy your product/service and is ready to move forward.
Hand them the order form, or ask for their credit card # in a matter-of-fact voice.
 Turn a question into a Close
 Customer asks if you can deliver it by next Wednesday. If I can get your order processed today,
that shouldnt be a problem.
 Trial Close
 Customer asks if your product/service can do something and you know its important to them. If
we could do ______, are you ready to move forward?
 Recap Benefits, then proceed
 Summarize the benefits and the final item is their agreement to proceed.
 Schedule of Events/Timeline
 They have a deadline for delivery/implementation. The order must be placed today to meet that
 Would you like delivery Friday, or would next Tuesday be acceptable/
The Sales Ladder
Qualified Prospect
Set Appointment
Building Value
Sales Presentation
Handle Objections
Deliver a Great Service
 Monitor the Delivery
 Ensure all is smooth and on time
 Capture the Success Stories
 Get Testimonials
 Arrange for Referrals
 Remember to Upsell
To Your Success!
Patrick McClure
Office:(949) 858-0755
Cell: (949) 683-7144
Author of
Precision Selling: 21 Winning Strategies to Achieve Peak
Performance, and Find Lost Revenue: Uncover Hidden Causes
to Common Sales & Marketing Problems.

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Precision Selling Basics

  • 1. Precision Selling Just the Basics. Patrick McClure, CEO
  • 2. What we need from You Willingness to Change Open to Trying New Ideas Defined Goals & Objectives Your Commitment to Success
  • 3. Our View of Sales Selling equals Service Sell with Honesty, Integrity and Compassion Its not Hard Sell, its Heart Sell Its leading people to take the actions that they want to take
  • 4. Barriers to Learning Contempt Prior to Investigation You know it all Previous Training Unpleasant Experiences in the Past Not Really Here mentally Not committed and purposeful
  • 6. The LAWS of Precision Selling Becoming a Rainmaker The 4 Biggest Mistakes all Salespeople make Sell Value, not Features The 4 Cs Failure is Hard WorkKISS
  • 7. Precision Selling Precepts 1. A Confused Customer Never Buys 2. Remember WIFT, not WIFM 3. Complexity Equals Failure 4. Irresistible & Compelling 5. Simple wins the Day
  • 9. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 10. The Sales Ladder Each Step in Sequence Sales Process Stalls when previous steps are incomplete or missed Each Step has an Objective When push too hard, problems arise Rarely can you fast flow The precise effort at the precise time
  • 11. FBV
  • 12. Features & Benefits Features Objective Characteristics Attributes of a Product or Service Tangible Answers the question We Have Benefits Subjective Characteristics Advantages/Improvements derived from a product or service Answers question It Will
  • 13. Value Individualized characteristics Recognized improvement from a product or service 3 Types of Value Intangible (not quantified) Tangible (a number) Concrete (a dollar amount ) Answers question Which Means
  • 14. FBV Chart Feature We Have Benefit It Will Value Which Means
  • 15. Missing out on Benefits Benefit The Opposite Dilemma Make a Profit Miss out on Profit Improved Marketing Results Losing Market Share Better Visibility & Sales Missing Potential Sales More Durable Product Less Shrinkage New Business Not getting new business
  • 17. Unique Value Proposition 1. Who you Are, Where you Work 2. What do you do and what value do you bring to the table? 3. Whats important (unique) about that and WIFT 4. Your typical customer 5. Why Companies hire you/do business with you Simple, Short and Memorable
  • 18. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 19. Your Company or Group 4 Key Vertical Markets Industries
  • 20. Create Delighted Clients 80% of new clients come from existing Client Referrals! Whats your Client Retention & Satisfaction Strategy? How are you helping your customers become more successful?
  • 21. Tips to Expand your Existing Business 80% of New Business comes from your existing satisfied clients Provide Services & Help Give WARM Referrals and Introductions Become the Godfather Regular contact (Newsletters, calls, emails) Stay CONNECTED and ADD VALUE
  • 22. Find your YES Crowd Your Ideal Clients are already at YES Market Map by Territory and Industry Region, or Clusters of Opportunity Work with Marketing and PR to precisely target campaigns
  • 23. Let your YES Crowd Find You Stop PUSHING them away with: Confusing Messages Negative Behavior Invalidation Failure to Listen Failure to acknowledge their ideas Lack of Understanding
  • 24. Market Mapping Exercise Total Account Listing (includes Roundtables and others) Divide into Qualified Leads and existing Customers Top 3 Target (s) by Industry Top 3 Target(s) by Location
  • 25. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 26. Why Should they Meet? Youre Interrupting their Day They have Gatekeepers They have Work to Do They dont remember you They told you to call and they didnt mean it You are not a priority
  • 27. Focus on the Customer People do things for their reasons, not yours Be Aware of their Environment Focus your attention and interest. Ask Intelligent Questions & Listen Courtesy, Persistence, and Timing
  • 28. The Four Primary Motives Gain Pride Pleasure Profit Security Avoid Criticism/Ridicule Pain Loss Fear/Anxiety Everything that has EVER been bought was due to one or more of these:
  • 29. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 30. Building Trust & Rapport Rapport is the cornerstone of the sales process People buy from people they like and they trust Their perspective, not yours Common Shared Realities Match their Energy & Emotion Interested, not Interesting
  • 31. Artful Questioning Your job now becomes asking intelligent questions and learning how to listen and probe for more. Types of Questions: Open Encourages customer to talk General Information Prospect provides detailed information Avoids a simple yes or no answer Who, What, When, Where, Why or How Closed Finishes the conversation Narrows down choices Controls the sales call Generates a short answer (yes or no.)
  • 32. The 4 Cs Curious Find out as much as possible about their business. Ask many open- ended questions and show you are interested. Change Find out what has changed in the past few months. Who transferred out, who got promoted, what are the new product lines, how their business has changed, whos the new manager? Concerns What are the biggest issues theyre dealing with? What are they worried about? What are they constantly having trouble with? Consequences What are the consequences if (Problem X) is not solved? What impact are they feeling from (Issue Y)? What would happen if (Problem Y) does not get solved? How have they tried to solve it in the past?
  • 33. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 34. Connect the Dots Their Problems Concerns Worries Issues Their Ruin Your Solution Your Unique Value Proposition
  • 35. Sharing the Benefits Testimonials & References Avoid diving into too much detail Focus on the Business Benefits Stress Value, Value, Value
  • 36. Stories A Powerful form of Invisible Selling Move people emotionally Increase Rapport Suspend Time Can be used to Set Appointments Handle Objections During the Close Sharing Benefits
  • 37. Testimonials Use Liberally Social Proof Technical Proof Pictures, Video, Quotes These can seal the deal
  • 38. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 39. Preparing the Sales Presentation Needs Analysis Completed Decision Making Process Understood Who is in the Audience? WIFM? Possible Objections to Anticipate What are your Objectives? What are your Clients Objectives?
  • 40. Sales Presentation: Delivery Trust and Rapport Open with Key Issues 3-5 Chunks delivered: Their Pain Your Story Objection Handled Recap Benefits and Value Deliver your Offer Close
  • 41. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 42. Proposal Guidelines Executive Background Clear Objectives Deliverables are Specified Timelines Performance Metrics Pricing Terms & Conditions
  • 43. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 44. Objections: the REAL Buying Signs Resistance can be handled by identifying the customers concern. There are 4 common types of objections: 1. A question A Request for more information Solution: Provide an Answer 2. A Stall need for urgency does not exits Solution: Provide information that is quantifiable 3. A Reason attempt to remain in current comfort zone, unsure what we offer Solution: Make prospect comfortable with us and what we offer. 4. A Turndown prospect does not see value Solution: clarify using data gathering and move to Objection Handling System.
  • 45. Objection Handling System 1. Actively Listen with Empathy 2. Paraphrase/Restate Thank you, I think I understand, but let me just repeat to be absolutely certain 3. Question/Clarify the Objection Do you mind if I ask a couple questions just to clarify in my mind.. 4. Answer it with a Benefit Now I understand what youre saying and why its so important. I think the following might help. 5. Confirm its handled
  • 46. Handling Objections Anticipate and Plan for Objections Objection Handling is part of the sales negotiation No objections = No Sale The True Objection is often hidden Beware the Invisible Objection
  • 47. Common Objections I need to think about it Money/budget/finance issues Need to talk it over with ___ Fax me some information Call me later Theres not enough Proof/Research/Data Your price is too high We tried it and it didnt work I never buy at first exposure (trade show special) I want to do more homework
  • 48. Dont Give Up Every no brings you closer to a yes 48% of all sales people give up after the first contact 25%/12%/5% give up after 2nd, 3rd and 4th contact Totals 90%so only 10% are left * Thats where 80% of Sales Happen ! *Source: Dartnell Corporation, Chicago IL
  • 49. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 50. The Close The Close is the natural conclusion to a well delivered sales presentation. Eric Lofholm
  • 51. The Irresistible Offer Clear and Compelling Summarize Unique Benefits ROI for their Company Pricing and billing options Guarantees Any special Bonuses Create Urgency Ask for the Order
  • 52. Key Closing Rules A Satisfied Customer Will Never Buy Why would they ? A Confused Customer Never Buys What ???? Only ask for the Order when theyve completed the rest of the steps When you ask a Closing Question, Shut UP!!! Part of the Language of Persuasion is Silence
  • 53. Closing Principles It must be beneficial to both parties. It meets a critical business need Customer recognizes the problem must be solved. It concludes the deal and finalizes the transaction. 3 Reasons why People Avoid the Close: Fear of Rejection Thinking its personal (No is not a personal rejection) Waiting, and waiting, for the perfect time
  • 54. How to Close and Win a Client Close the Right Person Part of qualifying (an earlier step in the sales process) is to ensure you are dealing with the decision maker. Close at the Right Time Only do a final close when the time is right and youre almost positive the decision maker is ready to say yes. Remember to Listen Customers will many times indicate to you they are ready to proceed and finalize the transactions. If you arent listening, you will miss these clear buying signs. Allow your Customer to Close If the decision is correct and the time is right, they will literally close themselves. Listen and allow this to occur. Confirm the Close Validate the customer and confirm the transaction. Reinforce the correctness of the decision and broadcast the decision as wide as possible.
  • 55. 7 Closing Techniques Ask for Agreement to Proceed. Ive enjoyed talking with you. It looks like weve covered just about everything, so Id like to recommend we proceed. (the direct approach) Assumptive Close (most common) Simply assume that the customer will buy your product/service and is ready to move forward. Hand them the order form, or ask for their credit card # in a matter-of-fact voice. Turn a question into a Close Customer asks if you can deliver it by next Wednesday. If I can get your order processed today, that shouldnt be a problem. Trial Close Customer asks if your product/service can do something and you know its important to them. If we could do ______, are you ready to move forward? Recap Benefits, then proceed Summarize the benefits and the final item is their agreement to proceed. Schedule of Events/Timeline They have a deadline for delivery/implementation. The order must be placed today to meet that deadline. Either/Or Would you like delivery Friday, or would next Tuesday be acceptable/
  • 56. The Sales Ladder Qualified Prospect Set Appointment Needs/Opportunity Building Value Sales Presentation Proposal Handle Objections Closing Delivery Lead Value
  • 57. Deliver a Great Service Monitor the Delivery Ensure all is smooth and on time Capture the Success Stories Get Testimonials Arrange for Referrals Remember to Upsell
  • 58. To Your Success! Patrick McClure patrick@connexiagroup.com Office:(949) 858-0755 Cell: (949) 683-7144 www.connexiagroupcom Author of Precision Selling: 21 Winning Strategies to Achieve Peak Performance, and Find Lost Revenue: Uncover Hidden Causes to Common Sales & Marketing Problems.