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Solution selling made easy
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 1
Opening the Door
 You need a Key or you need to Knock!
 What key?
 Customer pain/need is one key!
 Great products, services, solutions and references are others!
 There are a bunch sometimes you must find the right key!
 How to knock?
 8h00 to 9h00 every day religiously
 Lists, past unhappy/current happy clients, Competition Strong Holds,
 Cross sell successful solution
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 2
Good communication
 Listen to what customer wants and respond accordingly
 What you think they want is not always what they want
 Shoving you best selling products down throat not good
 Telling is not selling
 Ask open questions
 What do you hope to accomplish in the year ahead?
 How do you see yourself achieving this?
 How far are you down the line to achieving this plan?
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 3
What questions work
 Do you have a need to cut costs in your business?
 I have a full spectrum of solution that are proven to provide ROI, when can I
come around and share with you? Monday at 10 or Wednesday at 2?
(alternative close)
 What are your top 5 priorities for this year?
 I have a solution to help you accomplish your goals, when would be best for us
to meet Monday at 10 or Thursday at 12?
 What are you biggest challenges?
 I have a solution that will help you to over come those challenges? (alternative
 Is it important to control your sales teams activities?
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 4
Find out where too!
 Magic question, Where do you want to go?
 Once you know where the destination is
 Ask, what was done to get here?
 Working backwards from the destination too NOW
 Offer solution to get customer to end point!
 There are two points in sales
 Here and there!
 Your objective is to get them from here to there! Adding value
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 5
Keep it in the now
 What dose it mean to keep it in the now?
 Customer objections keep it in the now!
 Example, your predecessor was useless!
 Reply, I am not!
 Example customer service is poor!
 Reply, thing have changed now!
 What do I need to do now to get your business?
 Golden rule with the now, let customer vent the past!
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 6
Sell Benefits
 Once end point is established and potential solution decided
 Sell your products benefits
 Push home why yours is better then competition
 Your products, service, staff, technological advantages, ROI
 You must have good product and technology understanding
 You must also understand customers business
 Your understanding and knowledge effects customers
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 7
Follow thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nothing more important in sales than follow thru!!
 Do what you say you will do!!
 Make the difficult calls first!!
 Build trust, honor and reliability at all cost
 Dont highlight your companies weakness
 Rather highlight its strengths
 You must compensate for these weakness (Thru Service)
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 8
Always be closing
 Always look for the opportunity to close
 Just because things are going well in a call doesn't mean you have made the
 Even in long sales cycles close each meeting off
 Go through all action point necessary
 Get customer nodding to all you have agreed upon
 If customer likes you you're half way there
 If a customer trusts you this is hard to lose
 Closing can be as easy as asking for the order
Presentation to marketing  Jan 04 9

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Solution sales

  • 1. Solution selling made easy Presentation to marketing Jan 04 1
  • 2. Opening the Door You need a Key or you need to Knock! What key? Customer pain/need is one key! Great products, services, solutions and references are others! There are a bunch sometimes you must find the right key! How to knock? 8h00 to 9h00 every day religiously Lists, past unhappy/current happy clients, Competition Strong Holds, referrals Cross sell successful solution Presentation to marketing Jan 04 2
  • 3. Good communication Listen to what customer wants and respond accordingly What you think they want is not always what they want Shoving you best selling products down throat not good Telling is not selling Ask open questions What do you hope to accomplish in the year ahead? How do you see yourself achieving this? How far are you down the line to achieving this plan? Presentation to marketing Jan 04 3
  • 4. What questions work Do you have a need to cut costs in your business? I have a full spectrum of solution that are proven to provide ROI, when can I come around and share with you? Monday at 10 or Wednesday at 2? (alternative close) What are your top 5 priorities for this year? I have a solution to help you accomplish your goals, when would be best for us to meet Monday at 10 or Thursday at 12? What are you biggest challenges? I have a solution that will help you to over come those challenges? (alternative close) Is it important to control your sales teams activities? Presentation to marketing Jan 04 4
  • 5. Find out where too! Magic question, Where do you want to go? Once you know where the destination is Ask, what was done to get here? Working backwards from the destination too NOW Offer solution to get customer to end point! There are two points in sales Here and there! Your objective is to get them from here to there! Adding value Presentation to marketing Jan 04 5
  • 6. Keep it in the now What dose it mean to keep it in the now? Customer objections keep it in the now! Example, your predecessor was useless! Reply, I am not! Example customer service is poor! Reply, thing have changed now! What do I need to do now to get your business? Golden rule with the now, let customer vent the past! Presentation to marketing Jan 04 6
  • 7. Sell Benefits Once end point is established and potential solution decided Sell your products benefits Push home why yours is better then competition Your products, service, staff, technological advantages, ROI You must have good product and technology understanding You must also understand customers business Your understanding and knowledge effects customers confidence Presentation to marketing Jan 04 7
  • 8. Follow thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing more important in sales than follow thru!! Do what you say you will do!! Make the difficult calls first!! Build trust, honor and reliability at all cost Dont highlight your companies weakness Rather highlight its strengths You must compensate for these weakness (Thru Service) Presentation to marketing Jan 04 8
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