REVOLUTION CITY apre una riflessione sulle nuove opportunit di azione per tutti i portatori di interesse del Nord Est come territorio ad alta densit di innovazione e creativit. I contenuti della mostra hanno lo scopo illustrare le condizioni di inserimento del nord est in un ampio contesto globale, proponendo una piattaforma di discussione sui cambiamenti dei modelli organizzativi, dimpresa e sociali, dettati dai processi di globalizzazione.
La mostra 竪 ispirata ai principi della progettazione collaborativa, sintetizzati nello slogan Non chiedete cosa possiamo fare per voi, chiediamoci cosa possiamo fare assieme, coerente con il principio della progettazione olistica, che domina i piani di sviluppo delle principali nazioni orientali.
REVOLUTION CITY 竪 uno stimolo alla riflessione per navigare nella tempesta della globalizzazione, che risponde ai seguenti punti chiave:
come attrezzarsi per operare in modo globale;
come attrarre e formare nuovi talenti globali;
come superare le gerarchie, per creare nodi di collaborazione;
come inserirsi nellopen innovation;
come inserirsi nei processi di innovazione on demand;
come attivare processi dintelligenza collettiva;
come sfruttare la nuova morfologia delle piattaforme, economiche e sociali.
Presentazione sentinelle del territorio sp fpa10x1012041966fitness
Soluzioni smart per ladattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nel territorio spezzino
Progetto del comune della spezia in collaborazione con cnr irpi
e gli ordini professionali degli ingegneri, geologi, architetti, agronomi e collegi dei geometri e dei periti industriali
youPIX 2014: Como a tecnologia mudou a maneira como a gente cria e ouve m炭sica?you PIX
This document provides a brief history of music from 40,000 BC to the present day. Key events and developments mentioned include the earliest known musical instruments dating back 40,000 years, widespread adoption of sheet music in the 1500s, major composers like Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the invention of recording technologies in the late 1800s accelerating the distribution of music, and the rise of streaming music services in the 2000s and 2010s transforming how people access and listen to music.
Iterative Development: Breaking through the WaterfallAndrei Navarro
The document discusses the waterfall and agile approaches to software development. The waterfall approach is sequential with distinct phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. It focuses on documentation and following a strict plan. However, it lacks flexibility and feedback. The agile approach uses iterative cycles, feedback loops, and frequent integration to allow for quicker response to changes with less investment. It delivers working software more frequently than waterfall.
Social media is rapidly changing education and school environments, from students educational experiences to its use as a communication and information sharing tool for the education profession.
Australia has always been one of the fastest growing early adopter markets for new platforms and technologies. Coupled with the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout, we will see even faster adoption and use. The NBN will provide enhanced infrastructure for delivering rich multimedia experiences and cloud-hosted applications in education. Over the next five years, the use of tablet devices like the iPad will become the norm and the desktop computer will disappear.
Understanding what the future will look like from a technology perspective is key to being able to develop the skills to maximise the opportunities it offers. The skills needed for teachers, students and parents in technology are quickly changing. Social media is at the forefront of this, with use and time spent in Australia online increasing significantly every year.
Understanding how to collect and share information and observe appropriate online etiquette in safe and secure ways are important concerns for educators, especially with the rapid uptake of social media. The aim of this workshop is to provide a picture of Australias current online usage and behaviour, outline broad international trends and their application in education and provide the opportunity to develop a safe and practical understanding of social media technologies that would be valuable in professional practice in education.
The document discusses the waterfall and agile approaches to software development. The waterfall approach is sequential with distinct phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. It focuses on documentation and following a strict plan. However, it does not allow for feedback or changes once a phase is complete. The agile approach uses iterative cycles to develop software in smaller portions with customer feedback at each stage, allowing for changes and continual learning throughout the process. While less documentation-focused, agile enables quicker response to changes.
In this presentation we look at how law enforcement agencies around the world are using Social Media for Predictive, Proactive and Investigative reasons. We look at some best practice examples around the world and explored the role Social Media played in major world events like the UK Riots.
Presented by Kathy Phelan and Kanella Gougousis for the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department.
With desktops diminishing and tablets becoming king, how will education be affected?
Is learning on tablets like the iPad better than old fashion pens and paper?
Who will win the battle in the classroom, Digital or Print?
This document discusses building APIs and services for mobile apps using Ruby. It provides background on the speaker and history of web and mobile development. It then covers how mobile apps now rely on web APIs to access data, and how building APIs is similar to building web apps but without views. The document discusses designing APIs, testing APIs, and building APIs using various Ruby frameworks like Rails, Sinatra, and the Grape microframework. It emphasizes designing the API interface first before implementation and supporting API versioning for mobile apps.
Ramaze is a simple, light, modular Ruby web framework that provides an alternative to Rails. It has a low memory footprint, allows freedom in file organization without conventions, and focuses on Ruby without extra framework complexity. While documentation is outdated and it can be slightly slower than Padrino, Ramaze has a good community and allows developers to understand exactly what their code is doing. It is well suited for small projects or when server memory is limited, and helps transition developers accustomed to their own approaches.
The Complexities of Social Media, kids and the ClassroomSmall World Social
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on social media, kids, and the classroom. It discusses trends in social media usage among teachers and students in Australia. It also covers workshops on using Twitter, Tumblr, and the rise of the iPad in education. Australian statistics show high usage of social networks and time spent on blogs. Teachers' usage of YouTube, email and Wikipedia is presented. International trends point to the impacts of mobile devices, infrastructure changes, and crowd-sourced curriculum content. The workshops demonstrate how to use Twitter and Tumblr, their features, and educational applications. The implications of tablets like the iPad in the classroom are also examined.
REVOLUTION CITY apre una riflessione sulle nuove opportunit di azione per tutti i portatori di interesse del Nord Est come territorio ad alta densit di innovazione e creativit. I contenuti della mostra hanno lo scopo illustrare le condizioni di inserimento del nord est in un ampio contesto globale, proponendo una piattaforma di discussione sui cambiamenti dei modelli organizzativi, dimpresa e sociali, dettati dai processi di globalizzazione.
La mostra 竪 ispirata ai principi della progettazione collaborativa, sintetizzati nello slogan Non chiedete cosa possiamo fare per voi, chiediamoci cosa possiamo fare assieme, coerente con il principio della progettazione olistica, che domina i piani di sviluppo delle principali nazioni orientali.
REVOLUTION CITY 竪 uno stimolo alla riflessione per navigare nella tempesta della globalizzazione, che risponde ai seguenti punti chiave:
come attrezzarsi per operare in modo globale;
come attrarre e formare nuovi talenti globali;
come superare le gerarchie, per creare nodi di collaborazione;
come inserirsi nellopen innovation;
come inserirsi nei processi di innovazione on demand;
come attivare processi dintelligenza collettiva;
come sfruttare la nuova morfologia delle piattaforme, economiche e sociali.
Presentazione sentinelle del territorio sp fpa10x1012041966fitness
Soluzioni smart per ladattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nel territorio spezzino
Progetto del comune della spezia in collaborazione con cnr irpi
e gli ordini professionali degli ingegneri, geologi, architetti, agronomi e collegi dei geometri e dei periti industriali
youPIX 2014: Como a tecnologia mudou a maneira como a gente cria e ouve m炭sica?you PIX
This document provides a brief history of music from 40,000 BC to the present day. Key events and developments mentioned include the earliest known musical instruments dating back 40,000 years, widespread adoption of sheet music in the 1500s, major composers like Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the invention of recording technologies in the late 1800s accelerating the distribution of music, and the rise of streaming music services in the 2000s and 2010s transforming how people access and listen to music.
Iterative Development: Breaking through the WaterfallAndrei Navarro
The document discusses the waterfall and agile approaches to software development. The waterfall approach is sequential with distinct phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. It focuses on documentation and following a strict plan. However, it lacks flexibility and feedback. The agile approach uses iterative cycles, feedback loops, and frequent integration to allow for quicker response to changes with less investment. It delivers working software more frequently than waterfall.
Social media is rapidly changing education and school environments, from students educational experiences to its use as a communication and information sharing tool for the education profession.
Australia has always been one of the fastest growing early adopter markets for new platforms and technologies. Coupled with the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout, we will see even faster adoption and use. The NBN will provide enhanced infrastructure for delivering rich multimedia experiences and cloud-hosted applications in education. Over the next five years, the use of tablet devices like the iPad will become the norm and the desktop computer will disappear.
Understanding what the future will look like from a technology perspective is key to being able to develop the skills to maximise the opportunities it offers. The skills needed for teachers, students and parents in technology are quickly changing. Social media is at the forefront of this, with use and time spent in Australia online increasing significantly every year.
Understanding how to collect and share information and observe appropriate online etiquette in safe and secure ways are important concerns for educators, especially with the rapid uptake of social media. The aim of this workshop is to provide a picture of Australias current online usage and behaviour, outline broad international trends and their application in education and provide the opportunity to develop a safe and practical understanding of social media technologies that would be valuable in professional practice in education.
The document discusses the waterfall and agile approaches to software development. The waterfall approach is sequential with distinct phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. It focuses on documentation and following a strict plan. However, it does not allow for feedback or changes once a phase is complete. The agile approach uses iterative cycles to develop software in smaller portions with customer feedback at each stage, allowing for changes and continual learning throughout the process. While less documentation-focused, agile enables quicker response to changes.
In this presentation we look at how law enforcement agencies around the world are using Social Media for Predictive, Proactive and Investigative reasons. We look at some best practice examples around the world and explored the role Social Media played in major world events like the UK Riots.
Presented by Kathy Phelan and Kanella Gougousis for the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department.
With desktops diminishing and tablets becoming king, how will education be affected?
Is learning on tablets like the iPad better than old fashion pens and paper?
Who will win the battle in the classroom, Digital or Print?
This document discusses building APIs and services for mobile apps using Ruby. It provides background on the speaker and history of web and mobile development. It then covers how mobile apps now rely on web APIs to access data, and how building APIs is similar to building web apps but without views. The document discusses designing APIs, testing APIs, and building APIs using various Ruby frameworks like Rails, Sinatra, and the Grape microframework. It emphasizes designing the API interface first before implementation and supporting API versioning for mobile apps.
Ramaze is a simple, light, modular Ruby web framework that provides an alternative to Rails. It has a low memory footprint, allows freedom in file organization without conventions, and focuses on Ruby without extra framework complexity. While documentation is outdated and it can be slightly slower than Padrino, Ramaze has a good community and allows developers to understand exactly what their code is doing. It is well suited for small projects or when server memory is limited, and helps transition developers accustomed to their own approaches.
The Complexities of Social Media, kids and the ClassroomSmall World Social
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on social media, kids, and the classroom. It discusses trends in social media usage among teachers and students in Australia. It also covers workshops on using Twitter, Tumblr, and the rise of the iPad in education. Australian statistics show high usage of social networks and time spent on blogs. Teachers' usage of YouTube, email and Wikipedia is presented. International trends point to the impacts of mobile devices, infrastructure changes, and crowd-sourced curriculum content. The workshops demonstrate how to use Twitter and Tumblr, their features, and educational applications. The implications of tablets like the iPad in the classroom are also examined.
The document provides tips for using Facebook effectively as a marketing tool, including defining objectives, understanding your audience, using high quality images, incentivizing user engagement, following some platform rules, maintaining skepticism, and managing stress levels. The tips are part of a larger guide on Facebook advertising presented over multiple pages.
This document discusses internet memes and provides context on their history and evolution. It defines memes as ideas that spread from person to person, and internet memes as units of digital information that mutate as they spread online. It outlines the major eras in the development of internet memes from the 1980s to today, tracking their progression from text-based to multimedia. It also examines memes as a medium of self-expression, a bridge between people and mainstream media, and an approach to studying media and culture. Finally, it speculates on how the definition and role of memes may change in the future.
Iterative Development: Breaking from the WaterfallAndrei Navarro
The document discusses the waterfall and agile approaches to software development. The waterfall approach is sequential with distinct phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. It focuses on documentation and following a strict plan. However, it does not allow for feedback or changes once a phase is complete. The agile approach uses iterative cycles to develop software in smaller portions with customer feedback at each stage, allowing for changes and continual learning throughout the process. While less documentation-focused, agile enables quicker response to changes.
Iuavcamp 2011 - Design:ambienti, interfacce e interazioni digitaliiuanna
Predentazione definitiva iuav camp
1. MIC, my ideal city project Isotta Lercari (mat. 270950) IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo
2. MIC, my ideal city project IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo Museo Tridenteino di Scienze Naturali , Trento Bloomfield Science Museum , Jerusalem Experimentarium , Copenhagen Pavilion of Knowledge Ci棚ncia Viva , Lisbona MEla laboratorio multimediale IUAV , Venezia
3. MIC, my ideal city project IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo 3 Trento Lisbona Copenhagen Gerusalemme 4 LE CITTA COINVOLTE Lisbona
4. MIC, my ideal city project Costruzione di modelli tridimensionali di parti di citt Mostra ed esposizione dei risultati ottenuti IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo Raccolta delle diverse esigenze dei cittadini
5. MIC, my ideal city project Le mostre forniscono ai visitatori la possibilit di: IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo analizzare CRITICAMENTE le proposte di riassetto urbano pianificazione della citt ideale attraverso: AMBIENTI TRIDIMENSIONALI VIRTUALI visitare le diverse citt e rendersi VISIVAMENTE conto delle modifiche subite prendere parte ATTIVAMENTE al progetto di
6. MIC, my ideal city project IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo Con ambiente tridimensionale virtuale si intende: Uno SCENARIO TRIDIMENSIONALE RICREATO DAL COMPUTER allinterno del quale gli utenti possono relazionarsi tra loro e con lo spazio come se fossero realmente al suo interno.
7. MIC, my ideal city project Software utilizzati per la modellazione , interazione , trattamento delle superfici : IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo UNITY 3D Strumento per creare videogames, visualizzazioni architettoniche e animazioni 3d. 3D MAX Programma di grafica vettoriale tridimensionale e animazione sviluppato da Autodesk. AUTOCAD Software cad che permette la modellazione tridimensionale di geometrie in modalit vettoriale. PHOTOSHOP Software prodotto da Adobe specializzato nella realizzazione di immagini digitali.
8. MIC, my ideal city project Innovativo linguaggio utilizzato per la resa digitale delle citt: Particolari di rilievo colorati per risaltare Citt facilmente identificabili grazie ai loro edifici pi湛 rappresentativi IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo
9. MIC, my ideal city project IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo I visitatori interagiscono con gli scenari virtuali tramite un joystick Possono comunicare tra di loro allinterno delle citt virtuali
10. MIC, my ideal city project OBBIETTIVI DEL PROGETTO IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo Innalzare la consapevolezza dei cittadini riguardo le scelte di sviluppo urbano Innestare un progetto di comunicazione tra scienza, tecnologia, istituzioni e popolazione
11. MIC, my ideal city project IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo Un convegno per presentare i risultati di MIC e per discutere dei rapporti tra pianificazione urbana ed eventi scientifici connessi con il cyberspace
12. MIC, my ideal city project linkografia: http:// / ) IUAV Corso di Informatica e Disegno Digitale Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo