With desktops diminishing and tablets becoming king, how will education be affected?
Is learning on tablets like the iPad better than old fashion pens and paper?
Who will win the battle in the classroom, Digital or Print?
The document discusses the innovation-decision process of adopting iPads in education. It describes how iPads can be used for reading ebooks, taking notes, accessing educational apps and the internet. Early adopters are identified as technology instructors, media specialists, and innovative teachers. The key to adoption is establishing need, information exchange, diagnosing issues, and gaining support to stabilize long-term adoption. Collaboration and 21st century mobile learning are benefits of iPads.
This document provides information about NoteTAG, a company that distributes free interactive notebooks to college students at over 500 universities worldwide. The notebooks contain advertisements from companies. Students use the notebooks in class and at home, seeing ads throughout the semester. The document outlines NoteTAG's distribution network and advertising opportunities for companies, including back cover, divider, and full page ad placements. It provides statistics on the number of students reached, impact of ads on brand awareness and purchases, and demographics of the student audience.
Connected devices like tablets, e-readers and smartphones are increasingly popular. A Nielsen study found that early technology adopters favor tablets and tablet owners tend to own multiple connected devices. Tablet users tend to be younger males who are open to mobile advertising and more likely to make purchases from ads compared to other device users. iPad users in particular spend significant time accessing content like books, videos and magazines on their larger screens and have high rates of app downloads and purchases.
Information graphics present complex information visually in a way that is quick to understand. They integrate words and pictures to reveal insights in a self-explanatory manner. While some information graphics are as creative as art, their primary purpose is to communicate data and research through visual analysis and design, not artistic expression. Effective information graphics analyze data on a topic and display it in an intriguing yet easy to understand format.
Mobile video viewing is increasing rapidly, with 4 billion daily views on Facebook alone by April 2015. People now spend over 5 hours a day watching video, with 39 minutes of that on mobile devices. The average smartphone screen size of 4.5 inches or larger drives 44% more mobile video viewing. To create engaging mobile video experiences, content should be made relevant to each user's context and location, delivered quickly, and incorporate informative, memorable, timely, appropriate, visual, and experiential elements while remaining manageable and valuable. Above all, the best mobile videos are mobile, relevant, timely, and manageable.
The Future of Tablets New Orleans -Healthcare and Tablets - SoftCloudsNextVision Media
Tablets in Education and Healthcare
Doug Feldmann, Ph.D., Associate Professor, College of Education and Human Services - Northern Kentucky University
David Wetherelt, Director of Mobile Strategies - SoftClouds
Sol Rosenberg, VP, Business Development & Content Acquisition- Copia Interactive, LLC
Westminster education forum isc digital crowd sourcing developing digital oct...InspirEdu
This document discusses developing digital strategies in schools. It introduces Ian Phillips who chairs the Independent Schools Council (ISC) Digital Strategy Group. The document outlines challenges schools face in using EdTech to improve education and attract international students. It discusses developing "digital intelligence" and collaborations on data privacy, analytics, and developing a "Schools' Guide" to digital strategies. The guide aims to help schools inspire innovation, improve teacher workload, encourage collaboration, ensure infrastructure supports learning, and integrate safeguarding. It provides examples of gathering best practices from other schools to share.
Software Sustainability: Wake-Up Call for Taking ResponsibilityJutta Eckstein
The increase of digitalization means that software is a key driver for society and the economy. However, this means we cant keep creating products and without taking the responsibility for the impact of the software. For example, IT is predicted to account for 21% of global energy consumption by 2030. If we don't change the way we implement software, we will add to our carbon footprint. So, it is time to examine how software development can help reduce energy consumption and ensure more - ecological, social & economic - sustainability.
In this keynote, I want to broaden our horizon on having a more holistic perspective on our responsibility for sustainability. I will share both ideas about possibilities and examples from companies who make already an effort in implementing this holistic perspective, because sustainability becomes more and more a success factor for every company: For finding and keeping both clients as well as talent. Thus, this session is about raising the awareness of our contribution to more sustainability and hopefully being a wake-up call for taking responsibility.
This document summarizes research on tablet usage and the iPad market in early 2011. It finds that tablets were being adopted faster than any other mobile device, with over 28 million iPads sold in 2010. While tablet usage was still small compared to other devices, many companies were preparing to launch their own tablets to compete with the iPad. The document also examines the demographics of iPad users and how the iPad was being used, finding that most users spent 1-5 hours per day on activities like web browsing, email and apps.
Integrating iPads and Tablet Computers into Library Services, Part 2ALATechSource
The document discusses several examples of K-12 schools and libraries that have implemented iPad and tablet programs. Phillips Memorial Public Library launched a circulating iPad program in 2011 that was very popular initially but saw declining usage over time. Lessons learned included having comprehensive policies, content considerations, and assessing the program ongoing. Charlottesville Schools provided all middle and high school students with Windows tablets to replace textbooks. They worked to gain funding and plan infrastructure needs. Montlieu Academy of Technology provided all students with iPads through a grant, and teachers use them for various subjects and communication. Liberty Middle School circulates iPads to teachers and uses carts of iPads for classroom use. Apps discussed include those for various subjects, communication
The document discusses several examples of tablet programs at libraries and schools. It describes initiatives at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, which launched an iPad lending program in 2011. It also discusses programs at Montlieu Academy of Technology, Charlottesville Schools, Houston Public Library, North Shore Public Library, and South Orange Public Library. The document then provides examples of tablet uses at Newman Library at Virginia Tech, Liberty Middle School, and the University of Southern Mississippi. It concludes with discussing Radford University's use of iTextbooks.
The document discusses the potential uses of the iPad in classrooms. It notes that the iPad could save schools money by allowing students to access textbooks digitally rather than purchasing physical copies. The iPad would also give students more opportunities to use technology by providing access to the internet, apps, videos and other digital learning tools. For successful adoption of the iPad, teachers would need to see the educational benefits and be given time to learn how to integrate the technology into their lessons. Early adopting teachers could help drive interest from other teachers and students.
Apple iPad has been the leader in the digital publishing revolution over the past decade. When it launched in 2010, it recorded 7 million sales in just 6 months. Research shows that digital publishing companies choose the iPad app platform over others because it generates the most revenue, allowing offline access and providing the most apps. While predictions of 75% of people being online by 2012 and 760 million tablet owners by 2016 were only partially correct, the iPad remains the dominant device, with over 53 million users in the US where tablet publishing is the second highest grossing app category.
Tablets have overtaken smartphones as the most popular medium for global internet traffic, with 8% of traffic coming from tablets compared to 7% from smartphones. Tablets are also increasingly popular for ecommerce and mobile browsing in many Western countries like the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. In the UK specifically, tablets are also becoming an important educational tool for students and are driving pedagogical changes through new applications that promote learning, achievement, and collaboration. However, smartphones remain more popular than tablets in many Asian countries.
This document discusses recommendations for tablet use in schools regarding ergonomics, posture, and screen time. It notes that tablets are increasingly being used for long periods each day and outlines some health risks this can pose, such as neck, back, and eye strain from poor posture and screen positioning. The document recommends that schools address these ergonomic risk factors to protect student well-being and reduce health risks. It provides tips for mitigating issues, such as taking regular breaks, adjusting screen brightness and contrast, and allowing students to change postures frequently as they work.
What is the company offering consumers by launching this product? What segment and
target are served? What needs are covered?
What variables have been used for market segmentation? Is there any niche?
Is something extremely different in the new product or just an improvement of a
previous one? Is there any negative attribute that the product is introducing to the
market? Why?
Is the brand showing/communicating its competitive advantage to consumers? How?
In your opinion, what are the key aspects that made the launch a success?
When a new service or product succeeds, competitors react by launching similar
products or services. In this case, do you think that entry barriers for new competitors are
high or low? Why? Analyze competitors reactions.
Go further: What other marketing initiatives could be implemented?
The document discusses the potential use of iPads in classrooms. It describes how iPads could replace textbooks and give all students individual access to digital educational resources and the Internet. The iPad is lightweight, has many educational apps, and allows for continuous updates to content. Teachers would be key agents in adopting iPads, especially if they are convinced of the technology's benefits for student learning. A decentralized approach could allow schools and districts to pilot iPad programs before wider adoption.
Apple iPad Trends & Statistics 3 November 2011YUDU Media
In this third trends and statistics document, we will look at Apples current and projected position in the market and display that although Apple is set to face increasingly stiff competition; all signs suggest that the device will continue its tablet dominance for the foreseeable future
The iPad as a 1:1 Computing Solution for the ClassroomRoger Williams
1. The document discusses the use of iPads as a 1:1 computing solution in classrooms and discusses findings from surveys that 96% of participants indicated 1:1 computing programs increased learning opportunities and 93% reported increased student engagement.
2. It also discusses that while netbooks were being used more in schools currently at 35%, 16% were using iPads and 22% were allowing students to use their own devices.
3. The conclusion states that with proper planning, iPads and similar devices can save schools money, increase student engagement, and better prepare students for higher education.
Mary Meeker presented on Internet trends at the 2012 Stanford Internet Trends conference. Some key points from her presentation include:
- Global internet and smartphone usage continues to grow rapidly, driven by emerging markets. By 2012 there were over 2 billion global internet users and over 1 billion smartphone subscribers.
- Mobile internet traffic is growing and surpassing desktop internet usage in some countries. Mobile also accounted for 24% of online Black Friday shopping in the US in 2012, up from 6% in 2010.
- Devices like smartphones, tablets, and new operating systems are re-imagining computing and driving significant changes in how people access and consume information. By some estimates, smartphone and tablet shipments will exceed PC shipments in
Penn Schoen Berlands iPad Users Browsing Experience Researchpsbsrch123
On the surface, satisfaction with the iPad and browsing on the iPad is high users dont necessarily see a problem and are not aware of the possibility of better solutions. But when we look deeper, specific weaknesses emerge
This document discusses the increasing use of iPads and touchscreen technology by young children and toddlers. While advocates see these tools as effective learning aids, skeptics worry they may be addictive or reduce attention spans. Some research has found children are naturally drawn to the bright colors and interactivity of touchscreens. Teachers have also had success using such technology for developmental purposes in the classroom. However, ensuring a balance with traditional educational methods and monitoring content exposure remains important as technology becomes more integral to childhood.
1. The trend that will most radically change education is the move from desktop machines to integrated mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
2. Most students now own some kind of handheld device, and digital natives who have grown up with technology make up the majority.
3. Smartphones are becoming the most important educational tools as they allow quick access to information and accommodate different learning styles, though they can also be distracting if not used properly in the classroom.
Publishing Your Content On Tablets and Mobile Worth Your Time? Readz
This document discusses the growing popularity of tablets and smartphones for reading content online. It provides statistics that over 50% of US adults now own a tablet or smartphone, and tablet ownership in the US is expected to reach over 112 million people in 2016. Reading is a top activity that people enjoy doing on their mobile devices, with tablet users in particular spending more time and accessing more pages compared to other devices. The shift from print to digital format is happening rapidly, with 60% of readers of one magazine expecting to read the magazine digitally by 2013. Mobile device ownership continues to increase dramatically.
This document discusses how technology has enabled changes in education. It notes that Internet access in schools has risen from 3% in 1994 to 97% in 2008. It also discusses how smartphone ownership has increased, with 58% of teens now owning smartphones. The document argues that these changes, along with the Common Core standards, mean that how students research, document their learning, and share their work is changing, such as through cloud computing and digital formats like e-books. It encourages readers to start making small changes that can add up to meaningful improvements in education.
Mobile Learning and Global Models How did it evolve? Market penetration, mobile adoption and usage tendencies presented. Mobile learning capabilities and features revealed using real cases and examples. Finally, what are the benefits and challenges? Mobile learning is the future in nowadays life with rapidly growing new technologies.
As the global biosimilars market opens up, what do physicians faced with choosing between prescribing a brand-name biologic or biosimilar think and know?
This document lists and provides details on 6 upcoming biosimilar events to attend, including dates and locations. Events include the Annual Biosimilars Summit in Berlin from June 11-12 focusing on biosimilar development strategies, the Bio International Convention in Philadelphia from June 15-18 covering biologics development and marketing issues, and the Biosimilar Global Congress 2015 Europe in London from September 28-30 addressing development to marketing of biosimilars.
This document summarizes research on tablet usage and the iPad market in early 2011. It finds that tablets were being adopted faster than any other mobile device, with over 28 million iPads sold in 2010. While tablet usage was still small compared to other devices, many companies were preparing to launch their own tablets to compete with the iPad. The document also examines the demographics of iPad users and how the iPad was being used, finding that most users spent 1-5 hours per day on activities like web browsing, email and apps.
Integrating iPads and Tablet Computers into Library Services, Part 2ALATechSource
The document discusses several examples of K-12 schools and libraries that have implemented iPad and tablet programs. Phillips Memorial Public Library launched a circulating iPad program in 2011 that was very popular initially but saw declining usage over time. Lessons learned included having comprehensive policies, content considerations, and assessing the program ongoing. Charlottesville Schools provided all middle and high school students with Windows tablets to replace textbooks. They worked to gain funding and plan infrastructure needs. Montlieu Academy of Technology provided all students with iPads through a grant, and teachers use them for various subjects and communication. Liberty Middle School circulates iPads to teachers and uses carts of iPads for classroom use. Apps discussed include those for various subjects, communication
The document discusses several examples of tablet programs at libraries and schools. It describes initiatives at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, which launched an iPad lending program in 2011. It also discusses programs at Montlieu Academy of Technology, Charlottesville Schools, Houston Public Library, North Shore Public Library, and South Orange Public Library. The document then provides examples of tablet uses at Newman Library at Virginia Tech, Liberty Middle School, and the University of Southern Mississippi. It concludes with discussing Radford University's use of iTextbooks.
The document discusses the potential uses of the iPad in classrooms. It notes that the iPad could save schools money by allowing students to access textbooks digitally rather than purchasing physical copies. The iPad would also give students more opportunities to use technology by providing access to the internet, apps, videos and other digital learning tools. For successful adoption of the iPad, teachers would need to see the educational benefits and be given time to learn how to integrate the technology into their lessons. Early adopting teachers could help drive interest from other teachers and students.
Apple iPad has been the leader in the digital publishing revolution over the past decade. When it launched in 2010, it recorded 7 million sales in just 6 months. Research shows that digital publishing companies choose the iPad app platform over others because it generates the most revenue, allowing offline access and providing the most apps. While predictions of 75% of people being online by 2012 and 760 million tablet owners by 2016 were only partially correct, the iPad remains the dominant device, with over 53 million users in the US where tablet publishing is the second highest grossing app category.
Tablets have overtaken smartphones as the most popular medium for global internet traffic, with 8% of traffic coming from tablets compared to 7% from smartphones. Tablets are also increasingly popular for ecommerce and mobile browsing in many Western countries like the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. In the UK specifically, tablets are also becoming an important educational tool for students and are driving pedagogical changes through new applications that promote learning, achievement, and collaboration. However, smartphones remain more popular than tablets in many Asian countries.
This document discusses recommendations for tablet use in schools regarding ergonomics, posture, and screen time. It notes that tablets are increasingly being used for long periods each day and outlines some health risks this can pose, such as neck, back, and eye strain from poor posture and screen positioning. The document recommends that schools address these ergonomic risk factors to protect student well-being and reduce health risks. It provides tips for mitigating issues, such as taking regular breaks, adjusting screen brightness and contrast, and allowing students to change postures frequently as they work.
What is the company offering consumers by launching this product? What segment and
target are served? What needs are covered?
What variables have been used for market segmentation? Is there any niche?
Is something extremely different in the new product or just an improvement of a
previous one? Is there any negative attribute that the product is introducing to the
market? Why?
Is the brand showing/communicating its competitive advantage to consumers? How?
In your opinion, what are the key aspects that made the launch a success?
When a new service or product succeeds, competitors react by launching similar
products or services. In this case, do you think that entry barriers for new competitors are
high or low? Why? Analyze competitors reactions.
Go further: What other marketing initiatives could be implemented?
The document discusses the potential use of iPads in classrooms. It describes how iPads could replace textbooks and give all students individual access to digital educational resources and the Internet. The iPad is lightweight, has many educational apps, and allows for continuous updates to content. Teachers would be key agents in adopting iPads, especially if they are convinced of the technology's benefits for student learning. A decentralized approach could allow schools and districts to pilot iPad programs before wider adoption.
Apple iPad Trends & Statistics 3 November 2011YUDU Media
In this third trends and statistics document, we will look at Apples current and projected position in the market and display that although Apple is set to face increasingly stiff competition; all signs suggest that the device will continue its tablet dominance for the foreseeable future
The iPad as a 1:1 Computing Solution for the ClassroomRoger Williams
1. The document discusses the use of iPads as a 1:1 computing solution in classrooms and discusses findings from surveys that 96% of participants indicated 1:1 computing programs increased learning opportunities and 93% reported increased student engagement.
2. It also discusses that while netbooks were being used more in schools currently at 35%, 16% were using iPads and 22% were allowing students to use their own devices.
3. The conclusion states that with proper planning, iPads and similar devices can save schools money, increase student engagement, and better prepare students for higher education.
Mary Meeker presented on Internet trends at the 2012 Stanford Internet Trends conference. Some key points from her presentation include:
- Global internet and smartphone usage continues to grow rapidly, driven by emerging markets. By 2012 there were over 2 billion global internet users and over 1 billion smartphone subscribers.
- Mobile internet traffic is growing and surpassing desktop internet usage in some countries. Mobile also accounted for 24% of online Black Friday shopping in the US in 2012, up from 6% in 2010.
- Devices like smartphones, tablets, and new operating systems are re-imagining computing and driving significant changes in how people access and consume information. By some estimates, smartphone and tablet shipments will exceed PC shipments in
Penn Schoen Berlands iPad Users Browsing Experience Researchpsbsrch123
On the surface, satisfaction with the iPad and browsing on the iPad is high users dont necessarily see a problem and are not aware of the possibility of better solutions. But when we look deeper, specific weaknesses emerge
This document discusses the increasing use of iPads and touchscreen technology by young children and toddlers. While advocates see these tools as effective learning aids, skeptics worry they may be addictive or reduce attention spans. Some research has found children are naturally drawn to the bright colors and interactivity of touchscreens. Teachers have also had success using such technology for developmental purposes in the classroom. However, ensuring a balance with traditional educational methods and monitoring content exposure remains important as technology becomes more integral to childhood.
1. The trend that will most radically change education is the move from desktop machines to integrated mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
2. Most students now own some kind of handheld device, and digital natives who have grown up with technology make up the majority.
3. Smartphones are becoming the most important educational tools as they allow quick access to information and accommodate different learning styles, though they can also be distracting if not used properly in the classroom.
Publishing Your Content On Tablets and Mobile Worth Your Time? Readz
This document discusses the growing popularity of tablets and smartphones for reading content online. It provides statistics that over 50% of US adults now own a tablet or smartphone, and tablet ownership in the US is expected to reach over 112 million people in 2016. Reading is a top activity that people enjoy doing on their mobile devices, with tablet users in particular spending more time and accessing more pages compared to other devices. The shift from print to digital format is happening rapidly, with 60% of readers of one magazine expecting to read the magazine digitally by 2013. Mobile device ownership continues to increase dramatically.
This document discusses how technology has enabled changes in education. It notes that Internet access in schools has risen from 3% in 1994 to 97% in 2008. It also discusses how smartphone ownership has increased, with 58% of teens now owning smartphones. The document argues that these changes, along with the Common Core standards, mean that how students research, document their learning, and share their work is changing, such as through cloud computing and digital formats like e-books. It encourages readers to start making small changes that can add up to meaningful improvements in education.
Mobile Learning and Global Models How did it evolve? Market penetration, mobile adoption and usage tendencies presented. Mobile learning capabilities and features revealed using real cases and examples. Finally, what are the benefits and challenges? Mobile learning is the future in nowadays life with rapidly growing new technologies.
As the global biosimilars market opens up, what do physicians faced with choosing between prescribing a brand-name biologic or biosimilar think and know?
This document lists and provides details on 6 upcoming biosimilar events to attend, including dates and locations. Events include the Annual Biosimilars Summit in Berlin from June 11-12 focusing on biosimilar development strategies, the Bio International Convention in Philadelphia from June 15-18 covering biologics development and marketing issues, and the Biosimilar Global Congress 2015 Europe in London from September 28-30 addressing development to marketing of biosimilars.
The biosimilars frontier is still a fairly new market, but its regulatory beginnings can be traced back to the early 2000s, with Europe, Asia and Australia among the early adopters. See the attached document for a look at the global progress of biosimilars.
Get the latest on Biosimilars at https://www.smallworldsocial.com/biolink/
Curated resources updated daily.
Each classification of drugs are unique. Learn how each are unique in their own way.
Conventional drugs, generics, biologics, and biosimilars are very different from one another. Each type of drug or product differs in structure, cost, characteristics, and development.
Get the latest on Biosimilars at https://www.smallworldsocial.com/biolink/
Curated resources updated daily.
Social media is rapidly changing education and school environments, from students educational experiences to its use as a communication and information sharing tool for the education profession.
Australia has always been one of the fastest growing early adopter markets for new platforms and technologies. Coupled with the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout, we will see even faster adoption and use. The NBN will provide enhanced infrastructure for delivering rich multimedia experiences and cloud-hosted applications in education. Over the next five years, the use of tablet devices like the iPad will become the norm and the desktop computer will disappear.
Understanding what the future will look like from a technology perspective is key to being able to develop the skills to maximise the opportunities it offers. The skills needed for teachers, students and parents in technology are quickly changing. Social media is at the forefront of this, with use and time spent in Australia online increasing significantly every year.
Understanding how to collect and share information and observe appropriate online etiquette in safe and secure ways are important concerns for educators, especially with the rapid uptake of social media. The aim of this workshop is to provide a picture of Australias current online usage and behaviour, outline broad international trends and their application in education and provide the opportunity to develop a safe and practical understanding of social media technologies that would be valuable in professional practice in education.
The Complexities of Social Media, kids and the ClassroomSmall World Social
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on social media, kids, and the classroom. It discusses trends in social media usage among teachers and students in Australia. It also covers workshops on using Twitter, Tumblr, and the rise of the iPad in education. Australian statistics show high usage of social networks and time spent on blogs. Teachers' usage of YouTube, email and Wikipedia is presented. International trends point to the impacts of mobile devices, infrastructure changes, and crowd-sourced curriculum content. The workshops demonstrate how to use Twitter and Tumblr, their features, and educational applications. The implications of tablets like the iPad in the classroom are also examined.
What's social media and what are the key trends in Australia?
This presentation covers basic definitions, key trends and examples of social media, including a case study on how the Colorado Springs Police Department (USA) has utilised social media.
In this presentation we look at how law enforcement agencies around the world are using Social Media for Predictive, Proactive and Investigative reasons. We look at some best practice examples around the world and explored the role Social Media played in major world events like the UK Riots.
Presented by Kathy Phelan and Kanella Gougousis for the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department.
The document summarizes a presentation given to the Fairfield City Council Managers about using social media. It discusses how social media is used widely, provides examples of how some local governments and cities use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to engage with residents. The presentation covered statistics on social media usage, examples of case studies of other cities' social media use, and trends in internal social media use. It aimed to demonstrate how social media could be better utilized by the Fairfield City Council to engage with the community.
Overcoming the camel's hump with digital literacy: how Web 2.0 is changing ed...Small World Social
The document summarizes a presentation given by Kathy Phelan from the Social Media Education Group to the Office of the Board of Studies NSW on May 4th, 2011. The presentation covered topics like the biggest impacts of technology, mobile devices, and content in 2011; big ideas for education including digital literacy; online education and crowd-sourced curriculum; overcoming challenges with digital literacy; the impact of social media on health and well-being; challenges of mobile devices; and the importance of being present offline. The presentation provided an overview of trends in web 2.0 and social media and their implications for education leaders.
This is session #4 of the 5-session online study series with Google Cloud, where we take you onto the journey learning generative AI. Youll explore the dynamic landscape of Generative AI, gaining both theoretical insights and practical know-how of Google Cloud GenAI tools such as Gemini, Vertex AI, AI agents and Imagen 3.
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Free Download Wondershare Filmora Full Version - All-in-one home video editor to make a great video.Free Download Wondershare Filmora for Windows PC is an all-in-one home video editor with powerful functionality and a fully stacked feature set. Filmora has a simple drag-and-drop top interface, allowing you to be artistic with the story you want to create.Video Editing Simplified - Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 hash two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit the size you want. This way, quickly converting a widescreen material to SD format is possible.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10
Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m - https://academy.uipath.com/courses/variables-constants-and-arguments-in-studio
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/academy.uipath.com/courses/control-flow-in-studio
鏝 For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
How Discord Indexes Trillions of Messages: Scaling Search Infrastructure by V...ScyllaDB
This talk shares how Discord scaled their message search infrastructure using Rust, Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster Elasticsearch architecture to achieve better performance, operability, and reliability, while also enabling new search features for Discord users.
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Through our innovative solutions, 咋諮駒告駒諮 ю介稲巨諮腫告腫基 has contributed to making governance smarter, faster, and more transparent. This milestone reflects our commitment to driving digital transformation and empowering communities.
腫諮諮介稲駒諮 艶駒巨, 咋署腫介瑞駒諮 腫介瑞諮諮稲!
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
Many MSPs overlook endpoint backup, missing out on additional profit and leaving a gap that puts client data at risk.
Join our webinar as we break down the top challenges of endpoint backupand how to overcome them.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He巽 d端端nm端s端n端zm端, m端asir smartfonlar v kameralar nec bu qdr g旦zl g旦r端nt端lr yarad脹r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas脹nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidirkillri 巽km v emal etm 端sulumuzu tkmilldirn, komp端ter elmi il fotoqrafiyan脹n inqilabi birlmsi.
Formal Methods: Whence and Whither? [Martin Fr辰nzle Festkolloquium, 2025]Jonathan Bowen
Alan Turing arguably wrote the first paper on formal methods 75 years ago. Since then, there have been claims and counterclaims about formal methods. Tool development has been slow but aided by Moores Law with the increasing power of computers. Although formal methods are not widespread in practical usage at a heavyweight level, their influence as crept into software engineering practice to the extent that they are no longer necessarily called formal methods in their use. In addition, in areas where safety and security are important, with the increasing use of computers in such applications, formal methods are a viable way to improve the reliability of such software-based systems. Their use in hardware where a mistake can be very costly is also important. This talk explores the journey of formal methods to the present day and speculates on future directions.
TrustArc Webinar - Building your DPIA/PIA Program: Best Practices & TipsTrustArc
Understanding DPIA/PIAs and how to implement them can be the key to embedding privacy in the heart of your organization as well as achieving compliance with multiple data protection / privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA. Indeed, the GDPR mandates Privacy by Design and requires documented Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high risk processing and the EU AI Act requires an assessment of fundamental rights.
How can you build this into a sustainable program across your business? What are the similarities and differences between PIAs and DPIAs? What are the best practices for integrating PIAs/DPIAs into your data privacy processes?
Whether you're refining your compliance framework or looking to enhance your PIA/DPIA execution, this session will provide actionable insights and strategies to ensure your organization meets the highest standards of data protection.
Join our panel of privacy experts as we explore:
- DPIA & PIA best practices
- Key regulatory requirements for conducting PIAs and DPIAs
- How to identify and mitigate data privacy risks through comprehensive assessments
- Strategies for ensuring documentation and compliance are robust and defensible
- Real-world case studies that highlight common pitfalls and practical solutions
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I will discuss how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
Future-Proof Your Career with AI OptionsDianaGray10
Learn about the difference between automation, AI and agentic and ways you can harness these to further your career. In this session you will learn:
Introduction to automation, AI, agentic
Trends in the marketplace
Take advantage of UiPath training and certification
In demand skills needed to strategically position yourself to stay ahead
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
FinTech - US Annual Funding Report - 2024.pptxTracxn
US FinTech 2024, offering a comprehensive analysis of key trends, funding activities, and top-performing sectors that shaped the FinTech ecosystem in the US 2024. The report delivers detailed data and insights into the region's funding landscape and other developments. We believe this report will provide you with valuable insights to understand the evolving market dynamics.
World Information Architecture Day 2025 - UX at a CrossroadsJoshua Randall
User Experience stands at a crossroads: will we live up to our potential to design a better world? or will we be co-opted by product management or another business buzzword?
Looking backwards, this talk will show how UX has repeatedly failed to create a better world, drawing on industry data from Nielsen Norman Group, Baymard, MeasuringU, WebAIM, and others.
Looking forwards, this talk will argue that UX must resist hype, say no more often and collaborate less often (you read that right), and become a true profession in order to be able to design a better world.
Just like life, our code must evolve to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. Adaptability is key in developing for the web, tablets, APIs, or serverless applications. Multi-runtime development is the future, and that future is dynamic. Enter BoxLang: Dynamic. Modular. Productive. (www.boxlang.io)
BoxLang transforms development with its dynamic design, enabling developers to write expressive, functional code effortlessly. Its modular architecture ensures flexibility, allowing easy integration into your existing ecosystems.
Interoperability at Its Core
BoxLang boasts 100% interoperability with Java, seamlessly blending traditional and modern development practices. This opens up new possibilities for innovation and collaboration.
Multi-Runtime Versatility
From a compact 6MB OS binary to running on our pure Java web server, CommandBox, Jakarta EE, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Functions, WebAssembly, Android, and more, BoxLang is designed to adapt to any runtime environment. BoxLang combines modern features from CFML, Node, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure with the familiarity of Java bytecode compilation. This makes it the go-to language for developers looking to the future while building a solid foundation.
Empowering Creativity with IDE Tools
Unlock your creative potential with powerful IDE tools designed for BoxLang, offering an intuitive development experience that streamlines your workflow. Join us as we redefine JVM development and step into the era of BoxLang. Welcome to the future.
2. 1 iPads are the fastest growing mobile device in Australia.
Its predicted that 18% of Australians will own an iPad by the end of 2011
(Nielsen 2011)
2 Do iPads have a negative impact on learning?
www.socialmediaeducationgroup.com Memory Retention: iPad vs Print
3. 4 International research found memory retention was 20% lower when
reading from an iPad compared to print (Miratech 2011)
5 What does this mean for classroom practice?
www.socialmediaeducationgroup.com Memory Retention: iPad vs Print
4. 6 To maximise memory retention, classroom learning needs to combine
digital and print materials
7 Encouraging memory skills should remain a focus of classroom teaching
www.socialmediaeducationgroup.com Memory Retention: iPad vs Print
5. 8 In 5 years the desktop computer will be dead as the majority of people will
access the internet via a mobile device
9 Tablet devices like the iPad will dominate
www.socialmediaeducationgroup.com Memory Retention: iPad vs Print
6. References
Miratech (2011), White papers: Readers are more likely to skim over articles
on an iPad than in a newspaper.
Available: http://www.miratech.com/blog/eye-tracking-etude-iPad-vs-jour-
Nielsen (2011), Australian Online Consumer Report.
Available: http://au.nielsen.com/site/documents/AustralianOnlineConsum-
www.socialmediaeducationgroup.com Memory Retention: iPad vs Print