A 12-year-old boy from Ourense, Spain introduces himself. His name is Adrian and his hobbies include football. He does not provide any information about his favorite food, music, pet or color.
Es una gran presentaci¨®n sobre las energias alternativas con grandes descripciones y fotos explicativas. Echo por la universidad del Illa de San Sim¨®n.
Arivazhagan is a production engineer from India seeking a new career opportunity. He has over 6 years of experience as a machinist and quality control inspector in Singapore. Arivazhagan holds a diploma in production engineering and is proficient in quality inspection, measurement tools, and computer programs like MS Office. He is looking for a challenging and rewarding career in manufacturing quality inspection.
The document discusses the renovation and adaptive reuse of the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company building located at 510 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. When it was originally constructed in 1954, the building featured a bold, modern design with transparent glass facades, cantilevered floors, and an open vault area at street level, representing an innovative approach for bank architecture at the time by opening up the traditionally closed-off interior. The document includes a link to the project page on SOM's website about the recent renovation and conversion of the building for continued commercial use.
Crowdfunding - creating conditions for successMyParkScotland
Tim from Twintangibles providing an overview of crowdfunding and how groups can create the right conditions to help them succeed.
Innovate Approaches to Fundraising for parks and greenspace projects - 3 March 2016 - Grassmarket Centre, Edinburgh
This document introduces two 12-year-olds from Galicia, Spain named Andrea and Diego. Andrea enjoys horseback riding and likes the colors pink and blue. She has a 16-year-old brother. Diego also lives in Galicia and has a 17-year-old brother. His favorite color is yellow.
eMarketing For Small Business Owners - SCORE Bergen WorkshopBecky Livingston
This 34-page slide decks is dedicated to helping small business owners who are leveraging social media to implement eMarketing initiatives, such as advertising, boosted posts, video cards, and more.
In addition to the slide deck there is a series of handouts to compliment the session. You may find them on the Penheel Marketing Website at Penheel.com/Speaking-Engagements.
Q4 2014 base company background eng and biznowosad88
This document describes the engineering and consulting services provided by 88 Equipment. They offer process, equipment, materials, and device engineering consulting for industries including semiconductor, solar, LED, and energy. They have expertise in silicon and III-V materials. Services include site designs, clean room designs, equipment selection and specifications, process engineering, and training programs. They work with joint venture partners for formal site designs and construction.
The document summarizes two major game publishers - Sony Computer Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios. Sony established in 1993 publishes its own games like The Last of Us as well as those developed externally. Microsoft Game Studios formed in 2002 publishes Xbox games including Halo and Minecraft in partnership with Mojang. It also allows independent developers to self-publish on Xbox One through its ID@Xbox program.
Semi¨®tica, ling¨¹¨ªstica y medios de comunicaci¨®nRub¨¦n Garc¨ªa
Los nuevos medios constituyen un cuerpo extenso y complejo debido a su desarrollo y ubicuidad en dominios cient¨ªficos y culturales, as¨ª como en producciones, procesos, estados y contextos. Esto ha ocasionado que sus elementos materiales est¨¦n constituidos por m¨²ltiples sistemas de significaci¨®n, desde los textuales y visuales hasta los objetuales, interactivos y emotivos.
?Qu¨¦ es un medio?
Seg¨²n el autor Marshall McLuhan, el concepto de medio est¨¢ relacionado con ¡°extensiones de nuestro cuerpo¡± y con tecnolog¨ªa. En su cl¨¢sico Understanding Media (1964), observaba medios como los lentes, que extienden la vista; la rueda, que extiende las piernas; o las redes globales de telecomunicaci¨®n, que extienden el cerebro humano.
? ¡±El contenido¡± de un medio siempre es otro medio.
? ¡°El mensaje¡± de un medio es el cambio en la escala, ritmo o patr¨®n que introduce en los asuntos humanos.
Nuevos medios como medios textuales
El punto de vista textual se puede observar de por lo menos dos formas diferentes. Primero, el contenido propiamente textual de los nuevos medios, es decir, los caracteres alfanum¨¦ricos en pantalla. Segundo, los nuevos medios como texto, en el sentido amplio de la palabra, como lo suger¨ªa Roland Barthes, en donde un texto constituye una obra con una unidad, con l¨ªmites definidos y separables en unidades discretas.
En el primer caso, la manifestaci¨®n de nuevos medios m¨¢s importantes han sido los hipertextos y los hipermedios.
Los hipertextos y los hipermedios.
Para comenzar definiremos lo que es un hipertexto:
El hipertexto puede ser entendido como realizaci¨®n actual de algunos de sus contenidos, como tecnolog¨ªa de la comunicaci¨®n o como transformaci¨®n colaborativa entre hombre y m¨¢quina.
La innovaci¨®n de los hipertextos consisti¨® en hacer posible una lectura no lineal basada en la navegaci¨®n de hiperv¨ªnculos, es decir, en saltos de un documento a otro, de lexias a lexias, de im¨¢genes a documentos, de videos a textos, de men¨²s a operaciones de programas computacionales, etc.
Otro giro ha sido el desarrollo de paratextos, los cuales son aquellos textos que envuelven al texto, que complementan su sentido y determinan su lectura y recepci¨®n.
Algunos ejemplos de paratextos:
*nombre del autor,
*a?o de publicaci¨®n,
Recientemente se han desarrollado otros: compartir, etiquetar, comentar, calificar (popularidad o inter¨¦s). Finalmente, otro innovaci¨®n que podemos observar es la ¡°ekphrasis¡±, que consiste en emplear signos ling¨¹¨ªsticos para representar ic¨®nicamente gestos naturales, como por ejemplo un rostro que gui?e el ojo ;-).
Estas convenciones se han desarrollado gr¨¢ficamente y se les conoce tambi¨¦n como ¡°emoticons¡±.
Por lo tanto hay que brindar la importancia debida al an¨¢lisis de los nuevos usos en sitios Web o medios electr¨®nicos para entender m¨¢s los signos distintivos y verificar el logro de las in
The document is a resume for Seang Sokheng providing contact information, objective, work experience, qualifications, education, skills, interests, and references. It details his experience as a Marketing Assistant for Heang Sothy Construction where he performed administrative tasks, prepared weekly sales reports, managed mail functions, and promoted their services on social media. He has a BBA in Marketing from Norton University and qualifications in entrepreneurship, WordPress development, Photoshop, and public speaking.
Everything under the sky by Matilde Asensi, the Spanish bestselling author re...Montse Cortazar
Matilde Asensi (born 1962 in Alicante, Spain) is a Spanish journalist and writer, who specializes mainly
in historical thrillers.
She has more than 20 million readers worldwide and has become the reference of quality bests-sellers in
Spanish language. According to the magazine Que Leer she is the ¡®Queen of the adventure novels¡¯
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st, originating from the Irish traditions of carving pumpkins and lighting bonfires on this night. Now, children in many countries dress in costumes and go door-to-door saying "trick or treat" to receive candy from neighbors as part of the annual Halloween festivities.
Nerea is from Barcelona and Alicia is from Gerona, but they both now live in Ourense. Nerea plays volleyball and enjoys reading, music, dancing and tigers, while Alicia likes reading, dancing, drawing and wolves. They both keep guinea pigs as pets and enjoy the TV series "Ghost Adventures", though they each have other favorite supernatural or paranormal shows as well.
Adrian introduces himself, stating that he likes animals such as panthers, parrots, cougars, and turkeys. He enjoys mystery movies and considers himself pretty smart. Adrian also likes fish but not for their thorns, and he enjoys fries but not in a bag. He describes himself as biste brown with blond highlights, wears glasses, and likes wearing sweatpants as well as jeans.
El documento critica negativamente los carnavales y la cultura gallega, describiendo a los gallegos como aburridos, cerrados, mamones, est¨²pidos y cre¨ªdos, y afirmando que Galicia es una mierda.
Sara and Luc¨ªa are two girls who live in Ourense, Galicia. They introduce themselves and share their favorite hobbies, places, foods, musicians, cities, sports, birthdays, and school subjects. Luc¨ªa enjoys riding her bike and reading, while Sara likes listening to music and watching TV. Their favorite singer is Mal¨² for Luc¨ªa and David Parejo and the Vamps for Sara.
This document contains short profiles of Pablo and Larisa, two friends of the author. Pablo is from Ourense, Spain, enjoys lasagna, water and playing handball. Larisa's favorite celebrity is Gemelier and she will see them in concert in October. Both Pablo and Larisa have birthdays in May and June respectively and different favorite animals, with Larisa liking horses.
Xurxo is an 11-year-old boy from Ourense, Spain and Lidia is a 12-year-old girl from Catalu?a, Spain. They both attend the Otero Pedrayo high school in Ourense, where Xurxo enjoys math and Lidia prefers Spanish. In their free time, Lidia dances, plays football and cares for one dog and three cats, while Xurxo plays basketball, listens to music and owns two dogs.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated from the old Celtic festival of Samhain, which was believed to be the night the doors between the living and the dead opened. Traditional Halloween activities include trick-or-treating where children knock on neighbors' doors asking for candy, attending costume parties, visiting haunted houses, lighting bonfires, carving pumpkins, and watching horror movies.
Halloween is an important celebration held in the United States on October 31st. Typical Halloween activities in the US include children dressing up in costumes and going door-to-door overnight asking for candy. Common symbols of Halloween include pumpkins, skeletons, vampires, zombies, ghosts, and witches. The origins of Halloween can be traced to Galicia, Spain where it was called Sama¨ªn, though the holiday is less emphasized in Spain compared to the United States where decorating houses with jack-o'-lanterns and candles is a common practice.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated as a Christian holiday to remember the dead. Traditional Halloween costumes depict monsters, witches, and ghosts. Children engage in trick-or-treating by going door-to-door in costume asking for treats like candy, with the question "Trick or Treat?" referring to the threat of mischief if no treat is given. Haunted attractions aim to thrill patrons and may have originated as fundraising events. Typical Halloween foods include barmbrack, candy apples, candy corn, pumpkin pie, and soul cakes.
Aaron is a 12-year-old boy whose birthday is March 24th, 2001. He has an 8-year-old brother named Noe and his parents are named Montserrat and Juan Jos¨¦. His hobbies include playing basketball, watching Formula 1, riding his bike, playing Wii and Nintendo, and collecting football cards. Paula is also 12 years old, with her birthday on September 29th. She has a sister named Raquel and her parents are named Feli and Manuel. She plays on a football team called Ponte Ourense and enjoys playing football with her sister and friends and walking alone by the river.
David Boso is 12 years old and was born in Suizeland. He lives in Ourense with his parents and has six dogs, one puppy, four birds, and rabbits. He also had two cats this summer but one died and he gave the other away. He visits the cats on weekends and collects animal cards and bird feathers. He enjoys swimming.
Sabela Ma P¨¦rez Fern¨¢ndez is 11 years old and was born in Ourense. She lives in Marcelo Mac¨ªas Street with her parents and little sister. She has two cats called Nano and Micky Miau and three dogs called Chester, Ratilla, and Xurxo that she loves.
The document contains profiles for two 12-year-old boys, David Gavilanes de Dios and Iker A?el D¨ªaz. It lists their names, ages, family members, and hobbies. David enjoys playing basketball, swimming, and going to the park, and collects stickers and Pok¨¦mon cards, while Iker likes playing football, listening to music, and playing table tennis.
eMarketing For Small Business Owners - SCORE Bergen WorkshopBecky Livingston
This 34-page slide decks is dedicated to helping small business owners who are leveraging social media to implement eMarketing initiatives, such as advertising, boosted posts, video cards, and more.
In addition to the slide deck there is a series of handouts to compliment the session. You may find them on the Penheel Marketing Website at Penheel.com/Speaking-Engagements.
Q4 2014 base company background eng and biznowosad88
This document describes the engineering and consulting services provided by 88 Equipment. They offer process, equipment, materials, and device engineering consulting for industries including semiconductor, solar, LED, and energy. They have expertise in silicon and III-V materials. Services include site designs, clean room designs, equipment selection and specifications, process engineering, and training programs. They work with joint venture partners for formal site designs and construction.
The document summarizes two major game publishers - Sony Computer Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios. Sony established in 1993 publishes its own games like The Last of Us as well as those developed externally. Microsoft Game Studios formed in 2002 publishes Xbox games including Halo and Minecraft in partnership with Mojang. It also allows independent developers to self-publish on Xbox One through its ID@Xbox program.
Semi¨®tica, ling¨¹¨ªstica y medios de comunicaci¨®nRub¨¦n Garc¨ªa
Los nuevos medios constituyen un cuerpo extenso y complejo debido a su desarrollo y ubicuidad en dominios cient¨ªficos y culturales, as¨ª como en producciones, procesos, estados y contextos. Esto ha ocasionado que sus elementos materiales est¨¦n constituidos por m¨²ltiples sistemas de significaci¨®n, desde los textuales y visuales hasta los objetuales, interactivos y emotivos.
?Qu¨¦ es un medio?
Seg¨²n el autor Marshall McLuhan, el concepto de medio est¨¢ relacionado con ¡°extensiones de nuestro cuerpo¡± y con tecnolog¨ªa. En su cl¨¢sico Understanding Media (1964), observaba medios como los lentes, que extienden la vista; la rueda, que extiende las piernas; o las redes globales de telecomunicaci¨®n, que extienden el cerebro humano.
? ¡±El contenido¡± de un medio siempre es otro medio.
? ¡°El mensaje¡± de un medio es el cambio en la escala, ritmo o patr¨®n que introduce en los asuntos humanos.
Nuevos medios como medios textuales
El punto de vista textual se puede observar de por lo menos dos formas diferentes. Primero, el contenido propiamente textual de los nuevos medios, es decir, los caracteres alfanum¨¦ricos en pantalla. Segundo, los nuevos medios como texto, en el sentido amplio de la palabra, como lo suger¨ªa Roland Barthes, en donde un texto constituye una obra con una unidad, con l¨ªmites definidos y separables en unidades discretas.
En el primer caso, la manifestaci¨®n de nuevos medios m¨¢s importantes han sido los hipertextos y los hipermedios.
Los hipertextos y los hipermedios.
Para comenzar definiremos lo que es un hipertexto:
El hipertexto puede ser entendido como realizaci¨®n actual de algunos de sus contenidos, como tecnolog¨ªa de la comunicaci¨®n o como transformaci¨®n colaborativa entre hombre y m¨¢quina.
La innovaci¨®n de los hipertextos consisti¨® en hacer posible una lectura no lineal basada en la navegaci¨®n de hiperv¨ªnculos, es decir, en saltos de un documento a otro, de lexias a lexias, de im¨¢genes a documentos, de videos a textos, de men¨²s a operaciones de programas computacionales, etc.
Otro giro ha sido el desarrollo de paratextos, los cuales son aquellos textos que envuelven al texto, que complementan su sentido y determinan su lectura y recepci¨®n.
Algunos ejemplos de paratextos:
*nombre del autor,
*a?o de publicaci¨®n,
Recientemente se han desarrollado otros: compartir, etiquetar, comentar, calificar (popularidad o inter¨¦s). Finalmente, otro innovaci¨®n que podemos observar es la ¡°ekphrasis¡±, que consiste en emplear signos ling¨¹¨ªsticos para representar ic¨®nicamente gestos naturales, como por ejemplo un rostro que gui?e el ojo ;-).
Estas convenciones se han desarrollado gr¨¢ficamente y se les conoce tambi¨¦n como ¡°emoticons¡±.
Por lo tanto hay que brindar la importancia debida al an¨¢lisis de los nuevos usos en sitios Web o medios electr¨®nicos para entender m¨¢s los signos distintivos y verificar el logro de las in
The document is a resume for Seang Sokheng providing contact information, objective, work experience, qualifications, education, skills, interests, and references. It details his experience as a Marketing Assistant for Heang Sothy Construction where he performed administrative tasks, prepared weekly sales reports, managed mail functions, and promoted their services on social media. He has a BBA in Marketing from Norton University and qualifications in entrepreneurship, WordPress development, Photoshop, and public speaking.
Everything under the sky by Matilde Asensi, the Spanish bestselling author re...Montse Cortazar
Matilde Asensi (born 1962 in Alicante, Spain) is a Spanish journalist and writer, who specializes mainly
in historical thrillers.
She has more than 20 million readers worldwide and has become the reference of quality bests-sellers in
Spanish language. According to the magazine Que Leer she is the ¡®Queen of the adventure novels¡¯
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st, originating from the Irish traditions of carving pumpkins and lighting bonfires on this night. Now, children in many countries dress in costumes and go door-to-door saying "trick or treat" to receive candy from neighbors as part of the annual Halloween festivities.
Nerea is from Barcelona and Alicia is from Gerona, but they both now live in Ourense. Nerea plays volleyball and enjoys reading, music, dancing and tigers, while Alicia likes reading, dancing, drawing and wolves. They both keep guinea pigs as pets and enjoy the TV series "Ghost Adventures", though they each have other favorite supernatural or paranormal shows as well.
Adrian introduces himself, stating that he likes animals such as panthers, parrots, cougars, and turkeys. He enjoys mystery movies and considers himself pretty smart. Adrian also likes fish but not for their thorns, and he enjoys fries but not in a bag. He describes himself as biste brown with blond highlights, wears glasses, and likes wearing sweatpants as well as jeans.
El documento critica negativamente los carnavales y la cultura gallega, describiendo a los gallegos como aburridos, cerrados, mamones, est¨²pidos y cre¨ªdos, y afirmando que Galicia es una mierda.
Sara and Luc¨ªa are two girls who live in Ourense, Galicia. They introduce themselves and share their favorite hobbies, places, foods, musicians, cities, sports, birthdays, and school subjects. Luc¨ªa enjoys riding her bike and reading, while Sara likes listening to music and watching TV. Their favorite singer is Mal¨² for Luc¨ªa and David Parejo and the Vamps for Sara.
This document contains short profiles of Pablo and Larisa, two friends of the author. Pablo is from Ourense, Spain, enjoys lasagna, water and playing handball. Larisa's favorite celebrity is Gemelier and she will see them in concert in October. Both Pablo and Larisa have birthdays in May and June respectively and different favorite animals, with Larisa liking horses.
Xurxo is an 11-year-old boy from Ourense, Spain and Lidia is a 12-year-old girl from Catalu?a, Spain. They both attend the Otero Pedrayo high school in Ourense, where Xurxo enjoys math and Lidia prefers Spanish. In their free time, Lidia dances, plays football and cares for one dog and three cats, while Xurxo plays basketball, listens to music and owns two dogs.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated from the old Celtic festival of Samhain, which was believed to be the night the doors between the living and the dead opened. Traditional Halloween activities include trick-or-treating where children knock on neighbors' doors asking for candy, attending costume parties, visiting haunted houses, lighting bonfires, carving pumpkins, and watching horror movies.
Halloween is an important celebration held in the United States on October 31st. Typical Halloween activities in the US include children dressing up in costumes and going door-to-door overnight asking for candy. Common symbols of Halloween include pumpkins, skeletons, vampires, zombies, ghosts, and witches. The origins of Halloween can be traced to Galicia, Spain where it was called Sama¨ªn, though the holiday is less emphasized in Spain compared to the United States where decorating houses with jack-o'-lanterns and candles is a common practice.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and originated as a Christian holiday to remember the dead. Traditional Halloween costumes depict monsters, witches, and ghosts. Children engage in trick-or-treating by going door-to-door in costume asking for treats like candy, with the question "Trick or Treat?" referring to the threat of mischief if no treat is given. Haunted attractions aim to thrill patrons and may have originated as fundraising events. Typical Halloween foods include barmbrack, candy apples, candy corn, pumpkin pie, and soul cakes.
Aaron is a 12-year-old boy whose birthday is March 24th, 2001. He has an 8-year-old brother named Noe and his parents are named Montserrat and Juan Jos¨¦. His hobbies include playing basketball, watching Formula 1, riding his bike, playing Wii and Nintendo, and collecting football cards. Paula is also 12 years old, with her birthday on September 29th. She has a sister named Raquel and her parents are named Feli and Manuel. She plays on a football team called Ponte Ourense and enjoys playing football with her sister and friends and walking alone by the river.
David Boso is 12 years old and was born in Suizeland. He lives in Ourense with his parents and has six dogs, one puppy, four birds, and rabbits. He also had two cats this summer but one died and he gave the other away. He visits the cats on weekends and collects animal cards and bird feathers. He enjoys swimming.
Sabela Ma P¨¦rez Fern¨¢ndez is 11 years old and was born in Ourense. She lives in Marcelo Mac¨ªas Street with her parents and little sister. She has two cats called Nano and Micky Miau and three dogs called Chester, Ratilla, and Xurxo that she loves.
The document contains profiles for two 12-year-old boys, David Gavilanes de Dios and Iker A?el D¨ªaz. It lists their names, ages, family members, and hobbies. David enjoys playing basketball, swimming, and going to the park, and collects stickers and Pok¨¦mon cards, while Iker likes playing football, listening to music, and playing table tennis.
Evan is a boy who enjoys football and videogames. He has 2 sisters, 1 dog, 1 canary bird, and 1 hamster. Miguel is also a boy who lives in Ourense with a brother. He has 3 cats and 3 dogs as pets. His favorite hobbies include watching films, reading, traveling, reading comics, and shopping. He also likes collecting plumb toys.
Sara is an 11-year-old girl from Ourense, Spain who lives with her parents and brother. She enjoys gymnastics, spending time with friends, and surfing in the summer. Luis is a 13-year-old boy also from Ourense who lives with just his parents as he has no siblings. He enjoys playing football, tennis, and computer games.
The document introduces three girls named Aldara, Esther, and Eira who are all 12 years old. Aldara has two brothers and plays the horn, Esther is an only child who enjoys football, and Eira has a sister named Antela, lives in a house, and plays the flute and is in a choir. The document provides credits to the three girls and the music "We Are Family".
Antonio Iglesias P¨¦rez is an 11-year-old boy from Galicia, Spain who enjoys playing badminton and has a collection of badminton rackets. Clara Barreiros Forneiro is also 11 years old, lives in Galicia, and likes playing badminton and with her animals. She has a mineral collection.
The document introduces Pablo, who is 12 years old and comes from a large, fun family. His hobbies include slot cars, badminton, and attending car rallies with his father and uncle, who own a Ford Escort MK 1 rally car. The document also introduces Marta, who is also 12 years old with two sisters and a dog. One of Marta's hobbies is practicing Kung-Fu.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software¡¯s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide we¡¯ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation¡¯s legal framework.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM¡¯s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM¡¯s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO¡¯s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.