Alexandr Serbul "The Rust language for a high-load network service - a quick ...Fwdays
In this talk, we will talk about the evolution of the development of a high-load network cluster for sending push notifications using technologies from Unix / bash and PHP to asynchronous non-blocking multithreaded connections based on Rust / Tokio. Let's talk about the intricacies of Rust development, language features, pitfalls, and ways to quickly learn and use it for web developers with LAMP skills. Let's also talk about Go, Java, and the reasons for our technological decisions.
The talk will be useful for developers wishing to master the latest and popular Rust programming language, functional programming, Haskell ideas with PHP / Python / JavaScript web development experience.
Alexandr Serbul "The Rust language for a high-load network service - a quick ...Fwdays
In this talk, we will talk about the evolution of the development of a high-load network cluster for sending push notifications using technologies from Unix / bash and PHP to asynchronous non-blocking multithreaded connections based on Rust / Tokio. Let's talk about the intricacies of Rust development, language features, pitfalls, and ways to quickly learn and use it for web developers with LAMP skills. Let's also talk about Go, Java, and the reasons for our technological decisions.
The talk will be useful for developers wishing to master the latest and popular Rust programming language, functional programming, Haskell ideas with PHP / Python / JavaScript web development experience.
8. 亠 仆舒于亳
仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 :) (php-亳 束仗亠仍亳損, && http://鍖ne.php?term=pake on Hawaii:
Person who is frugal. ... used as a sort of ethnic slur in Hawaii to
describe a Chinese person)
仆亠 于亠亢亠亞仂 从仂亟舒 油3 Jan 2009油
仆亠 仂弍亠亞仂 仗仂仂弍舒 仗亳舒 舒亳亠仆亳. (舒 cpan 仆亳亠亞仂 仆亠
亟仍 pake). (ant 舒从亳)
仆亠亳仆仂仄舒亳于仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仂弍 仂亳弍从舒 (亳仗仂仍亰亠 do
亟仍 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 Pake鍖le)
亠 于从舒于舒亠 亳亰 CPAN 仗仂亟 Mac OS X :)
亠亟舒, 16 亳ミ術 2010 亞.