Caso de 辿xito de innovaci坦n y financiaci坦n de la consultora Esfera de Negocios.
Productos Velarte, S.L. es una empresa con cuarenta a単os de experiencia en la fabricaci坦n de bastoncitos de pan crujientes. Fundada en el 1969 y procedentes de una saga de panaderos, actualmente es dirigida por la tercera generaci坦n familiar.
Top Mobile Trends 2013 - Part 2 (B2B and Enterprise)DMI
What are the top trends in the mobile playing field for the upcoming year and what do they mean for you? Here is a summary of the key predictions for 2013.
Razzle Dazzle Gals is a lovely collection of Burlesque ladies, whose art is done in a fun retro style. These girls are stylish, curvy, classy and sassy.
Influenced by the Neo-Burlesque movement that can currently be seen in fashion, music, popular television and major movie releases.
Our Corporate Brochure. PressPage offers an online solution by providing a professional social media release and newsroom platform that can be easily branded and seamlessly integrated into your website. The platform gives you the opportunity to create, manage and track rich multi-media (press)messages with direct integration to and from social media platforms.
The Web has been playing a huge role in customer decision making when it comes to travel and hospitality. Increasingly, that process is going mobile, and weaving itself into the travel experience itself.
Our Corporate Brochure. PressPage offers an online solution by providing a professional social media release and newsroom platform that can be easily branded and seamlessly integrated into your website. The platform gives you the opportunity to create, manage and track rich multi-media (press)messages with direct integration to and from social media platforms.
The Web has been playing a huge role in customer decision making when it comes to travel and hospitality. Increasingly, that process is going mobile, and weaving itself into the travel experience itself.
Presentaci坦 Power Point del conte "En Patufet" acompanyada dels audios de l'explicaci坦 del conte feta per alumnes de P3. Activitat realitzada per treballar l'expressi坦 oral.
How to Build a Dynamic Social Media PlanPost Planner
Stop guessing and wasting your time on networks and strategies that dont work!
Join Rebekah Radice and Katie Lance to learn how to optimize your social networks, the best kept secrets for hot content, top time management tools, and much more!
Watch the replay here:
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para desarrollar una etiqueta para productos textiles chilenos, en particular de la cultura mapuche, que proporcione informaci坦n sobre el origen y proceso de producci坦n de los productos. Actualmente, las etiquetas carecen de esta informaci坦n importante que permitir鱈a a los turistas extranjeros comprender mejor la cultura y tradiciones detr叩s de los productos. El proyecto busca comunicar esta informaci坦n a trav辿s de etiquetas dise単adas espec鱈ficamente para cada producto y sus colores, resaltando el uso de tint
Este documento presenta el portafolio de Macarena Lagreze, que incluye proyectos de identidad corporativa, logotipos, dise単o de envases, etiquetas, ilustraciones y fotograf鱈a. Los proyectos son para empresas como una muebler鱈a, una agencia, una pasteler鱈a y Nescaf辿, e incluyen el redise単o de logos, papeler鱈a, envases para muffins y zapatillas, y etiquetas. Tambi辿n presenta ilustraciones para un cuento y las estaciones, y fotograf鱈as de cuerpos pintados y person
1. 1
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
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6. 5
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
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7. 5
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
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8. 5
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Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
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