
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
R c r s o l nais aa rc ls e irr
 eus c mpe t o p r at uo d l e鱈
     o     me r      鱈      b a


                  Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                    crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                e         i
Ifr c nd f i t sbe t i e d l ra e r s rf a
nomai e c ne o r ma r l e 叩e d at g叩 cs
       坦   ie          ea s
p r s c r c e cin a l ainy uo
 aa u or t l c , pi c
         ea e 坦      c 坦 / s
                                   e   i

                           Po l t a
                            rbe i
                               m叩 c

                         Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                           crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                       e         i
Rg n
               Me o oi n
                 t p la a
                 r    t

              Etda t
               s i e
                u ns
     E . da
     d Me i          E . u eir
                      d Spr o

v ul
 s e

    Tc o坦 i
    en lg a
          c                   Aq i c r
                               rut t a

                            D s単
                             i o

                            P bi Obe v
                             炭 lo ji
                                c   to

                       Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                         crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                     e         i
Pic a dsiud r e ra l ee mu da sa e s e o t
 r i l ir io d macs鱈 rs n i e, d m叩 d c na
  np    tb
           n         o
c ns po i l e d po u tseo o io n c n l ne
 o u rpa i a e rd c rc n c s ai a o me t .

                       F a c mi t
                       i ni e o
                        n a n

                        Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                          crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                      e         i
w wa pe o
 w . lcm
    p .
D nr d s t n a nie c e t c ne rc r d ls tus ua o
 e t e u i d o l , u na o leus e o  rg i s
    o     e     n                 o     o
d ss iits i oiv s aa uc n c e t b s o a e s e
 e u dsno ds si p r s o o i no 叩i , d m叩 d
      t      p to             mi     c
u a o nd dc nit cmbod ies slc n s e ea op ro
 n c mu ia o ne a i e d a y ou i e gn rd o ls
                r                  o

mi s sais
  s uu r
  mo     o
                        Etdod css
                         s i e ao

                         Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                           crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                       e         i

    w wa pe o
     w . lcm
        p .

    Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
      crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                  e         i
w wi a o
 w . e. m
    k c
D nr d l s c n e t d t n a nie c e t c ne ct o o
 e t e mi
    o     mo o cpo e i d o l , u na o l a lg
                      e      n      n      叩
d ss rd c sorc n otd s u crc rt a p r f it l
 e u po u t , f i d o a ss aat ii s aa a la a
          o    ee              e sc      cir
c mpa e s sau a d a c e t e s d c inf a
 o r d et ,y d n o l l ne n u ei坦 i l
          o          i           s   n.

                         Etdod css
                          s i e ao

                          Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
                            crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                                        e         i

    w wi a o
     w . e. m
        k c

    Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c
      crn Lgee D s a oa rf a
                  e         i

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  • 1. 1 R c r s o l nais aa rc ls e irr eus c mpe t o p r at uo d l e鱈 o me r 鱈 b a Tma e Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 2. 2 Ifr c nd f i t sbe t i e d l ra e r s rf a nomai e c ne o r ma r l e 叩e d at g叩 cs 坦 ie ea s p r s c r c e cin a l ainy uo aa u or t l c , pi c ea e 坦 c 坦 / s o e i Po l t a rbe i m叩 c Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 3. Rg n ei坦 Me o oi n t p la a r t Etda t s i e u ns E . da d Me i E . u eir d Spr o 3At rs e v ul ias s e At re E. d Tc o坦 i en lg a c Aq i c r rut t a eu D s単 i o e P bi Obe v 炭 lo ji c to Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 4. 4 At rl e Pic a dsiud r e ra l ee mu da sa e s e o t r i l ir io d macs鱈 rs n i e, d m叩 d c na np tb n o d d l c ns po i l e d po u tseo o io n c n l ne o u rpa i a e rd c rc n c s ai a o me t . r F a c mi t i ni e o n a n Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 5. 5 w wa pe o w . lcm p . D nr d s t n a nie c e t c ne rc r d ls tus ua o e t e u i d o l , u na o leus e o rg i s o e n o o d ss iits i oiv s aa uc n c e t b s o a e s e e u dsno ds si p r s o o i no 叩i , d m叩 d t p to mi c u a o nd dc nit cmbod ies slc n s e ea op ro n c mu ia o ne a i e d a y ou i e gn rd o ls r o d mi s sais s uu r mo o Etdod css s i e ao u Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 6. 5 w wa pe o w . lcm p . Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 7. 5 w wi a o w . e. m k c D nr d l s c n e t d t n a nie c e t c ne ct o o e t e mi o mo o cpo e i d o l , u na o l a lg e n n 叩 d ss rd c sorc n otd s u crc rt a p r f it l e u po u t , f i d o a ss aat ii s aa a la a o ee e sc cir c mpa e s sau a d a c e t e s d c inf a o r d et ,y d n o l l ne n u ei坦 i l o i s n. Etdod css s i e ao u Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i
  • 8. 5 w wi a o w . e. m k c Maae a arz / i 単 d r G 叩 c crn Lgee D s a oa rf a e i