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On the road of theoretical imagination: Reflections on alternative communication in the north - south relations & past – present tensions Alejandro Barranquero – Chiara Sáez IAMCR 2010
Object reflect on alternative communication theory from a post-colonial epistemology   “ Post” theories: emphasis on the correspondence between  forms of domination and the generation of knowledge from Modernity Post-colonial theories: round trip process, from the idealization of the  exotic  towards the conceptualizacion of the “geo-politics of knowledge” (Escobar, Quijano, Mignolo)
Background England, Germany, France, Italy and US dominating the historical construction of social sciences  (Wallerstein, 1996) English monolingualism in sciences increases cultural gap (García-Canclini, 2004) Low traffic from the  Global South  print & publishing to the  Global North Scarce amount of public resources and private investments in the  Global South  research
Alternative Communication  Theory Today Anglo-Saxon & European control in the publication & printing field.  Peripherical  contributions from Asia, Africa & Latin America Hypothesis : There is a non-recognized or underrated legacy of Latin American and Mediterranean Europe alternative communication research & experiences
Main research questions How Latin American and Mediterranean Europe theoretical and pragmatic contributions are revised and visualized in the alternative communication  mainstream  knowledge?  Is there anything left out in this revision?
Recognized authors & experiences: Gramsci & Freire  Similarities: both emerge in times of crisis in their respective local contexts Recognized contributions to the field:  Hegemony & counter-hegemony (AG) Cultural capital  of the oppressed & the centrality of the experience for the theoretical reflection  (PF)
Gramsci & Freire What stays out of the analysis: Experiences and context supporting theoretical reflection These authors’ theoretical framework as part of academic & professional circles, which constitute a  school of thought  at the same time
Paulo Freire´s background Experiences that anticipate theory: Colombian radio-schools and miners´ radio stations in Bolivia (from 1949)   Generation of knowledge in contexts of revolt & critique against the cultural and economic dependence Communication as a fighting instrument  against inequalities Pioneering international research on political economy of communication and on alternative communication
Antonio Gramsci´s  background & legacy Although written between 1929 & 1935, Gramsci's works became recognized  in the 70s The 70s constitute a turning point in Spanish  ( end of Franco's regime ) and Italian  ( anni de piombo ) history In both countries free media emerge as spaces of subjective development and political struggle in non-traditional organizational forms
Antonio Gramsci´s  background & legacy Correspondence between Gramsci´s reflections and social processes in both countries  Emergence & consolidation of academic groups interested in problematizing alternative communication as a cultural experience in Spain and Italy (Eco, Berardi, Guattari, Negri, Virno, Moragas, Prado) Correspondence between political culture in both countries ( polarized pluralism : Hallin  & Mancini, 2008)
State of the question  in the analyzed areas Latin America:  The 80s lost decade , liberalism from the 90s: Devaluation of critical knowledge, celebration of the audience autonomy & decontextualization of material conditions (Mattelart & Neveu, 2003) Spain: economic growth, Europeanization, institutionalization or disappearance of alternative communication, commercial and technocentric focus in  the communication research field Italy: prosecution or institutionalization of alternative media, expansion of  tele-street  & other counter-hegemonic expressions, politicized media system
Challenges How  Global South  and  peripheries  are being appropriated by alternative communication research in the  North ?  Is the South making the same decontextualization mistake?  How could we improve global and interdisciplinary exchange?  How can we revitalize the debate on alternative communication in Latin America & Spain?
Proposals Strengthening of international research & action associations  (IAMCR/AIERI, OURMedia, The Communication Initiative Network, etc.)  Urgency on the exchange between approaches from different origins, adequately contextualized Development of mechanisms that help to unblock the linguistic limitations  on equal terms   Return to the classics without glorification but “practical utopia” (Rustin, 2004) Applied research & proposals in the Spanish context (Barranquero y Sáez, 2010)

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On the road of theoretical imagination: Reflections on alternative communication in the north - south relations & past – present tensions. Alejandro Barranquero - Chiara Sáez Baeza

  • 1. On the road of theoretical imagination: Reflections on alternative communication in the north - south relations & past – present tensions Alejandro Barranquero – Chiara Sáez IAMCR 2010
  • 2. Object reflect on alternative communication theory from a post-colonial epistemology “ Post” theories: emphasis on the correspondence between forms of domination and the generation of knowledge from Modernity Post-colonial theories: round trip process, from the idealization of the exotic towards the conceptualizacion of the “geo-politics of knowledge” (Escobar, Quijano, Mignolo)
  • 3. Background England, Germany, France, Italy and US dominating the historical construction of social sciences (Wallerstein, 1996) English monolingualism in sciences increases cultural gap (García-Canclini, 2004) Low traffic from the Global South print & publishing to the Global North Scarce amount of public resources and private investments in the Global South research
  • 4. Alternative Communication Theory Today Anglo-Saxon & European control in the publication & printing field. Peripherical contributions from Asia, Africa & Latin America Hypothesis : There is a non-recognized or underrated legacy of Latin American and Mediterranean Europe alternative communication research & experiences
  • 5. Main research questions How Latin American and Mediterranean Europe theoretical and pragmatic contributions are revised and visualized in the alternative communication mainstream knowledge? Is there anything left out in this revision?
  • 6. Recognized authors & experiences: Gramsci & Freire Similarities: both emerge in times of crisis in their respective local contexts Recognized contributions to the field: Hegemony & counter-hegemony (AG) Cultural capital of the oppressed & the centrality of the experience for the theoretical reflection (PF)
  • 7. Gramsci & Freire What stays out of the analysis: Experiences and context supporting theoretical reflection These authors’ theoretical framework as part of academic & professional circles, which constitute a school of thought at the same time
  • 8. Paulo Freire´s background Experiences that anticipate theory: Colombian radio-schools and miners´ radio stations in Bolivia (from 1949) Generation of knowledge in contexts of revolt & critique against the cultural and economic dependence Communication as a fighting instrument against inequalities Pioneering international research on political economy of communication and on alternative communication
  • 9. Antonio Gramsci´s background & legacy Although written between 1929 & 1935, Gramsci's works became recognized in the 70s The 70s constitute a turning point in Spanish ( end of Franco's regime ) and Italian ( anni de piombo ) history In both countries free media emerge as spaces of subjective development and political struggle in non-traditional organizational forms
  • 10. Antonio Gramsci´s background & legacy Correspondence between Gramsci´s reflections and social processes in both countries Emergence & consolidation of academic groups interested in problematizing alternative communication as a cultural experience in Spain and Italy (Eco, Berardi, Guattari, Negri, Virno, Moragas, Prado) Correspondence between political culture in both countries ( polarized pluralism : Hallin & Mancini, 2008)
  • 11. State of the question in the analyzed areas Latin America: The 80s lost decade , liberalism from the 90s: Devaluation of critical knowledge, celebration of the audience autonomy & decontextualization of material conditions (Mattelart & Neveu, 2003) Spain: economic growth, Europeanization, institutionalization or disappearance of alternative communication, commercial and technocentric focus in the communication research field Italy: prosecution or institutionalization of alternative media, expansion of tele-street & other counter-hegemonic expressions, politicized media system
  • 12. Challenges How Global South and peripheries are being appropriated by alternative communication research in the North ? Is the South making the same decontextualization mistake? How could we improve global and interdisciplinary exchange? How can we revitalize the debate on alternative communication in Latin America & Spain?
  • 13. Proposals Strengthening of international research & action associations (IAMCR/AIERI, OURMedia, The Communication Initiative Network, etc.) Urgency on the exchange between approaches from different origins, adequately contextualized Development of mechanisms that help to unblock the linguistic limitations on equal terms Return to the classics without glorification but “practical utopia” (Rustin, 2004) Applied research & proposals in the Spanish context (Barranquero y Sáez, 2010)